Chainsaw Won't Start 3 Reasons Why

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chainsaw won't start won't stay running stay tuned I'll tell you three reasons why today on American peddler [Music] two hours later hey y'all welcome back to the shop this is American fiddler and I'm your host Ezra today we're going to talk about chain sells and why they won't stay running or Stark I got three main reasons and they're like the biggest reasons for it all right guys let's dive right into this okay so we've got our sauce and we've pulled our brains out here and they won't start what better way to get this starter thing with a sole that isn't running all right first things first you need three things to make a saw run and the very first one is spark so if this all isn't getting fire it's not going to run [Music] so we'll take our covers off and just get right into it right there this is your spark plug right here okay pull this off [Music] and it amazing how it's a little itty-bitty wrench that you have with your chainsaw pretty much we'll disassemble the entire machine and put it back together with a scrunch and I'll leave a comment or a link down below where you can buy scrunches if you don't have one if you have chains all you really need to own one so look I'll pull this out get a good look at it yeah it's all kind of crappy looking up I went and got the one it calls for and for each saw it'll have a different gap okay and the gap is right there you see that little gap between it so you want to make sure that you use a gauge and get that properly now once you have it gapped okay way this works as you you turn this all on and [Music] once you have the salt on if you pull this so here I'm going to show you how to check your spark we got it in there you can actually see it on camera good so now we know that we're getting spark okay and so there's various various things that can cause spark issues and so we'll kind of talk about that first of all you want to check your spark plug make sure it's it's clean and the connections where it connects here or good well check your wiring maybe one's rubbed or shorten itself out if it goes much beyond that the homeowner is probably not gonna take care of it this is kind of like a tune-up deal it'll be a coil recall thing like that and you may have to go to a dealership but changing the spark plugs pretty easy that's the number one you know that's my very first thing I wouldn't call it number one [Music] all right guys we're gonna put our spark plug back in now get up over tighten it do you want tight enough to the compression doesn't come how about that we're on to our next issue when it comes to why your chainsaw might not start or why it bogs down while it's running or why it won't stay running and that's gonna be air ok so we talked about Sparks we got to get fire and now we need air again we're using our handy dandy scrunch I call it that it's a screwdriver wrench it's the name scrunch back is out now this is all really really simple stuff that anybody can do so here's our old filter and this is I cleaned it up I had never seen a filter as bad as this one so it's no wonder that this solved it and run now when I bought this saw it cost me thirty five dollars to buy the saw and here's the new filter okay so I spent thirty five dollars buying this all and you think oh well that's a great deal and it really is I mean it doesn't get much better than that purchasing of steel chainsaw or any chainsaw even one of those knockoff Chinese brands but now after I purchased the chainsaw I knew pretty much what I was gonna need new spark plug new new air filter and then the next part that I'll show you it and I spent fifty five dollars at the dealership - for all my tune-up Clark's now you could probably get those cheaper online but I just wanted to go to the steel dealer and oh I was missing this bolt - so but anyways so step two now we got one I'll go a spark - is air and number three up next all right guys we're narrowing it down number three I find this the most important step or tip or trick or whatever that I can give you when you're working on your chainsaw to keep it running or you can't figure out why it won't start number three involves this right here your gasoline you're mixing yes okay I'm not gonna get into an argument with you guys about what brand of synthetic ol nonsense that whatever you're using okay you're mixed fuel but what I will tell you and I will argue if that fuel this gas wasn't made within the last month get rid of it put a fresh gallon of gas mix it up fresh with your oil put it in your soul there is no need to use it's like four or five bucks okay time well if you buy you buy high-test we're talking $6 $7 to have a brand new fresh gallon of fuel that you can run your saw on the saw will thank you for it you'll thank yourself for it - saw one better because you got fresh gas okay so that's where we're at with that we're gonna talk about gas so I wasn't lyin to you we're talking about the fuel and what we're gonna do live off this salt it's old salt that I nearly been lying around okay I knew that we were gonna need a fuel filter so if you're having trouble with your soul stay and running and you put fresh fuel in it it's got a spark plug it's got an air filter you think you got a halfway tune and it was running when you put it up but you you didn't do a few things to take care of it and it just happens we sometimes we get in a hurry you may need a new fuel filter okay that's what I got here and I got to line this saw that the fuel line that comes down inside and holds the filter rotted okay so when you guys put your Saul's up I don't care if you you you've only used it for fifteen minutes and you got a tank of fuel it's a couple ounces of fuel dump that fuel out start your saw let it run till it runs out there's no need to leave old fuel on a saw now if you're gonna use your saw daily it's not so important because you're not leaving fuel to sit but if you're you're like me I'm a homeowner so you know I storm comes in and I got trees to cut or maybe I need a little firewood or or a neighbor needs help cutting a tree down and you know so I get out and service all the saws and start them all up and then we're on them when I'm done with them I dump all the fuel out and I take the time to clean them up so that the next time I want to use the saw all I have to do is walk out here that's pretty much where we're at so I'm gonna go ahead and hop off camera and install this in this salt and you guys will get to see this saw run first all right guys we got uh we replaced our spark plug for spark our air filters for air and our fuel filter and fuel line for fuel and let the gas okay just a little bit [Music] man hey guys I get so excited when stuff works the way it's supposed to that's all what's not gonna run okay so we went through the three basic things spark air fuel you check those things and and generally unless something catastrophic is wrong you're gonna be your Sol's gonna run p.m. it's called preventative maintenance you do a little bit of that you're golden listen if you guys found this video useful hit the like button for me subscribe you got to hit the bell now when you subscribe it's another thing YouTube changed leave me a comment down below I'm sure there'll be a pro guy see this and and he'll probably tell me how stupid I am but it's hard to argue when I say fresh fuel fresh gas fresh air filter and fresh spark plug thanks for watching god bless you and keep on peddlin [Music]
Channel: American Piddler
Views: 292,356
Rating: 4.8411708 out of 5
Id: 6hFKfT81yQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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