Beyond Paint the miracle paint?

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in today's video we're going to look at a home depot seed program product called beyond paint it's an all-in-one that bonds primes seals and it requires no stripping no sanding and no priming and who can argue with that that's a great thing if it actually works so what i have here are two pieces of identical wood we're gonna sand one we're gonna leave the other one just the way it is we're gonna apply the paint to both and see if this requires no primer and if it does the sealing and if we don't need the sand because who wants to sing so let's get to work we just sanded this board and this one we're going to leave alone you may notice that there's a shiny spot on here and we're not going to treat this either because supposedly it will deal with that so we're going to find out because now we're about to open the product we take off the lid directions on the label don't say anything about mixing the paint um i've never seen paint with a foil so we're gonna peel that back and the foil reveals that there's a plastic film that needs to be peeled off got an exacto knife got a pair of gloves so now the question my wife and i have been wondering is do we mix this so i have a stick here it's pretty thick stuff doesn't look like it needs any mixing because i'm not seeing any change in color or consistency as i go to the bottom of the container which is probably why they don't tell us to mix the paint we're going to pour a little bit of this onto a pan it's recommended that you roll this out as opposed to brushing unless you're in uh crevices and then a brush would be a workable solution i'm pretty much sliding on as opposed to rolling on it's very thick oh man so we're still having an issue where the roller just wants to slide as opposed to row and the trick that i'm finding is you literally just put the roller on the surface and you let the roller dispense the paint and roll out there's no downward pressure if you look at this hand basically that's what i'm doing i'm just guiding the roller across it gives you a sort of dimpled finish and maybe that will flatten out we don't know yet but if we try pushing the roller then it just smears the paint on now we're going to try board number two and this is our unsanded board one coat does definitely cover which is rare with paint i mean usually you'd need a primer to change from this dark of a material to something so light here's you see that little shiny piece there that's being covered that's going to be a real test for adhesion of this paint uh odor coming off the paint is actually pleasant so very low voc and again it looks dimply but we're gonna see if it settles out as it dries it takes about two to four hours to dry before we can apply a second coat takes like 30 days to cure and supposedly is almost bulletproof by the time it's really done a few minutes after applying our first coat we can see some discoloration as it's drying and using a brush we find that this material goes on fairly easy and seems to be doing a really good job in one coat covering after two hours the finish is semi flat it feels bumpily bumpily that's not a word bumpy you know like there's texture to it you can see the difference between first coat and now the second coat going on as far as hiding we don't see anything going through it except maybe on the edges where we didn't get enough paint but it certainly could be an acceptable one coat application uh container recommends two so we're going with two and this time because there's this texture to it the roller is actually moving much easier and not tending to slide and sanded and none sanded at this point look identical 24 hours after applying two coats we can't tell the difference between the sanded and unsanded it has a very nice color soft semi gloss to it uh almost flat but not quite the roller has given it a textured kind of feel to it that you can probably see in this video which we actually like we did notice that when you paint on you can actually get a very smooth finish to it so i think depending on the type of roller you could get a flat feel to it paint's very thick it pretty much covers in one coat but we did two coats because that's what's recommended two to four hours to dry seven days to bind to the material and then 30 days to cure so it's it's a long process but i think if you're doing projects like this and and those listed on the container then you won't have to deal with stripping sanding or priming and while this can be over a hundred dollars per gallon for projects like this a quartz plenty you can do a lot of the material some of the things you can paint with this include wood linoleum glass laminates plastic varnish tile masonry metal and painted surfaces like i said you wouldn't want to paint a wall with this because it's just too expensive but for uh those listed items some of which can be really tough this is a pretty darn good product i'm actually quite impressed it would not hesitate buying a cord for doing small projects like this another great thing about the product is it's easy to clean off now if you look at this brush we used it twice and normally when you use like a latex you'd still have little pieces of latex coloring throughout and this brush is back to its original condition which was i had used it for other projects but it's just literally took water and that's it normally i had a little bit of soap and as soon as the water hit it all the paint came off of it same thing with the roller so clean up is super super easy which is pretty amazing considering that it's a very thick product and uh it super bonds to whatever you paint it onto if you found this informative or interesting give us a thumbs up leave us a comment support us by hitting that subscribe button and as always thank you very much for watching
Channel: cfldriven
Views: 1,678,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: be yond, panet
Id: CJpuQg5AIk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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