Modern Extreme Furniture Makeover \\ Building the @DIY Wife New Wood Base

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hi everybody it's christina from pretty distressed i'm giving you a full on vlog style makeover this week because i am attempting to do someone else's tutorial i'm going to be tackling the diy wife's furniture base this is going crazy right now everybody is trying it out and it's finally my turn so i'm going to be tackling this ugly ugly piece behind me here so if you want to see this ugly duckling makeover just keep watching so this is the piece i will be tackling today i got this from goodwill a really long time ago and i thought this was the perfect piece to attempt this base on but i've honestly been really scared about getting the craig jig out and attempting it but i'm finally trying it today so many people have been doing this from katie scott yari at lilly moon vintage my friend the hansons at hanson's furnishings and andrea is the one that started this whole trend it's such a beautiful base and this guy is really really low to the ground so i need to lift him up because he's just really super awkward right now just a really awkward height so we're gonna do it i'm gonna take you to home depot i'm gonna show you all the things all the mess ups because there probably will be some i've never used the kreg jig on my own so that's gonna be interesting i have used the circular saw a couple of times so hopefully that will go okay it's gonna be interesting so i've just flipped it on its back to try to figure out where i'm gonna put the base before i build it and this side is sticking out um this lip is sticking out so i'm gonna have to sand this down to make this all flush to be able to make the base fit on correctly so that's my plan right now so i'm going to measure from the bottom of here the bottom of this piece to the floor to get my measurements for the base i watched andrea's tutorial to get all my measurements before i headed to the store to buy my wood [Music] so my closest option that i have is home depot so i am trying here first to see if i can find the wood that i need so wish me luck i was able to find the red oak that i was looking for in here i only needed about 36 worth of wood but i did buy a little bit overage in case i messed up [Music] i'm using my festool in its rotex setting to shave down these sides [Music] this hardware is really dated and i want to give this more of a mid mod look so i'm going to remove these and fill the holes [Music] i've got my white lightening solution in my bottle so i'm just going to spray it all over the piece and give it a good clean cleaning is oh so important it'll get all the grease and residue off here and just always helps for paint adhesion and with this white lightning you always want to rinse it after you're done cleaning [Music] my top was bubbling in places so i took a medium grit sandpaper and smoothed those areas out [Music] i decided to just go ahead and give this whole piece of scuff sand with a 220 sandpaper just to make sure that my paint sticks really [Music] well i had a really deep gouge on the side of my piece so i'm just mixing up a two-part all-purpose putty to fill that in [Music] and since i had that all mixed up i just used this to fill my holes if you didn't have to repair a big gouge like that you could just use dixie mud to fill your holes that's typically what i do but i'm going to use my dixie mud to actually grain fill since this is a oak piece it had some really deep grain and i want it to be more modern and smooth so i'm going to take my dixie mud add a little bit of water and paint that on to fill the grain [Music] i took a break from my grain filling to sand down my holes once they were dry and then i grain filled all the drawers [Music] so once my mud was dry i'm just taking a 220 sandpaper and removing the excess and you can see that that grain is nice and filled now [Music] i'm also going to smooth out my repair [Music] i'm going to use this attachment to get around my curves i'm about to cut i'm just triple checking my length but i have for the base uh because i don't want to mess up this way i'm cutting all my boards down to size from my measurements that i took earlier if you want detailed instructions on how to measure and cut your base make sure you check out andrea's video that i'll link in the description below [Music] i'm sure there's a more technical way to make these angles on the feet but i'm following the same thing that andrea did just be really careful when you're using the saw and do not have your hand anywhere close to the blade [Music] oh my gosh it's pretty close that's pretty close that's pretty close [Music] here's my practice board that i did with pocket holes and i had a spare two by two so this is essentially what i'm gonna do i just used some practice wood first and i'm glad i did because i messed these two up i'm using the craig jig k4 this was really easy to use this is my first time using it on my own we've used it for some other projects um but i would recommend getting this one if you can because it was just really really simple to use i'm going to do a pair of pocket holes at the end of each 1 by 3 board and that's how they're going to attach to the feet [Music] and then i'm going to do some additional pocket holes down the side of each board and that's the way it's going to attach to the dresser again for more details go check out the diy wife's tutorial [Music] now i'm just going to clean up all that dust i created this makes a really big mess and i'm going to give all my pieces a light sanding i got the fine thread of hardwood screws that andrea recommended and i'm gonna put my base together [Music] full disclosure i cracked two different feet i think it would be helpful if you had clamps and did pilot holes on here i had the fine screws and i did it really slowly but i you know i'm just used to working with pine that's softer and oak is really easy to crack so definitely take it slow with the drill have it on a low setting and i think if i were gonna do this again i would use some clamps so after a couple of setbacks i finally got my base together [Music] okay now on to a part where i know what i'm doing so i'm gonna just clean off my piece and get it ready to start painting i am gonna prime this today with dixie bell boss in gray because i'm using a dark color so a gray primer is great for that this is just gonna block in some of the old smell that this had i got this from goodwill so i wanted to block some of that odor and it's also just going to give a nice clean surface for everything to adhere to since i did so many repairs on it and i'm going to be painting this piece in this beautiful dark green with like a black undertone this is collard greens i've been wanting to try this color forever and i think it's going to be perfect for this piece and i'm using my dixie bell angled mini to apply this one of my favorite dixie bell brushes [Music] i am going for a modern smooth look so i have my spray bottle on hand to help smooth my paint out [Music] okay day three my first coat is looking amazing so i'm gonna go ahead and put on that second coat for my second coat i like to add it to a container and spread some water in there just to thin it out of it [Music] i took the drawers out on my second coat just to make sure i was hitting all the areas i needed to you know let's back it up just a little bit this i let that coat dry completely before we flipped it on its back and then we clamped the base on to get it in place before we started to attach it okay so we think we lined it up good very scared [Music] i had these little triangle supports from another piece that i had disassembled in the past so i put these on the back instead of having to do one long board across the back that would have just been really expensive so this was a cheaper option for me and the base is going to have that nice extra support on the back [Music] [Music] i'm gonna seal the whole piece with a big mama's butter in my favorite scent this is orange and i'm gonna use the best dang wax brush to apply it i thought maybe you guys are sick of seeing me do clear coat and flat so i wanted to change it up a little bit i love using this natural wax on dark colors like this i just think it's really beautiful plus i wanted to use this on the base because i saw katie scott do that and the way that this big mama's butter make this makes this red oak look without adding a stain or anything is just absolutely gorgeous so thank you katie for showing me this tip [Music] um [Music] so [Music] once i'm done applying this wax i'm just grabbing a black old t-shirt so it's going to be lint free and i'm just wiping back any of that excess [Music] i got these fingerless pulls from amazon that are so cool so i'm just marking where i want them [Music] these drawers are oak too so i'm doing some pilot holes on here to help my screws go in and i'm not done with my big mama's butt out yet because you can actually use it on the inside of drawers that are wood like this to rejuvenate them and freshen them up [Music] okay before i do the big reveal i just want to tell you what i learned so my number one takeaway from doing this project is i think pilot holes and clamps are going to be your best friend for actually putting the base together the pocket holes were so much easier than i thought they were going to be that kreg jig k4 is really really easy to use my first time using it um what else i guess my only other the key takeaway from this is that this was hard this was hard for me um it took a lot of time and a lot more effort than i'm used to putting into furniture but it was really fun to try something new so don't like put the pressure on yourself to be perfect the first time you're attempting someone else's tutorial things take practice it takes work it probably won't be perfect the first time you do it i have some cracks and splits that i'm not so happy about but i've learned for next time ways to do things better so now we're ready for the big reveal okay she's not perfect i don't even know if she's up to my standards of selling but i really do love it i can't believe that i did this i can't believe the transformation of this piece i would definitely like to try this again in the future and i have a lot of experience under my belt now thanks again to andrea the diy wife for sharing this amazing tutorial thanks for joining me for today's video check out some of my other extreme makeovers before you guys leave i will be back next week with another project thanks for being here you guys and i will see you next time you
Channel: Christina Muscari
Views: 97,751
Rating: 4.942884 out of 5
Keywords: Furniture Makeover, Painted Furniture, How To Paint Furniture, How to Build A New Base For Furniture, DIY Furniture Build, Beginner Woodworking, Dixie Belle Paint, Chalk Paint, Chalk Painted Furniture, Recycled Furniture, Repurposed Furniture, Furniture Flip, How to Flip Furniture, Modern Furniture, Upcycle, Thrift, Modern Design, Contemporary Design, Power Tools, Kreg, diy wife furniture, furniture painting, chalk paint, furniture makeover, mid mod makeover
Id: PIbSjAlUW6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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