Chainsaw Won't Start - 10 Years in Storage - Poulan Woodshark - DIY Repair

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take a look at this oh hey guys yeah come on in you startled me there I was just gonna just get ready tear into this someone brought this by it hasn't run in ten years and in this video we're gonna see if we can make this chainsaw run again okay we got us a little pool in here pull on yeah they call this a wood shark I don't see the CC on it on there on the side the complaint is they tried and tried and it would not start we're going to check the obvious stuff first there's zero fuel in it I'm not sure if they tried it with fuel and drained it or what what they did to it and I have to look down in here and see if this is a torx or a and it looks like you can use a slotted screwdriver on it or an allen wrench we'll try this because I've got it handy go ahead and take this top cover off just see what we're what's going on in here gotta push the brake forward to get that front of that cover off of there and am I gonna be able to remove it without yes okay good some of them you have to take this this piece here off this carry handle to get that out of there but as you can see there's the spark plug get it where you guys can see it a little better there's the there's the spark plug here we're gonna go ahead and pull this boot off and I'm gonna guess that's a 3/4 get a place where I can grab it there okay we're just gonna take a look at this ah it's a little dirty it's not too bad I am going to go ahead and clean it up right quick on the wire wheel before I put that back in and also like to run a little anti-seize on these threads because these are real notorious for getting stuck in there but we'll clean that up in a moment I tell you I'm just gonna put a little a couple of drops of three and one down in here make sure and lubricate this because it's been sitting so long let's give it a good squirt there and I'm just gonna pull this thing over a few times gently cuz I don't want to spray that stuff out all over me make sure everything feels okay and I'm also inspecting the rope as I'm going here making sure that the return mechanism is going well on and working well on the rope seems fine I'm just gonna put my finger and my thumb over this and see if I can feel compression yeah okay anything certainly making compression now we're going to check spark before I clean this up get into a place where it'll stay there up against the cylinder head usually what you want to do now let's see if we got any spark got to have the thing on on run so that would be Iran I'm gonna go ahead and pull the choke out like I'm fixing to start the thing we're gonna see if there's any spark here I don't know if you're gonna be able to pick that up it's pretty faint but I do see sparks oh that's a good sign and also while I'm in here with the cover off I'm gonna clean all this out it's not too bad actually in there but I'm gonna I'm gonna clean this cover out and make sure when we put it all back together that this air filter is cleaned out right here and make sure everything's going right on you know looks okay on the inside of that let's go ahead and pull that out of there just a little thin paper air filter here or actually it's a foam with some kind synthetic foam I'll blow this off with the compressor and put a light coat of oil on it looks clean inside of there I don't know if you can see that or not but there's the choke mechanism and how that works okay that seems to be working fine it looks clean enough I'm not gonna worry about spray and carburetor cleaner in there right now okay I got the spark plug all cleaned up use the wire wheel for that now I'm going to put a little bit of anti-seize around the threads their screw it back in we're gonna go ahead and fill this thing up with fuel I'm not gonna actually fill it all the way up I'm just gonna put you know probably a quarter of a tank in it we're gonna go ahead and give it a try at that point but I'm not gonna put that top cover back on yet that goes over there because I may need to spray some starting fluid into the throat of the carburetor or some carburetor cleaner if I feel like it's not running right to clean that out so we're gonna leave that accessible for right now we're not going to put it all the way back together you want to avoid the electrode on this you just want it around the threads make it easier on the next person that has to take that off of there might be you always start them by hand on aluminum cylinder heads they can feel a little weird as far as when you're starting it in if you get it off it can strip out pretty easily okay so we should be done with you never sees the anti-seize I'm going to tighten this up it doesn't need to be super tight just tight enough to get a compression seal on it again you may have to take this off in the future so we're gonna inspect the inside of this it looks good a little dielectric grease never hurts anything just around here that helps get that off next time okay I heard it click everything looks good all right I did go ahead and loosen up that bar so I can tighten it up a little bit it works a little different than mine the screws here on the front right in that area so we're gonna tighten that up a bit and bring that tension up on that chain a little bit now you don't want it so tight that you can't get any pressure underneath it you want it to be that actually feels about perfect right there you want to be able to pull it up almost you know easily pull it up almost enough where the tip will almost come out of there but it stays tight otherwise looks tight so that's where we're going to leave that tighten it down here and you don't need to tighten these up super tight just get them good and snug I've seen guys that really tighten them over tight nice that looks good didn't take long chain breaks on okay put that back on got our two-stroke gas here should emphasize it's fresh fresh to Stroeve gas that's important a lot of times with these two-stroke engines if it's full of gas and it just won't start so you might have bad gas in the thing that could be a big part of it so drain all your old gas out dispose of that properly who put more than I want it in there dispose of that properly and put fresh gas in it okay I'm definitely not gonna fill it all the way up a bar oil because I'm not cutting wood with it today gonna put enough in there that has a little in it that's good to see I've seen people actually fill these up with gasoline before that's why I smelled that it didn't smell like gas but looked kind of liquidy now in a careful way I'm gonna wipe this dirt around I'm gonna try to wipe it out of that spot there so I don't knock any end keep it clean in there and wipe the knob off also tighten these up pretty tight as I can get them with my hand because you this tank is this thing if you if you don't have a tie it'll leak all out on you and this gas one here there's no ring seal in there and if that's not that seal was not made then the tank won't press your eyes and think doesn't these things pressurize the tank that's how they work that's why you have to prime the button six times as you're building up a slight just a little bit of pressure in the tank here so we're going to do that I'm gonna go ahead I did put the filter back in and I'm gonna put this cover on there hopefully I'll kind of stay on there yeah I probably won't probably fall right off when I start it but okay so next up on this type of chain saw you pull this lever and make sure that when you pull it it automatically pops that up so you pull this choke lever out all the way and we're going to go outside and give it a start good sign okay now we're going to push the choke halfway in set to make sure the brake set Metatron choked for a minute or so so it sounds like it's gonna run on its own giving it a little bit of gas here just kind of feathering that gas I think it's gonna die I've tether back on it so I don't have to start it over and over again it hadn't been around in 10 years so it needs to run for a little while I'm looking to see if it's slinging any oil out of the chain so far it's not I like to see a little bit sling out when I wrap up [Music] it's running fine jokes all the way in I'm just gonna let this sit here and run for a while let it get good and warm hot even I might even go over and cut a couple of limbs with it just to make sure it doesn't bog down whenever I cut into some wood so stay tuned I think it's the little things that keep people your customers coming back example was you saw how dirty this thing was when it came in here no one ever asks me to clean them up but I clean them up every single time when the customer comes to pick up their tool and they see it's been cleaned up I didn't you know I can't get the scratches out of there but I wiped everything down there's a little spot there I missed it's just worth it to make it look nice and new again I as you saw I went ahead and tightened up that chain for them but yeah this little thing cleaned up great it's practically brand new chainsaw the carburetor looked good I didn't see any problems inside of their throttle everything felt good I went ahead and read the filter like I said light coat of oil last thing to do is I've got to blow this top cover off and reinstall it do that right now execute a nice wipe off again it doesn't have to look for and new but you know it depends on what service you're getting you're providing the customer what you tell them you're gonna do but most the time these neglecting chainsaws there's not much wrong with them usually it's just maybe a little bit of gummed up fuel in the carburetor and oftentimes you don't even need to use carburetor cleaner like this case I was able to start this one right up sometimes they fight you a little more than that though and when they do that's when I use either starting fluid to get it going and then once it's running I'll squirt a little I prefer the b12 chem tool carburetor cleaner and I'll squirt just tiny bits of that tiny squirts inside directly in the throat of the carburetor and you have to feather the fuel to keep it going because it'll try to die as you squirt that in there but it will clean that out and you can actually get the engine nice and hot and kill it with the b12 and just let it sit there for a while and that'll kind of that b12 will soak into that carburetor and it'll be hard to start the next time it'll take you several tries you may even have to pull the spark plug out and dry it off because sometimes you'll you'll fat you'll wet the spark plug and then it won't spark you'll feel you know you'll flooded by doing that these small engines are you know really any engine that's gasoline combustion engine they operate on some fun basic fundamentals you have to have air flow in air flow out exhaust out you have to have spark and you have to have fuel and compression if you have all those things most the time the engines gonna run and so what I do is I start looking for those things as you saw I checked the spark we had good spark decent spark I would say you know I looked down the throat of the carburetor it looked very clean inside of there so I didn't suspect that was gonna be an issue I think the problem with this was probably just had just been sitting there for so long and maybe it had a little gum up in the carburetor there in the fuel feed line or something I don't know but yeah I had no trouble getting it going and these these small engines they don't like to be left for long periods of time with two-stroke gas in them I always run peer fuel I don't run ethanol fuel unless I absolutely have to but I never run them in chainsaws and small engines like this because I think you're just asking for problems because these things tend to sit on the shelf for a while in between use and that's the trouble if you knew you weren't gonna use your saw again until maybe next year I would recommend going ahead and emptying the tank out the last time you use it run it dry and just leave it empty you know run it out of fuel and that will help suck any of the fuel out of the carburetor but yeah that's that's my recommendation that's your best bet on these two strokes especially to keep them lasting for a long time you know in fact I've got two of them out there right now two chainsaws of my own that I need to do the same thing too so okay guys appreciate you stopping by I hope this helped you out and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Hands On Channel
Views: 329,957
Rating: 4.5979176 out of 5
Keywords: Chainsaw Repair, Poulan, wood shark, stihl, craftsman, wont start, how to, diy, maga
Id: T7swISBk6rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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