Chalk Paint Bargain v. Premium Brands | Waverly, Rustoleum v. Annie Sloan, Dixie Belle, Jolie

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hi everybody its Christina from pretty distressed welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be bringing you some more paint comparisons I'm gonna be taking name-brand paints and putting them head-to-head with some bargain brand paints so if you want to see how these paints perform in a head-to-head competition just keep watching if you are new here I am a furniture painter and refinisher and you will find me on here at making over pieces of furniture or doing paint comparisons like this so if you haven't subscribed yet please consider doing that before you leave you guys went crazy for my last paint comparison where I compared to Annie Sloan and Waverly chalk so I grabbed a bunch more colors in Waverly chalk and I got a new one rust-oleum chalked that you guys have asked me lots of questions about and I keep saying I haven't tried it so today I'm finally gonna be trying it I'm gonna be stacking those paints against a bunch of name-brand paint that you guys see me use on my channel and just see how the colors vary and how they perform I'm gonna be using clear coat top coats and some waxes I'm gonna break this down into colors down and the time stamp so if there's a specific paint or color you're wanting to see you can jump straight to that one I'm sure this is gonna be really chatty like my last one so let's zoom in and start comparing these paints I'm going to be using a piece of furniture to demo these paints today I like doing that instead of just using boards to give you an idea of what they're gonna look like on a piece of furniture I'm gonna use shellac to seal this piece because I have previously stripped off at the varnish and chalk paint for another video that I did about can you remove chalk paint so I'm just putting the shellac on so that it's gonna seal the piece and it's gonna act like a regular piece of furniture that you would have in your house shellac is also a great thing to have on hand because it will stop bleed through and seal in odors of any furniture piece you have so here are all the brands I'm gonna be using today I have three colors of Waverly chalk and I'm gonna be trying out rest oleum chalk for the first time I'm gonna be pitting it against a nice lone Jolie and dixiebell all paints that you've seen on my channel before I also have a bunch of different top coats to try out today from rust-oleum and Waverly and then we're going to be using Jolie and Annie Sloan wax and the Dixie Belle clearcoat first up is the Battle of the grays I'm gonna be using waverly chalk in elephant versus Dixie Bellel in hurricane gray and to make things fair I'm gonna be using the same brush for every single paint so I'm gonna be using my Zibra palm Pro today it's gonna give a smooth finish for every paint and I am going to be watering down every single paint you guys came for me last time in the last video that I did this but I water down all of my paint basically unless I'm going for a really textured look this does not affect its performance it's actually just gonna help it go on smoother my goal in this video is not to persuade you to buy a specific paint or to dub a winner over the other I just want to show you side-by-side comparison so you can make the best decision for what paint you want to buy that fits your budget the best that you feel comfortable with so I'm not going to be dragging anybody or singing anybody's praises I'm just gonna be painting giving my opinion but you can take it or leave it so this is Waverly chalk and elephant again I have used this paint before in videos and I've become a big fan of it I like the way that it goes on it performs well it is an acrylic based paint but it does give you that matte finish like a chalk paint on the other side we are putting this up against Dixie Belle hurricane gray which I love I've used before on my son's bunk beds it's a really beautiful rich grey color and it has a great coverage and just to remind you I'm going for a smooth look on all these so I'm using the synthetic Zibra brush and I am keeping my brushstrokes going in the same direction and by the way since I'm painting with the zebra brush I wanted to tell you guys that me and my good friend kaca were on the zebra before and after podcast this week talking about YouTube and I hope you guys go check it out I'll link it in the description box so I'm gonna go through all the different colors that I have paint those sections on and then we'll come back when they're dry to compare them a little bit more after that first coat so next up I'm gonna do Waverly Ink vs. Jolie Noir so something I want to note is how thick this Waverly is and this is a big reason why I water it down I know in the last video people did not like that but like I said I water down all my paints I'm gonna say that a couple of times as I'm doing this there's nothing wrong with how thick it is it's just a very different from paints that I'm used to working with one thing I am super impressed with this ink color is just how pigmented and truly black it is going on most blacks that you work with they kind of go on blue and then dry down black but this almost looks like ink I can see why they named it ink I was also really impressed by the coverage it really seemed to just kind of melt into the piece and I couldn't see any wood I think one coat would be enough with this color but in the same token it's so pigmented it stained my hand so I would be super careful with this color because if you get it on anything besides your piece of furniture it is definitely gonna stay in whatever you're working with next up is jolie new or again I'm watering it down and I've used this color on several pieces I used two on my nightstand that I did recently and on my son's desk and this does go on very blue but it dries down to a beautiful black I know it performs well and I know it's gonna hold up because I have it in my home and it's also a good option if you're wanting to mix colors because I have used it with a blue before to create a really rich navy I think if you mixed the ink it would just get really muddy and dark because of how black and pigmented it is but this definitely does not have the same coverage as the Waverly I know I'm gonna need at least two coats on this color to get it to the same coverage as the Waverly next up are the Battle of the whites I have Rust-oleum chalked in linen white and Jolie and Palace white this is my first time working with this paint it does have a very strong odor just like Waverly Waverly has a very strong paint odor but this one is a lot smoother than Waverly it does go on really thick so I was seeing a lot of brush strokes but the coverage is amazing because of how thick it is it adhered really well just like a chalk paint but I honestly think it performs a little bit more like a latex than a chalk paint and sometimes with these paints the brushstrokes can level out as they dry so we'll just see what the second and third coat look like on here with white you are gonna have to do probably three coats sometimes four so I do recommend if you are doing white and going for a smooth finish and you don't want to see any of that wood underneath using a primer or cover stain is always a good idea just because you're gonna save paint in the long run okay next up is a Jolie palace white this is a pretty close to a pure white but just has a little bit of a tint to it so it's not that pure white I use this on my shiplap video over my fireplace if you guys have seen that one again the coverage is pretty similar to the Rust-Oleum the rest of all you might have just a little bit better coverage on that first coat but the Jolie is definitely smoother and has more of that matte appearance compared to the Rust-oleum okay lastly I'm gonna compare a Waverly pool versus Annie Sloan Chalk paint in duck egg blue so this is the Battle of the Blues they're toned differently but I wanted to be able to use Annie Sloan paint again because I know so many people ask me questions about it so this is the pool again it's very chunky just like the ink was and just like the elephant I really liked the color going on wet but as it dried down it got a lot brighter and I wasn't as big of a fan of it and it got more opaque the more it dried down which I'll show you when I go through all the different colors after they're dry but going on I had no issues with it and it was smooth performing just like the other colors so onto Annie Sloan duck egg blue again you can see it's a lot smoother than the Waverley just by looking at it this performed super well I couldn't believe just this was the best coat single coat besides the Waverly ink which I was really shocked by cuz I've used this color a lot and this is one of my favorite colors so I'm trying not to be biased about this specific paint but I am just I'm a fan of duck egg blue I have lots of love for it I've done lots of pieces in it and I have it as a accent piece around my home but the coverage was amazing on just a single coat of this color so here is what all the first coats looked like dried down the elephant is looking a little streaky compared - the Dixie Belle but it has better coverage with the blacks the Waverly definitely has a better coverage than the Jolie after that first coat that you can see the Jolie actually dried down very black and it does not look blue anymore the whites are looking at very similar and coverage like I said we're probably gonna have to pile on two or three coats and then now let this dry down you can see the big difference the pool does not cover as well as the a nice lone but I'm just going back in and I'm just gonna do two coats on everything with the exception I'm gonna do three coats on the white just so you can get a better idea of what those are going to look like so I will show you all of these once they dry down on that second coat and then we're gonna start adding different top coats and comparing those okay the second coat on the greys are looking good I actually don't see the streaking as much on that elephant so I'm happy with that the blacks both look great again that Waverly looks a little bit deeper to me than the Jolie this is the white after three coats and not a big difference between the two they were looking pretty similar and then we have the Blues again even after two coats I'm not super happy with the pool I think you would need to add a third coat but I'm trying to do apples to apples here so I'm just gonna see how this looks when I topcoat it okay for the top coats I'm gonna be testing out a lot of different things on these paints so try to keep up I am gonna be using this dixiebell brush anytime I use in its synthetic brush this is the Dixie Belle mini angle and I'm also gonna be using a foam brush so the first one that I am putting on is the Waverly matte varnish I've used this before on the white I used this in my last comparison video and I really liked it but I don't like it on top of this gray for some reason it was pulling the paint up it looked really streaky going on and it only got worse as it dried down so pretty quickly I grabbed the foam brush just to compare the two to see if that went on a little better and I think it is you're it's easier to get this on smoother with this foam brush but again it's like lifting up the paint and it rewetting just not not a super big fan it's really thick like I said before I didn't have that many issues like this on white paint so maybe it's just this particular paint I'm not a fan of so since I didn't like the way this was going I wanted to see how the dixiebell top coat was gonna perform on this paint so I cleaned that brush off and grabbed some of the clear coat I found recently that using this top coat with a damp brush helps it perform even better so I am just putting this on like I normally do brush strokes growing in the same direction that I painted on for that smooth look and this was going on a lot better I know it looks white but I know how this stuff dries down it dries down very level and very clear so I was just hoping that this was gonna look a lot better than the way the Waverly section was going and I noticed that it did not lift the paint so I'm thinking that was a Waverly top coat issue and not the brushes that I was using or a paint issue and then I went ahead and just applied this to my dixiebell side and like I said I like to just keep this in smooth strokes don't overwork it too much it is very white as it goes on especially on a dark color like this but it dries down completely flat and it levels out a little bit as it dries as well so here's the Battle of the grace once they dried down as you can see that Waverly just got really streaky over this color just doesn't look very good I do like the dixiebell on it which is that stripe right down in the middle that actually looks really great and it's not streaky at all and then the dixiebell on top of the Hurricane Cray looks beautiful let's move over to the black I'm gonna be using a lot of different top coats so pay attention we're starting with the Waverly matte varnish and again this was lifting off the paint just like it did with the grey but it wasn't looking a streaky next up I tried the Waverly wax which is very runny and I'm just using a lint-free cloth to apply that I was seeing some little white fuzzies as I put this on and buffed it off with a clear section so I decided to try a shop towel as well I've seen some people use those before and that seemed to be working a little bit better I did see some blue bits in there but not as much as the white so I was a little happier with that this wax was pulling up the paint too just like it did with the varnish I'm gonna be using Jolie wax to seal the Jolie paint they do have a varnish now but I don't have any and I would like to try it out so maybe in a future video I'm just applying this the same way apply the Waverly wax using a lint-free cloth to put it on and then buffing it off with a clear section of my towel and I also wanted to try out the shop towels versus the lint-free rags and those worked really well just to add another top coat in there I wanted to see what the Dixie Belle clear coat looked like over both of these paints so here are all the top coats dried down plaque is pretty difficult to film but I think you can see the difference here I think I all turned out pretty good it just depends on what look you're going for I like the Jolie side the best because I like the way they're wax looks that's just a personal preference I think that the Waverly varnish is a little bit too shiny for me but it dried down smooth and doesn't look streaky like it did on the gray and I actually really liked the way the Dixie Belle looks on both of these paints it looked really great on the Jolie and on the Waverly it looked just a little bit streaky so I don't know that might transfer well to a whole piece okay on to the whites I'm gonna use the Rust-oleum matte clear topcoat on top of the rust-oleum paint you may notice I'm not painting on the top of the table I lost that footage but luckily I had more white paint on the back of here so that's what I'm using to show you guys the top coat so I'm just applying this with that Dixie Belle brush again and I actually really liked the way this went on it was not as thick as the Waverly it reminded me a lot of the dixiebell spells similar and it went on really similar so I was pretty impressed with this one by my first impression and then I just rinsed my brush off and applied Dixie Belle on top of my Jolie paint since I don't have it the Jolie varnish and again there weren't any really big issues putting this on it performed very similar over this paint as it did over the Dixie Belle paint so here are the whites dry and side-by-side they look very similar I think the Jolie you can't really tell over camera but the Jolie does have less brushstrokes because that Rust-oleum is thicker so the rest oleum is gonna give you a better coverage but you are gonna see more brush strokes but both of these top coats dried down flat and very smooth and did not like streaks so I was happy with both of them I will say that I found that white is the most forgiving with any topcoat so I would definitely like to try these over more colors last up is the Blues I'm starting with the Waverly varnish and I grabbed the wrong foam brush that had black paint on it so I grabbed a clean one and applied that and then I also put the wax on the bottom section of this one that's the Waverly wax and then on the Annie Sloan side I grabbed some Annie Sloan wax and did that on the top which it really deepened up the color a lot more than any of the other topcoat products and then just for fun I took the dixiebell clear coat again and wanted to see what that was gonna look like on the bottom portion okay so here they are dry the top coats performed pretty well the Waverly top coats over the pool I think those do better with lighter colors so you're gonna be safer using those on lighter colors this color had the least coverage out of all the Waverly colors I think you would need three maybe four coats to completely cover your piece with the specific color on the other side at the Annie Sloan coverage with that paint was really great the wax looks beautiful with it it deepened it a little bit but the dixiebell clear coat also performed really well but it did not darken the color as much it just gave a beautiful finish not streaky so I think you could use either one of those with this paint okay no that was a lot of info hopefully you can go back and re-watch the sections that you really want to learn about I also created a really handy cheat sheet for you guys that I'm gonna link down below it has all the paints listed out and all the top coats how much they cost how much comes in them and then what the cost is per ounce just so you can look at that all in one place and make a decision which paints gonna work best for you thank you guys for joining me for this paint comparison today let me know your thoughts down in the comments everybody was really opinionated last time and I love to hear all of them if there's a specific paint that you want to see me cover in a future video let me know I'll be back next week with another project thanks for being here you guys and I will see you next time I will be back a week I will be back week I will be back put up some paint and start painting let's open up she ran upstairs OH Wow holla lookin smokin'
Channel: Christina Muscari
Views: 385,275
Rating: 4.9225297 out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint, annie sloan, waverly chalk paint, annie sloan chalk paint, diy, waverly, painted furniture, how to chalk paint, chalk paint tutorial, chalk painting, chalk paint furniture, paint furniture, furniture makeover, how to use chalk paint, how to, christina muscari, pretty distressed, furniture wax, varnish, top coat, antique, dixie belle, tutorial, paint wood, chalk paint tutorials, chalk paint for beginners, walmart, dixie belle paint, jolie paint, rustoleum chalked
Id: ZOY5Y9wAdic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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