Don't worry, what Allah has written is written | mufti menk | islamic lectures

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foreign my beloved brothers and sisters the AIM that we have is to earn Paradise if you're a believer that's what it should be so if you have a connection with Allah Almighty you would know that you are on this Earth just for a few years in order to prepare for the eternal life one might ask why the true answer is Allah Knows Best but we see and we witness every single day people being born and people dying we see people being born and mashallah there is excitement upon their birth and we see people dying and there is sadness upon their death in the case of most people subhanallah the reason I say that is when there's an evil person and he dies everyone says masha'allah did you hear the guy actually died you know let's hope we're not from among those my brothers and my sisters so we see it happening and we are the most sophisticated of the creatures of Allah in terms of what is known as posture and even the brain the understanding Allah Almighty says we have created man in the best of postures means the best if Allah is saying the best he's challenging you that there is none better than this you think of any other creature of Allah better posture than ours I've always said and I'm sure you've heard it where your ears are where your eyes are where your nose is where your mouth is your tongue where your fingers are where your nails are can you ever think of a better place to put those organs the answer is no no one has and no one shall it's absolutely superb the way Allah has made subhanallah so we see that we're so sophisticated today I'm in this beautiful beautiful town it's a town right town of Keithley and I tell you it's so amazing as we're Meandering coming to to this particular place from where I was up north in Blackburn I can say something some of these roads are so narrow yet so beautiful that you know what they delay us subham Allah grant us is we had we had a vehicle in front of us at a slow pace and we couldn't really navigate and we had to wait for a certain place in order to overtake that particular car but for me it was so beautiful because I was witnessing all the fields and the Beautiful Greenery and thinking to myself imagine and how it would be no comparison no comparison but still we say subhanallah whenever we see nice things subhanallah alhamdulillah isn't it so Allah Almighty has given us a brain to look at this the eyes with the brain together we look at this we appreciate it I want to spend more time you know I want to stop I want to go and visit these things I want to see the horses we saw some swans and Ducks as we were coming across and I see such lovely beautiful brothers and sisters and amazing we'd like to talk to you I'd like to spend more time with you I'd like to greet you I'd like to know you better but I'm a human being on Earth I can't really do that I can't really do that why time is never on our side I'm glad that I met you today even from a distance I'm so happy you're my brother you're my sister but at the same time the world has limitations now the question is do you really think do you really think that as sophisticated as we are we will just suddenly come to an end without being able to fulfill what we wanted to fulfill even if it was beyond the point of what we know as death I don't believe that I believe Allah will give us the opportunity to meet again and the better circumstances when we can actually sit and get acquainted with each other when we can actually have such time that they will no longer be need to worry about it because it won't exist anymore it's timeless so Allah says o man we have created you in a certain way so sophisticated in order that you worship us and you do the right thing you have a brain to understand right from wrong Guided by revelation you see the mind is such that it is very sophisticated however you feel it it will be filled so if you fill the mind with that which is not beneficial it will give you back that which is not beneficial if you fill the mind with that which is detrimental it will give you back that which is detrimental if you are from an early age and Stage going to learn the wrong things the seeds that you sow at the time will reap fruit that will be harmful for you if someone taught you when you were little that one plus one is three and they looked at you and showed you two fingers and said this is three and you kept on saying one plus one is three and you showed them two fingers you are confused the person who taught you is confused and up to the time you die or up to the time someone else corrects you you might grow up believing one plus one is three yet you are showing two fingers so what you are confused by is the figure two and three you've mixed them up that's what it is why because you were taught wrong from the very beginning let me give you another example when you're learning the Quran if your teacher does not know you're not going to know beyond your teacher and if your teacher is wanting to fiddle with your mind he's going to teach you wrong alif isba and ba is alif and ta is TA and what happens to you you grow up being able to read but you're reading so wrong whose fault is it it's the fault of the system that taught you absolutely wrong but you grew up believing firmly that you are right that's the problem Allah says we've given you a mind if it is Guided by Revelation and you'll use it within that guidance you will definitely come to the most content life on Earth I promise you my brothers and sisters go around looking and searching I've done it the happiest and most content people on Earth are those whose faith is strong they control themselves they don't just do what they want they are disciplined they speak in a certain way they carry themselves in a certain way they connect with their maker knowing that I'm made by a maker and I'm going to go back to that maker and so they have lovely days when they suffer a loss they are patient knowing that we're going to earn a reward from Allah and when they earn something and when they when they have a prophet and something good happens to them they they are happy within a limit and they thank Allah without becoming arrogant and proud knowing that the Gratitude belongs to the one who gave me the owner of everything and at the same time he could take it away any minute may Allah grant us goodness so these are very very deep thoughts and very beautiful teachings that if we were to ponder over them they would make us better Muslims and when you're a better Muslim wallahi you become a more content person the minute you run behind that which you are not supposed to be running behind Allah Almighty tells you you know what you're going to lose firstly your contentment on Earth now one might ask well I've seen people who don't believe in Allah and they're quite content well Allah Almighty tells you that you know what they might be happy they might be happy because we have chosen to reward them in this world for the good they may have done because there are a lot of people who don't have faith but have done a lot of good what about those who don't have faith who don't lie and they don't have faith they don't deceive they don't have faith but they help the poor they don't have faith but they reach out to relatives and to others and they they are kind-hearted and they are great there are so many of those on Earth what does Allah says Allah says we don't oppress them we will give them their goodness on Earth we will give them a happy home a happy family comfortable they will enjoy the holidays they will go here and there they will have a lot of fun and whatever else they may be if they don't believe in the Hereafter at all Allah says what portion do you want us to give them from the Hereafter that's between them and Allah and Allah Almighty already says that if they don't want to believe in it I may not want to give it to them it's up to Allah so Allah doesn't oppress people say oh I know of someone who's really kind to say I know of Allah who's even kinda Allah doesn't oppress if you did good he will give you good in this world you believed in this world alone what are you going to get in this world you believe in the Hereafter Allah says from among those who believe in the Hereafter in order to get what's in the hereafter you have to set the exam you know how powerful that is it is as powerful as or even more powerful than the example of a person who is tested only when he enrolls for that particular course or can I just pick you up from this Masjid today and say hey guys come here I have an examination you want to you need to write say but I'm I haven't enrolled a quote for the course I don't belong to the school and no no you have to write it but for what that's what you're going to say right but the minute you enroll and you want a qualification for something what's going to have to happen you're going to have to learn you're going to have to study you're going to have to sweat you're going to have to have a little sense of anxiety perhaps slightly you know because hey I have an exam tomorrow please make Dua I'm gonna go and so on you're gonna sit the exam and you're going to be questioned and you might fail and you might pass the second time and what might happen you might pass the first time and get good results Allah says well you've enrolled into something known as submission unto Allah because you want a certificate that's going to earn you paradise and therefore you're going to have to go through a bit of an examination what is it well we're going to test you is [Music] Allah says we will test all of you every one of you with a little bit of fear I spoke about anxiety a moment ago a minute ago I'll tell you a little bit of fear has to come in your life somewhere uncertainty trust Allah trust Allah what are you going through right now challenges I just lost my job I've just been diagnosed with this with that trust Allah trust him do your best as a human beyond that you can't do don't worry Beyond Your Capacity some people are worried what's going to happen if my father dies what's going to happen if I do if this happens to me what if I have cancer and I don't know all those what ifs are now from shaytan you are worrying Beyond Your Capacity you have to try your best and leave the rest in the hands of Allah if you are not prepared to leave things in the hands of Allah and engage in what is known as trusting Allah you're going to struggle because not because you deserve to struggle but because you didn't understand what Allah told you Allah says we will never ever burden a soul beyond what they can shoulder but you have burdened yourself beyond what Allah burdened You by Allah told you worry about yourself do the best according to the capacity we've given in you you're worried about your whole family and community not in a good way in a bad way what's the difference a good way is I hear about someone who's unwell I take out some money I go to visit them I make a Dua I try to help them that's in a good way a bad way is you start thinking of things that are not existing and worrying about what if they start happening imagine I walked into this Masjid and everyone died because of some gas attack I mean why would my mind ever even go there for what but if you're a worry pot and you want your mind to go to places that it's not supposed to go to the probabilities are endless you're going to struggle and suffer Allah says you're a Believer we make it easy for you be content by handing things over to us we promise you the first thing we're going to test you by is a little bit of fear you're going to have a bit of anxiety a little bit of uncertainty the answer to that particular test is to lay your trust in Allah what capacity has Allah given you whatever he has given you use it to its extent and then say Oh Allah I did whatever I could I trust you done then if something good happens you praise him and if something bad happens you bear patience and Allah will reward you so now let's go to the next thing Allah says he's going to test you by a little bit of hunger Hunger so many different ways away cannot afford the next meal but sometimes you are wealthy but you can't eat because of some health condition sometimes there's beautiful food but you look at it and you said you know what I can't have it why I eat gluten-free you heard that some can't have it because you know what I'm gonna dye it you know it's a diet you've got to die half your death is there because you look at such lovely things and you're like almost dead that you can't eat it okay sometimes you get used to it you enjoy it say you know what haven't had sugar in ages my man you don't know what you're missing out on and then they come about to the lame thing I'm sweet enough wow masha'allah read that before in fact I've used that line too may Allah sweeten us I mean without sugar by the way but my brothers and my sisters it's just a test Allah says we test you with Hunger there might be times when what you're accustomed to is not there Luke recently didn't we not have some of the fruits and veggies we were accustomed to and the shelves were somewhat empty for whatever political or non-political reason but the the the reality is weren't the some of the shelves empty you could have had a stash of pounds but you were unable to purchase the reason was it wasn't there isn't that a test are you going to get angry make a tantrum start punching people up or at least punch the wall and hurt yourself and whatever it won't help you Allah says bear patience be patient it won't come you're used to this fresh food beautiful fresh beetroot with pomegranate every morning masha'allah come to Africa by the way grows in our yard and you're used to this lovely and one day it's not there where is my juice relax man people don't even have water when you're fighting about something that's a luxury no but my health my diet forget your diet for a day just pay patience say oh Allah I really want it but it's okay it's not there I'm still going to get up for virtual I'm still going to connect with you I'm still going to thank you it's okay and I come from Africa let me tell you at times this is not about food it's about something else every single day electricity just goes off when you need it the most right now it's winter back in South Africa if you might have seen snowing snowing for the first time in some of those places in history and we don't have the heaters like you have here and then the electricity is gone and everyone's freezing right it's a test from Allah it's a luxury you can use a blanket or two or three that's what the people have been doing all along but because we're accustomed to heaters and under flooring and whatever they call it under underflow Heating and something else and so on we become so so depressed because you know what I can't you can just adjust a little bit Allah says we will test you that's another testimony Allah says we have to test you because you've enrolled for the Hereafter one of the tests is we will make you suffer a loss you're going to lose some money some wealth so either someone stole from you either it was a bad deal either you lost a job either you're in debt for some reason I hope it's for the right reasons because debt is one of the worst things you could get yourself into may Allah help us all get out of our debts I mean so Allah says you have to suffer a loss sometimes in business you're a multi-millionaire but one day the whole business burns down thank Allah oh Allah for 40 years I afforded everything today you took my whole business away help me so that when I start afresh tonight it will grow bigger than what it was yesterday before it was burnt is that your condition if it is Allah says you've just passed your test with flying colors and you know what we replenish what we took from you beyond what you had that's Allah it's not easy it's not easy ask those who lose a hundred pounds they have a sleepless night depending on how much you have obviously but ask those who've lost something they really are struggling I lost this guy actually stole three grand from me yes you can pursue it you can achieve justice but don't become depressed because of that trust Allah Allah knows he planned it for you before you were born he knew it was going to come in your direction he just wants to watch what's your reaction and what are you going to do that's Allah we're going to test every single one of you with these things your examination questions are already told to you it's going to happen to you you're gonna get sick someday anyway Allah says in terms of wealth well in terms of Life Allah says someone's going to die around you whom you love it has to happen or you're gonna die subhanallah have you lost a loved one many will say yes how does it feel it was the most difficult thing I tell you when you've lost a child that's probably one of the most difficult difficult times of your life something that is very challenging extremely difficult Allah knows Allah knows a few days ago I was sitting at someone's house who lost a child they had a child after a long time and then when the child was about a month old perhaps 29 days old on the day of Eid the child suddenly stopped breathing and passed away within five minutes sitting with them do you know what I said I said the reason why I know that Allah loves you is because he chooses Those whom he wants to go through bigger challenges and bigger tests and he chose Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam to go through exactly what you guys have just gone through some of those who are close to Allah would actually look at you and say I wish this happened to me Allahu Akbar sounds silly right the reason would be if it happened to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and now it's happening to you Allah chose him Allah is choosing you it's going to require a huge bag of patience and Allah chooses you to engage in that act of worship the patience is an act of worship and I'm going to prove that to you with the rest of this verse that I was reading so may Allah make it easy you've lost a child one of the most difficult things but you've lost a parent it's also extremely difficult let me explain if you've lost a parent and you're an orphan Allah loves you more than Allah loves the others the simple reason he did it for Nabi Muhammad again look at how you've been chosen for the same tests and that's why if you're an orphan good news for you is that your success and failure does not depend on whether or not you've had a parent but it depends on many other factors and the whole host of factors because the most successful ever his father passed away before he was born his mother died while he was a little child see but we know most noble chosen by Allah as the most noble of all Messengers the most the greatest of all creation according to our belief my brothers my sisters Allah will test you don't be despondent life we didn't come here to just enjoy every day whether you believe or you don't believe you're still going to be tested when you believe the tests become easier because you have conviction and faith and you rely on Allah and you believe in him and you know that you're going to be given something in return and in litter of your struggles and your sufferings so Allah says meaning death will happen around you you're going to lose people around you prepare for the day if it hasn't happened but but importantly don't become anxious or worried by the thoughts of something that hasn't happened oh today we were told I'm gonna lose my loved one so now what if I lose my brother what if I lose my sister what if that what if is the door of the devil low foreignties because that's the door of the devil it opens the door of shaytan that's what Allah says so if anyone's going to study probabilities and possibilities of negative things that could have or should have or will or might happen then you've got a problem strengthen your faith in Allah rely on Allah it's okay the day it happens there we are the day I see symptoms I will try and help and deal if it happened Beyond My Control I will if it was a good thank Allah for each that's a movement that's a believer you'll enjoy your life even if you don't have anything you'll enjoy every day of it you get up and you pray and you realize you know what I got up and prayed because my Lord invited me to do that wow my Lord invited me have you heard the invitation you're going to hear it just now when the thing calls it mean what does Haya mean come is come not an invitation come to what come to prayer who's inviting you Allah invitation if we had a dinner this evening and you guys were invited wouldn't you be excited I would be because I get a bit more time with you guys that's a basic thing invited to a dinner get excited I'm invited to paradise and I'm not excited don't even get up for Fajr come on guys we do better inshallah I challenge you guys and myself as well we need to strengthen ourselves get up a little bit earlier inshallah because you respond to the invite of the lord of the Worlds I've always said is a prayer that's not compulsory but it's by invite only Allah invites you to it that's it you're not invited you're going to be sleeping Allah chooses his worship as whom he wants to get up before Fajr Allah chooses so you you and you like you to come and then you end up getting up you end up making wudu and you come and you don't realize that was your Lord's love that wanted you to fulfill something not compulsory out of love consider yourself fortunate you gotta fought to hurt you wow that's a sign now that there is a deep connection between you and Allah there goes I hope that's motivation enough to wake us up at least for Fajr I always get tears in my eyes when I think after we're all weak don't think that I'm sitting here in front of you so I must be making the hajajid every day no I didn't not even today but it's not like I don't ever do it I don't need you to know but all I need you to know is I'm just a human like you it's not like I I fulfill it every day no I don't in fact I'm not even regular with it may Allah make us regular it's not Farah I had to clarify that because people look at you and they're starting this guy must be so holy yeah there are a few holes that we do have alhamdulillah may Allah Almighty grant us goodness and piety all of us may Allah we are all brothers and sisters we're we have the same struggles and trust me we're in the same ship and that's why we're talking to each other today on a similar level by the will of Allah let's go back to that verse so Allah Almighty says we're going to test you and we spoke about loss and we spoke about loss of life loss of wealth loss of produce we spoke a little bit about loss of produce Allah mentions it specifically because produce is connected to that which you're farming perhaps it may be there one year it may not be there one year but if you're not a farmer you will still be affected by loss of so many food items or whatever it may be in terms of what you sow seeds of the grow Allah says it might not grow people were asking me what about crypto I say crypto you know you might lose or you might lose I can't come and tell you Halal Haram and all of that because you know there may be scope of permissibility but in reality is if you're not intelligent enough you're going to lose stay away from it man unless you know what you're doing may Allah Almighty protect us the point is you may lose and you may lose a lot if you've lost a lot and there's no way of getting things back do you know what my brothers and sisters you have to take it in your stripe you have to just make the most of what you now have and get up again and start doing things don't lose hope in a short time you will be in a better place than you were I've witnessed this time and again and then guess what Allah says and this was the point I said I'm going to mentioning give good news to those who bear some or bear patience those who bear patience give them good news who are they either those who bear patients are those whom when Calamity strikes them [Music] when Calamity strikes them they say well we all belong to Allah anyway and we are going to return to him again anyway subhanallah Allah gave me what he gave me it was his he took it back it's okay he will give it back to me and he will give me more than that he's the owner of it before it came to me and he was the owner of it while it was with me and he is the current owner of it even though it's gone away from me that's a believer subhanallah and then Allah Almighty tells us that Those whom when Calamity strikes them they say we all belong to Allah we're all going to return to Allah everything belongs to Allah everything is going to return to Allah Allah says for those people goodness from Allah goodness from Allah and the mercy of Allah descends upon them and those are the ones who are successful who are rightly guided who are they they are the ones whom they realize and understand listen I've enrolled into this examination so I'm going to be tested and that's why in the Quran Allah says something very clearly and what is it Allah says those who don't believe when we've given them don't let it deceive you giving or not giving is not necessarily a sign of our contentment and happiness we've given people whom we've disliked and we've kept away things from people whom we've loved but a winner is the one who passes the examination when Allah gives you he expects you to humble and to get closer to him and I've noticed people and I'm sure we all have of all different types some people when Allah blesses them with million and then a 10 million and 100 million you find them at the mosque much more and they're so humble and the guys to know this guy here is actually a multi-millionaire did you see the the cullinan outside belongs to this man and you're looking at him crying in the first stuff I've seen people like that crying in the first stuff I've seen people like that in Nigeria this guy crying here you know the private jet we came in was his Allah I've seen people like this in Nigeria how's that and the reason why I single out Nigeria is people think oh these guys might be this might be that wallahi you will be amazed if only but you knew what went on the good things that went on you know in this world bad news flies fast talk about Mufti menk for example someone says one bad thing the whole world knows about it but they'll ignore the good you've done for the last 30 years why because that's between you and Allah it's Allah's way of doing things what can we do it's man it's okay leave it ignore if they think you're bad it's okay for as long as Allah knows you're good don't try and impress them impress Allah so Allah Almighty is telling us that the test is when we give you humble yourself I told you some people when they're given they come close to Allah they thank Allah they don't know how to thank Allah that's why they are so happy so delighted they help people they are charitable they give and given Allah says o son of Adam spend and I will spend on you you won't give others I give you how's that but we don't believe that sometimes I've got my few pounds in my pocket right now guess what I'm gonna hold on to them because if I lose them the minute you see a cause that needs more than what you need follow the example of the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him try to give them even a little droplet of what you have and watch what Allah does for you every single time I've given something without fail I've gotten more than that I'm talking me and I'm sure all of you you probably have seen that and please don't be ridiculous by giving everything away because the Quran warns you about that too you say listen today we heard giveaway and it'll be multiplied I got 10 grand in my account just give the 10 grand away let's see what happens you might spend another two years without any money because you were a little bit foolish Allah says your basic needs keep it give something give extra you may want to give a little bit more sometimes you might want to take a bit of a risk in inverted Commerce but alhamdulillah let it go it's okay fine we have Abdullah Aid with us today for example raising money for those who require dialysis from the Syrian refugees in the desert of Jordan and subhanallah guess what yes the cause is open I'm sure they would have their their their little uh card machines and tins and everything as you're exiting a few pounds won't do your arm inshallah you know what it will help you it will open your doors I've seen people who don't know other people yet they're making Dua for them because those people facilitated for them some medical attention and you didn't even know them if you were to swipe a card and say look I'd like to help with the dialysis do you really think the guy is getting the dialysis know your name and surname date of birth and how much you weigh they don't but they make Dua for you oh Allah whoever made this possible for me bless them grant them goodness give them Baraka in their lives in their spouses in their children in their family members in their health in their wealth in whatever in their Deen in the Dunya in their and their crying tears and you're busy sitting in Keithley enjoying a beautiful Munch somewhere down the road masha'allah and you don't even realize you actually are happy today and content and you actually have succeeded to this level because some Widow somewhere in the desert has been making Dua for you without her knowing you or you knowing her but Allah knows both of you well lie I've seen it happening myself so that's why Allah says when we've given you do something with it you the aim like I said at the beginning of the talk is to get Paradise that's what I want this life is short I could drop dead here and now and so could you and I'm not saying it in a depressive way I'm saying that's a reality I need to ask myself what have you done to prepare for that day well I can tell you what I've done I seek the Forgiveness of Allah every day as many times as I can oh Allah forgive my shortcomings I love you and I know that you love me too and oh Allah I know for a fact that I'm trying my best I am a human I faulted I've committed sin not because I defy you but I'm a human my human weakness I love you so much I want you to forgive me and Grant me Paradise do you know what when you die do you really think those words would have gone wasted if you were genuine about them well every time you say it it's it's said there and it's written by the angels and Allah sees it and knows it and when you get there and you see oh Allah forgive me oh Allah forgive me even the day you died in the morning you started the morning with a prayer with your Fajr and then what happened to you you repeat it's only times oh Allah forgive me grant me paradise and so on that day you said it do you really think Allah is not going to give you Paradise come on come on we have hope in the mercy of Allah not the hope that leads you to sin but the hope that leads you to improve yourself even if you've fallen into things difference between the two and then we know of people whom Allah took away from and he drives lifted them away from Allah some people are like that and we also know of the other side where Allah is taken away from people and it brought them closer to Allah and that's the majority of us Believers when Allah takes something away from you and you come closer to him it's a sign of his love so anything that drifts you away from Allah is worrisome it's something you should be worried about and anything that brings you closer to Allah is a good thing it's a sign of the love of Allah even if it was negative according to the world may Allah Almighty grant us goodness and ease and open our doors and may Allah Almighty help us to help others and I pray that the few words I've said today would actually help us put things into perspective regarding who we are as meaning and at the same time how we should be working and looking into the negatives that happen in our lives and how we help others Allah will help you and insha Allah I pray that we can solidify the bonds of our own family members and our community and we can spread the love and the goodness of the Deen of Allah let's learn this and let's try and do it and let's try and be genuine towards one another and you will notice the doors of Jannah being flung open and The Gatekeepers of Jannah greeting you with Salah peace be upon you you've done very very well in your examination right you've done very well so enter forever go and enjoy and in child life we don't get a chance to meet here and spend a few moments inshallah with one another by the will of Allah we meet in the companionship of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the Hereafter I mean
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Id: WEjOnQ079c4
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Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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