Chapel with Andrew Wommack - September 7, 2021

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all right that's the bell i think you just couldn't hear it praise the lord good morning how's everybody hey man did you miss being in school yesterday i heard knows it's only been one week you shouldn't be tired of school yet awesome well it's great to have you all here you know i made a decision a few years back to always show this what i call the little star video it's about the history of this property and i didn't do that on opening day so i want to do that today because it's important that you recognize that this isn't just something that we're doing and asking god to bless it i believe that this was conceived by god and started by god and it is absolutely supernatural that we're here and i think this video makes that point real well so we're going to play that first and then i'll come back i think they said they were ready [Laughter] it's not often i catch our guys flat-footed they're really good at this have you got it are you going to get it all right they got it or they're going to get it all right are you gonna do this or not are you close i was told they would have it ready [Laughter] so you know this what happened with gilbert jackson happened the exact same day that the lord spoke to me over in england uh january uh june the 22nd i think it was 1993 is when the lord spoke to me about starting this school and on that exact day the man who owned this property he had gotten born again the night before and he took this property and dedicated it to the lord and had a vision of buildings being built on this place for christian education and glass all across the southern side of that first building so that people could look at pax peak while they were learning about the lord it was just supernatural and i didn't know any of this stuff until 16 years later we bought this property and started building it we already had this building constructed and then we found out from his children that this was a fulfillment of a vision that he had so this is something that god started man didn't start it it's totally god have you got it yet no not yet are you gonna get it [Music] [Applause] is it possible that god could ordain a destiny for a piece of property the purpose of the sanctuary of woodland park was ordered by the lord through the intersection of many lives over many years to see it become a launching place of blessings to the whole world [Music] it was the kind of property where we needed to share it it was just so amazing and so beautiful and we really felt god's presence there in such a strong way that you have no choice but to share that it was a special place we knew for a fact that the what we called red hawk ranch which is now the sanctuary we knew that land was special we knew it was it was it had really been set aside we realized what a beautiful spot that was and perfect location so we chose to build the house there we almost knew as we were building it that it wasn't going to be for us forever even though we called it our forever home we almost felt like it was for a greater purpose andrew womack saw that property and he had told me he had driven by for years and years coming coming down from the mountains through woodland park none of us would have known what god had in store for [Music] dad was a visionary his ideas for the for properties in general were different from your average developer or property owner he owned a lot of property in houston and texas and also in colorado when i met gilbert jackson he was everything i thought it would be he was very intellectual he was extremely smart highly educated successful he did not connect any kind of spiritual aspect to his business dealings at all he intellectualized it from an early age and and up to the very end i couldn't ever imagine actually having a conversation about the person of jesus in his life and even our lives so he accepted us with our beliefs and our and our what he would probably describe it maybe as a crutch he didn't need he didn't need jesus we did we wanted to honor god by using these beautiful properties for god's glory dad did not see it that way you know but we were able to do that anyway before he died and i think he saw that you know in our hearts as well but he didn't join in right away with that until the very end in 1992 dad came down with cancer had colon cancer and he had surgery chemo and radiation a whole bit one of the ladies that came to work as one of the nurses not only was a fabulous cook that we all benefited from but she was just an angel she was a believer and she was able to be there the night of his 74th birthday she said mr jackson there's just one thing i know you're missing and he was like what you're holding out on me you have some secret that i don't know and she she told me later she said i wasn't prepared i wasn't prepared she said but god just gave me the words never in a million years my in my mind would i think that merlin and gilbert would have this relationship where she didn't convince him of anything other than to show him who jesus was and how to how to attain that salvation marlene said she just kept you know repeating scripture and whatever what god would put on her heart to say and he literally visualized jesus standing in the door extending his hand to him to step through the door and become a believer and dad argued with jesus because he said i'm not worthy i'm i've done you know bad things and not been a great person and those kind of things and jesus of course said it doesn't matter step through this door and and he did he took jesus's hand and he stepped through that door and the rest is history upon dedicating his life to the lord gilbert also dedicated his properties he had always been a strong advocate of education but after his conversion his only desire was that people learned to know jesus with only 11 days to live the little stars celebrated with debbie's father his new way of life and his new way of thinking at the same time halfway around the world in england god spoke to andrew wommack about starting keras bible college after what dad called his conversion experience when we discussed the properties he had always talked about his probabilities in a very business-like way now his focus had changed and he said these properties need to be put together and used for christian uses christian endeavors christian education he was a big into education mark and i had lived in woodland park for several years in different areas and after dad died we received that property we decided to build a house out there that's where we wanted to be all the time so we made plans to build a big house and it took about 10 months i think to build it we had a wonderful experience some friends of ours that knew we were building had some missionary friends come visit them and they said could we come out and see the property and we said sure and we had broken ground but it wasn't real far underway yet and they were missionaries and they just said you know what can we just pray for y'all we said absolutely what was their idea for the four of us to face in four different directions north south east and west and back to back we were back to back facing in those directions and we prayed for that property they prayed and we prayed for the property for the construction just for god to bless it for god to use it as he would have his way with it and it was a very powerful moment for mark and i we we did say that it's our forever and every house and yet we somehow god had start putting on us that this was never for us in the first place but we were supposed to build it david david a a dream that that we had been equipped and we had everything we we needed to to move god's kingdom forward with the things that gilbert had passed on to us and passed down to us in 1999 mark and i had decided with our girls that we needed to move back to texas to be closer to our families so we decided to sell the property and the sermons bought the property from us carol and eddie had known that we had used the property in special ways in the past they knew that it was a very special property and that our desire for it was that it should be used and shared then they ended up selling the property to andrew wilmick ministries and um evidently when uh the andrew ministries was inquiring about the property the sermons had said oh the little stars will be very happy to know this that they're going to be a bible college here and that there will be people from all over the world enjoying this property and this home and [Music] it just was a win-win situation for everyone for them for us for andrew wommack and for all of god's people that will that have been there and will be there in the future the little stars now realized that their father's vision for the property was coming true even down to a christian education building he had seen in his final hours a structure that would have glass walls so the students could see the beauty of pike's peak throughout the design process of the sanctuary andrew knew nothing of gilbert's vision but as his plans were made public the little stars could see that god had planted gilbert's vision in the mind of andrew wommack revealing his hand in the entire process so we get i get a call from andrew and he introduced himself we had heard that a ministry was buying it but andrew called me on my cell phone and and it was one of those special conversations it was sort of like in only a god way this happened i started sharing with with andrew really the history of this property and of course deb and i are ecstatic that we couldn't have dreamed this we couldn't have sat down on a whiteboard or a yellow legal pad as we used to with gilbert and and figured this out it was there was too many variables there were too many unknowns there was no way we could have ever imagined this happening and yet um in that phone call it just hit me and then hit us that god god did this and he continues to do this one person merlin changed one person gilbert it only takes one person with a little faith and some courage to go out and change the world so that's our prayer for not only our own lives but for the ministry of andrew wommack and karis bible college that everyone that walks and rides and drives through those gates and sits in those sessions will know that it just takes one person to change the world in in looking back and reflecting on where this property has come from um before we had it while we had it and as it's passed on to see now that all these people through andrew warwick ministries that the lessons that are being taught the lives that are being changed the ripple effect of all of that is mind-boggling it's just really overwhelming to think and to see god's hand so clearly moving and you know we pray for things and we expect things and maybe in our lifetime we see him and maybe we don't but in our lifetime we're seeing the hand of god clearly using that property for his ultimate glory and what a beautiful thing the stories that come out of it the healing that comes out of it the blessings not only for those students but for the people that those students will then go and change because of that what they've experienced in that place it's a beautiful thing god is so good he is so good praise god isn't that powerful i tell you what that touches me emotionally just to think that god was in this and planned the whole thing you know just like this says up here this is the lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes and so we haven't dreamed up any of this i believe that this was totally god's doing it's god that brought you here i i tell you it's it's miraculous when we had that dedication of our building over there is march the 23rd 2014. it was the anniversary of the night that the lord touched my life and we had about four inches of snow that day and so it decreased the crowd some but it was awesome and we had merlin harrison the lady that led gilbert jackson to the lord we brought her up here and gave her a bouquet of flowers she was beginning to show some of the signs of alzheimer's and so her daughter asked that she wouldn't speak but we had her come up and and just thank god for her doing her part and uh you know as uh mark was saying mark little star that it only takes one person just doing your part and that's what we're here for is to help you discover god's will for your life you know typically in our chapels i'm teaching on prosperity but i wanted to show this video and i tell you a huge part of prosperity is finding what god's will for your life is and then doing it and did you know that i believe that all of this and there's so much more there's probably at least 100 million to 200 million dollars worth of buildings and things that i still have in my heart that we will accomplish but everything that we have and will accomplish is all dependent upon me listening to and following the lord and doing what god told me and of course other people gilbert jackson and other people doing what god told them but for those of you that haven't heard i've got a teaching on lessons from elijah and it is based out of first kings chapter 17. let me just share a little bit of this with you this morning as we end up our chapel service but first kings chapter 17 is where elijah just came on the scene unannounced and told ahab that there isn't going to be do or reign until i say so and you've got to remember that up in the previous verses ahab and jezebel had decided they would kill anybody who acknowledged god they were turning everybody to baal worship and they had 850 prophets that jezebel fed every day at at government expense and so they had turned the nation of israel into a pagan nation that worshipped baal and there were and it had happened recently and so there were still a lot of people that had been serving the lord during this time but they were killing anybody who claimed to be a prophet of the lord and in the midst of this it says in chapter 17 verse 1 first kings 17 1 and elijah the tishbite who is of the inhabitants of gilead said unto ahab as the lord god of israel liveth before whom i stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years but according to my word man that not only is bold but when you put it into its context and recognize he was putting himself right in the crosshairs of ahab and jezebel they were going to kill anybody who proclaimed god the god of israel to be the true god he put himself in harm's way and in verse 2 it says in the word of the lord came unto him saying get the hints and turn thee eastward and hide thyself by the brook cheereth that is before jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there he says i have commanded the ravens that means that he had already spoken to the ravens ravens could fly faster than elijah could run or walk and so the process was the provision was already in process he had prophesied that there was going to be a drought and an uh ensuing famine that came because of the drought and so he wasn't sure that god how god would protect him well there's a lot of things like i said i've got an entire series about six hours worth of teaching on this but let me just point out that if he hadn't have obeyed god and done the first thing that god told him to do then he wouldn't have got this second word about provision and see there's a lot of people that god speaks something to them and they feel like i should be doing this but then they wait and say all right god you make provision you show me how to do all of this you provide all of the needs and then i'll go obey you in a sense i'm preaching to the choir because you're the ones who came and obeyed god and i know some of you are still in the process of seeing your provision come in but there's a lot of people that honestly they have things that god places in their heart but they won't act on it because they say god you've got to provide all of these resources and stuff first he went and did what god told him first and after he had obeyed the first thing god told him then the lord said now go to this brook and i'm gonna i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there well that's a great lesson why would god show you step number two if you haven't even done step number one it just makes you more accountable why would he show you step one through ten and make you accountable for all of these things that he's told you to do if you want to obey the very first thing so you find that god will speak to you in increments and just show you things step by step by step and you know with me it started back march the 23rd 1968 and god touched my life and i made that surrender and then he told me to quit school and that sent me to vietnam and just step after step after step i've been doing what god told me and then but god was already working on all of these things and you know if i hadn't have obeyed god i believe that god's provision would have been there but i wouldn't have gotten it somebody else would so notice it says that i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there he didn't send the provision to where uh elijah was he sent the provision to where he told elijah to go man that is really really really significant i can guarantee you that there were other people that god spoke to about coming to karis bible college they wanted it but they just didn't see how they could make it happen and they were sitting there and waiting on the provision saying god you provide you give me all the money you take care of all of these things and then i'll obey and the thing is their provision isn't sent to where they are the provision is sent to where god told you to be and and so this is what i say we've got that sign out there welcome to your place called there there's a place called there for everybody he says i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there he sent the provision to where he told him to go not where he was and the problem with most people is they aren't all there and they're too much here we need to be there we need to be doing what god told us to do and so i want to encourage you you have obeyed god you've come here and you are in position for a miracle i know that many of you are still in the process and you may still need uh provision you may have gotten this month paid for but what are you going to do next month you know you are in that place called there and that is so significant if i hadn't have obeyed god and have followed god and done these things i believe that god still would have touched gilbert jackson he would have dedicated this property to christian education and god would have raised up somebody else but and i'm just glad i'm all there this is my place called there this is your place called there isn't that awesome i tell you part of part of prosperity is doing what god called you to do there is an anointing that comes on your life when you are in that sweet spot right where god called you to be and many people have talents and abilities that enable them to do things on their own you know i've never been one of those we've got paul milligan down here who's like one of these 10 talent guys he was my ceo and paul has just done so many things but i've never been you know really successful at anything i was a college dropout i had nothing going for me in a sense i pity people that have all of these talents because they tend to think that they can do things on their own but man it doesn't matter what your talents are you can never prosper and see god's perfect will fulfilled in your life until you literally come to the end of yourself and start trusting in god i had a man one time to come to one of my meetings and he told me he says how come you got to be a hick from texas before god will use you and he was putting me in the category of kenneth hagin kenneth copeland people like that and he says you've got to be a hick from texas before god will anoint you and i said it's because hicks from texas know that they can't do it and it's easy for us to trust in god amen other people they think god you just get me introduced you put me on the stage and i can handle it from here no wonder you chose me what a great choice that attitude is a blockage to god using you so anyway i'm saying all these things to say that if you would just obey god and do what he puts in your heart and really the only thing you have to do is just to put god first seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then everything else will be added unto you that's matthew chapter six and that was the whole purpose of what he was saying the lilies they don't struggle and yet solomon wasn't arrayed as beautifully as a as a lily was the birds they don't have to worry or gather seed into barns and yet god takes care of them provision is not a problem if you are doing what god told you to do when you are in the center of god's will god will supernaturally provide for it he'll pay the bill if it's his will he'll pay the bill it's like when jesus was born he he had mary conceive his son and joseph took over but did you know what he didn't expect them to raise his son he sent kings from the orient that gave him a fortune peter daniels had a group of people go research and try and put a dollar figure on the amount of gold silver and i mean gold frankincense and myrrh that were given to jesus and they said it was a fortune it's more than one person could use in a lifetime god paid the bill for raising his son he didn't ask somebody to do that and then expect them to have to pay for it if you are doing what god called you to do god is going to supernaturally increase you and provide and give you the ability to do it so one of the greatest parts of prosperity we talk about giving and about all of these things but one of the greatest elements of prosperity is being in the center of god's will it's obedience if you're willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land i think that's isaiah 1 18. god loves us by grace and he is not waiting until you're worthy or holy enough to move in your life god has great plans for you but he sends his provision to where he told you to be what he told you to do and if you are obedient he still loves you he's not going to punish you but you won't see the goodness of god in the land of the living if you aren't obeying and following what god told you to do man those are awesome statements and there's a lot of people that are trying to see god's provision and prosperity come to pass in their life and they're praying for it but are you doing what god told you to do we have people come here every year who are just praying and believing that god is going to supply their needs but they're just expecting it to fall out of the sky or something the scripture says if you don't work don't eat second thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 and if you aren't working you aren't in the center of god's will the only exception to that would be is if you've already got the money if you've got retirement or something like that or you know if if god is provided some other way and so your provision is you've worked in in the past and so it you're living off of it but even then i think that you ought to still be doing something you shouldn't be just draining down your savings and stuff so there's people that are praying for god's will to be done for provision to come but you aren't working you aren't doing anything god said he had blessed whatever you set your hand unto a hundred times zero is zero you got to put your hand under something go do something i actually had a man call me one time and he had been an executive in a company and he got laid off from his business and he had been 18 months without work and he had used up all of his savings everything was totally gone and he was destitute and so he called and he came in and i talked to him and he says i have put in hundreds of applications and i just can't seem to get a job what's wrong and i said well uh what kind of applications you put in he was putting in applications to be a ceo because that's where he had been before and i said but you know what if you would just go and work it at walmart if you'd get a job at mcdonald's he says oh that's demeaning he says i'm way above that and i said if you had been working at mcdonald's for 18 months would you be in the situation you're in and he says no and i said you know what until god gives you something better you go do something do something instead of nothing and anyway this man once he started doing it's like elijah once you act on the first thing that god tells you well then god will give you the next step but people that are just sitting and praying for provision and yet you aren't doing what god has told you to do you're hindering your own provision following god being in the center of god's will is one of the most important things that you can do for prosperity and brothers and sisters i believe that god has sent you here i've never talked to one of our students that i'm not just absolutely amazed at everything it took for you to get here not only financially but just people rejecting you criticizing you thinking you're crazy or whatever and so you've overcome some hurdles to get here i believe this is your place called there but you know what you got to cooperate with god this is one huge step towards it but you need to recognize that if there's anything that god has revealed to you that you should be doing you got to do it the only exception to that would be that some things he gives you vision about off in the future and you may not be able to be there yet but you're moving there you're moving towards it and so you've got to just be in the center of god's will to actually see his supernatural provision amen when jamie and i struggled there was multiple reasons for most of it was my fault because i was taught that if you were called to the ministry you were sinning against god if you went and worked a job and i just only had four or five people i was ministering to in a church and yet i wouldn't go work a job i should have been working a job so anyway we struggled for about five or six years and went through extreme poverty but part of the problem was that i was never really called to pastor a church that was i believe that god led me to do that along the way but that's not really what god's will for my life was that was my bible college amen pity the people but it was good for me i learned a lot pastoring these three little churches and so i don't say that i was out of god's will but i wasn't in god's perfect will i wasn't where god wanted me to be and when i left pastoring the church and i started going on radio and i went and held our very first meeting that was in colorado springs and we had about two to three hundred people show up it was phenomenal not only the way i felt the anointing of god and i mean things just began to work the word of god flowed out of me in a way it didn't when i was pastoring but finances began to come in did you know when we went on radio i forget what the industry standard is but it's usually a year or something like that once you go on radio or television before the broadcast begins to start paying for itself it takes time for people to get used to you and get to where they trust you and then start giving and things like that we went on the radio right in colorado springs was our very first station kwyd owned by a jew who didn't even believe in jesus but he knew a good deal and so uh anyway i went out there and i went on the radio and in one week that paid for itself it brought in enough which was a good thing because i didn't have a year's supply to last and do i just start i mean things that started working supernaturally and right now we're i'm just in my sweet spot i'm where god called me to be and because of it we're seeing provision like we have never seen we had our second highest income month in the history of this ministry last month and we didn't send out an appeal letter we didn't do anything different it's just finances are coming in last year was the biggest year we ever had during a covey year and this year were 10 million ahead of last year it's amazing man paul milligan he could come up here and tell you a lot of stories about seeing god's supernatural provision but you've got to be where god called you to be and i just want to encourage you that you've taken a major step to come here and you need to start expecting and believing for god's provision to manifest itself and cooperating with everything he's told you if there's something that he's put in your heart you go ahead and do it you start moving on that and as you do you'll find out that god sends his provision there not to where you are but to where he calls you to be it's like a football player they don't throw the ball to the receiver where he is at that moment they throw the ball to where he's going to be and this is what god does god sends his provision to where he told you to go and what he told you to do and i tell you this there's a lot more to this but i just wanted to encourage you quickly that everything you see here is not just me god had a plan god spoke to gilbert jackson spoke to the little stars did all of these things and there's you just put it all together and it works i was with oral roberts just a couple of months before he died i got to go to his home out in california and one of the they had about i don't know 15 different ministers there in his home and he just shared with us and one of the other ministers asked him he says oral how do we change this nation you've made such a huge impact how do you change a nation and i thought his answer was so good it was awesome he says you can't change a nation says it's impossible nobody can change a nation change a culture but god all you can do is what god calls you to do and if other people will do what god calls them to do god can knit those things together and god can change a nation if enough people start cooperating and doing what he told them to do and so this is for you that you need to recognize god has called you here to change you to empower you to equip you so that you can go out and do your part and we put all of this together and i believe it's going to change the nation i believe that charis is going to be a big part of what god is doing in this third great awakening amen praise the lord and you're a part of it we now have i think it's 17 000 graduates and they have gone literally all over the world there is not a continent on this planet that we don't have people who've come here received the seed and gone out and shared it we even had a man write me from antarctica and he was on a military expedition and they had to be there for six months at a time they'd get snowed in and they just had to stay there and out of boredom he read every book that people had left there and somebody left an entire library of my cassette tapes there and he started listening to the cassette tapes and he got born again on a military expedition on the south pole amen so we've got people from here going all over the world and if you will do what god calls you to do and i do what god calls me to do and everybody else god will knit it together and praise god i think there's something special happening here it's really special you know also i was talking with paul and one of his business students just died over the weekend and uh he had just been talking to her last week man she was just so excited and stuff and she had had coveted before she came here and so the coroner listed it as a coveted death although i don't think that it i don't know you know i think that they're attributing anything to covid but anyway nonetheless she died over the weekend and i and it just really saddened me it's saddened paul he was talking about it but you know what you by coming here god is doing something special this is a threat to the devil and satan is not going to lay down and roll over and play dead because you came to kerris bible college you got a big target drawn on your back and so i want to encourage you that man you need to take this seriously you need to believe god trust god you need to be seeking god with your whole heart and even though satan's fighting against us praise god we get the guarantee that we're going to win if we don't quit amen praise god [Applause] so i want to encourage you we're going to receive an offering this morning and i want to encourage you to give and i didn't teach specifically on giving but i did teach on prosperity and i believe that you are where god called you to be when you sow into these offerings unless we specifically designated these offerings go towards second year missions trips you can go ahead and pass out the envelopes for our ushers here but these offerings go towards our second year mission strips i forget the exact amount but it's around half a million dollars or more than in the past we've been spending on mission strips per year it may be less since we're doing things domestically because of the travel restrictions but anyway somewhere around four or five hundred 000 and so this is what your offerings go to unless we specifically designate it for somewhere else so those of you who are first year students you're sowing into your future amen and if you want your mission trip to be paid for and be able to go on a mission strip in the second year you need to be generous today you're sowing into your future sow where you want to go amen praise the lord so if you're making out a check i think you make it out to what do they make it out to i've never figured this out anyway does anybody know where they i think it's awm or it's karis either one probably will get it do you know paul what did we do awmi awm i or karis i'm sure it'll get to where it needs to go and i just want to encourage you to be generous and to give and god is doing some awesome awesome things in this place man we're so glad that you're with us i talked to a number of students before the class this morning and they were telling me how that the first week has already been life-changing that they would see these little slogans about change your life change the world oh here's make checks payable to charis bible college or cbc if you've already made it out to awm i'm sure we can handle that and anyway they said they had heard this slogan about change your life changed the world and they really didn't think that but they said in one week it has already begun to change them and they can see it working so i tell you god's doing some powerful things we got a lot more to go we got a lot more of school but this is off to a great start thank you jesus so father i just thank you for loving us thank you father for making provision thank you for calling every one of us and giving us a special purpose that father none officer mistakes i believe that you've created every one of us with a specific design and that you've brought all of my brothers and sisters here because you have great plans for their life and father we just thank you in advance for the way that this is going to be an awesome life-changing year we praise you for it and father as we give today and so into the second year missions trips father we give believing that as we support and and and put the kingdom of god first that you are going to add everything to us that we need all of our provision that we need so father we give in faith today believing that this is going to be multiplied back to every single person who gives and father we agree and receive that in the name of jesus amen praise god you can receive the offering hey paul would you come up here some of you don't know paul milligan but paul was our ceo from 2014 through what 20 20 20 20. could we get a microphone here has anybody got a mic praise god all right we got one coming so i just thought it'd be good for you to know him paul has been on my board for what 20 30 22 years 22 years and so this is paul milligan and he's the one that brought billy epperhart to me i'd heard about billy but i'd never met him but billy and paul had been good friends and so paul brought billy in to help with the business school and now uh billy is the ceo and are you missing being here paul i miss being here i'm not sure i miss being ceo all that much i tell you what he said that he started what 16 corporations and that this is by far the hardest thing he'd ever done so there's a lot going on it was you know the the dedication of the building over there happened in march of 2014 two weeks later i took over as ceo and we were sitting in your office the week we dedicated that building talking about this and there was so many things needed to be done and it was daunting it was intimidating and i built a 200 million dollar company yeah and it was just different you know but um well you had a guaranteed income you had things going out in the invoices that if they didn't pay you could go after them you can't do that without years of cash reserves and some other things that you know security right paul's the one that came to me and says we've got 12 hours worth of cash and i said praise god he did yeah i you need to understand that most of the six and a half years as i was ceo i was writing on andrew's faith coattails i would love to tell you that i'm a great man of faith but the truth is if it hadn't been for andrew's faith and him listening to god and i and look i'm not here to puff up andrew's flesh he does you know him you've hurt him enough to know him but you know the one thing i so appreciate about being a ceo you know i was a ceo for 30 years and then god asked me to do this and i had to go i had to go seek the lord how to be a daniel or a joseph instead of a instead of a ceo and what i'd love to communicate to you is that the thing that i learned working for andrew was that i've never seen a leader and i've seen some and i've worked for some great leaders i was in the military and and one of the greatest admirals in the navy i worked for vice admiral giffin who did a lot of incredible things and he took me under his wing and just loved me for some reason i was just a young man so i've had some great mentors and seen some great leaders but not anything close to andrew woman let me tell you why not because he's never the smartest guy in the room okay that's true i love him he's one he's my best friend in the world if you just want to know the truth but i say that because not to degrade him but guys we're all weak we're flesh and i was just telling my students this week one of the greatest problems we have is taking ownership of our weakness admitting that we're a created dependent being on god and that what that requires from us is what he's already ministered this morning is listen to the voice of god here's what i knew as ceo of andrew wong ministries i knew what a ceo's job was it's to take the vision of the leader and to make it a reality and god gave me the skills and the experience that's what he prepared me for all my life you know god used what we did we created a lot of wealth for the kingdom of god and still are to this day still have a very large company in texas and we're still doing the primary calling of god in our life but god prepared me all those years to be his ceo because what i learned working for andrew was that no matter how you don't have to be the smartest guy in the room what you have to be is a guy chosen by god who who god speaks to and then here's what i knew every day i was ceo i knew and there was many there were several times over that period of time andrew would walk into my office he would say i had a dream last night or god spoke to me and he didn't do that very often i knew when he did it it was real he just didn't he's not one he just didn't do it every day trying to impress somebody and he would tell me he said god said to do this and he would just look at me and this is where you see the anointing of leadership on his life he'll say do it and then he'd go back to doing what got his primary cause but that was because i knew what to expect and so i could i could organize the ministry and lead people in and knew that the direction that i was leading them was the right one because all i was doing was following his vision so this building right here cost i think 53 million dollars and paul is one who oversaw that and that was in addition to all of the other stuff we're doing 53 million extra in what three years two or three years three years can you imagine this corporations don't even do this guys i i want you to understand how big a miracle you're sitting in because our operating expenses were three to four million dollars a month we're paying our operating expenses our television bills everything plus then we got to come up with the cash to pay the construction payment because we're not borrowing any money you understand that so can i tell you the truth how many how many thursdays was construction payment day how many wednesdays i've got 10 percent of what i had to have to pay the construction bill on a thursday and as god is my witness and andrew and everybody else that do and the people in the finance department by the time four o'clock on thursday rolled around and i had to write gary erickson that check he was there not once not once i cannot tell you how many it happened so many times it was just became a regular thing with me he said you know sharon would come and tell me we do we don't we don't we have a million dollars but wednesday night became kind of a struggle it did and we nearly destroyed his health i mean that wasn't all of it but man he was under pressure and i apologize for doing that but he was used to having two million dollars in reserve we had 1200 and i thought praise god we aren't broke yet well thank god for andrew amen amen thank you love you paul you're a blessing thank you for being a part of all of this god bless you all right let's take a break go to your classes and we'll come back please [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 7,751
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: Dmmw3BzdnxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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