Charly Antolini: CARAVAN - The Big Drum Solo
Video Statistics and Information
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Views: 8,378,571
Rating: 4.9471178 out of 5
Keywords: Drummerworld, Drums, Drummer, Bernhard, Castiglioni,, DrumClinic, Videos, Clinic, DrumSolos, Charly Antolini (Film Actor), Drum Solo (Musical Performance Role), Drumming, Dick Morrissey, Drums (Musical Instrument), Len Skeat, Brian Dee
Id: mL-LyKcFE5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I tried drums. I’ll never understand how someone can have all four limbs operating independently. I’ll stick to guitar.
He’s good, but he’s no Buddy
This guy is great! Check out this collab that he did with a few other badass drummers!
What an amazing talent, I was glued to the screen!
It's Charly Antolini, which I probably should've put in the title.
I'm not going to make any judgement statements (because I know nothing). Anyway here's a couple of links:
I miss Neil.
Anyone else keep expecting Led Zeppelin to break out into Moby dick?