Midfielder Specific Drills - Individual Midfielder Training

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my favorite place to play on the field is in the Midfield I don't care if it's the eight the six or out wide I just love being in the middle of the park where all the action is you know when you're in the middle you're on the ball more than anyone else so in this video I'm gonna give you three drills to make you a better midfielder first drill I'm gonna give you is all about passing and receiving if you can't keep possession for your team you can't play in the Midfield that's why you put fast players up top and get your goals people that can just defend stick them in the back the Midfield man you gotta control the game so can you receive the ball with different parts of the foot and keep possession and find your teammates so in this drill you need two sticks or two cones two markers whatever you have on this one we're gonna play the wall take a touch around the stick play the wall take a touch around the stick and then go right into the other side but I'm going to show you three different variations of that first technique I'm gonna go over when receiving the ball is open up the hip if the ball is coming to me and the ball comes in I want to open up my hip to touch the ball to space so you're gonna see here I'm gonna open up my hip one two three four times in a row so you play the glass open the right click the play open the left play open the left play open the right play kill so that was one rep I'm just focusing on consistency and getting a proper first touch with the Open The Hip technique when the ball comes in obviously I'm not scanning my shoulders every time I'm just focusing on my touch right now not so much my awareness second part of that drill same concept just different part of the foot let's use the outside now same deal just keeping it clean keeping the ball on the ground the third and final technique when doing this drill is across the body cut the ball across as it comes in foreign so there you have it three different ways to receive the ball open up the hip outside touch and finally across the body work on that at home so the first drill was all about passing and receiving receiving that ball coming in with a good first touch second drill for my midfielders out there it's all about turning when you play in the middle you know you're the link pin between the defense and the offense so at some point when that ball comes in from the defender you have to be able to turn and transition and get the ball forward so the second drill for all my midfielders it's all about turns first part of this drill we're going to work on just turning the corner so if I have a defender on my back and that ball comes in and they're pressing me can I just get through the channel and spin off the defender to now go forward I'll do a rep in real time now let's focus on the outside of the foot first so an outside of the foot turn so you play you see the pressure boom roll through and obviously now I'm off and running so that outside turn was just one variation you also could go across the body you could do a crife turn and spin through and also you can open up your hip and knock that ball through the channel that's another three variations you can do in addition to the outside turn I just showed you second part of this drill you're not always going to have someone right on your back so you don't always have to spin off them sometimes the defender is going to lay off in that case you'll have time to receive on the half turn and just go forward staying in a straight line so I'll show you the half turn with the left and the right you play you see you have space so you just turn now my head is up and I'm playing so just do reps of that left foot and obviously work your right foot as well scan you see the room turn boom now I can play and get my offense starter for my team going along with that half turn another version is letting it run sometimes if you have the right weight on the pass you don't even have to touch it so if I play here and I see the pace is good I might just boom let it run and I still have possession same thing the other way work under no touch turn boom let it run and then you're out and do whatever you want and I want to add one final thing going with the whole turn theme you got to have that drag in your locker as well meaning say you're coming here and all of a sudden someone's coming but you want to keep possession and turn just like that I'm kind of making room for myself the other two I was trying to go forward I spun out I went forward I went on the half turn I went forward sometime I might have pressure here and I just want to kind of yank the ball here and keep it where I am so I can find a teammate for a pass that's also a huge turn that all midfielders should have in their locker the third and final segment of this midfielder video is going to be all about either dribbling or some type of footwork and then passing a longer pass to a Target which in a game is going to be your teammate so distribution can we hold on to the ball key possession and then release it and find someone who's wide open so right now I have two teammates I have a teammate over there in that small white net and that's another team over there the other small white man those are my two teammates that I'm going to be aiming for I'm going to give you three examples of things you can do with this setup again it could be anything I'm making this up the first one I'm gonna do is going to be a figure eight how quick can I dribble a figure eight and then release to my teammate keep possession dribble dribble dribble the minute you of daylight get rid of it and find your open player a different variation of this drill now instead of dribbling let me do some footwork as a midfielder you're usually known as having the best feet on the team so again I'm going to make up a pattern there's a million variations you can do choose whatever you want but for me right now I'm gonna go with touch L turn pull meaning touch L turn pull and I'm going to advance the ball forward pull it back and go again touch L turn pull I'm gonna do that four times one two three four and then I'm going to release to that teammate this time foreign nothing crazy I'm just getting reps I'm on my own no one around just getting touches hitting targets is building my confidence that's what training alone is all about just build that confidence and getting reps in third variation of this I'm gonna mix it together now the dribbling and the footwork as one and then find a teammate so on this one I'm going to use that gate I'm going to dribble to the gate and back once twice then I'm going to turn do a little 1v1 skill and find a teammate so I get my dribbling I get my turns I get my footwork on the move and obviously I get most importantly my pass to a Target so on that one going into it I honestly had no idea what I was gonna what I was gonna do I just made it up as I was going just reacting going off feel I'm not stressing about it if I didn't love it guess what I have another bulb right here and I'll do it again but for you guys I'm just giving you a taste so that's good enough you guys stay here all day perfected reps reps reps I'm the coach you're the player you need the volume so again you can mix that up however you want just get after it work your dribbling work your footwork and obviously work your distribution listen being a complete midfielder it's going to take you years it's going to take you decades it's a never-ending process but again this video isn't to make you a complete midfielder it's meant to make you a better midfielder this is one little video that might help you in your training that might make you two percent three percent better which is huge in the long run just baby steps until you become the best midfielder you possibly can be hopefully you enjoyed this video if you liked it subscribe and I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] foreign
Channel: RC Performance Training
Views: 138,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midfielder, midfielder training, midfielder skills, passing drills for midfielders, midfielder drills, midfielder drills to do alone, midfielder tips, midfielder highlights, midfielder skills in football, midfielder passes, midfielder positioning and movement, midfielder gameplay, midfielder analysis, individual training soccer, individual soccer drills, individual training for midfielders, individual training session, rc performance training, rc performance training NJ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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