Can the Firstborn lay the smack on a full Primaris force? Warhammer 40k battle. ALL STARS Ep. 01

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you had an idea so i had an idea and uh my idea was to yep give me that one more time welcome to a very special episode of 40k in 40 minutes in this episode members of our patreon have not only chosen the mission but they've chosen the armies for our two players today hey everybody this is space marine steve from play on tabletop and of course this is tack tabletop as well and uh yeah i had an idea an idea that we would bring some people together for something called the all-star series back in season two these two met up in a battle of mini marines vs primeras in one of the first ever 9th edition battle reports pack eeked out a victory in that one and the grudge was renewed i was robbed of the victory there but that's fine right i was wrong many of our questions on youtube discord and patreon wondered what would happen should they meet again highest tier of patreon supporters were given the opportunity to be guest producers and make key choices about the setup of the game not only did they choose the units that were in my army they chose a mission they also chose a mission which is a scouring which we both love right they also chose a table based on the sponsor for the episode which is frontline gaming you went out to patreon ask them to pick your faction or your chapter yeah they picked my chapter for so what chapter they pick uh they pick salamanders which i'm super excited about i love salamanders they've given steve the salamanders and four days to paint and prep them boy howdy painting the green is wicked and then also melted guns right so many times and that that is the i think that's going to be the number one topic of today and this game how many melted shots do you have in this list oh over 20 for sure and how many models do i have in my army not many because we went to patreon as well i [Laughter] just there's so many melters you know so i've decided to go with uh something classic uh lots of tactical marines because taco marines are actually the only choice for many marines left uh in the codex for true choices what did you just call the classic marines mini marines steve's army is led by vulcan histan and backed by a lieutenant he has three tax squads one of which has a multi-melter the rest are variable flamers he's got centurion assault squad with flamers he's got company vets with melted guns terminators with thunderhammers because something has to be thunder hammerable two attack bikes with multi-melters and devastators with multi melted do you sense a theme here folks he's also got two rhinos and a vindicator i would love to do the math on your army and see what the average ap is it's a there's a lot it's probably like three a patron poll determined what units tak had to put in his army with the most popular picks being gulemon himself a repulsor and a redemptor dreadnought and in a two thousand point list that is about almost that's like almost half your army tax list is a lot smaller than steve's but that's because he's paying the primaries tax a repulsor hellblasters and eradicators form his firebase while the outriders redemptor dreadnought blade guard veterans infiltrators infiltrators and assault intercessors formed the bulk of his force chief librarian tigerius and a captain in phobos armor lead the squads but the overall command falls to the man himself the rubber butt the rabouti the ribbity-doobity-doo raboot gulemon leads the ultramarines into battle against these upstart salamanders this is the ultramarine versus the meltamanders yeah it's gonna be great this battle is brought to you by frontline gaming is your go-to for all things warhammer especially these amazing maps and terrain sets with new sized mats in stock as well as their itc terrain series they have everything you need as a tournament organizer to get started or to build your own home table of your dreams check them out at and tell them play on sent you our mission today has also been picked by our patrons and it's the scouring from the gt 2020 book a much maligned mission due to its funky deployment and all centered objectives as well as its hold to primary style that is to say players will score five for holding two objectives five more for holding three and finally five more for holding more than their opponent to a max of 15 per turn and 45 per game for secondaries steve has chosen domination scoring three points for holding more than half of the objectives on the table investigates sites scoring three victory points every time an infantry unit performs the action within six inches of the center of the table and oaths of moment from the space marine book tac has chosen deploy scramblers and all or nothing secondary with 10 points should he succeed in an action in his his opponents and the center table grind them down scoring three for killing more units in a turn and engage in all fronts scoring points for being in three or four table quarters at the end of his turn i uh begin the game uh with uh 12 of course i spent one on the double warlord trait one on the extra warlord trait so i begin this game with 10 cp 10c and i am choosing to not outflank or anything so i am going to burn three cp and i am going to put into reserves where we are gilman actually yep no way the assault uh intercessors are going to reserve with them wow what why yup the gamesmanship has started even before deployment attack is really throwing curves at steve already but steve had to expect something didn't he if i lose because of this i'm gonna be real mad like you really didn't see this coming i didn't see it coming no i thought you would start on the table and just run for it honestly it's about applying pressure right away yeah in your decision making tack is playing some mind games for sure so here it is patron picked and player assembled piloted by our professionals we present a panoply of plastic that purports to prove that primaris can prevail over the lilliputian pongos of the past steve is deployed fairly conservatively not surprising as that repulsor is a scary unit to be sure and most of his shooting is up close and personal infiltrators and their job in life is to pressure steven to try to safeguard against being stuck in his deployment zone whereas tax deployment looks suspect to me i wonder if he's going to redeploy do you want first turn i want second turn i need you to come out give me more things to shoot up my little hiding hole yep yeah one second that's a two never underestimate my ability to roll once no there's a six i have to go first that's stupid looks like steve is gonna go first and tak is gonna redeploy yup he really did want that second turn it seems and he's redeployed his forward elements and he's really messed with steve's deployment here i don't think steve is gonna have many targets in his first shooting phase good luck man good luck to you too dude steve really doesn't have any targets so advance is the order of the day i have finished my uh movement i've hit some i did move him that's it that's it he only moved a little bit i there's no point i can't hit anything i gotta wait for you to come out of your little hiding hole right now i parked on two objectives and uh so i'll get my five points probably i imagine you're not gonna kill everything i'll get my two points probably and then we'll just see how it works out i go into my shooting phase uh i don't have a whole lot to do right now because you are you know you're out of my range for the most part but i am gonna take a hundred killer missile from this rhino and i'm gonna shoot it at uh your repulsor here we go i hit you with a four on four which i get to reroll because i'm a salamander i love it force oh yeah it's happening ap minus three six up don't do it that's a six no attack and of course tax saves on a six that ends his turn really quick with no score on his part at all tack goes up to 10 command points to start his turn one and begins moving up the board he really does have to be careful of the counter melta punch that steve has this list really matches up well against tac i mean did our patrons go too far is the year of steve gaining momentum or will it be halted before it starts does tak have a chance against all those bodies and all that ap4 shooting is my mic on where are my pants i'm going to try to cast psychic fortress here we go five up uh invulnerable save to the stuff sitting around you at the beginning of your shooting phase i'm gonna spend uh two command points i'm gonna use self-sacrifice so you can't shoot at the devastators until the terminators are dead or you are somehow closer to the devastators the terminators will take those shots that were meant for the devastators that's a solid play hell boster is going into the rhino here we go the other ones are going into uh the sense do you want to pop smoke i'm gonna one cp for the smoke [Music] hitting on three is rerolling everything because of uh seal both so first guy i'll hit second guy oh hit third guy we rolling oh one miss oh that's not good all miss there's a one in here yeah oh there's two ones these super dies yeah on threes five ups here we go come on baby bunch of fives two and a half centurions those flamers are really nasty up close and he has keyed in on them and removed two out of the three rhino you hit all of them oh boo uh two two at ap4 so i just take four damage repulsor targets up attack bike get the hunter slayer missile with one command point for marshall precision making an auto hit the attack bike that's a two that's a two so six up nope uh i need this to be four right to take it out uh you need four yeah oh but it fails to kill him he's gonna reroll the moon with the command point to go to eight and that's gonna pop that bike big commitment there there it is nothing i can do about that maybe it keeps this repulsor up for a while but i don't know that's a lot of command points and then everything else into the uh into the scent do the rhino first okay so the two cracks your minus one to hit yep both hit of course they do i went on five though because it's string six yeah uh one five nope g3 uh three eight oh okay a big gallon into the uh these are going to be winning on threes because this turn six yeah [Applause] all of them wow how many six seven eight nine oh wow all of them i fail three just enough where a cp reroll doesn't even matter yeah no sorry wow sorry not sorry sorry not sorry oof tack i feel you steve tax dice are bonkers what i get i guess i and you're like oh you're deploying everything so far back i wonder why it's because you can't miss stuff jack that's why i i miss no you like it worked perfectly for you one mastercraft instigator bolt carbine it's going into the rhino uh it hits the five to wound and it wounds even on two which means i go to a five up which i'm gonna fail and then it does three damage because it's an insulator bolt holder carbine and it perfectly kills the rhino you will roll five nope it's a four so why are you looking at me like that you did this on purpose explode explode explode no it doesn't nine guys i get uh there's two ones yeah so there's two dudes i planned for this oh that was your master plan then we blew up the rhino no no that wasn't part of the master plan so going into the uh muscle squad here we go i can't see well that's not yours [Applause] more than average seven wow four ups dice end of turn one and tack scores three for grind them down and steve scores one for oath of moment gives us a score at the end of the first turn of three to one for tac start at two steve scores five for primary and gains that command point to go to nine to tax eight and sits currently at six victory points fordfather the devastators so they re-roll hits and wounds with their multi-melters so good it's ridiculous like it's ridiculous steve's movement phase and he's really pressing on the repulsor but needs to be mindful of an incoming government i did not expect this goleman thing and it has just rocked me to my core [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then we're gonna double down this is this objective boom and it's got 100 killer missile too [Music] let me do okay so i can see you over my own rhino which is great just so close but it could still work the rules it's so snug i just want to see mike animate the the the cannon just like blow this way we watch it we couldn't watch our budget mike don't do that you all forgot to orbital one board i'm not going to over bombard i'm thinking about doing it to the middle real objective now lord so send the guns that have minimal range first so i'm going to go into my shooting phase i'm going to send these three melted guns so combi melta and double amount of guns into the repulsor on fours but because i'm a salamander in the tactical doctrine plus one wound so on threes all of them nice if you're all three fives here i'm gonna be so mad i didn't remind you oh my time has come real big 6 10 12. uh he's got four left salamanders getting plus one to wound is really really strong demolisher cannon d6 shots two whole shots two wounds ap minus three it's happening make one so d6 damage for six all right oh it doesn't explode and the demolisher takes down the repulsor the rhino hunter killer into the bikes the storm bolter into the hellblasters and outrider's down two and steve's doing some work here for sure the hell blasters are taking a lot of fire this tactical squad here is going to shoot two rounds of bolt guns and one multi melter into the hell blaster squad so two wounds two five ups neither zack's spending a command point to go to seven to try to save him and no joy the captain is now in trouble though as he's in the open and a squad of devastator multi-melters has him in their sights apparently he does a lot of work against rhinos this is a revenge game it's a revenge strike is what it is two multimelters into the hell blasters and two multi maltese into the captain we rolling everything because of vulcan's fort's father rule oh boy kill him oh captain my captain on twos here we go i only make one he's dead yeah he's super dead he takes seven nice zap down goes the captain i do think that i'm doing all right i think you're doing just fine i think i'm doing just fine just fine just fine steve ends his turn here with three for domination three for investigate sites one from other moment and still tax turn to complete the rest of that okay so i've got work to do what do you think right now after my second turn all the mountains will be devastating i need to wipe out all of your meltas as best i can so that you're working with without them because they're just too darn reliable they are very reliable five on primary and a command point to go to eight starts tax turn two and he gives his redemptor dreadnought wisdom of the ancients for one command point so that's gonna help him with some reroll auras take him down to seven command points though they're just gonna go in the middle lots of positioning here and prepping for his reserves wait no goleman oh i don't know about that he's a huge asset and force multiplier this this could bite tack in the butt i am aghast well i mean if he can't do the work that he needs to and i can clear more board flabbergasted i also all the nazis flying around i'll get psychic fortress that goes on they've got pistols they might as well go into them they've got pistols let's do it on force two two up save good melted shots we'll go into the lead rhino i'm gonna spend one command point and smoke screen so hitting on fours the re-rolls from the dude so one no the eradicators whiff attack where did your rolls go my heart is a flutter a flutter those guys in the corner said what the melt is [Music] were you rolling the one you're running like this is pretty good oh yeah there's a healthy amount of misses in there that's nice fives uh oh he passes one he dies and then i now i'm within the cover uh so force uh who takes the wounds reductor dried yeah it's going into the muscle squat in the back here we go whoosh [Music] oh he's wounding so well it doesn't matter you've got a two up you know what that two up is saving me so hard right now like salamanders thank you patreon so much i'm so happy right now two is it the team uh one instead of the small gallon two ups takes one wound and then the uh missile launcher [Applause] this is yes singular melted guy lives with one wound and a multi-melter these guys are going to charge into the two men's one [Music] six over there try to get the old riders in there all right i think i'm gonna let the bugs go first if you kill them uh you will be able to connect with the rhino and these guys if you wanted to no i've gotta play that game putting on threes no it's so many attacks five of them three up six end of the turn see steve score two more for oath a moment and takes his total of 15 whereas tack has failed to score much at all and sits at eight seven points isn't much though especially with primaries being so hard to come by let's see what turn three brings want to make sure that you have a few very few options i also have run into a problem here that i'm not allowed to investigate sites while these jerks are standing here in the middle of the table that's why i had to go do that gambit so you have to stop that yeah i feel maybe i could get really aggressive here i think i might need to get really aggressive here actually steve ticks up to nine command points attack seven and gains five on primary she really has tac pressed here i don't know how much of this storm of fire he's going to be able to weather okay so i'm measuring out right now so that uh you can't fit goleman's base within six of my board edge and uh here with this guy because i don't like that i don't want that but i'm still within three of the objectives because i don't like that i don't like it yeah i just don't like attack don't know why you can't just accept it i mean i didn't say anything damn attack and then and then wow that was excellent i'm gonna start with the multi-volatile attack bike and the multi-military attack bike is gonna shoot into the bikes threes uh so two wounds at ap minus four uh so the first one uh does two damage i kill him bolt guns all hit oh my luck's coming back me fives [Music] rainu is going to shoot its storm bolter yeah one ap minus one oops takes it takes it like a champion my combi flamer both sides of the weapon so d6 auto hits uh strength four two temperatures of five so on fives plus one wound because it's a flamer on fours i'm gonna just re-roll that because of the because of the salamander thing or ap minus once that when you build for salamanders to get it's that plus one to wound i know really use that tactical doctrine oh it's so spicy you hear that spicy use 12 minutes of your 15 just for that joke damn it the vindicator is going to fire uh demolish your cannon rounds into the redemptor how many times a single time is this one that's that's probably a re-roll that's probably a re-roll down to eight command points to reroll the number of demolisher shots to get five four five that was totally the time and i hit four of the five reroll one of them because i'm a salamander so three ap minus threes five up you know what is that a re-roll tax doing the same to drop to six to try to save his redemptor but still take six damage well that's exciting i'm gonna shoot the melta the multi-melta into the redemptor as well the melta does another six and that redemptor has taken a beating yeah this is the problem of landing gilman because otherwise gilman would have taken all those shots it would have taken yeah he would have taken these guys for sure i thought you would have just risked it just kept these guys here put him here and have him be really rambunctious next turn rambunctious rambunctious i hope we get little words at the bottom we're gonna shoot at i think only two of them can see two of them because the the rest of it's obscured actually are they scared because they're touching it so they're not oh they wouldn't be obscured you're right so i can see through i will transhuman yeah for sure you know maybe spending a bit more time doing his homework with the units the patrons picked and assembling a list with some semblance of coherency would have benefited attack here during my charge phase lieutenant and he's going to charge these infiltrators [Music] he gets three attacks base one for charging and then he's got three for the teeth of terra and then he's got one more after the emperor's sword oh i will transform in again yeah that makes sense come on guys oh wow wow freeze where are tax dice rolls steve scores three for domination to add to his total of 20 for 23 points five on primary element and assault intercessors are in [Music] tiki will just smite the terminators becomes a five because tickets plus one so just just enough three three six of funeral pains to make one i don't know nope no the maltese will totally get rid of him super dies he only has four wounds um and then i'm gonna spend uh two command points so at the end of your shooting phase i'm gonna rise from the ashes him so at the end of your shooting phase i roll a d6 and on a four up he comes back steve is down to six command points to rise that character from the ashes on a four up i'm not a big fan of stratagems that are points and a roll but this could put a crimp in tax plans on two good to go oh they're invincible attack bike string six so winning on threes here we go on fives i pat fail a bunch of them and he dies at the end of the shooting phase on a four up i get from the ashes do not declaring charges blade guard vet will go into your mouth and then uh this squad will go into the mountains steve is spending two command points to overwatch with the terminators as born protectors to take him down to four and gain a 2d6 heroic intervention move with him they won't get the shots here but they will get those intercessors somebody's gonna go there so they can go 2d6 eh yeah so i don't think i'm getting away from feel like them inches away so that's a 10 in charge oh please don't make it uh so we'll command part rule don't make it oh he makes it no oh i don't like it i'm going to heroically intervene with terminators they have to go towards the assault squad they get to go nine whole inches [Music] we'll go with the assault intercessors first so they don't all die to the terminators uh exactly they can attack the terminators if they want to nope oh choosing the devs potentially leaves gulemon without a target here i really disagree with this even splitting the fight a bit here to get away from the terminators 10 at 81 which you ignore three whoosh three and then go through would you like to interrupt no i think gulemon is just gonna smash face so go for it g man seven saves to make plus you take three d3 mortar wounds six mortals you kill three dudes you have to feel no pain i'm none of them you just kill the squad of devs this is three damage each you're not gonna it's terminator time you spend one command point to fury of the first so you get plus one to hit on two so all of them going ham before go through oh so i don't quite kill the unit oh everyone about the sarge end of turn and steve doesn't score any more oaths of moment ending his turn with 23 points tack scores three for engage and three for grind them down taking him to 19 total on a turn four five on primary for steve and up to five command points hugging the objective but definitely being like within right towards gulemon and then uh vulcanistan's gonna go right in front of g-man as well this right here is primaris nonsense versus good old vintage space marines let's see who wins this is this is what i wanted this fight right here and then terminators with a seven just get as many like wrap all the way around let's just do this here's what's gonna happen i'm gonna spend one command point they're gonna get fury of the first plus one to hit then i'm gonna spend one command point and i'm gonna crucible of battle them uh so they get plus one to wound and then i'm gonna spend one cp and i'm going to strengthen the primark them and what that does is i add one to the strength characteristics of my models and then whenever resolving an attack made with a melee weapon with the model in the unit an unmodified wound roll of a six doubles the damage characteristic of the weapon for that attack so i can damage six thunderhammers on sixes to wound i think it's gonna be sweet in the grim darkness of the far future one man stands against the odds one man alone the last hope of humanity the only one standing in the way of total darkness did you take 12 he just took 12 years he's under hammered out of existence gulemon is just another thunder hammerable target i'm spending two command points on only in death does duty end uh that means gilman gets to fight uh before he dies yeah you wanna choose i don't want that oh only one mortal oh three up involved come on baby do this for me oh wow re-roll one of the saves yep oh he fails then eight six ups yep do you think i can come in how many uh you have five all i need to do is pass four of these yeah i get four sixes he lives does that mean that falcon lives audio engineer is gonna he's gonna have a hidden when you're freaking lives no he doesn't live here he does take vulcan down on his way out the door but gulliver has left the building here's the big one don't do it oh yes he dies [Music] gulemon dies gulemon not getting back up that right there is gonna be the game final score is 72 to 34 for steve but for a single four plus roll you've got to think that had gullimet got back up those terminators were toast and it would not have been such a result you have to admit it right here now what are they called vintage marines w marines vintage marines and i need you to say that we're not going to go with first vintage marines i'm okay with vintage okay vintage marines are better than primeros marines i have to say that i beat you didn't i vintage marines are better than primarist marines yes do you want it more [Music] [Music] [Music] easy
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 264,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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