Blender Day 3 - Modifiers - Introduction Series for Beginners

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[Music] all right guys so in previous chapter we we talked about how to edit uh polygon objects and create your own meshes on objects and like we modeled a couple of couple of things and now we are going to talk about modifiers which are available in modify properties over here now as the name suggests the modifiers can modify your objects okay and there are several kind of effects available and you can try these out like all of them and see what their effects are but to get started with this i'm going to test out few of these modifiers so that you understand what is the difference between uh editing a polygon object and creating an object with modifiers okay now the main reason is after you're done editing an object with edit poly let's say if i create this thing and uh i make a couple of duplicate okay or let's say if i create a screw effect over here all right now once i'm done editing uh i cannot change this that is one thing and also i i can't animate this okay this is not a not a procedural effect this editing is done in the mesh and i can't come back and change it or animate this value but what modifiers do they add a working modifier over here like you can stack them one by one and combine them to create some very interesting effects and those modifiers always stay here until you collapse them and merge them with the object okay and the benefit of using modifier is it gives you a procedural control you can tweak like each stage of construction back and forth and uh you will not lose your geometry at any time and also you can key all those values and create some nice animated effects now let's just uh test out few of them first thing i'm going to create is one simple cube okay move this up and go to edit mode and uh just make a shape like this i'll create one insert and extrude this out and scale it down all right now let's go to modify properties this uh icon over here and uh i'll apply one array modifier all right so as you can see i have another copy of this now you might be wondering what is going on so you uh this array modifier it creates duplicate of your object in an like a array effect all right as the name suggests you have and the copies of your same object all right and there is much more to this you can change the the offset in any any dimension all right and let's say if i make it something like this now as we talked about the procedural nature of this if i go to edit mode and change this shape you can see the change is happening in all of these because these shapes are driven from this one modifier is used on this one so at any moment if i if i want to come back to this and let's say if i want to make some changes over here so i can easily access all these parameters and like tweak these however i want all right so i'll press backspace on these parameters just to reset them so another shortcut to remember backspace if you want to reset any value now i'm going to add another array modifier on this and instead of x offset i'll apply 1 in y all right and i can maybe decrease this value now you can see this looks like uh maybe a chocolate bar or something all right so i just created this simple object and uh you can see i have this whole geometry now all right now you can modify it further with the let's say the second modifier bevel and you can see all the corners are smooth now i can change these and also in array modifier you can use merge to munch the duplicates now i can no longer see the seams over here so i'm going to change the width of this bevel a bit more and maybe you can increase the number of segments like this all right now let's keep this one aside over here and see some more parameters about this modifier each of these modifiers have a two very important things one are the object coordinate controller uh most of these modifiers have like you can assign a controller which which is used for transforming the modifier and one is with the vertex weight okay and we are going to discuss the vertex weight first after this modifier before proceeding to others now let's say i have multiple copies of this all right now what i can do is uh i can bring one empty object over here and this is like uh right now the object origin is over here all right so whatever i do like it's happening uh from this point now what i can do is i can assign object offset to this point and now if i change like now if i move this one you can see uh the array modifier is working according to the position and transformation of this empty object which is like a helper all right not just the position i can also rotate this one and you can see how the interesting forms are being created over here i'll reset the r and uh all right and you can see uh there are so many possibilities just with this one also you can apply uh like a start and end cap like you can use some custom objects for the start and end one all right all these modifiers they might look very simple at start but uh if you have a look around and uh any object or any repetitive pattern you have you can uh maybe like most probably you can come up with a solution uh and you can break it down with a modifier for instance imagine if you have something like uh okay i'm just going to create one plane and uh i'll create one insert and extrude this all right extrude this one and create something like this now i can extrude this out in y direction and create something like this now i have something which looks like a wall and a window okay now what i can do is i can use array modifier to create one entire building out of this now imagine if i add one more array modifier and instead of just like before i use vertical duplicates and also if i go to the top view and bring one empty object over here so let's see if i can modify this further what i'll do is i'll create one now i'll go to the top view and i'll create one empty object over here plain access now in the first array modifier i'll select this one as a driver i mean uh for transformation all right now i rotate this in 90 degree yeah something like this now you can see uh if i rotate this in uh z direction i can use this i can create something very interesting like uh a different kind of a building like instead of a just a flat one it's a very simple object but combined with modifiers you can create so much from just a simple modifier okay so i'm just going to delete this one and uh now the next modifier we are going to discuss is a boolean modifier okay now to clear out the concept of boolean i'm quickly going to create one uh uv sphere over here and a box okay and uh now i'll apply boolean on this box and from the object i'll pick this one as you can see uh okay i'll just hide this one and you can see the object which we used for boolean have created this nice cut out in this geometry okay if i bring this back and change the visibility of it and an object property i'll make this bounce you can see i have this very nice boolean effect going on over here and and it's updating interactively when i move this object rotate it or scale it okay and now i can go to edit mode and if i make a duplicate of this you can see there are two cutouts now i can maybe combine multiple shapes and create something which is like a very interesting looking or boolean actually is mostly used for hard surface modeling to create something like machines and all all right there are a few other parameters you can use a difference or intersect you can see right now it's only picking up the intersection to make a good use of boolean i'm going to bring our cube move this in z direction and make it flat like this okay now i'll move this in x direction and make it something like this and set the origin to geometry and reset the position all right i'll rotate this in 90 degree in top view i'll bring one more cube over here and scale this down and rotate this in this direction go to the edit mode move this in a normal direction like this okay now i can use array modifier on this one before that right now it's taking the local coordinates what i can do is i can apply all transform and instead of x offset i'll use the y offset and increase these number of copies i'll change the gap to maybe 0.7 yeah and i'll place these over here all right what i can do is i can apply a boolean modifier on this one and change the visibility of this to bounce and you can see i have these nice cutouts okay now i'm trying to create a gameboy model over here uh with just the boolean so i go back to global and select all the faces and i just want to decrease the cutouts size all right now if you see now when i'm increasing the number of copies this is like interactively this is a procedural effect okay now all the modifiers over here are going to work on this boolean and this boolean will work with uh like you can work with all other modifiers over here okay most of it now one more interesting thing we can do is we can apply mirror modifier on this and you can see the cutouts are happening on both sides though okay now for this to align like uh for this to pick up the center i can choose this object and instead of x i'll try y now i have cutouts on both sides now if i increase the numbers you can see now you can clearly understand but the benefit of working with modifier is now let's go to top view and bring a cube over here and place it here right here and i can maybe make it not so tall and i can create duplicate of this in edit mode now i'm creating the duplicate of this in edit mode so that i don't have to apply too many boolean modifiers and i can work with only one and these two are one objects for now okay i'll place it over here and i can make a duplicate of this again and make another button over here select linked faces with l shift d r 90 alright over here now i can use one more boolean modifier and pick this one and change the visibility of this into box and you can see i have more cutouts for screen and other buttons now the fun part about this is now if i go back to edit mode let's say if i want some radius over here i'll select all these these edges and now if i create a bevel and come back to my object mode you can see the cutouts also have a bevel all right and this is very interesting now i can maybe bring one uh cylinder over here four buttons now i can apply one array modifier on this one apply one more array modifier and change this to zero and this to one and change the copy this offset okay and i can give it some bevel like this okay i'll go to top view and press r 45 degree okay now i can use these uh buttons to create a hole over here as well i'll select from the boolean and change the visibility option to bounce okay and what is happening over here is uh some problem with the bevel i guess okay so i'll switch off bevel for now i think uh there are some topology issues all right and uh i'll create a duplicate of this and change the visibility option back to bounce back to solid and i can apply these modifiers now because uh because i don't need them anymore now when applying modifiers you should always apply them from top to bottom like this one the top most first and then after that bottom one okay otherwise the effect will be uh if it will not work as you have planned now i can select all these and in uh shrink where is the shrink here i'll use the shelling tool like this and i can select all these top loops create a nice bevel all right and move these down now over here what i'll do is i'll create a cube and scale it down like this this one is for the control handle i'll add two loop cuts and maybe bring extrude region and create a plus sign like this and i can apply one more boolean modifier over here and choose this shape and use this as bounce okay now let's go to top view scale these down as well now you can see if i had modeled all this and if i wanted to scale the scale down the buttons and all it would be very difficult i'm i think i'll have to undo everything now i can select all these edges yeah and create a bevel over here all right i'll create a duplicate of this and change back the view to solid select all these and uh i can shrink them down a bit and i can also give it some bevel over here all right shade smooth now for the buttons i can select all this geometry which we had created earlier for the buttons and all and make a duplicate of this all right and change the settings to solid and i can use shrink on these i think i'll do it one by one i can use a shrink for this one and create a nice bevel over here yeah i can shrink this as well and create bevel all right and and this one i can uh maybe delete this face and delete this face as well select all the faces sorry select all the faces these ones and uh do an extrude region like this now i can go back to my original geometry now if i disable all the modifiers over here you can see it's still just a box okay now i can select this edge and give it some bevel and i can select these edges and give them a comparatively small bevel and if you want you can give one bevel over here as well maybe just four segments and if i disable the overlay i think i have pretty decent looking game boy model and it's not bad so for this one we used mostly boolean modifier to create all these cutouts and we used array for these we used bevel for smoothing out the edges and we used mirror modifier to mirror the duplicates from here to here and uh yeah i think uh these are this is pretty good now you understand the magic of using the modifiers together and uh this is uh now modifiers are not just for modeling you can create any abstract shape out of them and uh these are like very good for motion graphics as well all right so i'm just going to disable this collection we have for this i mean all the objects are whatever we have created so far are over here so i'll disable this one and maybe create a new collection and this one is for screw modifier all right this one was for uh bool now for screw modifier as the name suggests i think you might have guessed it already okay let me show you the effect with a very simple one let me create a plane over here and uh i rotate this one in 90 degrees like this all right let's bring one screw modifier from here all right and i can change this to any other axis okay now what is happening is screw modifier is taking my geometry and creating a spin out of this and you you will be able to see better effect if i use the screw parameter from here and you can adjust these number of steps and number of angle you want in this one okay what is happening is uh right now the origin of object is right in the middle so it's taking rotation from here only so instead of that if i select this object and go to the active tool properties and select the origin and change the origin to somewhere over here then the screw modifier is taking rotation from this point and now you can see the effect much better all right so what i do is uh i'll simply increase the height of this screw and then the angle over here and change the number of steps to 500 maybe okay maybe i want 5 000 all right now the threads of a screw are usually very sharp so i can select these edges and scale them down like this and maybe it's not so deep i can uh move this out and scale these down as well like this so you can see the effect is happening everywhere i'm on this screw modifier now i'll bring one cylinder over here before that i'll press shift s to bring my cursor to cursor to select it now my cursor is in the middle of this object now if i create one cylinder it's going to be right in the middle i'll disable the pivot the origin modification from here and now i can create one extrude in z direction another extrude in z direction something like this actually uh and then i can create one more one more cylinder and change the sides to only eight sides and i can move this over here and make it something like this for this one i can use bevel like this okay and the screw modifier is not just for this purpose you can actually if you are aware of uh any woodworkings like there is a process called lathe uh in woodworkings let's say if i bring a plane over here okay and i rotate this in 90 degrees and what i can delete all these points and create my own shape let's say if i want yeah let's say if i want to create something like a bulb okay so i'll click over here click over here and click over here okay and now if i apply subdivision now my edges are pretty smooth okay these are polygon edges these are not curved objects okay now what i'll do is i'll apply one screw modifier on this one and change the direction to y now you can see it's taking the entire shape and rotating this in 360 degree now if i change the origin of this object let's go to the active tool properties and change this to center of the screw modifier now you can see as i was planning to make one bulb object you can see i have a bulb okay when i change the shape of all these points this screw modifier is updating everything in 360. now i can change the shape however i want and like you can create uh so many surfaces from this like can of soda you can create a lamp out of this any uh like chess pieces out of this there are many possibilities okay this shape is just for uh clearing out the concept of screw modifier i'm sure you can come up with a better shape i'll have to disable uh origin from this here now let's place it over here and uh for this one i can uh just just for fun purpose i can isolate this one object set origin to geometry shift s shift s cursor to selected sorry and bring one uh cylinder over here change the size to 32 and use boolean on this okay change the visibility to bounce and exit the isolation mode now you can also duplicate this and change the screw sorry the angle to something like this okay now for this shape i'm going to select all rotate these inward so that there is a negative and positive okay now i disable this collection as well now let's uh talk about few of the other ones okay the next one we are going to talk about is the simple deform modifier all right so let me create one very tall pillar something like this and add a lot of loop cuts to this so that there is enough mesh to deform this okay now the origin is in the center keep that in mind now let's say if i apply simple deform from here now right now it's using twist mode there are three other ones bend taper and stretch now if i change this to y direction sorry z direction now you can see the effect clearly as i increase the deform value it's creating a nice twist over here okay now if i go to uh active tool properties and change the origin of it this twist modifier was taking origin of the actual geometry now look at the way it behaves when i change the origin okay now right now it's taking this point to deform the object and i can even rotate this and create something like which is very be very abstract but every time it's not very convenient to actually change the origin of your object there might be some other things linked to this object and it could break the hierarchy now what you can do is you can assign a different object as an origin let's say if i click over here and bring one empty simple object okay this is an empty object now if i select this and x is origin if uh if i click over here now you can see it's using this one for the center of rotation all right now i'll create a duplicate of this and i'll disable this one all right i can just leave it for now now let's apply one more modifier which is uh the same simple deform and uh for this one i'll use the bend object okay and you can see i can if i use a 360 value i can create like entire 360 bend okay and just like before you can define any other axis if you want like let's say if i use this one let me just decrease the bend and if i rotate this object now this bend modifier is uh using this empty for rotation okay but i'm going to reset this one i'll use the yeah before i reset this there are a few parameters over here called limits now right now the effect is taking place on the entire geometry you can limit this modifier let's say if i want the bottom to not get affected so much i mean the top part now you can see the top part is very straight okay and i can use this for other side as well like i think uh this will be much better example over here now if i change the top and bottom limit you can see how this is working i can limit this modifiers range from here yeah one all right and i'll use 360 over here okay so these were just two effects and there is one more and which is to taper the object and one is for stretching the object you can explore these options if you want and i will then create actually to explore all the modifiers available and and like if you want a quick help about modifier you can simply go to the modifier and press f1 on the keyboard and this will open blender manual and the list of the modifier actually this is for any tool you can hover over any tool and press f1 it will bring up the this manual okay now you can check out what these modifiers do you can click on them and just have a look at this it's very useful and very detailed manual okay so i'll delete this one and i'll delete this one as well and i'll bring this to center okay now i can increase the number of twist if i want and i can also animate this value i can create 700 twist maybe something like this so i'll save this one in one more collection called uh simple deform all right and drag this into this collection let's uh talk about one more modifier called uh wireframe now as the name suggests it creates a wireframe from this object okay and now you can see the entire object is actually the entire object's mesh is converted into a wireframe all right now i can go to the some other madcap view maybe or i can just increase the thickness of this now you can see the this is a very interesting effect and it's a still procedural effect now if i change the twist of this modifier it's uh working with the wireframe as well all right now you might have noticed uh most of these modifiers have this vertex group option over here okay now let's talk about what the vertex group is so that we can do some more detailed work with modifier okay now i'll bring up a plane over here and i'll bring up a special context menu with a w and subdivide this many a few times all right now just like uh in object mode let's say if i have a cube and if i have a ico sphere okay now i can create a selection okay and uh maybe combine them separate them and make a group out of them all right but uh let's say if you want to create some effect on this plane but you don't want the entire plane to be affected from this and you want uh to define like a where it should uh which vertices or which faces should be affected from the effect now for that you can do is let's say if i press c on keyboard create this selection okay and now if i go to object data properties over here you can see there is a thing called vertex groups now if i click on vertex groups over here and create uh maybe give it a name s group okay whatever vertices are in this selection which are forming s and now if i click on assign now what is happening is these vertices have the weight of one and rest everything is weight zero now to have a look at this we are going to weight paint and you can see the one with the vertex weight of one have a red value and the blue ones are unaffected now let's say if i go back to object mode and uh if i bring a wireframe over here now if i select s group from this vertex group now you can see all these vertexes vertices around have value of zero and these vertices which are in the vertex group s group have the value of one okay now to have a better look look at this i can increase the factor and you can see the rest of the mesh is still there but the value is uh working in relation with the vertex groups parameters okay and this is a very fun uh way of working uh when like you can create very detailed objects with vertex groups all right this one was very simple example if you go to the modifier list over here on the left all these are like most of these ones are related to vertex weight like a vertex weight edit vertex weight mix vertex weight proximity okay now what these can do is uh instead of only having one static selection of a vertex group these can dynamically change the vertex weight okay now to clear this concept i'll create a duplicate of this and uh i'll create one more vertex group over here and call this proxim i'll press tab on this and select all these vertices and assign into proxy assign and uh i'll delete this one okay now if i go to vertex paint uh the weight paint my entire object is red red because uh the all the vertices are in this selection okay i'll select proxim from here and uh let's go to the object mode now right now all these vertices are being affected because uh this vertex group have all these vertices in the selection now what i can do is i can bring vertex weight proximity from here and move this up over here before this modifier now i'll change the vertex group to proxim and over here i'm going to bring one uh tallest object now as the name suggests what this uh modifier does is it it works in approximation with other object like let's say if i pick the target object and define this torus all right and change the distance to geometry now you can see okay to increase the visibility more i'll i change these parameters a bit now what's happening is now when this object moves close to this object the paint weight paint of these vertices is becoming more stronger and it's working in approximation with this object now let's say if i want to hide this visibility if i select this one and go to the weight paint now you can see all these vertices near this uh taurus object are red and if i go back to object mode again and move this up over here i go to the weight paint now you'll see it's no longer active okay so this is very dynamic uh parameter you can use this in many way okay i'll change the factor to something like this now let's say if i bring one um i'll bring a simple deform modifier over here and from the vertex group i'll select proxim and now what is happening is the twist parameter is only working on these vertices which are in proximation to the taurus object okay now if i increase this value let's say if i want more twist over here now you can see when i select the taurus and move it around it creates a very interesting effect twist is only working on these objects over here like this so imagine the number of possibilities you can uh have with this there are a few more modifiers over here to edit the vertex weight and we will talk about the vertex weight uh edit in a moment now i create a duplicate of this and uh remove all these uh vertex weights i'll go back to something subtle in the mat cap and let's talk about displaced modifier over here okay i'll isolate this object now what the what this modifier does is it displaces the mesh for the given strength over here now this might look simple at first but it's not actually just moving the object it's moving each of these vertices in given direction and this direction can be controlled with a texture parameter over here now if i click on new and now this texture i can edit from the texture property if i click on this icon and from here if i select displaced texture and uh from here if i bring some texture like uh muskrate and sorry i'll change this to maybe voronoi and i'll select all these and subdivide it further now you can see the meshes are using this texture to displace it and i can control animate this and create some very nice procedural effect i can use this to create maybe mountains i can use this to create uh some very organic looking surfaces and this is like a one of the very powerful modifiers all right now if i change the modifier from here you can see i already have a some stone looking thing over here and if i apply a subdivision surface now the fun part about this is this is animatable like you can animate this or you can change this at any moment like this just like other modifiers if i click over here and bring one simple empty object and if i go to modifier in the texture coordinates i can assign this to an external object from here now if i scale this object it scales the texture if i rotate this it rotates the texture if i move this it moves the texture now let's have more fun with this i want a marble texture over here okay now you can see this is such a nice organic effect and you can also use uh vertex weights with this all right just like i said the vertex group you can assign over here if you want to work on only these vertices you can make a selection just like how we did with these objects over here all right now let's say if i bring one taurus and uh if i select all these vertices and create one uh group from this and assign the vertex weight okay now i'll create uh one more modifier over here vertex with proximity just like before and move this on the top level i'll select this control object just like before i'll select the vertex group and change this to geometry now right now it's uh not working over here that is because yeah from here this place i need to select group 1 and now if i move this i'll increase the strength of this object okay now you can see it's working with the this object yeah so i can tweak these parameters over here and create something more interesting now if i move this torus over here let me just uh bring back bounce so this effect is totally procedural and you can animate this all right and if i scale this down let's say and if i make a duplicate of this you can see i have now it's adapting to the shape and whatever modifiers i use on these taurus objects let's say if i use the simple deform and give the angle it's a working on it's updating the displaced modifier as well all right now uh the same thing but a bit different effect i'll bring a cube and i'll try and combine the boolean modifier with the displaced modifier now over like let's say if i scale this in sorry in y direction like this now i can subdivide this mesh up a few times and uh what i can do is i can uh bring few uv uv sphere over here and uh use the boolean modifier for this i'll just go over here apply a boolean modifier and boolean this one all right and change the display setting to this bounce now if i scale this up in something like this now i can make a multiple copy of these all right and you can see my boolean is updating now let's add few of these uh booleans and if i disable this you can see this looks something like a cheese okay like what you see in typical animated cartoon version of the cheese all right and what i can do now is i can bring one more simple sphere and i can apply a displaced modifier on this we bring up a mass grave texture and maybe subdivide the geometry a bit more right and then you can boolean this again from this if i apply one more boolean and boolean this geometry and change the visibility to bound box now you can see i have very interesting cut out from the cheese over here yeah now i can go over here and apply subdivision surface and shade this smooth and i can select this boolean object and shade this smooth as well and you see we have a very nice looking piece of a cheese so i think you understand the concept of stacking modifier together and working all right guys so i'm going to stop here today at this moment because i think we have covered a quite of basic quite a number of basic of modifiers and this could be a lot to process with if you are working for the first time with the modifiers so i hope this gives you an idea of what modifiers are and what their use is and how they work together if you stack them and the number of possibilities are endless this is a these are just some very basic few examples now i'd encourage you guys to just go and check out uh this list over here and out of all these what you can do is you can play around with this list over here under the generate category okay this category also have some interesting modifiers which you can uh play around with like a cast hook and displays wave modifier and uh but uh i would say don't get into any of these modifiers under the under the simulate category okay you can leave out this category simulate category for now because this this is a very detailed topic to talk about like each one of these modifiers are very deep subjects okay i'd suggest you just play around with these modifiers and see the number of possibilities and come up with different shapes different abstracts you can just do a some quick search about different kind of forms and try to achieve them with the help of modifiers and also if you have any questions you can just write it down in the comments below so in the next chapter we are going to talk about materials so i'll take this scene and we'll share each of these objects and talk about materials and textures and also the uv okay we'll also paint a bit of a texture on this game boy model so it's going to be a lot of fun and i hope to see you guys in the next chapter and like all like always do share your work for the modifiers day and you can tag me on the instagram with instagram and i'd love to see you guys what you guys come come up with okay so thank you and see you in the next chapter [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CrossMind Studio
Views: 238,577
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Keywords: Learn Blender 3d, Blender for Beginners, Free Blender Course, Learn Blender Fast, Blender Crash Course, Learn 3d Animation, Learn 3d Modeling, How to make 3d Models, Blender, 3d, animation, 3dmodeling, HDRI lighting, Professional vfx training, Blender education, Get good with blender, how to make money with blender, how to learn blender 3d, Blender Modifiers, Blender Eevee, Blender Cycles, 3drending, 3ddesign, lowpoly, how to make cartoons, blender jobs, how to make 3d animation
Id: NfD9Nc1KmYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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