Dresser Makeover w/ Dixie Belle Chalk Paint & Stain

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hi everybody its Christina from pretty distressed welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm gonna be taking this old dusty dresser that was actually destined for the dumpster and I'm gonna be giving it a makeover I'm gonna be using Dixie Belle products I'm gonna be using their paint their stain and their top coats today so if you want to see how I got this look just keep watching if you are new here I am a furniture painter and refinisher and I am on here every week making over different pieces of furniture or talking about furniture paints so if you'd like to learn more about that please consider subscribing before you leave and also check me out on Instagram because I'm always on stories doing behind the scenes of what I'm working on so you'll get a sneak peek of what I'm working on before it goes live here on YouTube today's video is sponsored by Dixie Belle paint company I'm going to be trying out a lot of their products that I haven't used before for the first time they actually does reformulated they're no pain at gel stay and that is so hard to say and I'm gonna be talking to you about that new formula and how it performs and Dixie Belle's Gator hide on top which is their most protective top coat and I'm going to be doing a two color finish on the base and finishing it off with one of their natural waxes so lots of new products for me today and I'm actually working with fillers so I'm excited to show this one to you so let me zoom you in and we will get started some of you who have been here a while might recognize this piece it's the piece that I used to demonstrate how you strip chipping veneer off a piece so I'll link that video up above if you want to watch it but I'm finally making this guy over it's been a while that it's been sitting in the garage we're just reinforcing it here a little bit to make it a little sturdier it was a little loose so my husband helped me do that I got this piece for free from a picker who goes into houses and gets stuff out for estate sales and he actually no place would take the Salvation Army wouldn't take this but I was like let me try to give it new life before you throw it out so it was really dusty and dirty so I am using a white lightning today which is one of Dixie Bell's cleaning products I love this it works really well to clean your piece off so I'm just mixing this up with some warm water I'm going to all over my piece to get the gunk and dirt off and get it nice and clean before I apply my paint and after you rub it with I use a scrubby sponge just because that helps get extra you know bits off of it you're just gonna rinse it with some clean water and let it dry or wipe it down with a towel before you paint and you might be asking Kristina why is there a big towel on top of your piece well it's actually a damp towel that I placed on top to get an extra coating of veneer off this actually had another coat of veneer that started chipping once I got the first one off so I put this damp towel on here you can see how the water is kind of absorbing into there it's not ready yet to be stripped so I'm gonna put that back on and I'm actually gonna take my Hardware off and just start painting a little bit while I'm trying to get that veneer to soften up just a little bit more I'm saving the hardware today because I wasn't sure if I was gonna reuse it or not so I was just put it in a baggie and set it aside I never throw Hardware away cuz you never know when you might use it on a different piece and I just like to keep it all together in case I'm gonna put it back on but I'm gonna start out today with it Dixie Belle's a dried sage and their mini synthetic brush this is a very beautiful neutral khaki color in fact I just used this to make a wash to create a stain for my daughter's canopy bed that we built this is Dixie Belles mineral chalk paint so it's very similar to the furniture paints you see me paint on here you don't have to prime or sand before you apply this paint it just goes right on I really enjoy working with Dixie Belles synthetic brushes because it gives you a little bit of a smoother look oh but you do sometimes still get shedding you get shedding with all brushes you guys you just have to pick it out smooth it over it's not a big deal but I really like working with these brushes because it gives you a little bit of a smoother look to your furniture it's not really textured I am gonna distress this up a bit when I'm done just because of the shape that the piece is in but I am going with the grain and keeping my brush strokes all going in one direction just because I want a little bit of a smoother finish on here and this brush is really helping me achieve that look I will link all the products that I'm using in today's project down below in that description box so it'll be easy for you to find everything that I'm using today I really love at Dixie Belle because they truly are a one-stop shop I'm gonna be using paint today koats you already saw me use the cleaner I'm gonna be using stain and different applicators and brushes and everything I'm using you can get on Dixie Belles website a lot of times when I'm doing it like a two-tone project like this there's not a lot of paint companies that make stain so it's really cool to be able to know that like all these products were made to formulate together you can just buy it do shipping for one set of products and you don't have to go from store to store to get them so that's a really positive thing about working with Dixie Bell products okay let's hop back over to my venir as you can see more of that water has absorbed into that top venir coat so I have grabbed my hammer and a little paint scraper and I am just gonna peel this back if you guys want more information on how to do this like I said I have that video on removing the first coat of veneer that was on here so I will put that down in the description box in case you want to watch that video please please please if you're doing this wear gloves or eye protection because I don't want anything flying in your eyes and I don't want you poking your fingers with splinters so this is pretty typical of an old piece once you strip this off these are actually planks that somebody put together and then put a nicer wood on top I love this plank look so I'm just sanding it down with my orbital sander to get any of those remaining residual bits off the top and I'm gonna try to stay in this top because it looks really rustic and shabby and I think it's gonna go perfect with the painted base that I'm doing so I taped off the base with my 3m painters plastic in one just to protect it since I already started painting it and I have some paint stripper in this little metal bowl and I'm just painting it on the edge here where I still have varnish because I need to remove that before I can move forward with stain so I'm just putting that paint stripper on there I'm gonna let that set for about 30 minutes and then I'm gonna come back and scrape it off when you're working with this stuff definitely use gloves definitely use a mask or work outside in a really ventilated area because this these chemicals are really strong to strip this varnish but it is the easiest way to get it off after I go in with a scraper I like to grab some steel wool like this a really coarse one that's oil-free and I put a little bit of that paint stripper in there and it helps you just get in those edges and corners on a side like this to get that residual varnish off and then I take a shop towel and dunk it in a little bit of mineral spirits and just wipe it back to make sure that the surface is clean I let that dry and then I come back in and just sand any spots that I've missed that has a little bit of stubborn stain on there just to prep it and make it look like the rest of the top I'm finally ready to stain this top so I'm gonna grab a few items to protect myself since this is an oil-based product I am going to use my vapor respirator I'm gonna use my eye protection I'm gonna be applying it with the dixiebell applicator pad today and I have my no pain gel stain and pickling white you will also need a pair of gloves to protect your hands and Here I am just taking a tech cloth and wiping down the top to make sure that I have a dust free surface to start with and very simple I'm just opening up the stain you can see it's a very thick this is a new formula it's a very pigmented I'm just taking that applicator sponge I'm gonna work in like a two to three-foot section and just get this on really well I am applying with the grain which means you can see those lines that are horizontally moving across the top so I'm just following those and going in a horizontal motion and getting all this stain on here like I mentioned earlier in the video this is a new formula and they came out with a lot of new colors and I just really love the way this is performing it's more pigmented and it's really easy to use so once you get this on you are going to wipe back the excess so I have a bunch of shop towels up in the corners you can see I like using these to kind of pull back my stain it's my favorite thing to use and then you can just throw them away once they dry out but you can see it's taking off the excess of that stain and just leaving a beautiful whitewashed pickling effect and I'm just gonna do that same thing over the whole table working in those two to three foot sections and I have a bunch of those shop towels folded up and ready to go you don't want to let this sit on there too long you just really want to wipe it on and then wipe it back right away because of the way this is formulated and how pigmented it is you're probably only gonna need one coat to achieve the color you want at this point in the project I decided I wanted to add a little bit more color to this piece so I am gonna be using a sea glass to kind of do a two-toned finish but I did notice this thing that I wanted to show you I had some bleed through on my first coat and a way to alleviate this is grab a can of dixiebell boss this blocks odors and stains and stops bleed through so I just shook this up really well grabbed a chip brush and I'm just gonna paint this on the entire drawer just to make the application even when I go put on my second coat of paint it's gonna stop that bleed through sometimes this just happens when there's some type of oil under the surface that you can't see even though I clean the piece so it is really nice to always have a can of boss on hand in case you see believe they were like this so right now I am just painting on that sea glass color I just felt like the top once I did it was too close a match to the dried sage color and even though the dried sage is beautiful I just thought this piece needed a little something and this sea glass color is super beautiful so I'm just putting on this coat exactly the same way that I put on my first one and then when we go to distress it it's gonna give this two-toned effect when you sand it and distress it back a little bit you're gonna see some of that dried sage color underneath and it's gonna be really pretty I typically take my drawers out when I'm painting but I've seen a lot of people that don't so this time I just tried to keep them in and see how that went I am ready to top coat my stained top so I'm gonna be using Dixie Belles at Gator Hyde and their blue applicator sponge that is specifically for this top coat this is my first time at using this top coat I have got a lot of requests to try it because this is their most durable top coat it is waterproof and you can use it inside or outside so a lot of people are interested in this one the most important thing to know because this is a water-based topcoat and I'm putting it over an oil-based stain you have to wait until this stain is completely dry to put on the top coat so I let this sit for 72 hours I know that seems like a long time but when you're moving between oil-based and water-based products that'll really has to be dry or the top coat is not gonna work so this is just my first coat I'm gonna go into more detail about how to actually put this on when I show you guys the second coat because I watched a lot of videos in between my first coat and my second coat to give you guys some better tips my top takeaways from this first coat is you just want to get a little bit of product on there wipe the excess off the sponge with that side of that paper plate and you're just gonna go back and forth in the same direction and try to not stop I think that's the number one thing that I did wrong is I would stop in the middle of strokes and you really just want to take that stroke from one side all the way to the other without stopping so just hold tight because I will give you more tips on the second coat that you can incorporate into your first coat and since this is a water-based product you can just wash the sponge out with a little bit of soap and water in between coats okay now I'm gonna distress this piece up a little bit I'm taking a 320 sanding pad so it's a really fine sanding pad because I don't want to take this distressing too far I just want it to be really light because I am gonna try to sell this piece I have my mask on and I have fitted it with my particle filters versus my vapor or filters just to protect my lungs and I'm gonna zoom you in so you can see that to color effect you can really see that dried sage coming out in the spots that I'm distressing and when I distress I just go along the edges like this I go around edge of the drawers and I always do at the feet and rough those up a little bit you don't really want to attack any of the flat spots because that won't look as natural so I try to stick to the edges in the detail when I'm distressing once I'm done distressing I just grab a tech cloth or a soft clean brush and I just wipe away any of that dust before I get ready to seal it to seal up my paint off I'm gonna be using Dixie Belles a big Mama's betta and using my other applicator pad that I have this is actually the orange-scented one it smells amazing so you want to use a lint-free cloth to apply this or you can use one of these applicators and since I had a second one in my pack I am using this to apply it it's really easy to see where it goes on a little bit goes a long way they released this product last summer so it is a little bit of a newer one and how it's different from their best sting wax which you guys have seen me used before and heard me talk about wax on here this is more of a natural wax it is oil-based it's the fastest curing topcoat that they have it actually cures in seven days since I got this wax on I let it sit there for a little bit and then I would take a lint-free cloth one of those shop towels and just wipe it back a bit to remove any of that excess and at this point you can actually buff it up a little bit if you want a little bit more Sheen you can use this on painted surfaces like this but it actually works really well as a conditioner to bring the luster back to old wood you can also use it on drawers to help them slide a little bit better but my favorite part is that they have to scented versions I'm using the orange it smells amazing there's also one that's like more flower base that's called Suzanne's garden but they also have an unscented one if you're not into the fragrance that will eventually fade but it is super nice when you're putting it on okay now we're gonna add our second coat of Gator hide to this top it has been two hours for this to dry and I'm just taking that same sanding block that 320 sanding block that I used to distress my piece I'm lightly sanding this just to buff out any of those streaks that I had and I also like doing this to give the second coat something to stick to and before I apply that second coat I'm just taking a tack cloth and getting rid of any of that dust okay on the second coat is when you're gonna want to take your notes so I learned that you need to dampen your sponge just a little bit before you're applying the gaiter hide it's just gonna help with the application make it smooth so here I just get a little bit of product on here that is too much so you need to take the edge of the paper plate and kind of scrape it back a little bit this is more what you want it to look like and you want to go from side to side without stopping and without lifting your sponge it's okay to go back and forth like this you just don't want to stop in the middle because that is gonna give you streaks and I realized you really don't have to keep going back and getting a lot of product you just want to do really thin layers you can go do up to three coats so just make sure that your layers are thin and really even and it does really level out as it dries so don't get too freaked out about seeing streak marks but you just don't want to go back it dries so fast now that I've done that front section like I don't want to go back and touch that at all I just want to move on to the next section you really don't want to go back and rework it because that's when you're gonna get into getting that streaky mists that you don't want to see like I told you in between coats I watched a lot of different videos on working with this Gator hide since I haven't worked on it with it before just like you guys I need knowledge I need to learn I am not perfect so I will link those videos below that I found on Dixie Belles a website if you guys are interested in seeing a couple more furniture artists working with this top coat I saved the edges for last just so I could soak up any globs that may have happened when I was doing the top I noticed once I had everything done in the top coats done that when I pushed my drawers in you could see a little bit of that stain like on the sides and like I said this normally doesn't happen because I take my drawers out but I was just trying a new technique and I saw that I missed these spots on the side so I am just taking some paint and dry brushing that so you don't see it when the drawers are closed I did decide to get hardware to brighten this piece up a little bit these little knobs are from Hobby Lobby they were 399 a piece if you wait every other week their hard work goes on sale 50% off but I was in a rush to get this video done for you guys so I paid full price for him but 399 purple is not bad at all I love this design I think it just brightens up the piece and just makes it look really cute so here is this dresser before it got this beautiful makeover with all dixiebell products I love the sea glass color so bright and beautiful I am obsessed with how this top turned out that stain just gave it the perfect whitewashed weathered look and it really brought out those areas where I had scuffed and scraped it up to give it kind of that rustic farmhouse feel here is a close-up of how using two different colors really creates a beautiful effect when you de-stress so I set this up in my little eat-in kitchen area just to show you how cute it would be as like a coffee bar I think it would also look great in an entryway or in a dining room thank you guys for watching this video all the way to the end and joining me for this project today I hope you learned something new I hope you get a chance to try some of these products and techniques out thanks again to dixiebell for sponsoring today's video I will be back with another project soon and I'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Christina Muscari
Views: 879,337
Rating: 4.8997855 out of 5
Keywords: chalk paint, annie sloan chalk paint, annie sloan, diy, chalk paint tutorial, painted furniture, furniture makeover, how to chalk paint, chalk paint furniture, paint furniture, chalk painting furniture, dresser, farmhouse decor, wood stain, how to stain wood, how to stain furniture, wood staining, furniture painting, dixe belle, dixie belle paint, no pain gel stain, christina muscari, prettydistressed, distressed furniture, how to use chalk paint, dixie belle, how to
Id: 52YvgnWZQrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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