Change your Life Before it's too Late ! Mohamed Hoblos

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my brothers the prophet he says he says he who loves to meet Allah Allah loves to meet him and he who hates to meet Allah he who dislikes to meet Allah Allah dislikes to meet him Allah loves to meet us my brothers and sisters us partially light and befitting to Allah it's unbeating that the King of Kings the one that owns the heavens and the Earths creates a weak creation only so that he can punish him it's not how it works my brothers Allah azzawajal loves us the human is more beloved to Allah than the angels it's the most honorable of Allah's Creations Allah didn't create us to punish us Allah didn't create us to make things difficult Allah gave us a Deen he gave us a Sharia that to the untrained eye please Brothers no one to be recording inshallah please to the untrained eye to those who just don't know sometimes the Sharia can come across as why like why is this why can't I do this why can't I go there why and then sometimes that can be understood as in you know brother like this that the Deen can be difficult by Allah my brothers and sisters if you were to know every single command of Allah is nothing but rahma especially the ones that you dislike it doesn't change Allah my brothers if every in fact the prophet he says this may even be Hadith could see if every single one of us was to sin if every one of us was to sin and sin until all of us became like the most toxic the worst heart the most the only the biggest Criminal on Earth if every human being was to sin and sin until we became like the most corrupted and the most criminal heart on Earth doesn't change Allah in the least [Music] doesn't change a lot and the opposite is true if you were to worship Allah if we were all to worship Allah until we all became like the most pure and the most purified and the best of Hearts doesn't change Allah Allah is the king before me after me during whether I pray I don't pray I fast I run fast I accept I don't accept Allah is the king Allah owns the heavens and the Earths Allah doesn't need when Allah tells you and I don't do this or do this or stay away from this that's only Allah [Music] it's only Allah and Allah has created the paradise the likes of which no I Allah mentions in the Quran the likes of which no I has ever seen no e has ever heard no human mind or heart has ever imagined or can possibly comprehend you can never talk about Jannah we can mention whatever Allah has mentioned but like you can never have a proper description hell how do you describe it like as a human being we need a point of reference my brother if I said to your brother I went to some some Island somewhere and I ate a fruit and it was the most incredible fruit I ever heard you know hey naturally as a human being you're gonna ask me to brother what does it look like no matter what describe it to you so you're gonna tell me I don't know I mean does it look like a banana does it look like I need a point of reference that what do I compare it to there's nothing on earth like it how does Allah describe to this limited human being what Jannah is how does he do it you're limited you're limited in your understanding Allah says what he's created Allah create therefore Allah didn't create us to make things difficult Allah wants us and you see this again and again Allah Allah's ability to forgive it's incomprehensible Allah it's beyond imagination Allah gives the human chances after chance the prophet he says it's my Soni [Music] Lucy I'll call you back don't call me Baba [Music] I told him don't call me wallahi I told him he's got to keep calling how long Allah [Music] Allah just to forgive forgive the prophet he says Allah he says he says when one of you commits a sin Allah writes one sin but whenever you but when any one of you does a good deed Allah writes down 10 and he multiplies it Allah doesn't pass it's not like if you did one good deed Allah gives you 10 and then Allah plus is more Allah multiplies who does that 10 multiplied by 700 by Allah multiplies Allah multiplies you do one bad Allah gives you one sin you do one good deed of the minimum you get is ten The Voice Allah doing that so many doors for forgiveness sometimes you're not even conscious of it is you you make will do Allah forgives your sins you make Salah Allah forgives you sins you come to the Masjid and you pray in Jamaica Allah he gives you sins you attend the jummah prayer Allah if he gives you sins you sit in a gathering where Allah has mentioned even if you had no intention on being here I'm sure there's someone he he got caught up and he couldn't say no and it's just awkward for him and he's and he's like his empty and this whole thing finishes so he can get out of here even him Allah it's actually mentioned in the Hadith the Angels say oh Allah but there's a man who has no intention Allah says even him I forgive him simply because he was in the Gathering Allah didn't Allah hasn't created us to make things difficult or to punish him it's some befilling to Allah again and again Allah forgive sins forgive sins he says oh my slave if you came to me if you came to me and your sins have reached the heavens the heavens your sins have reached the heavens but you don't associate partners you don't associate partners with me I will come to you and I will match you with Mercy that match your sins Allah wants you my brother my sister Allah wants you Allah loves you above any example like any father here that's like no father consciously wants to make his child's life difficult no one does that and you young brother how do you imagine yourself as a father hell as a good guy or making is easy for my son I want to give him the best naturally like all good people think like this but if my son came to me right like this guy could hear if he came to me now and he asked me well you know like he's only six so if he said to me dad you know what 12 o'clock at night I want to go run on the street do I let him go [Music] but why being difficult for but then you want your son to be happy but then you want him to prosper but don't you want him to have a good time so now you're thinking about come on brother you've got to be reasonable yeah that's exactly right [Music] when Allah says we don't do this it's not because Allah doesn't need but when Allah tells me don't do this it's because he cares for me Allah wants the best for me even and especially when I don't know what's good for me so when my son tells me you know Dad I want to go to the city on a Saturday night and while I want to have fun and he's only 13 14 years of age naturally as any sound father what are you going to say to him brother you're going nowhere you're going nowhere not because I don't want you to have fun not because I didn't write no one raised these Sons how you can make him miserable that's not the point you've raised your son you want him to be but when I say to him as a responsible adult when I say to him you're not going there and that's because I know what you don't know [Music] so you turn around inside of me or what brother but then you trust me dead then you trust my friends don't brother it's not and sometimes what I need to say is beyond your comprehension but nevertheless it doesn't change my stance you're not going [Music] Allah wants what's best for us Allah Allah Allah learns to see us my brothers Allah loves to meet his slave May he's created you [Music] every single heartbeat of yours every time your heart beats he beats he needs permission that who gives you that permission every blink of your eye takes permission from Allah who gives it to her why because he hates you [Music] brother not last week last night every single one of us was dead we were dead sleep is the mind of death what's to do out we we make when we wake up the first thing you say obviously it's like with anything we praise Allah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah all thanks for all glory be to the one who did what ahana gave me life every one of us was dead last night that we gave you life was it your money was your mother your father you're no hell your mates your business what was it that gave me life Allah why because he hates me he who loves to meet Allah Allah loves to meet him a man killed 99 people 99. look you most of you know the Hadith what does Allah want really let's get to that what does Allah want that you make an effort like there's not it's not something it's make an effort that's Allah wants a genuine effort my slave if you come to me a hand span I come to you in arm's length who talks like this my slave if you come to me walking I come to you running you sound like a Lord that wants to punish me the man killed 99 people authentic Hadith 99 people what sort of individual do you have to be for that 99 and the number was specific brother there are soldiers in war who don't kill that many people anyway most of you know the story so something enters his heart he's learning for Allah so he goes to the people who says you know can I make Toba so the people saying look you know there's a righteous man go to him ask him he goes to the man he says look I've killed 99 people and I said from 99 he couldn't comprehend the figure system brother no way Allah can forgive you no way [Music] so to show you the ruthlessness of the man he kills him too but that's yellow Thief didn't kill a guy who challenged him or you know swore at his sister Kill The Hobbit he killed a man who's a Pious and and simply because he didn't like his father right imagine this guy was in the area now it's Madness anyway so now after a hundred look but look what's the keynote here there's a there's a sincerity man there's a genuine sincerity after a hundred he still wants Allah anyway uh it's not the point I wish I could dissect the story anyway he ends up going to a scholar and that's the difference so he goes to a scholar says look I've killed a hundred can Allah forgive me the scholar turns around and says to my brother who can stand between you and the Forgiveness of Allah [Music] but this is where things get interesting there's not a man or woman in this building today in the house I'm I'm sure I don't need to ask I already know every single one of us want Allah and every one of us wants change and every one of us wants to make it I will lie I get it but what's the difference what's the difference between us and this guy like honestly do I need to ask anyone here the brother do you want to be a Hafiz of the Quran really do [Music] when you look at me you think come on man every one of us here would wish to be what an honor but what's the difference what's the difference between you and I and the Hafiz of the Quran [Music] so he says from but my brother yeah Allah can forgive system about look and this is it right here he says but in order for you to complete your towel benefit assistant brother you need to leave this town you need to leave you're surrounded by corrupted people here you need to leave this down and you need to go to a place where there's good people and they will help you and they'll assist you towards your Toba and that's it right there we want forgiveness we want change but I'm not prepared to pack up and leave now this doesn't necessarily mean I need to leave my area whether you're not prepared to leave your friends you're not prepared to change your ways you're not prepared to change your surroundings you're not prepared to give up your Haram earning brother I'm not prepared but I want Allah's forgiveness but it doesn't work like that so this man being true and genuine he packs his bags he's on the way to the town of forgiveness it's incredible on the way Allah takes his life so the angels of Mercy come down and the angels of punishment come down and then there's a dispute the angels of punishment say no hang on this this man's ruthless he's killed a hundred people so the Angels Have Mercy trying to argue on his behalf they said yeah he killed a hundred but he's making Toba the angels of of said no no he was on the way he didn't complete it so it was a genuine discussion so Allah he sends down the third to be a judge between the three between the two he says to the measure the distance of the Earth if he's closer to the town of sin then let the angels of punishment take him and he's closer to the sound of and if he's closer to the town of good wouldn't let those angels take it so they measure the distance unfortunately for him he was closer to the town of sin [Music] this is a man that killed a hundred people Allah azzawajal orders the Earth to change its dimensions Allah through physics science Mother Nature whatever Allah through it all out of the window none of it replied none a man who killed a hundred people Allah changed the world he moved the Dynamics the physical exists Allah azzawajal changed the dimensions of the earth and made him what one hand spin the town of good that he said to the angels taking the angels of Mercy taking it's a man who killed a hundred he who loves to meet Allah Allah loves to meet him so in short my brother what does Allah want from us just genuine steps no luggage no luggage we all want Allah but there's luggage you know look I really want to change but this but that all right so what do you I don't I don't know like what do you what do I say [Music] that luggage is weighing us so it's weighing us down from things that Beyond comprehendable room well I just make a move wait one genuine move bro and watch and see what Allah will do but it needs to be unconditional one thing one step towards Allah that's all you need to do Allah loves you I'm not saying that because while I'm trying to win your hearts Allah Allah loves you genuinely you know my brothers when you say yeah Rob you don't know what's happening in the heavens a slave called upon his master you might think you have a brother not me why not why not you and that's you know Allah my brothers this isn't a level of Iman this is just shaytan brother I'm you know I understand bro like well I've got so much sins I've got so much shortcomings I've done so much this isn't a level of Faith this is just shaytan who's clouding us that's all I challenge any man to stand any man stand here if you're free from sin okay how big your booties go I challenge you you can't but no one [Music] because I'm not perfect bro no one is make a move make take a genuine step to Allah tonight now one is one genuine from the high Allah forgive me my sins and Allah forgives Allah loves to forgive my brothers we need to make this move why ramadan's around the corner [Music] and Allah invited you to his house and look where he's sitting on a Friday night there's a million places you can be right now the most beloved places to Allah a lot his house says bro his houses not only did Allah allow you to come he allowed you to sit in a gathering where his mansion authentic Wallah authentic Hadith authentic narrations there are angels who their only job is to so you know is to fly around the Earth they're in the heavens their only job is to fly around the earth and to look for any Gatherings where Allah is mentioned then when the Angels find these gatherings they start calling upon one another so the Angels start calling upon other angels and they say look we found what we've been looking for and then he's and then he mentions and then the Angels they come to any Gathering where Allah is being mentioned and the angels they start stacking upon one another they start stacking up upon one another until they reach the heavens and then there's a commotion Allah my brothers are not this is authentic Hadith there's a commotion in the heavens this is why as a Muslim it's Iman belief in the Unseen everyone and anywhere in the world I tell you seeing is believing this doesn't apply to the Muslim we believe in the Unseen you have to have complete conviction and amen that this is happening right now not because I said so Allah because it's an authentic Hadith from the prophet salallahu right now in this Masjid you the one who thinks I'm a sinner and I'm this and I'm there and you don't know and you right now there are angels that are stacked upon one another and they've reached the heavens and there's a commotion so Allah he calls upon the angels of course he knows because upon the angels He says to them what's going on so the Angels say Allah there's a group of people they've gathered they've set and they're remembering you so Allah says and why have they sat and they said to Allah they've said to remember you to glorify you then Allah says to the angels and what do they want the Angels say Ya Allah they're asking they're asking protection from your jahannam Allah says have they seen my jahannam they say no he says what if they were to see you he says yeah Allah they would ask for it more he says what else do they want he says Allah they're asking for your Jannah it says have they seen my Jannah they say no your Allah he says what if they were to say my Jannah they say Allah then they would ask for a more and what else what is it that they're asking for you've been sitting here for the last hour and a half you probably didn't ask for a single thing the angels are doing this on your behalf [Music] this and then the Angels say Allah they're asking for your forgiveness Allah says let it be known that I have forgiven every one of them their sins and I have granted them what they're seeking from me [Music] there are angels in this Gathering they're rubbing they're rubbing their wings against your shoulders brother if that's not love I don't know what is that's not a sign that Allah wants you then brother wallahi I don't know what you're looking for [Music] brother your name sister you're not by name boy name you you your name was mentioned by an Angel to Allah [Music] yeah you with all your flaws and all your mistakes Yeah by name Allah mentioned you by name tonight my brothers what does Allah want make a genuine move any one genuine sincere step towards Allah don't delay Ed ramadan's around the corner Allah says in the Quran and I'll end with this I love this verse Allah says and if you were to show me gratefulness and sugar and thankfulness Allah says and if you thanked me for the blessings I've given you what does Allah do in return then I will grant you more you thank Allah Allah gives you more so Allah my brothers and sisters make that effort take a step towards Allah no luggage Don't Fear the prophet he says anyone who gives up anything for Allah Allah will replace that thing with something far greater it's not easy but you gotta make a move [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters [Music]
Channel: Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos
Views: 1,187,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mohammad hoblos, mohammed hoblos, mufti menk, Allah, Quran, Muslim, nouman ali khan, Islamic reminders, Islamic lectures, religion, pray, Ramadan, mohamed hoblos, muhammed hoblos, muhammad hoblos, lectures from Mohamed Hoblos, reminders from Mohamed Hoblos, lectures, khutbah, Omar el banna, hoblos, Islamic media, mohamed hoblos powerful, mohamed hoblos emotional, merciful servant, Islam, prophet Muhammad, prophet, shaykh, mufti, muslims, mohamed hoblos shqip, mohamed hoblos italiano, sheikh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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