string trimmer weed eater coil test & replace

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how you doing everyone it's Kevin I'm back in another video Springs coming now every winter we leave our weed whacker set we don't start them up and for some reason they don't start so today I'm going to be working on this EKKO weed black Curtis is a friend of mine he don't know what's wrong with it he keeps pulling the string it won't start and actually I was sitting there pulling the string and I couldn't get it started either so I did get it to prime up some fuel in there but I couldn't get it to start well as you can see we're not gonna pull all day it's not going to start soon there's three things we need to start any type of weed black or anything like that three main things you need you need spark you need feel and you need compression if you have them three things this thing should start so we're lacking one of them three things so we're going to get on this thing and we're gonna start looking it over and see if we can find out what might be wrong with it okay anytime you're trying to start your weed whacker and it will not start the first thing you want to do is make sure that the switch is on the end on position and I know that sounds silly but there's been times I pulled a weed whacker and it was on the off position so make sure it's on the on position and then you want to look inside your fuel tank open your tank up and make sure there's fuel in it this one has fuel in it and I know it has fuel because it's pumping up in the primer and what I mean by pumping up in the primer on the back side of your weed whacker most of them have a little primer it's a little primer ball and if you take this and you push it a few times and you'll see that gas comes up in there that's your primer and you want it on cold start and that's what we did and we still have no no it doesn't see my good thing wants to store it at all so let me try it again we're on a cold start own position got fuel in the primer try it again okay so it's not gonna start shouldn't have to pull it more a couple few times it should fire up so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to find out a five spark let me show you how to do that alright to find your spark you're gonna look for this thing right here and this is your spark plug cap it's right on the top of the motor it may be on the chainsaw it could be in the back the different places but on this weed whacker it's right on the top as a wire going to it I'm just gonna pull it off take this part plug wire off and get you a wrench make sure it fits decent and break your spark plug loose now you should be able to twist it out by hand now just by taking a look at the plug it don't look that bad but I still don't think it has spark for some reason now if we ground this out on a piece of metal here somewhere on a piece of metal we should be able to see this thing spark won't fly kitchens in the position or not we'll see here trying to get it to where you ins could see it too okay I'm trying to lay that against the back of the mugger right there I'm just gonna pull it down in there and see if I can see any spark I'm trying to see it for a spark between this this two little pieces you got an element error you get this little thing that grounds it out right there on the tip if we could see some spark on there and I don't see any spark on there at all so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take a piece of sandpaper and I'm going to clean this tip up a little bit I'll show you how we do it we'll sand the outside of this and we'll see in between this just a little bit all right we got this part plug us a little bit of sandpaper we're just gonna scuff the top of this a little bit till it's shiny we want it to be pretty shiny you see bare metal should be okay then just fold your paper in half take it inside here and stuff it around inside there a little bit now we do know that this thing I just blew it off a little bit we know this thing's gonna need a new spark plug but we don't have one right now we're going to see if we can give it to spark on this one so weak at least ways get it fired up so this is definitely one thing we want on the list for this weed whacker is a spark plug okay I'll leave the little socket in there on the side just so we could see if you guys could see if everything has for now I see no spark no spark yet we know this is definitely our problem we have no spark so what I'm gonna do is I have lots of weed whackers and chainsaws here I'm going to go ahead and put one mine out and stay see if mine sparks in there if mine sparks we know he has to get a spark plug okay all right I got a spark plug on my blower and I know this bark bugs good so I'm just gonna set it down in there we're gonna see if we got spark yet no spark yet so I might not be the spark plug now I just laid that spark plug down her this little socket down in there so it would ground out against the motor so I could let you guys see if it had spark it's absolutely no spark so now what do we do well we go check out the wire coming back here I just wonder if the wire coming back into the motor from the shut off could it be grounded out and not making it run that's all the possibility so let's dig a little bit deeper and see if we can find something else that might be wrong with it all right I know his spark plugs good because I stuck it in my blower over there and it fired up so we know that spark plugs good so we're going to go ahead and put it back on now we're gonna get up here and we're gonna find the wire that goes to this switch and see if it is shorted out somewhere I know it's got to be grounded to the motor somewhere and we could bypass that by unhooking the switch from the motor so we're gonna get inside here and see if we can find out where the switches hooked up and unhook it okay I'm gonna try to take matter of fact I'm gonna unhook his spark plug wire and I'm gonna take this top cover off so we can see down inside this thing I really never worked on though this particular echo we blacker before but it can't be any different than any other one so we're just gonna pull this top off and see if we can look down in here and see a little bit more than what we're seeing now hopefully this guy should slap off of here some fires right there okay now this is the wire this is gone from their coil down this is where this is coming from this coil so this would be the one that I'd want to unplug this one right here now the only thing is if we unplug that one we're not going to be able to shut it off unless we short it out look it shorted out right here against the motor so instead of me doing that let me pull this spark plug out we'll be able to see it be cutting any spark just by pulling the string now let's see you absolutely no spark at all so now we got to go to our magneto which is down in here and our coil if we don't have any spark here probably either our coil is bad or our make neither needs cleaned so we got some digging to do so we're gonna go ahead and start tearing this thing apart get down in there I just hope he wants to put the money into it to fix it I don't know coal might be around 50 60 bucks I don't know what he's gonna pay for a new weed whacker but we definitely do not have any spark so with that wire off this unhook so that's which uh pair this is what would ground out and shut that motor off I'm gonna go ahead and put the plug in make sure it's tight I'm gonna try to start it one more time and see what happens here [Music] no spark now what we can do just to be sure see the spark plug is wet so we know it's not getting any fire if that spark plug was dry I'd say it might be sparking but if the spark plug tip is wet it's not getting fire so the only thing I got left is I can clean the magneto and put the coil clean the coil and that's about it if he wants to do any more he's gonna have to replace his coil probably so I don't think I have one but I'll look and see what we got all right to get down to this thing a little bit further we're gonna have to take these four bolts here there's four bolts on this we want to take these guys out this is what holds this big count on we would get rid of this cannon we want to pull that cone off of there so we can get down to that magneto in there in the coil so I'm gonna go ahead and take these bolts out as soon as I get these there's one here there's one inside there may be three or four but they're holding that whole cone on so we're gonna get these out all right as you can see we took the four bolts off of here and there was two under the gas tank and one on this side so there's total of seven bolts actually hold this thing on and they all had Loctite on them so we want to make sure you put Loctite back on them when we put them back on we're down to the magneto what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a gap and the gap on this thing between the coil in this magneto we're gonna get a gap on that and then we're gonna pull the coil off and we're gonna clean the coil and clean the magneto and put it back together and see if we have spark then so hopefully we'll have spark if not the only thing it could be is this coil okay we got some fillers gage this is a filler egauge it's got different thicknesses of metal on it and it's just to gauge how open a space is and this one here is ten thousandths what I want to do is bring the metal of this up here and I'm gonna stick it in there too it's not it don't have to be real tight it just has to be snug but I wanted to go through those two pieces there so now I know when I put it back together I want to make sure it's ten thousandths of an inch away from that mag neither to this coil so now I can go ahead and take the coil off I'll go ahead give us a wrench here and we'll go ahead and break these guys loose we'll be able to take this coil out now I want to tell you guys something if you're gonna be doing this yourself you want to make sure you remember where all these bolts go to you know there's a lot of different size different threads just keep track of them and put them in their place and you'll know where they go and if you're doing a video maybe of course it'd be kind of hard we could see these screws are black so we know where they go definitely go in the coil the top cover has one that goes into plastic and one that goes into metal of course I put them with the top cover so let's get this guy out see what it looks like now this is uh that's a magneto so it's actually magnetic so the coil will actually stick to it unless we turn out to where the plastic is flywheel is actually plastic I've never seen too many plastic ones but today you don't know what they're gonna make so here's our khalil it's a little dirty it's not too bad we'll take a little bit of sandpaper and we'll clean these up a little bit just so they're getting down to some good I want to get them good contact clean these up we're just taking our finger and rub it over a little bit that looks a lot better already I'm gonna say this clueless might be bad I'm gonna say I mean it don't look awful dirty so I'm gonna say it's probably bad but we're going to see that's what we're doing here we're working on to see if the coil is okay now we're gonna do the same thing a little bit of sandpaper on this guy right here this is your Magneto you can see there's some rust on there a little bit of rust and debris we're gonna just take some sandpaper run over top of it just like we do the longer coil make sure it gets good contact now I'm gonna tell you guys I'm not no mechanic now I never went to school for this stuff I'm just doing it this is way I've been doing it for years and it's worked for me it should work for you so now let's see if there's another set of these magnets which there isn't so we're gonna go ahead and put our magneto or our coil back on here we're decently clean I'll get a rag and wipe these off just just a nice clean rag I got a little oil on my fingers I don't know it better hurt but we'll take a little rag and wipe them off then we'll get it set back in there all right we got everything wiped off real good and we're going to go ahead and set this guy back on here the way it was and then I'm gonna go ahead and hook it back up get our screws put back in here and then we're gonna once I get these screws in here we're gonna take our little fillers gauge and sentiment ten thousandths of an inch that's what they were now if you turn your motor into where the magnet doesn't pull on that coil sometimes that'll help you a little bit now I just turned my motor of a reward a motor sitting straight up and down so I could spin this on a tune now I have your this is the magnetic part and this is your coil and I just you can take your little gauge and make sure that it fits right in there nice and snug like the other one was it wasn't too hard it was just perfect and as long as that goes through there you can give this guy a nice tighten tighten it up and after you tighten it recheck it again make sure it's okay make sure your gauge goes through and it does perfect so now we're gonna go ahead and get this all put back together see if it'll fire it's all we got all right we got it back together got our spark plug in there now here's the big chance let's see big test right here and nothing not a spark one on that thing just to make sure I'm going to change out the spark plug and I'm gonna put a solid one on that we should be able to see that jump from this it should jump from here down to there and there's nothing this coil is bad that's how you test a coil now if you guys were to do this actually you make sure I got my camera focused here let's see here you don't have to take this whole thing off to clean that magneto I never worked on one of these before it's the first time I pulled it off no big deal for me but you could actually put your fillers gauge up in this corner you can see the Magneto and you can check your gap pull your two bolts off and then put your fillers gauge back in there and tighten this back up you didn't have to take all this off I just want the legends know that but the easy way to find out if that wire if your switch is shorted off shorted out is to pull this out off you should have spark if you don't have spark you can pull these two bolts here outs and them to pieces up clean them up a little bit wipe them off put it back in and see if you got spark again and if you don't own the spark plug put you a straight rod in there ground it off the motor and if it still don't have spark that coil is bad I'm a hundred percent for sure this coil was bad on this machine so I'm gonna call him and see if he wants to pick one up I'll see what he says well guess what we got all the parts I gave him a call you say they pick them up been a couple days we got the parts now we're gonna go ahead and put this thing together and it should fire right up let's get started on this all right now that we know what we're doing this shouldn't take but a few minutes to change this coil out we're gonna throw a new spark plug in it new spark plug wire cap new fuel filter and a new air filter this thing should fire right up now you know how hard it was I tried a few times to get this thing started couldn't get it started check that coil a million times we just want to make sure we get this guy fire it up and get it running for it now the spark plugs when you get them for these things most of the times are preset I don't know what the gap would be on this thing I could always call the dealer and ask them but normally they have this piece on here to protect that cap so it doesn't so it doesn't come off sets and normally they're preset so now we got us a new spark plug I'm just gonna go ahead and screw it in there and get it snugged up we know that thing is out of the way you don't want to over-tighten your spark plug just tighten it snug it up you don't have to ever tighten them we're gonna pull the wire off the coil just like we did before take the two bolts out in the front twist them out of here you are cooled off there's our own coil then I get our new coil out of the bag I'm gonna go get a gauge a fillers gauge we know it's ten thousandths of an inch from that Magneto and we're gonna go ahead and get this guy set back down on their suit be a pretty easy one we'll make sure everything looks the same on these guys match him up make sure everything looks okay and everything does so we got a good coil here so I'm gonna go ahead and get a fillers gauge start our shoot screws here see how easy that was as long as it starts you know this coil did cost him about 50 bucks so that's a $50 part right there we just put on I'll get the gap get the gap on this thing set and we'll get it snug DUP put our cap on there and see if she'll start okay you can see what I did here is I took the fillers gage run it between the magneto in the coil just make sure it slides back in and out pretty easily and we got it set now we're just gonna plug our little wire back into the top of this coil don't we go we're gonna do is put our little cap on here and we'll breathe it pretty much start this thing up okay when you get your cap you get two pieces to it you get a little spring type thing this is what's gonna set right on top your spark plug just like that it's gonna snap on there what you want to do is poke a little hole in your wire and then take it get it started down in there once you get it started you could take a pair of pliers that's all I did let's take a pair of pliers and squish it down in there make sure it's good into the wire now what you got to do which is gonna be a tough one you gotta get this inside of here so we're gonna get a little dish liquid stick on there and we're gonna see if we can get it squished in there put a little dish liquid on okay I just put a little dab of dish liquid on there I'm gonna see if we could get this guy to squish right down in there it should work it might be tight though they're gonna get her one way or another we'll get her in there you keep fighting it you'll get it through there just keep working at it do you see it come in through the top okay we got that in there you can see it down in there well I got to do is stick it on here and get it straightened out okay I think we got it straight in there oh yeah good enough that's gonna work just fine so now this method really should start I got down on there I got a bent over when you turn the cap it's straight lined up in there so we're good on this now he did pick me up a new air filter for this thing that's a simplest thing in the world to do here we're just gonna screw this guy real quick like this pull the old air filter out but you looks like crap okay we got our new air filter you're just gonna set it down in here just sets down in there nice and snug actually you could take it and put it on this side if you want either bleh I think I've rather put it in here and then just slide it along just screw it back in the only thing left we got to do to this guy is change the he got me a fuel filter I'll show you how to do a fuel filter real quick okay only thing you need for the fuel filter is a small piece of wire pair of needle nose pliers around that thing just like out like a little fishing hook what we're gonna do is pull the cap off we're gonna find our little hose in here you'll see it pull your there's your fill filter a piece of cake pull it off put your new one on now we got a brand new fuel filter on there wanna make sure it stays on there good new fuel filter you want to lay it back down in there make sure it goes it's not tangled up in there push it down with your wire so it goes clear to the other side of the tank tilt your machine up in the air shake it a little bit put your cap back on now we're gonna see if this guy will start now so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put our cool or plug wire back up through here slip this down on now there's a couple wires on this one side here you want to make sure they get in their little slot there to shut off wires then you got two bolts here one for plastic one for metal make sure they're in the right spot screw her back on once you find out the problem it doesn't take long to fix anything you just got to figure out the problem hopefully this guy will fire up and run and there's a good chance that it may not fire up and run but we fixed one of the problems that it had the only other problem it may have would be fuel because we got compression so we're going to give this thing a shot and see if it'll fire up makes your button is on one prime your ball put your choke on a cold start pushing now if any of you guys are out there want to do this and make money from it the best thing I can tell you to do is have them pick up your parts and then when you're done with it give them the old parts back give them the garbage and all you ain't gotta throw it away tape it to the machine and give it back to them so they know you used all the parts that they had given you that's a good way to be honest with somebody and make sure that uh you know let them know they're not getting ripped off this thing sounds like the carburetor needs cleaned on it what I might do is I might do a complete different video or just cleaning the carburetor because this video is gonna get a little too long anyhow so maybe we'll pull the carburetor off and I'll open it up and show you guys what's inside the carburetor and show you how to clean it nowadays we leave the weed whacker set all winter long we don't starve them up you have a lot of ethanol inside your gasoline now that ethanol will turn to a white chalky powder and believe it or not it gets inside your carburetor gets in your filters and plugs em up so maybe I can show you what you need to clean inside the carburetor and be able to do that yourself - I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video don't forget to subscribe leave me thumbs up thumbs down or a comment if you'd like until next time
Channel: Kevin Robinson
Views: 507,275
Rating: 4.7514772 out of 5
Keywords: string trimmer coil test, weed eater coil test, string trimmer replace coil, weed eater replace coil, trimmer will not start, weed eater will not start, fix a weed eater, how to change a coil, fix a string trimmer, how to fix a weed eater, how to fix a string trimmer, how to test a bad coil, how to test acoil, replace a coil, kevinrobinson6688, kevin robinson, kdr
Id: s1m34p4bxcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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