ORIGIN of TITAN DRILLMAN... (Cartoon Animation)

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well well well would you look at this bunch of skies in my man shaft go on then run while you still [Music] can yeah you better run skibbies and don't you come back you hear uh-oh it's not good hey wait wait wait wait no wait what's happening to me what's happening to me no maybe this isn't such a good idea what the why won't you freaks stay away from my mind can't you read this son say stay out so stay out oh great now what skippies they must have been drawn over here by all your shouting all my shouting I bet they followed you here you numpty stay behind me I can handle this please you think this is my first rodeo I haven't taken out skib since before you were even born so let's do this huh now how the heck did you find me out here what do you want with me people in town talk about you like you're some sort of urban legend I just came to see if the stories were true and ask ask for your help of course my help what could you possibly want my help with all I'm good at is digging These Hoes look it's kind of hard to explain all of that right now but I promise you this Life as we know it is in grave danger and you might be the only person on this entire planet who can save it grave danger why are you out of your mind so will you help me then please I don't know I'm not sure I'm really it save the world type after all what's in it for me well if you help me out I can guarantee you that no more Skies will trespass into your mind sound like a fair deal fair enough at least but if I'm coming with you just know this we ain't walking so where we going anyway what's so important that you'd risk your life just to come out and get my help we're headed to a nearby skibby facility a skibby facility holding something very dangerous something I think you can help me steal steal I didn't know this was some kind of heist mission whoa my head can I get a little help over here any day now thrill man pH sorry about that just took me a minute to find my bearing you all right I'm fine and you see that's exactly why I need your help because you can drill us a tunnel under the base and that's the only chance we have at getting our hands on that file what file might that be the skibidi apocalypse file a detailed plan the skibbies have been concocting for years now in order to take over the world and lucky for us I tracked it down to that hanger well dang you weren't lying when you said the world was in great danger now were you so what then what are we waiting for let's go get it come on not just yet there's still one more problem well out with it the skides were smart this time they're hiding the file here on purpose it's well protected oh yeah by who by him whoa what in the world well okay then I guess I'm glad we waited wait speaker man hold on I I still don't understand what's the plan here what do you want me to do the plan is I'm going to use this Titan totem here to distract that Titan for you I can turn my self into a [Music] Titan what and you're going to steal that file so what do you say you ready to save the world after all I'm not sure but I'll try my best that's the spirit okay let's do this thing that's strange better investigate looks like we have them all on the premises and there's only only one good way to get rid of them all one good work what the oh I don't think so H nobody's here guess that means speaker man's distraction must have worked now let's see if I were in Apocalypse far where would I be P stop right there Alliance scum your pathetic little Heist is over with Heist I'm afraid I don't know what you mean brother I only came here to pay you a visit after all aren't you happy to see me almost there just a little bit more and gotcha apocalypse smile here I come time to save the world oh boy that's not good that is very not good we were Partners once you know Brothers even we swore we would destroy the skies together I don't know what you're talking about I have no brothers my only imperative is to destroy the alliance and all those you stand in my way of accomplishing that I am wait what are you doing what's that for the alliance is a plag the scar that must be wiped out in LLY no brother that's just not true look inside yourself the alliance is good you were a part of it once no you're lying to me right now what are you doing got come on come on yes wait cameraman no please you you have to remember this this isn't you no this is me and it's about time you accept that the apocalypse is upon us the apocalypse is not huh what the heck bin him down while you have the chance I'm on it no wait you don't know what you're doing the alliance is a scorge yeah yeah yeah I heard you the first time parasite where did that come from long story I hold him still I've only got one shot in this no wait don't do this don't do this SC SC scam scam SK little buers is all gone now your friend should be back to normal in no time whoa what the where am I what happened to me you were brainwashed brother but thanks to drillman here you're going to be okay welcome back to the alliance friend drillman what what happened to the apocalypse file did you destroy it Oh you mean this so much for the apocalypse huh
Channel: GameToons +
Views: 2,099,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cdMFoCBclA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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