Charlie Kirk and Jack Hibbs on President Trump

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truth let's talk about what's at stake let's talk about the fact let's be honest and i know you and i know this really well is the fact that donald trump being in the presidency no matter how or what you think about him remember the night that the election started he was down by 20 points he wasn't supposed to win yeah he not only he not only he not only became the president but he became the president president in spite of the republican party and cnn and a lot of people on fox and in the democrat party and like a whole listen here's the deal um here's the thing what's with christians who can't vote why what are they doing well yeah let's dive into that but first you know the guy who came down the golden escalator defeated 16 other republicans called out how both parties have betrayed the american middle class beat the media beat the clintons beat the bushes beat voter fraud deep state and big tech gets spied on becomes president they launch a fake russian mueller probe we end up moving the embassy to leading the iran deal killing kasam solomoni baghdadi eliminating isis most pro-life president american history say it again most pro-life president most pro-life president american history you got gorsuch you got kavanaugh you got over 200 circuit court judges more regulations cut than any other president since abraham lincoln believe it or not we have the best economy in american history they throw a virus at us however you believe it came here we can dive into that but whatever that you're going to hear more soon and we lock down our country then we decide that we're an awful country we want to burn it down to the ground race riots oh and they impeached him back in january and we thought we were going to go to war with iran did you think it was going to be easy when a disruptor became president did you think that all of a sudden that this was going to be a seamless entry and all of a sudden putting the power back to the people away from the kingdom of washington dc no this actually makes a lot of sense this makes sense that the man that is there he is a vessel for each and every one of you that believes that the ruling class in our country has not been serving your best interest one other thought on that jack he is you know people say well i don't like his tone i don't like his tweets i don't like all that well that's fine i think that's a a separate topic in some ways look he is he's the bodyguard to civil society he's guarding the door it's that simple when you hire a bodyguard to defend your family when riots are outside do you go and tap them on the shoulder when the bullets are flying and they're coming closer hey um man can i can i look at your tweets like and he's like you understand the mob's like right there right and i i i'll take care of it just make sure i stay here and i don't leave the door because civil society is right there like i gotta stay right here in front of this door and i'm gonna make sure i hold them back can you can you fix your tone a little bit like did i not just mention the mob is literally right there that wants to burn everything down so i kind of think i kind of think it's a clumsy argument to be honest with you because we are we're not are we are not electing a human being get that out of your mind the united states presidency is electing a worldview it's electing an entire infrastructure of a philosophy of ideals ideas and how you want the government and the country to go donald trump is merely a representation of civil society donald trump is merely a placeholder for what is moral and what is good and my goodness i'll tell you what i kind of like the fact that he punches back a little bit i like the fact that he fights you know i i think that what is not defended ends up decaying that what is not put forward with truth ends up be getting robbed by what is evil and dark and people say well charlie i i just think that he uh he's had a very checkered and troubled past they said well if i could be as good as you one day please give me the instruction manual for that that's that's that's the big deal there people will say always well you know he's got a checkered past every single one of you have got a checkered past amen we all do here's the thing he's not the guy that he used to be you know we're america we're supposed to be so forgiving and so kind and so prone to give people a second chance but we turn around and we we go after this guy and here's here's what i'd like to put out before you look how his kids speak and treat and their relationship with each other did you know where were we we were somewhere not too long ago where the trump kids did you know the trump kids get a call from him every day no matter where he is in the world he calls his kids every day look how they speak about their dad and here's the cool thing that dude's got way more stuff vested in this nation than we do the guy owns an empire and he's responsible for tens of thousands of employees but his biggest treasure is his grandkids he's got a lot going on if i had his billions i would not be president right your church would be a little bigger think about it you would you would why would you be 74 years old and take on that job and here's and i'll and i'll be quiet with this if you have any doubt about him getting the job done or who or what he stands for look at who his enemies are yeah that's exactly right and so there's a lot of christians that say well i'm not going to and there's certain publications that have done this and they you know them better than i do christian publications and they say well i'm not going to tolerate donald trump and his all of his shenanigans and all this sort of stuff i say man you must be really okay with a million abortions a year to have that kind of snobbish elitist attitude and i'm not willing to go in front of my creator with that kind of cockiness my friend i am not willing to face judgment and say you know the million abortion a year thing i decided to stay silent on that because i didn't like a guy's tone i i i'm not i'm not prepared to make that argument i'm not and nor am i saying you should make an excuse that's that's not what i'm saying instead what i'm saying is my goodness you have a vessel for the first time you had a president speak at the march for life in our country george w bush and speaking that's right that's right and so then you know let's talk about this and people say well charlie i really i love george w bush that's fine he's a very nice person he's a christian and all that but you have john roberts thanks to george w bush john roberts just ruled that churches are not essential that salvation is not essential and the calvary chapel in las vegas closed and now you're seeing persecution of christians across the country george w bush but guess what the two justices that donald trump put on the court gorsuch and kavanaugh said clearly and emphatically church is essential and churches should remain open but hold on a second christian post hold on a second ivory tower christians in the southern baptist convention since you're better human beings than i am explain to me very clearly the christian george w bush put john roberts on the court and the three times married twice divorced once cover of the playboy magazine person that you think is vulgar and awful he's defending christianity more than the person that you say is more fit to be president so don't give me that nonsense for any second whatsoever because i am so clearly right now and and boy my goodness it is this ivory tower i'm better than you are snobby style christianity that's right that i have my patience is zero done nothing with it okay and and it is that's right it is and i i see some of the i watch some of their speeches i read some of their writings and they say they're so unacceptable on this and decline of a nation and all that i say my goodness i just i cannot get to a place where i am perfectly acceptable and okay with the united states supreme court saying that churches are not essential i am going to fight for justices that fight for that i am going to fight for the rule of law i am going to fight for the unborn i'm going to fight for someone who fights for those certain things and and and the final point i'll say is this you know some christians reconcil they have to have they have tough time squaring and they say why i don't know if i'm going to vote i'm not going to do any of the politics that's beneath me and all this and i think it's a very simple decision making matrix i ask the question i say well does god care how you act and any reasonable christians say yeah of course yeah was voting acting well yeah so does god care how you vote yes of course he does if you're voting for people that are okay and want to increase the amount of unborn children that are terminated in the womb every single year how is that that not an extension of your moral action how is that not an extension of your biblical worldview how is that not an extension of the text that you're reading that says all people are made in the image of god of course he cares about how you vote of course you raise listen this is very interesting because uh i can speak to this a little bit that there are more um bible studies and prayer meetings in this administration and cabinet than any other recorded time in american history and and that that is that's an absolute fact and what's amazing about what's going on is this president one of the first things many of you don't know this but before president trump was even sworn into office he turned to a man who was tapped with writing the 2016 republican party platform and you know that guy and donald trump turned to tony perkins and said i need i want i'm going to do this the first chance i get and that is i want to get christians that are being religiously persecuted in other parts of the world i want to get them home and did you know wait wait you don't listen this is just one that made it on the news most of it is deliberately you're not hearing about it because it's not good to publicize this but president trump before he was sworn into office already had the gears and the uh the equipment so to speak rolling to get pastor brunson out of iran was it iran and this president is incredibly committed to religious freedoms and religious rights and we are told i have the opportunity to be on what's called the evangelicals for trump in the eft team it's about 50 pastors and then i also happen to be on the fifth team with this faith initiative team which is just a handful of guys but having said that i remember being in miami with the president and he walked into a room of just a handful of people and he said and they were all pastors and he said give them that book if you give them the book your your community will do fine now that's quite a statement to make he didn't have to make it but i'm moved by that it's something that you didn't hear from bush or you didn't hear from obama or you didn't you just didn't hear that kind of stuff he made i don't know where president trump's faith is at he believes in god i don't know where he's at regarding his salvation i do not know that however he's just like either jehu in the bible or cyrus god you cannot deny that god is using him you cannot deny that the first president to ever acknowledge israel and its capital being in
Channel: Sarah Altizer
Views: 12,309
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: tPfZk-jB1NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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