Technical Training With A Professional Football Trainer | Full Training Session With Tom Owens UK

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hi guys welcome back to another video so I'm joined today with Tom Owens owner CEO of Tom Owens UK if you've been on the channel a long time you know about four years ago Tom and I trained together a couple times got some really good sessions in and if you haven't seen those already check them out in the description box down below but Tom you've come a long way you're training some of the best players in the country so what we got in store today then so we're going to start just behind us here um and just a bit of an introduction just for you to welcome you know new energy I know that you do a lot of training on your own so obviously a little bit different today with me me guarding you through a practice so we'll start with a bit of footw also a little bit of ball Mastery um and then we'll move into a little bit of passing and receiving try and put you in as many scenario possible the aim you know the way I see training is if you go and play golf and you you you haven't got half of the golf clubs you're going to find yourself unstuck cuz the ball's going to land in certain situations and you don't have the solution so I look at private training like what I do whether you know you mentioned youngsters Premier League players I want you to step onto the pitch with all the golf clubs the football clubs so that when the ball lands anywhere you're not unfamiliar you you've been there before in practice and you you feel confident that you've got the clubs wherever the ball might land cuz I believe that's what the best players in the world have got so we got a keeper coming um so then obviously we'll just finish off towards the goal looking forward to yeah I'm looking forward to it mate so make sure you check out Tom's links in the description box down below after you've watch this video if you want more from Tom see some of the sessions that we do but let's get into it let roll right all right let's do it this will just be an introduction for you to get your body going wake the nervous system up you'll be working in between these poles allo want to start with let's go bounce past there two bouncers there's one there's two drop all right foot inside this way to go beyond that pole outside back in there b b pump then you'll be back in the middle so there outside that way one two come short for your two bounce passes bang bang good get your left foot ready cuz you're going that way touch touch bang do just little manipulations there okay you're on the clock for 30 seconds nice and sharp nothing crazy get the nervous system going 3 2 1 let's go there yes bang shifted this way right side one two Bang there star feeling into playing with your eyes up we're going to need that for the rest of the session there yes one there two all footwork Mike Everything clean we start as we mean to continue for the rest of the session touch there Bang Yes good give me two more there go bang right side one two there yes good two bouncers good shoulders for me bang left side b b time beautiful shake the legs out in inside your left sole of the left right foot pass okay inside the right sole of your right left foot pass yeah 30 seconds 3 2 1 go yes there bang good this way go bang there yes and play there yeah beautiful one yes two shoulders and inside PL touches go nice and expansive with the touch mic for me there good expansive be positive with it there two bounces from now there's one there's two now move now get hold of that touch Bang there good let the ball go a little fad for us let the ball roll a little fader there you go bang there good real dimensions for us yes don't be in a rush to get me the ball back bang touch we can always add speed later on just feel into the body conscious touches bang in good keep breathing for us good give me two from now there Soul left side there you are yes Rhythm there last one touch do it in and time well done instead of going hips open that way you're going there bang play in touch D DCH bang left side try and avoid that temptation of like even if your touch is long don't stretch for it once you start stretching there you're you're not in that athletic position no more you can't you probably can feel it in your body once I'm there stretching to try and grab that ball I can't athletically shift me hips to get out of that pocket I end up getting stuck a little bit I feel Stucky even just me standing this but I feel stuck here catch up to the ball there so that this left foot now you're out the hole there right foot over there there so really putting your weight on that standing leg to swivel to get out so that the so that the tan isn't you're not covering one yard and a small little patch of Astro with the tan being expansive with it cuz obviously I want you thinking that someone's dangling the foot in so the more expansive and the bigger that vshape is the more chances in a game that you clearing that little dangling foot that someone's coming in for you to get avoid so we're going to work four of them so let's just practice that one yes good bang right foot this way bang good nice and big with the V there Bang there yes good feel into your Mobility stay on the ball let it go there yes okay so we're going to do four to that side to that side once that I'm going to say go soon as I say go you're going to work without the ball through these two so it's just there one two bang open up this side the next round you go to the opposite side I'm going to whizard in back foot receive through the greens however you like can I have a ball m and then F Follow Follow Me This Way once you've made it through the greens we're now in this area we're going to work this way first so as you get I don't want you getting too close to the rebounder but probably from about there we're going to punch it in as we punch it in there I want you receiving it to to go towards the rebounder that's your first touch next reference is the orange we're going to go a little hesitation so you're going out let the ball go you eyes up you've seen something kill it move it to get to the very end here once you get past that purple you're taining and I'm going to be down on the white line once you've tained Bang show me this B so you've got rebounder touch towards the rebounder bang orange Bang there good you've seen something kill it move it D outside and then bang I'm waiting for you okay by the time you've done that t yes Mike by the time you've done that t i want you to go from the T to set cuz you're wiiz Anatomy yeah doesn't have to be crazy but along the ground laces inside the foot whatever feels good after that I've got it you're here yeah it's going to be 3 2 1 I'm going to fire the ball at you control it I'm giving you three seconds to get to the white line get the ball down just drive nice and positive yeah yeah there one bang two this way bang clean with that face one bang better yes there one yes two this way left side there one two three there you go it's got a tendency to do that on your left more than it's your right there so you might need a load of conscious energy on your left side this is the one now there good where's that touch for us one two three there and go you're off you're off you're off any side you want where is he where is he there he is 10 bang go through the greens good now breathe Mike set it up you're going to the right there kill it bang one there hesitate get out there 10 set the feet stay where you are stay where you are three two one there get old Bang 3 seconds let's go all the way to the white line all the way in three two one time good breathe one two drop shift the ball behind this pole play to me and I'm whizzing it right back through shift it behind that one play to me we're back in the middle for two bounces there's one yes there's two drop shift it yes Bang there one go get there move it play there bang yes we're doing four of them in the last few rounds I've had I've had your day and I've gone three to one and I've zipped it to you this time I'm going to go three to one go you're going to Sprint at me and the ball's coming same time yeah and I want you to I want you to I want you to absorb the ball like as if it's a it's a of your body keep on going don't want you to get halfway stop control then can you just subject to my pass right okay but my pass might be ugly and you have to deal with that um intentionally right intentionally um so so you moving receiving the you and the ball become one get to the white line play one yes two there bang shift play there yes bang there's your position there's your position there just using your smarts exact same drill just using your smarts to get into good spots there go and you're off let's go bang go to any side you want Mike where is he there he is yes 10 live let's go there yeah Good Feet breathe slow down bang there good here we go shift b b good get out there get out there yes there good yeah strike three two one go yes can you good three two one good receiver Mike good receiving well done good receiving okay here we go three two one yes one yes two there this way yes shift Bang there position Bang there thanks M yes Bang three more there go yeah you got it shift play yes Bang there there's your Tempo you got it there yes two more there yes good get old move Bang Yes Shifty Bang there last round come on you there bang good get hold of that one then get hold of that one there little ugly one for you same again there touches yes good and you're off let's go and you're off let's go where are you there he is 10 bang good here we go good nice and tight now now now breathe Mike breathe bang good now Tempo now Tempo there one two yes Bang Yes bang patience so stay alate stay Al light three two 1 go there can you bang there great touch go on then get there three two one yeah well done two one yes one yes two de L Shifty bang bang Shifty there you go good keep opening the hips for me got it yes there yes shift good good there you go no surprise be willing to play left and right be ready don't make don't make predetermined decisions you be ready to play any foot yes Bang there yes one yes two there shift bang this is your last round there yes move it bang good go there here we go here we go where are you there he is yes tou good you got it you got it tight tight tight bang God any decision you want up at the top Mike there one two yes good Bang patience great pass three 2 1 go go go go go come on come on come on Bang there yes dealt with Mike dealt with Mike bang yes well dealt with well done well done okay so I want you to start behind the pole the top pole o is going to be 3 2 1 go you're just going to run right at the ball there's your ball there's your first finish yeah so obviously on that angle to go and whip it um soon as you've hit that one come in here for his mik and just if you could just pretend to hit that one there bang soon as you've done that I'm putting the second ball on the ground there you're back pedaling to get somewhere online with this pole here basically where you're going to go with the ball is around that pole at the top but I might play it to you early though where you end up receiving it there so you're actually not even set yet so therefore you might need to kill it face up little Iniesta maybe or just any sort of ballman niip to get around there to get around that top hole now stay there let's have a look at that so you've at this first strike you've moved away Bang there you've shoulder it you've gone around get around that top Pole to face me and Freeze from there you're whizzing it in the air and I want to see your left foot to receive the ball here you've played it there bang come on come on come on there you're working your feet to your left foot to receive it facing the rebounder okay as you receive it stay there you're going to receive left foot bang play the rebound there inside of your foot to kill it outside of your foot to push it okay bang there's your second strike in your own time yeah let's go there connection Bang there are is Mike yes touch yeah love it good decision good decision I'm here one two b one two inside outside goals bang finish M finish M yes he's live go on your ball there yes where are you where are you where are you there you are B two three yes bang good left foot shoulders shoulders shoulders there b one two inside outside goo bang oh well dug out Mike well dug out 3 2 1 go there what are you going to do with that Bang there good get in the hole yes there you are touch bang feet mik Yes there shift one two there goes D here we go see where we are here so you've got you've done your rebounder one yeah so you're probably finishing out somewhere in here so from there I'm going to get me me last ball and it'll be a combination could you go where you are after your last finish so in here it's you're going to need to give me some time here yeah so you're going to go there to you here back to me and then you're going to need and then you're going to AR you run around that top pole because going away you go around that top hole and then H you're in the Box it's going outside now you're arriving bang there's your finish BM yeah so you're going to need to give me some time to get set so don't Sprint around there and Sprint in cuz the timing will be off I want to be delivering while you're arriving happy with that 3 2 1 there's your face finish there Bang there yes we are yeah there touch is good let's go let's go there I'm here left foot please there yes touch inside outside there Bang there yes mate come on then two there good give me some time yes timing timing ready play yes there where are you there he is 3 2 1 yes here we go bang There sa yes touch there feet here we go one two yes Bang there yes two good go on I'm with you I'm with you I'm with yes finishes bang a Michael well done thank you for that appreciate it so much mut gracias yeah indeed thanks very much I I was talking about how great the weather was before now we've been now we've been thrown on this is the truth really this is the real weather [Music]
Channel: 7mlc
Views: 58,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to dribble a soccer ball, dribbling drills for soccer players, how to improve dribbling, how to dribble like Messi, best dribbling drills, how to train like a professional footballers, how to improve first touch, finishing drills for footballers, professional football preseason training, how to become a professional footballer, soccer drills to do at home, a day in the life of a professional footballer, a day in the life of a professional soccer player
Id: 4Ah4uxryhuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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