You Should Believe in Unseen | Powerful Speech | Muhammad hoblos

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alhamdulillah all praises to Allah subhana waala we send peace and blessings upon his beloved Muhammad s. wasam my brothers in a Hadith that was narrated by he says and this is one of the greatest Hadith in our Dean I believe it's Hadith number two in IM is 40 where he says he narrates he says we were sitting with the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam and a man came he said a man appeared from a distance that no one knew and I wish I had time because dissecting the Hadith is absolutely incredible and every word in the Hadith is crucial Medina was a small town and it wasn't a city it wasn't a city that people that were traveling would you know stop in or stop by um it wasn't a Transit City anyone who went to Medina was specifically going to Medina it was a small town had nothing to do with with any form of traveling so being a small City and being the Muslims they knew each other very well we all go through this even in our local mid if someone appeared that no one's ever seen before and he walks in and there's something odd about that person's appearance you see that there's a lot of unspoken um gestures you see like people looking at each other do you know the guy no one says a man appeared none of us knew [Music] him and he wasn't a traveler he didn't look like a traveler he said his clothes were whiter than white his hair was blacker than black he was extremely handsome the man walked into the Gathering no one knew who he was he walked straight up to the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam and he sat right at the knees of the prophet of Allah imagine they're sitting there you're sitting with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam his companions this man walks straight into the Gathering walks straight up to the prophet of Allah doesn't look at anyone doesn't talk to anyone doesn't introduce himself he walks straight to the prophet of Allah he sat down he put his knees to his knees and he says to him yeah he says oh Muhammad tell me about Islam it's an amazing Hadith if you don't know it follow it up read [Music] it anyway so he sallallah alaih wasallam he responds and he tells him about the five pillars of Islam then he says to him tell me about faith tell me about IM oh prophet of Allah and then he sallallahu Al am he responds with the six pillars of faith he says to him he sallallah alaihi wasallam he tells this strange man he says to him the six pillars of Iman is to believe in Allah and His prophets and his angels and the day of judgment and to believe in the decree of Allah and to believe in his [Music] books six of the four my brothers and sisters are unseen to believe in Allah my brothers is not like anything else to be a Muslim is not like anything else we live in a world where seeing is believing and that is the exact opposite of being a Muslim [Music] everyone wants to [Music] see and even Muslims when we talk amongst each other even when our hearts are in the right place brother wouldn't it be mad wouldn't it be amazing wouldn't it be good if we could just see I mean I believe but you know if I could just see and this is a big thing that if Allah was to just show me to show you what what is it that you want to [Music] see and it's almost as though we're trying to convince ourselves that if Allah was to just show me that I would be much more I would do much more or that things would be much different to us Allah wants you IM Allah wants your belief without him having to show you because if Allah was to show us my brothers and sisters then Everything [Music] Changes Everything Changes to believe in Allah he say can you see Allah my brothers we can't can you see His prophets we can't see His prophets can you see his angels we can't see his angels can you see the day of judgment we can't see the day of judgment four of the six pillars of Iman are unseen you can't see them and Allah has designed it as such Allah wants you and I to believe in him without seeing him because that's Faith because if you were to see then you don't have an option [Music] and when you don't have an option you're not special anymore what makes you unique as Muslims is that we believe in Allah we believe in his Prophet we believe in the message without seeing this is [Music] Iman and this quest to wanting to see is nothing but a delusion within our own Brains it's a fallacy it's it's it's it's actually corruption and it's important that my brothers you understand that as a Muslim we believe in the Unseen and your whole faith is based on the Unseen and we take pride in this need to see Allah to believe in him I don't need to see the prophet of Allah to believe in I don't need to see his angels in order to believe and if you think that by seeing this would be good you have no idea my brothers and sisters if Allah wanted he could have showed and Wallah if we were to understand this pursuit of wanting to see I don't know how to word this man so I might just back off for me [Music] you know on the day of judgment Allah Asel Allah imagine this is the day of judgment this is a day that is 50,000 years long it is a day when Allah will bring onto one plane every single Angel every single Prophet every single human being every gin every animal everything that Allah has ever created will come forward on this day and then on the day of judgment Allah he will call for Jann to be brought forward Janam the actual Hell Fire this creation of Allah Asel it will be brought forward to humanity in the authentic Hadith the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says he says that Janam will be brought forward and it'll be dragged 70,000 bindles chains 70,000 chains that are attached to Janam and it will be dragged forward he says 70,000 bindles chains and on every chain there are 70,000 Angels 4.9 4.9 billion angels will be dragging jahanam forward [Music] so Allah Asel says that on the day of judgment when Janam sees when Janam sees the human being for the first time it's been created for Allah how many thousands of years it's been burning for Allah how long and it's been waiting for this day so when Janam sees the human being for the first time Allah Asel says it will release like an expression it's it's like it will burst it's like it'll burst out of anger you believing then is of no value believing after you see is of no weight your Iman then will weigh nothing in the sight of Allah Allah wants your amen now so this brother you know let me just see brother what do you want to see exactly tell me what it is that you want to see what a time we live in W it's incredible what are you after what uh uh tricks you have to Circus tricks why is this [Music] important because my brothers and sisters Allah Asel in your lifetime whether you and I like it or not every one of us Allah will put you in a situation where your eyes and your ears will show you and tell you things that contradict what Allah says what do you do in this situation and really that's that's the whole topic my young brother and my young [Music] sister your eyes they belong to Allah and my job is to bring Iman in Allah and to believe that if Allah says something then that is the absolute truth even if my eyes are showing me something else because your eyes can play games on you and people tell me but brother I saw it with my own eyes well here my brother when you see with your own eyes something that contradicts what Allah says now you have to disbelieve your own eyes you're going to tell me brother what are you talking about and this is the FNA of the world today that brother if I see if I see it then I believe it the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he spoke about charity amazing explain this to any human being if you don't believe in the Unseen the whole subject makes no sense when the prophet of Allah spoke about charity what did he say he says to give in charity he says that it's an Evidence it's a proof a proof to what when you give charity my brother the prophet of Allah is saying that this is a sodaka that this sodaka you're giving is a ban it's an Evidence it's a proof a proof to what it's a proof to your Iman to the faith that you have in your heart that you believe in the Unseen why because the prophet of Allah he says it does not decrease your wealth any person who gives anything in charity this does not decrease your wealth if you don't believe in the Unseen this whole Hadith has no value to you I have £100 and I gave 50 in [Music] charity how much do I have [Music] left now I know you want to say [Music] 100 but don't I'll start flipping tables bro w in your heart tell me the truth I have 100 and I gave 50 in charity what's left my eyes are not lying my eyes are not lying do I believe my eyes or do I believe Allah [Music] where am I going with [Music] this don't you ever believe in your life that Haram and sin can ever lead to good [Music] ever impossible not because I said so because Allah said so These Eyes my brothers and sisters they play games and the Heart of the Muslim can go left and right based on what they see and what they hear and if we don't keep our hearts in check then you've seen what's happening in the world anything takes me left and anything takes me right when a man came to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says to my prophet of Allah my brother is sick my brother is sick he has some stomach problems the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says to him go to your brother and give him honey so the man goes to his brother he gives him honey he took the prescription straight from the doctor himself you know this Hadith I love this Hadith anyone else right if this was a modern day story we would have all jumped ah who's this she brother who's his knowledge where did he come from are you sure this is authentic are we sure this no no no no no there's no games here this is a companion who went to the prophet of Allah he tells him sallallahu alaihi wasallam exactly what the problem is now the doctor himself is giving you the medicine he's giving you the prescription so there's no doubt it's not like oh you know I misunderstood he said give the man honey so he so he this man so this man he goes to his brother he gives him the medicine that the doctor just gave him the next day the man comes to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the prophet of Allah he asks him he says to him did you give your brother the honey he says yes oh Prophet gave him the honey he says how is [Music] he what do you do now what do you [Music] do he gave him the honey his brother's still [Music] sick what do you do and if you think this doesn't happen to us we experience this I don't want to say every day but definitely in your journey to Allah we all experience this how many brothers they came onto Dean thinking that everything was going to change yet he was met with more [Music] difficulties how many young Brothers I see it all the time brother when I was in Haram I had less dramas than I have now almost as though he's interpreting that what's happening to him it's almost like you know what brother maybe I should just go back to my old ways I had it better then that's why I never say to anyone that if you come on to Dean your life is going to be better I can't guarantee you [Music] that he says to my he says to my prophet of Allah my brother is sick so what do you do but Allah said one thing and now the man's the man's brother's telling me something else Allah said this is the cure he gave him the Cure he took the Cure and it didn't [Music] work so the prophet of Allah he says go back and give him more honey so he goes and he comes back if you think the first time was awkward you can only imagine how awkward it was for him now he says to him how is your [Music] brother he says he's too sick look at the Iman he says to him Allah has spoken the truth and the stomach of your brother is lying Allah says honey is the cure so go back and give him more [Music] honey so he goes back he gives him the honey and on the third he comes back he says to him Allah has killed him he didn't doubt sallallahu alaihi wasallam he didn't question sallallahu alaihi wasallam it's the same thing my brothers Allah puts you and I in situations where your heart now is faced with with this with this challenge that Allah said one thing but I'm seeing something else what do I do and charity again is the perfect example you know I don't know what the situation is like in the UK but back home in Sydney especially definitely a few years ago we were doing fundraisers like almost weekly weekly and at one stage you I was doing these fundraisers and I was going to these events brothers and sisters I had it down pat yeah Haram I feel sorry for that audience but I would jump up on that screen I knew exactly what to say when to say it how to say it I could make you feel like the biggest hypocrite if you didn't take off your undies and donate it bro wah I had it down pat and yah yah Haram every fundraiser there was always this one MOS it was his first time and the vast majority brother they've been there this is their 10th time over and the first guy Haram you know his that his he's that caught up with what's going on he's rattled he's I'm there yelling and screaming and everyone's throwing these big pledges and this guy's donating this much and that much and yeah har this guy he's overwhelmed little does he know half of them are Spinners and they aren't even pay their pledges anyway right but he doesn't know that bro this guy he's gone to a fundraiser he thinks you know these guys they were flying on Dean and IM and is yelling and screaming and and Allah has promised and the prophet sallallahu alhi wasallam say the guy sits there and he's that rattled he's that taken by bro he just gets that he's that affected he ends up pledging everything he's got and believe and IM and if you don't believe then Allah and is Haram so the guy gets that psyched he pledges everything he's got and he's flying the guy is fly lying with Iman he's that excited that he just gave every Haram he thought it was Abu Bakr or something right he gave everything he has and then he goes home Haram and he's so excited to tell his wife that how he's the next Abu Baker of the um and then when she comes to he that he pledged everything he had she slaps him [Music] p and she says to me who the hell told you to do that he says to she says if he was here I would have slapped him too what are you doing and immediately from that slap and the words what are you doing now what's happening to him yeah now the reality of what he's done is now starting to sink in but only HBL isn't on the stage anymore cuz now he's at home he's thinking but man like he said this verse and that verse and this Ayah and that Ayah and this Hadith and that Hadith [Music] and the landlord wants to up the rent and the car's you know it's due for registration and this and that and what about the fees and what about so now what starts happening to him bro what did I do what did I do and this happens to all of us what do you do in this situation my brothers and sisters Haram can never equal happiness ever even if my eyes are showing me something else impossible impossible Allah has made it crystal clear that Haram can never equal success can never equal happiness so no matter what your eyes show you no matter what your ears are telling you no matter how tangible this so-called success you're seeing that is coming through the doors of Haram if it contradicts what Allah says what do you [Music] do Allah subhana wa tal he says in the Quran Allah says in the Quran this is Quran now these aren't the weed interpretation of some weed she that understood the dean weed no no straight aat from Allah Allah says inah this is the principle of Life young and old mother father young man young sister whatever this is the principle of life if you ever in your life if you ever in your life have to trust someone then you trust Allah and Allah alone because Allah is always truthful with his words and Allah always keeps his promises Allah never breaks his word ever impossible it's unbefitting every human being on Earth can buckle and break but Allah Asel is the when Allah speaks my brother Allah is the absolute truth Allah says in the Quran whosoever stays away from my Dean whosoever stays away from my remembrance whosoever indulges in Haram this is Allah not me Allah is saying whoever stays away from my Dean and the W in the Arabic The English doesn't with Justice the word how do you translate it it's it's it's riddled with arrogance you know it's like you're presented with something it's like he shunned it he he he rejected he shunned he rejected and he was he was too good for it brother come to jum pray come on man who wants to do that brother come to this talk come to the Masjid come to do good come to do Halal come come come come come it was presented to him the opportunity was there for you but you thought that you knew better you had other commitments you had other priorities Allah was calling but you were occupied with something else Allah says whosoever stays away from my Dean and my remembrance this is the formula Allah is say not maybe not there's a good chance not possibly Allah says and in Arabic you can't you can't affirm something any like anymore Allah says most certainly most definitely for this person for him is a miserable retro [Music] life that's the formula that's the [Music] formula whoever shuns and turns away he's too busy for Dean now you can put whatever excuses you want to whatever bro that's your problem Allah is saying for him is definitely a miserable retred life [Music] so you can Snapchat all you want and you can put on social media how amazing your life is all you want if you're in Haram you're miserable not because I said [Music] so because Allah said and Allah lot never lies [Music] so you can smile at me with your porcelain teeth and try to act like you're living a up but so long as it's coming through the door of Haram you're miserable now you may not know you're miserable that's a different matter but as a Muslim as a choice of life [Music] what do I choose for myself and so many of us we fall brother look at this guy man this guy's doing Haram this guy's doing 1 2 3 4 and look at his life look where he's at look where he's dining at look what he's wearing look how he's dressed look look look look look and it's all smiles now your brain's having problems because your eyes and your ears are showing you one thing and Allah and his Prophet are telling me something else what do you choose choose [Music] now what do you choose this is how as a Muslim don't ever allow for your faith to ever be shaken the whole world can come together W the whole world and all of society and everything that's in it you can come and try to convince me one thing if Allah says the other you go with the other even if my eyes are showing me something else this is IM and this is believing in the [Music] Unseen and do you think Allah's just promised him a miserable life in this [Music] world Allah he's fortunate if it just ends there allel [Music] says not only does not only has Allah promised him a miserable life in this [Music] D Allah says and we shall resurrect him on the day of judgment [Music] blind now it's really [Music] unseen now look how the change of language look at the change of circumstances in the beginning Allah says he was very arrogant was too busy doesn't have [Music] time now look at his language [Music] now the one that was too busy too arrogant in D for Allah what does he say now to Allah what's he calling him oh my Lord why cuz now he [Music] sees now he knows Ya Allah why have you resurrected me blind when I used to see [Music] in Allah says verily we sent you our signs in D and you chose to be blind to them so today we shall be blind to you like you were blind to us today you shall be forgotten like you like you had forgotten [Music] us this is our life as Muslims my brothers and sisters we believe in the Unseen we don't believe in the scene what makes you unique as a Muslim is that you believe in that which you can't see with your own eyes and this world is rattled with a lot of deceptions what do you do with your heart who do you trust have you ever heard this so many brothers oh brother you know we don't know who to trust anymore this person says this and that person says this and do we believe in this person and that person or do we believe in Allah has Allah ever broken his word ever has has Allah ever said something was going to be and it didn't [Music] happen and Allah L promises the opposite my brothers for those who strive to do good Allah promises them Allah promises them paradise and success Allah never promises you an easy life ever if anyone's life was going to be easy it would have been the prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam you know once I was having dinner not din I was having lunch I was having lunch with a friend [Music] and as we got talking we was speaking about you know those who who think that when they come onto Dean that all their problems are going to be solved and he said to me brother you know when I came on to Dean I had a lot of problems in my life and actually he had so many he had so much problems that he couldn't find Solutions so he thought that by coming onto Dean that the next day he was going to wake up and what Angels were going to start coming down from the Heavens to start helping him out you know it's a FNA because many many young brothers sisters they all fall for this trap and he said to me wah he said to me that he had committed the crime that um that he had caught for in the next 6 months and his lawyer was telling him that you're possibly looking at 3 to 5 years he had a $5,000 debt he was young at the time I think he said he was about 18 he was in like I think maybe he was in about $4 $5,000 debt to him at the time that was a big deal and he was in this toxic relationship with this girl you know like it was just one of those relationships where he just he's just with her he doesn't know why he's with her he knows he can't marry her she can't marry he it was just one of those go nowhere relationships you know and he said to me brother my life was a mess he asked me so I thought that if I started praying and I came on to din that everything was going to be all right so he started praying and guess what happened that court date was only getting closer and that 5 grand Dee was still there and that toxic relationship wasn't going [Music] anywhere he said but you know what he said you know what the dean did do for me he said it changed it shifted the perspective on things that's all it gave things a meaning now he said as I continued to pray that fear that fear of that court date became Less in my heart he said then slowly slowly I started to accept that you know what whatever Allah subhana wa T wants to give me I'm happy with it he didn't take away his court date didn't take it [Music] away but it made it possible to deal with it that's all he said and as I kept praying and I tried and I did whatever I could he said I started to realize that Allah owns the heavens and the Earths and Allah subhana is a and that if Allah wants to give me the risk for this little loan I'm sure it's going to come somehow so that stress was now diminished he said then as I started to get closer to my Dean I started to realize do I really want to have children with a woman like [Music] this so can you see what and that's what the dean does it gives you the tools to navigate through life and your heart when your heart is filled with Allah and his [Music] Prophet nothing can break you nothing don't ever look at Haram my brothers and sisters and ever think in your life that through this I can attain my happiness or I can attain success impossible [Music] impossible because that's Allah's [Music] promise we ask Allah to have mercy upon the Believers wherever they are wherever they're in need Ya Allah be with them help them Aid them support them unite their hearts
Channel: The Truth Religion
Views: 46,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mohammad hoblos, muhammad hoblos, muhammed hoblos, mohamed hoblos emotional, hoblos, lectures from mohamed hoblos, mohammed hoblos, mohamed hoblos, mohamed hoblos powerful, reminders from mohamed hoblos, mohamed hoblos italiano, mohamed hoblos shqip, muhammad, prophet muhammad, believing in the unseen - muhammed hoblos, one path mohamed hoblos, mohammad, lectures by mohamed hoblos, mohamed hoblos funny, believing in the unseen, belieivng in the unseen
Id: YHJYR_m6iXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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