Chalk Paint vs. Regular Latex Paint for Furniture | Battle of the Paints!

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One of the most frequently asked questions  that i get is why chalk paint and my answer   has always been that chalk paint is made  specifically for use on furniture surfaces   and latex paint is made for walls but i've  never used plain old latex wall paint on a   piece of my furniture before so maybe i'm missing  out on something so i decided to put together a   side-by-side test of a few different paint  options to see what the differences really are hi if you're new here my name is katie i am  the owner and artist behind salvaged by k   scott i have been running my very own furniture  flipping business right here out of my home for   the past four years and now i'm here sharing  my knowledge and experiences here with you guys   on youtube if you're interested in some really  awesome more modern furniture flips tips and   tricks please make sure that you are subscribed  to my channel and hit the bell so that you're   notified every time i upload a brand new flip  there are an endless amount of paints on the   market to get the job done and make over a piece  of furniture and i'm sure that they all have their   own individual pros and cons but to see if my  own bias towards chalk style furniture paints   actually holds any weight i am going to  put these five furniture paints to the test   to see what happens i'll be performing all of  my tests on this little side table top i decided   that i would test my paint selections on the  bare tabletop with my minimum standard of prep   as well as over my favorite primer and also  sealed with my favorite protective top coat   the absolute bare minimum prep that you should  be doing when you're getting ready to paint a   piece of furniture is a really good cleaning and a  light scuff sanding i cleaned the surface with tsp   and sanded it with some 220 grit sandpaper then i  wiped off the sanding dust and started sectioning   off with some painters tape i'll leave a square  for each paint here with no further prep past the   cleaning and scuff sanding and then to the rest  of the squares i'm adding two coats of bin shellac   base primer this primer evens out different  textures on a piece of furniture as well as blocks   in any stains or odors from coming through a new  paint job i use this primer on most of my projects now that i have my board all prepped and  ready to go i can start adding the paint   the first paint that i'm testing is country chic  paint in the color nightfall country chic is a   canadian brand of clay based chalk style paint  their products are environmentally friendly and   their paint is easy to use with a minimal prep it  can be used to create a variety of finishes from   really textured shabby chic all the way to sleek  and modern this paint costs a dollar thirty four   canadian per ounce next up is house and canvas in  the color morning mist house in canvas is another   chalk style furniture paint made by a canadian  small business it's non-toxic self-leveling and   dries in just one hour this paint is only offered  online in one quart sized cans to keep costs down   the cost of this paint is 94 cents canadian per  ounce the third paint that i'm going to be testing   is fusion mineral paint in the color inglenook yet  another canadian family family-based brand that   is extremely popular in the furniture painting  community fusion is an acrylic based paint that   offers high hiding coverage and a built-in top  coat it is available in over 50 uv resistant   colors and fusion costs about one dollar and  fifty cents canadian per ounce and is the most   expensive option that i'll be testing today  paint number four is benjamin moore ben paint   in a semi-gloss finish i often hear the argument  that if you use a semi-gloss or gloss latex paint   then there's no need to use an additional top  coat so we'll see what happens this paint is   the least expensive paint that i'll be testing  today and comes in at 84 cents canadian per ounce   and the final paint that i'm adding to my testing  board is benjamin moore's advanced this is an   alkyd paint that is designed to be the  water-based equivalent to an oil-based finish   it is specifically formulated for use on  cabinetry and high traffic areas it can be   tinted to pretty much any color you can imagine  and this paint costs one dollar canadian per ounce i went ahead and brushed on a second coat of paint  to all five swatches i was able to achieve full   coverage on the bare wood and the primed surfaces  with my two chalk style paints and the fusion   mineral paint all three of the furniture paints  have a one to two hour recoat time which makes   painting furniture quick and easy unfortunately  the latex and the advance still had some spots of   primer and wood grain showing through so i went  ahead and added a third coat to each of those   the latex paint looked perfect after three coats  but the advance was still showing through both   spots of primer and on the unprimed bare wood so  i went ahead and applied a fourth coat of paint   and still wasn't happy with the coverage but  with a 16 hour recoat time i decided to call it   at four coats once i was finished painting i  tucked my table top away and let all of the paints   cure for a full 30 days i put together this chart  as a quick little recap of where we are so far   please go ahead and screenshot it if you  think you might want to refer back to it later next up it was time to add some protective  top coat i always seal my pieces with a   verithane diamond wood finish or a furniture  wax if you're interested in knowing why this   is my favorite top coat i will leave a card  up top to my battle of the top coats video   i applied two coats of my poly top coat over  all five samples waiting two hours in between   with a very light sand of 400 grit sandpaper my  opinion is that any chalk style or matte finish   furniture paint has to be top coated and sealed  with something to protect it against stains   and make it wipeable since it's completely porous  once i had this top coat applied i tucked it away   for another two weeks to let that cure now we can  finally get to the good stuff test number one is   going to be a stick test one of the most common  complaints that i've heard about latex paint is   that it never fully cures to a hard finish and  tends to always stay a little bit sticky or tacky   i used a weighted coffee mug over each sample of  paint to simulate heavy decor sitting on top of a   piece of furniture i let these sit for a full  24 hours and then took them off let's have a listen test number two is going to take a  look at how easily these paints are   sanded sandability is a key quality to have  in a furniture paint either to distress it   for a full finish like is common in farmhouse  or shabby chic styles or to fix drips or sags   that are inevitable when you're painting on  vertical surfaces chalk paints are known for   being easy to sand and they powder when they're  sanded both of my chalk paints did just that fusion is known for being tough to sand  or distress so i'm not surprised at the   amount of effort that was needed to get  this done it even wore out my sanding pad latex paint tends to ball up or peel  when it's sanded this can make it hard   to correct drips or sags in your finish  but otherwise it doesn't really matter oh since the advanced paint is designed  specifically for cabinetry i was expecting   it to be super hard and not easy to sand  it was very soft even after having its full   30 days of cure time and you can hear how  shocked i was at how easily it came off my last test is going to be a scratch test i want  to see how durable these paints are when it comes   to everyday wear and tear and have a look at how  they hold up with the paint over the bare wood   over the primed wood and also  with the additional protection   of the top coat the metal fork on all of the  matte paints did leave some silver color transfer   but i wasn't able to dig  through the actual paint at all i would say that the durability of all five paints  that were top coated ended up being about the same so laughs all right latex paint i see you i see you  popping off here and being super tough to get a better look at how things went on the  untop coated unprotected paint swatches without   that silver color transfer i grabbed one of  my kids lego bricks so that i could do the   same scratch test the chalk style paints and  the fusion mineral paint all held up perfectly   i was not able to get down through the paint  and expose any of the white primer underneath the latex paint however did rub down to the white   primer layer underneath after  just a little bit of rubbing and the advanced paint held up just fine and the lego scratching  wasn't able to break through   any of the top coats on the  protected paint swatches so here are my final thoughts i was super  surprised at how well that semi-gloss   latex held up to the wear and tear i was also  surprised at how soft that advanced paint was   even after having its full curing period i'm not  gonna pick a winner or a loser here or say that   one paint performed better than another they all  did great i will say that if you're getting ready   to paint a piece of furniture your prep work  is key you need to at bare minimum do a really   thorough cleaning and a good scuff sand so that  your paint has something to hold on to if you're   going to be painting over a surface that may have  bleed through from nicotine stains or wood tannins   all of these paints recommend using a good stain  blocking primer like the shellac base bin primer   that i showed in this video i would also recommend  a good top coat over any of these paints to give   you that added protection against stains from the  top surface as well as make everything really nice   and wipeable other than that i'm going to leave  you guys with a chart that breaks down all of   the topics that we covered in this video feel  free to take a screenshot for future reference   please take a moment to tap that subscribe button  if you haven't done it already and share this   video with anyone who you think might benefit  from it and i will catch you guys next time
Channel: Katie Scott SALVAGED by k. scott
Views: 48,180
Rating: 4.9774942 out of 5
Keywords: Chalk Paint, Latex Paint, What is the best paint for Furniture?, Furniture Paints, Painting Furniture, How to Paint Furniture, Furniture Flipping, How to Flip Furniture, Furniture Flipping Business, Side by Side Paint Comparison, Compairing Furniture Paints, Paint Review, Why Chalk Paint?, Katie Scott, Salvaged by k. Scott, DIY, Thrift Flip, Trash to Treasure, Furniture Makeover
Id: bk05epf1KrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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