Celeste Developer Commentary Livestream

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[Music] go tweet it I'm gonna take okay cool hey everyone we are live streaming to the Internet the future is now it's gonna tweet it and then I guess we can start messing with these old bills [Music] so yeah we're just gonna like play through basically a bunch of them in order I think I compiled a bunch of different builds of celeste last night I went through our oldest version control and just like jumped around at different dates and compiled different versions and just I haven't put them to much just make sure they ran and saves I don't crash I have let's see what we remember as we go I'm gonna click this window giant wreck hey everyone mm-hmm well people here I guess tell us if the sound doesn't work or it was not loud enough yeah whatever in otherwise yeah I guess we can start we'll start is it the first one in a second and this is like from 2016 March 2016 which would be like probably two months after it was started yeah that's pretty quick after we decided at first we were just gonna make it like I don't know like a hundred levels or something yeah and we're just gonna expand the Pico eight one I don't know yeah you can watch it cool I don't know if you were full-time working on it yet I don't really think we were no I think I was working on I just cuz I had nothing better to do but I think you were still working on sky trying at this point and patron weren't on it yet I don't think so this one also doesn't have any sound or the next ones do I think yeah this is null through the original character spray yeah so this was before pander no more I started working on the game so it was just all my art with Matt's levels and coding and stuff the cars just on a cliff yeah this is the lovely car she drove up a mountain to get here already and like I think at the beginning we had like the basic the intro was like pretty similar to how it is in the final game yeah we actually made this in order at the start well we made the entire game in order I guess videos part but like even the tutorial I mean first in this one I mean it was like really janky and doesn't like work she doesn't go over corners really and she faked or she faces the wrong way I think I had just added climbing at this point and yeah it was pretty rough you couldn't climb from the barians yeah I can't climb from here if to jump and if I don't hold the direction afterwards she just kind of falls oh right it hasn't automatically like hop over yeah that took a while to get in and this I remember this was originally here because you wanted to show like how long it took to climb yeah your stamina ran out like really incredibly fast at first and like yeah I trying to climb that yeah that was there to show you the fish down when I ran out but then eventually we like to me this time I like double as much or something I can also - in this version in the prologue and I think this is because this is like really the only level so far yeah it wasn't the thought of like a tutorial yet I well I think we hadn't decided how we were gonna introduce the - yet yeah yeah or maybe because this version does have the bridge so it's like I don't know like you have to - to get across the bridge yeah yeah and the claim was the one we should there's no clam animation at all and these are my first sprites for Madeline the granny character yeah the pedro redid them eventually yeah Peter did way better versions later and a more added awesome portraits that are not here at all yet yeah yeah one thing that this really shows is how much the portraits and the voice sound effects add the dialogue because it just seems kind of lifeless without them it's hard to picture the like the emotions and they're saying yeah and the context or the yeah the subtext it's hard to picture two subjects this is the bridge we have the idea of the bridge I guess but there was no there's no bird of the end oh god I suck yeah this makes me think that we already knew however gonna do this tutorial we just didn't do it yet cuz yeah that's all there is here there's nothing here but there is we did start the start of chapter 1 but okay you got a lot of stuff is different here yeah this is pretty different it's like the same concept but fairly different mm-hmm everything is kind of broken rings sort of work and strawberries actually collected in the peak white version you collected strawberries you touch them in this version I think you just get you just get them yeah you don't have to get them to say scram yeah oh my god spikes also kill you on the sides now no I think they I think that's the same is the same yeah yeah it's just very jarring because there's no animation there's nothing and that levels bad like the spring fits you directly on this yeah this little is really similar so there's a couple things we're like you see how on the edges there's blank tiles like I hadn't come up with the design rule yet of like if there's no path there don't make it blank like put a wall in here yeah it took me a while to do that yeah cuz like over here like you can't you can't go anywhere but it looks like you could it looks like you can yeah hopefully testing to realize that people expected those that goes somewhere it's really hard to climb climbing is like really not smoothed out I think this version this version doesn't with you yet no this version doesn't have a good like it's where else at the end yeah version and then yeah these blocks moved automatically yeah this made me realize that I wanted to like cycles are really important in this game and like these cycles are too long basically like any anything that takes this long to happen the player should have to start it instead of it being an automatic cycle this is something I realized prototyping that and this level doesn't exist at all anymore well it kinda does the right side is familiar and the idea I got from them who is up here at the stopper in the top left is so yeah there but there's not rubber is actually really hard to get oh god I don't know I I mean I try yeah yeah get policeman yeah this is coming out you know 2020 Oh God I don't think you get momentum yet from you jump no you really don't but yeah you can achieve it because he is get the strawberry and then you don't think you can just die oh you're not actually that part I think this is the I don't hear anything out cause it's really weird but you can only jump away from walls you can't jump up walls yeah you know climbing is a really finicky that's it that's it I don't there's no other levels I don't think I don't know how do you check if there's any levels yeah so this is like two months into development this is what we had I think yeah yeah this is 14 months yeah I don't think either of us really full-time on it I think Matt was kind of doing it in his spare time and I was doing art like he had time as well yeah just kind of tinkering with it it wasn't figuring out what the game is what your basic moves are and yeah the ground works there yeah the tutorial section is surprisingly flushed out yeah the the prologue is almost the same just was like nicer art and like yeah the dialogue is we went through the dialogue pretty quick but the dialogue is actually pretty similar to the final dialogue yeah just like fine-tuned okay so that's that one that's March of 2016 okay you see if anyone's seen anything oh hey Kirk's here hey Kirk and Kaiser on hey guys sweet and Colin lots of people hey everyone else we're coming okay so next one is this is the six months of June I don't know I don't know one of the months I had to see them in order to figure out what the six minutes the June probably yes right so this is looking pretty similar to what we just play it just like slightly now how they sound is your sound oh yeah these are my placeholder sounds we always knew we would get power up to come in and do sounds oh the cars actually you can jump on it now and it's in a like a realistic location so this is yeah this is actually really getting close to what is a climb animation now yeah this is getting a lot closer is there a room up there oh yeah we should say spoilers like if if you're worried about spoilers we're gonna spoil a bunch of stuff probably yeah I think we're gonna go through the whole game pretty much so just gonna be it's a lot of yeah I just a lot of stuff I'll see you can go through right I can get my controller oh whoa yeah you can't - oh yeah I love that yeah that's like a normal game or this terrible oh wait you can't go up here because this ledge is different oh yeah I remember at some point a tester or maybe with you that's more like it be cool if you could go up there yeah yeah everything be a key player I don't care my fingers are just all on wrong keys okay so the birds still here now so this is this is getting pretty close like we changed all the UI at some point we need to be like high-res art instead of pixel art for everything oh this is an interesting thing is Madeleine oh yeah Madeleine has stamina like normal but she also has Lux to catch her breath if you run understand I can't move yeah well she has to like sit there and flash red for a bit she's like I was kind of thinking that would be interesting because if you like land like if you're out of stamina and you have to pick where to land you like couldn't land I'm like a crumbling platform because you would fall and I was like what thinking but it ended up just being annoying yeah it was in there for a long time though it kept getting shorter shorter yeah time she had to catch her press for yeah and eventually there is like that is just bad just take it out no sounds yeah the dialogue sounds are the worst by far I mean none of the sounds are that great but we just find it important to put in sounds and our prototypes for the feedback just to make sure like when you're testing something if there's no sound it's a lot harder for people to yeah feel the feedback of things what's going on with the background I guess it there's a lot of holes in the background in a tile set the and the trees are like not drawn as nicely as they are now a pedra of like Montaigne and like where you did all the trees you know jeez no dialogue sound yes ah ha ha ha and Jim pyrimidines and the bridge is here oh yeah that's the finals great yeah these are yeah I'm change our particle effects got a lot better yeah at some point we in stated a rule where particles can't just be rectangles like if a particle is just like a solid color rectangle we have to replace it with either a sprite or a single pixel and there's a really old just last title image oh yeah this might have a map in it no okay doesn't I'm really excited for the old map to show a little memory cooling this thought was looking a lot closer now I think this entire chapter is it has placeholder music I did this weekly oh yeah I just like making music I I kind of had this started I was like maybe I'll try to make the music for this game but part of me always knew I wouldn't be able to but I'm really glad we got Lena of course your musics incredible but it was fun doing placeholder stuff for a bit these things are actually basically the same now you just like look better I cannot try playing the next chapter because this checker is actually gonna be pretty similar to what it is now it's missing a lot of stuff it's missing a lot of visually lobbies yeah oh and that can you do you get moment monthly I think have to be I think that the the windows like ways yeah the windows just occur it just doesn't have grace time after so long as you jump before it stops you fine I had a great time after like quite a bit later I think the springs are like half this big yeah a lot of little differences right now yeah that's not a phonics driver anymore yeah yeah so I guess this area like we were play testing it a lot even this early yeah this is funky a lot of iterations oh okay yeah so that's why it's pretty similar than ever like even even we continued to play test the first chapter throw pretty much all of development so like it even had like small changes happening near the end but all the big stuff was pretty early on it's a lot us forgiving in terms of the input Silla yeah just windows for everything but bigger as we win it's kind of like when you're when you're trying to make a hard game it's like at first your instinct is to make all the windows small because you want to make the game art but then you start finding other ways to add difficulty that aren't as punishing this development goes on yeah the idea Foley's also be similar there's like really subtle changes yeah like the way and that's EQ have the secret stick on yeah the the general like concept of each level is the same this way before you had you to go like around this way to get back up what was the question did you use some cooked our focus list yeah kind of I mean not the actual games oh yeah we used to like concept like like the physics are programmed in the same way and like the engine that the game is kind of built off as the same oh yeah yeah it has some heavy rewrites in it but yeah yeah I remember rewriting a bunch of it in an airport or something I don't know why than just a memory yeah this is definitely a bit different over here because we didn't we didn't have the idea of the cassette tapes until yeah yeah like this isn't this is spoiler how can I forget yeah I always forget how late the cassette tapes came in yeah like here this is actually interesting because we had these things we didn't know what they were yet but you had to get all of them they're the same as the strawberry seeds that are in the game now get all of them you get strawberry we actually took those out we removed them from the game and then we put them back in right at the end we actually put them back in first as the way to get the cassette tape so usually to get the cassette tape you had to collect a bunch of music notes and then I'll get the cassette tape and then we got rid of that again and add it back in the stronger lanes I'm gonna catch up on chat a little bit here Oh way to go down a little bit so amaura says is asking if we have any of the 3d cube behind the ruins oh man um also look at that animation right now thank you I put a lot of working innovation I don't know if here in the 3d one I'll see it we'll see you later one I don't think it's in this yeah it might be in the next one that was when we were still figuring out the story and like yeah it had more feds vibe yeah and I'll see if it I've had a 3d cube because I would be really cool how long did it take us to make the sprites scss dream uh so these original sprites it didn't take me too long I mean there's not a lot of Sprint's over all yet even made like there's the snow tiles which probably took honestly like half an hour and then there's like Madeline which probably took me like I probably added her like a few animations every day for a few days and then Pedro later came in and redid all of Madeline's animations would wake away better ones and he spent a long time on it like the new ones are like a lot more time consuming to make because they're way more detailed yeah yeah it's Madeline's hair movement the same as the white Archer hair and towerfall no it's not an old coded dis hair movement and I coded the white out your hair and this one's better I'd think white our chairs I don't know they're different problems different solution yeah um the Lighting's totally glitchy in this version it's like all over the place the lighting got recoded so many times yeah um let's see Elena nailed it with the music yep she absolutely did can you hyper no I don't think so oh yeah that's right you can doc oh no I don't think that was that wasn't actually that late in development but it wasn't this early - um oh you can't hear you can't do that I mean super Jeff yeah okay we can't hyper John yeah it took like I always knew that we were gonna do something like that I just wanted like the physics are still very rough like they have the general gist of it but there's still a lot of stuff that needs a band before I could add that it's my name readin with with the docs yeah my name is just no LLL not Noel but I don't really mind that people say that everyone's not like a huge deal to me what's there an early version of the over of what or overworld map there was in a later build we'll get to that you have an overworld we're gonna see old overworld it's gonna be awesome yeah do you know the traffic light box are me going to be traffic light at the time no no I think Pedro Pedro is drawing traffic lights for the city and we're like those are really cool like has props and then we kind of like that five and like let's add lights to the actual blocks because that's kind of like fits the theme and also yeah described they were four they looked exactly like they do in the final game for a while except without the traffic lights just the gears oh yeah like this actually this is what would later border for like a really long time mm-hmm this is pretty close all that's missing is the lights a better border and like sparks on the cogs when they turn yeah there's a time when I thought that they should just look like exactly like this because I thought this is like really cool and it turns green and you can tell it's happening but yeah we had more made it all better yeah like a sex I think that's came when we named them yeah so it was originally we called it hard mode levels and then we changed it to remix mode and then with remix mode it started to make sense to do cassettes and then we eventually changed it to be sides and then cuz that's really made sense and we also had remixed songs for every single b-side so it was kind of cool for it to fit like yeah and again yeah the fact that we had new music for each one yeah made it make sense to do a music themed art I guess how we did a to you lighting and I actually have an article written about how I changed the lighting from what it currently is and this came to how it is in the final game and I'll link the article later but I have like a medium post I'll find it after the stream yeah what about the cassettes - I think we were looking cuz the game is set in like real life and like modern because that's aren't really a modern thing but like just mixtapes and stuff just appeal just fits the vibe of the game to us like something about it chapters yeah that's a good idea why is the first zone and old and desolate city was it to give the theme was forgotten or aloneness yeah I think one thing I was thinking with forsaken city was how Madeleine feels isolated is just I don't know like it feels like her character she feels isolated by society and like isolates herself from society and stuff so being in a city and feeling alone just feels like the right thing for her at this point in her life do you think it would be much easier to develop Celeste on the game engines such as unity I don't think so I'm really glad we made our own engine yeah it was for a speciality game just coding our own stuff like we both are making games for long time choose according our own little framework and coding our own little level editor for it was fairly easy first to do it wasn't so much work and the the upside is it just made us be able to do whatever we wanted really easy easily yeah how do what date is this build from its from June 2016 yeah June 2016 so this is a few months into development will have more builds after this one to that go further yeah how does the connection between scenes work so when you go from level to level basically we're loading the entire tile map for the entire like chapter all at once so like the the grid of like solids what's odd was not and what image each tile has but all the like the entities like the springs and the strawberries and stuff are only loaded for the currently loaded room and then we just load stuff as we go between them here and also in this version it didn't have an overworld so this version would just you just play the levels one after the other so you do the prologue and then a kewpie the prologue goes right into the chapter one and then check you excellent this is what it worked about I'm about to do right now without an overworld as you just surely oh you can go to the area here something strawberries you got and I hit a or whatever and it goes into the next one directly yeah what do you think a game like jumper would be like if you made it today I think it would be Celeste okay yeah this one that concept was pretty early on in this chapter I think this is if I'm remembering correctly this isn't the first version of this chapter yeah this is a slightly later like the the very first version of this chapter was only the chase only the boss fight and then adding all the stuff before it came after so I think OC can jump up walls now in this room yes you can't jump oh but it's actually finicky because you can't does it like you can do a lot of times or yeah there's less stamina Louis yeah you still got like waiting on the ground thing or if I run out I'd like sit on the ground for a while did we roll our own solution for tile maps or use something like child we have our own editor called augmented or augmented to is public we've augmented or three which is just internal right now we always meant to release it but we never got around to finishing it how important is art and story in the early stages of the game not very important honestly depends on the game obviously yeah well for this game yeah for this game not very but the story became the center of the game as the further we gotten development it became clear that everything was based on the story but at this point we just didn't even know there was going to be like we knew we wanted a story but we didn't know how deep it would go or like yeah we have feelings we didn't have like a concrete like this is what happens we just had like this is how it feels yeah and then that became the story and a lot of it was like Matt was prototyping kind of levels really Romy on and then people everyone will come in after and kind of contribute to making the level actually feel like I finished the piece like right now it was the level is actually fairly similar right now even to what it was in the final game there's a lot of like tweaking and fine-tuning but like mechanically it's fairly similar mm-hmm and no you can't someone's asking grant flows asking if you can jump out of the dream blocks you know you can you can diversion no I think that was added when I started designing the b-sides and I wanted another like technique involved this is so this idea was pretty really actually stone will we play around with the level editor for a moment we could do that I don't know if it's on this PC yeah I can get it onto this computer camp yeah we can do that in later any chance of a new give up robot no sorry I don't own the rights to go for a lot fun to head thanks from the stream fun to have you to here how did you two realize that you were a good team together mod to make games together Livi Bostonian we I mean we've known each other for like eight years or something yeah I mean we've lived together even before we work together yeah I don't know it just seemed I mean we did the prototype the Pico eight prototype yeah and that made it pretty clear we've made stuff in the past together before like I've ever at GDC we made stuff together a few times oh yeah didn't really go anywhere we made like a money seeds multiplayer thing yeah one year at GDC I was cool ya know we just kind of you yeah you're gonna happen yeah we were roommates like well Matt made towerfall I was making other stuff and we I don't know like I guess I did just you hang out all the time and just talk about game ideas and stuff you just happen kind of like yeah I gradually happen do you consider a bad idea to compose music in the third in the very early stages of development since it should mirror the feeling of the final level designs and such yeah I mean I guess like I was doing placeholder music knowing that it probably wouldn't be the final music so I was mostly just doing it for fun to be honest and also to just kind of like like like I'm not doing the graphics for Celeste really I'm just doing I'm just doing like level design and story stuff so having the music like being able to like put in place holder music it was just another way to communicate with the team like your feelings I was going for so I found it useful in that way but yeah the music was never really intended to be the final music for the game we yeah yeah like for a long time we didn't know like we didn't have a full team either so it wasn't not sure who was yeah I mean if Celeste ended up being like a $5 game with like levels then maybe it would make sense for me to music right yeah but it grew into this like huge epic like personal stories thing that was like okay it became obvious that I wasn't capable of composing music that could live up to that and was not yet on to the resort as well while we're here oh yeah yeah I got kind of the dual cuz their bloom on there already there's some bloom I think I really like messing with apparently post-effects before the game even has any practice and how much inspiration did you overall take from smash bros melee I know you talked about that game sometimes for this for Celeste not really much to be honest I think I don't know Madeleine's - has some flavors and Fox's up being there I guess but like yeah I know much more for towerfall than first loss what are you guys spending your time on these days tower for ports lost updates new stuff all of the above yeah I guess we can just leave it at that yeah yeah at our fall force which will hopefully be coming out pretty soon we'll talk about it more when we have concrete details but we're doing some new surprise stuff for it that I don't want to talk about yet but new exclusive stuff so even if there's no point would you guys consider releasing these builds of the game lol I mean Sark at stick that's good news name pays good I mean not like super opposed to it but they're also like and you're not there's honestly not much there just how much to see like when you say there's no point like there really is no point yeah like I think the value is in us commentating over it I think not in playing it yeah it's just not like a worse version knows about the context of yeah stuff it's not much one thing I'm always worried about like with really seeing like half-finished stuff when you have a finished thing out is that if people see it and like is this what Celeste actually is and it's like none of you actually kind of releases like yeah it's confusing we're we worried about that love with the Pico eight version to actually having that out and being like that being confusing for people but it thankfully didn't end up entirely being all mine yeah how does her hair work it's kind of like a bunch of it's like a it's a list of points and each point follows the next point and each point draws a circle that gets slightly smaller and then it just has like they try to move downwards all the time but they also try to follow the other one so it's kind of fake gravity yeah have you considered adding a Celeste level editor to the game yeah we've considered that we're still thinking about it we're not sure if we're gonna do it or not yes yeah we think it would be really cool but we're not sure it is there's also some moderates we're working on stuff right now who made their own level editor and their own tools to load them which is really cool it's called the modding communities everest api and you can check that out if you want to like try try messing up that a bit yeah yeah I cannot show some of the resort yeah we don't have like the this is this is the resort level like the slump chapter 3 chapter 3 and but it's really this does not have very many levels of it yet and like the mechanic mechanics room you know the mechanics weren't ironed out yet so this was a kill you unless you're dashing right or is it they kill you unless you don't have your dad I think if your hair is blue they don't kill you okay so if you've used your - they don't kill you and that was like yeah like that was like the slow mechanic for chapter 3 the beginning yeah and this this strawberry is actually the same in the final game like the way to get it yeah it's like up to the left more now yeah but yeah having it in the main path because to be annoying for people yeah they get fixated on it yeah there is confusing yeah this is actually like that that geometry is in the final game as well this is replaced this obstacle with the other actual logs neo and ended up in the game didn't hear anything and we knew it was going to be a resort of some kind because it already had like the building structure it just has the wrong graphics but like there's the bridge here and there's like you're going into the building I was just like blocking out a building even though we didn't have graphics and these things are kind of the same now except the interesting stuff is that you can dash through them because only it's there blue that was gonna be like a unifying element of this chapter who is that every danger you can - you can you can not be hurt by the cube your hair is blue but that ended up being scrapped completely does the hair of physics the hair is like pretend physics they're like like made-up hand-coded they're not look real fists like game engine physics or physics engine yeah they're just meat coating points that follow each other and I'm curious I'm gonna take control here for a second curious that the secret is here oh it is open doesn't go anywhere yes I was like there should be a secret there but I didn't know what yet this room is actually pretty much the same all physics for Potemkin 6 that's true there's a strawberry up here Muskaan no there's nothing the keys there we didn't have the concept of keys yeah I think that was pretty at what point I just had the name for the game we said the name of the game I think on like day three or four LP cooling of the Pico eight one yeah the peak way one was originally called this Everest because we knew about climbing a mountain so we just had to have a name and then eventually we decided like four days into it or three days into it we've named it Celeste yeah at what point in development did you come up with a system ode that was fairly late in development actually this was probably like the last four or five months yeah I remembered the team bringing it up with me a lot as like the designer you're being like maybe we should do something for players who aren't as good now would always kind of brush it off and then eventually at a stuck thank you to the team everyone for that okay also hey friends oh yeah hey Gabby and Zack okay oh these spikes are different do you think a game like Celeste can be developed as a side project or does it require full-time work I think yeah you fellows had to be full like it would have taken so long yeah we worked way too long like way too much on it I think there's a version of Celeste that could be done as a part-time project I mean full Schloss could be as well that would take like ten years yeah it would be like an alibi scenario but we like we we worked on this game full-time for over a year with like multiple people full-time on it but I think you know we could have just kept it a part-time project but it would've ended up a lot smaller or taking us like a lot longer yeah that's kind of the trade-off oh these are a lot different yeah say they all come out and they come out or the clear some time and they good so they come out based on time though in the full game only the ones you touch come out and they come out after you leave and then they stay up forever this strawberry is the same in the well kind of the same in the final game that actually leads to another group which has a challenge with the strawberry how do we end up working at Cato anymore well you're working on them with with them on towerfall yeah I was introduced to them by Chevy ray showed me their work on okay I can't remember that no it was their game after out there somewhere Oh dark dungeons of doom I'm I'm game run it's DVD is that I can't remember that and it was on ooh yeah and we had just got our Lea from oh yeah because we were gonna do terrible Rivia and yeah oh my god this little is really hard there was a question I want to address the attentions of Jim yeah a deep dungeons empty and sweet I got it right yes there was a question of her I wanted to address but now I can't find it Oh what's the main reason you made discard that kills you unless your hair is put in mechanik yeah so we replace these with the boss creatures the desk creatures that move there's a couple reasons I think one of them was that these feel too rigid against the less I like it when there's multiple ways to get through things and these feel like they really restrict that and then also the desk creatures I felt they fit the metaphor better like once we knew about mr. Oshiro like we had no concept of mr. Shiro being in this hotel yet or what Madeleine was even doing in the hotel but once we knew mr. Oshiro was the focus of the hotel it made more sense to have the desk creatures because they represent his anxiety and then the way the dis creatures work on cycles is like I don't know that metaphor to us just fits really well with dealing with someone else's anxiety trying to help them is you have to like fit in these cycles hyper dashing isn't in this build no too early where did the idea of having Theo come from Theo is like a foil to Madeline like as Madeline developed as like in her character is kind of like down on herself and dark we wanted like a more positive upbeat character to be a foil to her yes originally he he created that eventually but originally he wasn't even he wasn't that important either yeah he became much more important as we worked in the game yes originally he was gonna be a high-cut you could just talk to you optimally through the entire game and we changed that every scrap they're like no he's like way too important and you have to like he's actually a huge part of the story yeah it was as soon as we came up with the idea of him being stuck in the temple and you had to rescue him in chapter 5 then we were like okay he's too important to be optional in every of the chapter so he went back and sort of made him he's still optional in the first chapter in the final game and the second chapter actually and the second chapter but in the second chapter he's like well in the second chapter he's like really obvious yeah we made him a lot more obvious at that point so these things follow a lot faster and the fact that you get no that's another thing so it's in the final game if you try to hop up onto alleged spikes it doesn't let you whereas here it just goes oh and kills you yeah you can't - through these things though oh I can yeah okay so Wow there's just a lot of like quality of life improvements that are specifically obvious on this screen that make the screen a lot harder not having them but a lot of these screens are like really similar to how they ended up actually is that gonna fall now hater I do not like that recovery mechanic yeah no it's really bad I'm glad we got rid of it get stuck for so long on the ground how early in development did you plan on the to see graphic feel or effects of the game I think like we always knew that we were gonna do a lot more work on the graph isn't like this we weren't planning on this being the final graphics at all but yeah this was me just like I at the very start of the game I went way ahead of everyone else because everyone else has other projects so I was just like walking out levels into chapter 3 with chapter 1 and prologue graphics basically yeah so we always knew that we're gonna get a lot better graphics know a lot of juicier graphics but yeah we just hadn't done it yet and and also cater more I don't think there were gonna be a cool point yet and once they came in they started doing a lot more like yeah good graphical work that like improved it a lot yeah this one's just free now in the final game there's a challenge in there it teaches yeah you can't wave - at all oh man this is actually a lot harder than the final game replaced a lot of these spikes with the tentacle things man actually really yeah the game like yeah like Madison you know you're basically everything got bigger windows we're just like yeah we opted for like making the game feel better look how fast he thinks well then they have like them next so in the final game they follow this fast if you're ducking on them oh it's like oh yeah yeah this level structure is really similar that keeping em oh my god I did this thing with these with these crystals for a long time where if you're inside of them and they - they won't give them to you oh yeah and it just like is brutal also the crystals press are huge I remember I remember actually making this crystal sprites and they need telling me these definitely be smaller and I was super against it for some reason for like a while and that would deal with just absolutely gigantic they're like as big as her yeah so here I was thinking there was gonna be a boss actually in the middle of the resort but I didn't like weed again we had no concept of oshiro we were thinking maybe there would be like a no shiro like character but it would be like an angry spirit that's like a guardian of the hotel maybe yeah TJ JH this is what Chapter three turned into but it this is as much as we've had at this point yeah so yeah I was kind of thinking he'd be a recurring boss that you'd fight like multiple times but yeah I'm really glad we ended up with that I remember we have like a just like a session where we brainstormed cuz we were stuck on the resort for a long time I'm like what happens in the resort like what's the story of the resort like we just for a long time we were flailing and then one night Knoll and I just like sat down and hash it out and came up with the cleaning idea and stuff yeah that's when it started really taking to you this is a huge Merlin what a bunch becomes a huge mystery yeah someone also asks these rotating platforms aren't even in the game yeah anywhere why did you make it possible to refill the - without using a - crystal in the final game it's not possible in the air anywhere it's only possible if you - along the ground and jump after your - refills so when you - in the game it takes a little while for your - to be able to refill so if you - on the ground it'll refill so basically what speedrunners do is they actually - along the ground or close - on the ground and they jump after there - refills which makes it feel like they get a second - originally I think that was a but I want to say and then I think we like made the window easier later on so that it was a bigger window because we liked the speedrun implications of it but yeah it's not actually refilling anywhere it's refilling because you're you get you get back from being on the ground before you jump I think super wall jumping is in but it's like not as good it's like pushes you really far away from the wall okay I think this build is pretty much done cool yeah on to the next how did you know what you had was enough to begin with especially mechanics-wise trying to balance that feeling that more was needed hmm that's that's a tough question that's like I think heading in general I think in general fun is simpler than you think it is when you're designing a game like the things that are fun about your game are usually small things that make sense and so like we're always trying to find like the simplest version of something that's fun and I get I guess play testing is really the answer though of like yeah just just playing it with people and like observing them and seeing what's fun about your game and then like minimizing down to that core and then building up from there I hope that answers that question that's a tough question how do you the game we can be so perfect we just render - we create a texture that is the size it's a game we want so in this case 320 by 180 and then we render everything to that small texture and then scale out texture up and that's like the easiest way to get pixel perfect stuff it just will always because the texture doesn't have anymore information and the size it is so if you just render to that and scale up you get pixel perfect Ness these puzzles we feel - with - crystal will not actually consuming the - crystal no it shouldn't be possible yeah if that's possible that that's a bad volume is there anything you really wanted to put in the game but couldn't find a spot for honestly not really I mean like like anything that we couldn't find a spot for like evolved into something else huh yeah it's got cut but then like the idea of it oh right looked on at the spirit of it I think this game one thing with this game is we ended up originally was going to be a lot smaller but as we worked on it we kept finding more things we wanted to do with it and so it got a lot larger I think the game the size that it is is basically the size like the most we could explore with these ideas that we had at the time look through my cheap that felt younger Harris's I added that I think this really late her hair doesn't scale so her head just looked at tiny end with a hairless gigantic and that was in I think I think I fixed that in lays builder like that was in there really way while you're in okay I looked low up the next bill here even the for answering questions so this was those 26 that was this is now six months later this is a new year day yep I don't know I just whenever working with me because date you have you got commits on New Year's Day that's my birthday thanks okay great well fullscreen this man the logo got so much better this one's cool because it's the time map I'm really boy I want to look at the credits first options oh we actually have options now sorry it's revising a lot of the early careful build wait it's at full screen off that's cuz I did it okay it doesn't understand again beginner bud probably yeah deep debug yeah oh so this is our first map which is actually pretty similar to the n1 but just the n1 got way way better because yang cos Gabby joined because Gabby trying made it pretty and also we stopped trying to make it low res like here it's it's pixel snap to the same we have like the the constraint of everything being the same resolution this gameplay for a long time and eventually we were like actually the game would look way better if we dropped that constraint yeah so then Gabby came in and did a way better Mountain spend came in and made it the lighting all pretty yeah so I can see what it looks like because the menus oh cool I'd have like the same concept of the tiles flipping yeah there's like particles on it - yeah normal mode in hard mode and let's see what the piece heads look like oh whoa a lot of these levels are actually gonna be in there yeah okay wait no yeah we should start please I've had the beasts head to increase their music yeah this is this is lanús later than yes so so by the time we started working with her and paedos in here - yeah hey drew yeah the sprites brand-new so paid replaced the sprites and start working on new towels which I'm Dennis yeah it's cool yeah oh you have so little stamina and stuff so this is a year before release so we had one more year still Organa from this point this is a year's this is a year before release yeah this is one year I think if we go if we should check out later chapters of again I'm good open one sign here yeah this this chapters pretty things over this beside is pretty yeah this is like pretty much final stuff how did we do this moving wires oh the wires that are like in the wind in the back oh yeah those are oh we have these flags for chuckling oh yeah that's very good 50 those so the wires are just like a line drawn the Bezier curve busy here was just like a mathematical way to draw a curved line and then it was on a sine wave so the anchor point of the Bezier curve would just move up and down so there's like no physics or anything that's just faked this chapter sounds like the distortion map in there now like when you - you see that ripple effect oh yeah that was we toned it down later like when we first added it we were like yeah distort everything and then later we kind of turned it on there well powerful yeah powerful Matt Matt Matt was looking out our fall and I was doing website contract work for a while and then later and then I was writing handicapped or money yes yeah these almost are pretty much the same this it's a lot darker with me actually I think a lighting along I think we just lightened it like we're decreasing it's similar to the distortion thing like once we added the fancy lighting we were like make it really dark so the Lighting's really obvious and then later on we kind of rethought that Peters essence a 3d cube will it will check the 3d cube and see if it's there I have a feeling it's not you might have missed it already yeah we might have skipped it it wasn't there for very long it felt like was there for a while but yeah I'll find I have tweets of it somewhere wonder if I can Oh yep hi praying in wavedashing using this one although I'm not being my - back but that's yeah there's no speed reason if the speed race came in pretty late yeah that reduction is but you don't get your dash back from wavedashes I think I actually tweaked that cooldown it's pretty pretty late yeah that you could oh this is not gonna have the heart of the end there was no concept of hearts at this point I don't think oh yeah yeah I should have no idea how this chapter is probably with the same cutscene there's normal mode to be honest oh can you be entitled story on fatality difficulty no I can't I have wising that's not a difficulty I assume you mean like the hardest one a camera was called but no I can't it's longer everything comes in one hit oh oh do you remember these oh yeah did you get it did it what thinking that it's game to the heart oh yeah so there's originally one heart and you're putting it together that's cool and it still showed the strawberries thing for no reason yeah I want to see your check the second chapter quickly to see if it has the yeah you I think it doesn't yeah no there's no night so we skipped it sorry Peter no more I'll find it later yeah we could provide that yeah I have a tweet of it or it's on the tumblr it's here I think this looks pretty pretty done yeah this is really close it doesn't have the fog I'm noticing her also this oh this is the channel or you can do it just to get to Jenn yeah drama the gym it takes a while to figure out the collectibles and what they should be and what they should unlock and all that see if I can do something people write hearts I was curious where you can sort them in the journal I was just kind of an experiment it doesn't do anything but we thought it was a cool idea to write a line of poetry for each of them and then let you like construct a poem out of the things this is getting pretty polished and done yeah this is if you didn't run outside then you're like we changed it later so it actually shows you're like leaving the mirror yeah before she just loved and that that blop changing got way better here it just like glows and then changes later we added that animation of like it's I don't know how to describe it but it's better the secret got more obvious because no one was finding it oh yeah there's so many gems another note there in the game chapter 7 yeah they didn't move them the chapter 7 but originally those gems were in the actual chapters yeah the strawberry seeds weren't in the game so they were originally then we removed them and replaced them with these which I've gems and these unlock hardmode I think we see and then we change these to music notes that form a cassette which unlocks hard mode and then we changed then we took out the music notes and just had cassettes and with the rhythm levels pretty late we added the rhythm levels and then after we did that we put the strawberry seeds back in which can be strawberry there was a pretty roundabout way of getting to the final design we hit start illnesses in my name ok so just everything has pixel art style everything is still picture to find some oh won't you go to the dialogue because I want to see you more as portraits oh he's lying perfectly and so for a long time the UI was all pixel art and eventually we read it at all right Christmassy oh yeah is there gonna be anything up there I don't know oh there's something up here oh I don't know if I'll make it up I have no idea what's up I have no idea very oh it's probably another OS that it's the lucky dude yeah we haven't we had yeah we planned for 16 of these so yeah there was every single heart was replaced by a piece of this heart he was also a thing in chapter 3 that doesn't exist looking end to this chapter actually doesn't explain it all anymore which is the Journal all right the journal entries I hope we can show it you know any text yeah I don't even know where oh I know where anyone is in the chapter 3 I know where this one is do we use a kid I used to get for almost on my website work we used material for this game yeah well price we should get though yeah here's the Pixley portraits I'm so glad we switched to high-res yeah why did you cheat a side chain pawn from pixel our conductor we made it vector art for a lot of reasons one is like readability was way nicer we liked how it looked a lot more we like the portraits being high-res because more do these awesome high-res portraits we also for translation it made translation a lot easier especially translating to like non Latin languages getting pixel art fonts working we've been really annoying so it's just like it made it a lot easier it made it easier to read and we ended up liking how it looked more this dialogue got way better it's mainly it's missing the part where Madeline is like why do you look so creepy and battle ins like this is just how I look like I think that's a really important part because right now it just feels like bad lens is just antagonizing you for no reason and it's not a two-way relationship we kind of moved away from her just being a villain obviously as oh you can jump out you know yep there's also the checkpoint flag up there still yep he's almost apartment yeah I think so here's my music just laying off have you done this music yet it's um this is this one especially is like music so much better than just like kind of funny Matt made this music yeah is it like never intended to be final I just like making music and wanted some placeholder stuff to help convey the vibe Elena made the final music yeah yeah yeah no no my music is actually in the game well except the pika wait music I made to play a video ETM level editor we haven't figured out like oh yeah we don't even know ETA doesn't really make sense cuz we don't even know if we're gonna do it yet yeah we haven't figured out like how we'll make it or if we'll make it or when it would happen yeah oh yeah yeah ETM tower falls which someone asked um and it's really hard to say soon we're like almost done like we're content complete there's just some bugs we figure out and then we have to do like their certification process when you say to make violin wait to start moving after you die that that was oh that not in this version I don't know if it's in this version right now I'm gonna die I feel like we had a friend who was playtesting and just wanted to like take breaks and they used to kick like we do to sit there and think for a while and while they were thinking they just like died like 10 times I was literally every playtester just like yeah yeah cuz that's how people play this game is they like the first time they go into levels they just run and then something like something kills them and then they're like okay yeah then they sit there and thank for it it was super annoying like dying over and over again while you're just like sitting there like trying to think what to do yeah yeah this is pretty much the same as here's watching me play Celeste right now oh this one's different we added like a buffer room somewhere also this part has spikes in it and we got yeah because it made sense not to have a challenge after this but for a long time there was like these lows were you not easy yeah yeah and everyone was like every plate actually that got here was just like exhausted like oh there's more and like yeah like yeah most people would just like be like I'll finish this chapter later at this point and so we were like okay the pacing is not correct yeah like this room is really hard I made it look easy moves like yeah this is after you just like ask it but I'm finally done so okay now there's more spikes yeah this crazy boss fight and there's like okay now now this I had to ask this before this engine built up some kind of framework or is it all done from scratch it's built actually on XNA which is like a deprecated Microsoft framework that they use for like Xbox and Windows yeah so we and then we used mono game and fna to port it to consoles and Mac and Linux I think this conversation is gonna be really bad just yeah I'll be right back actually you don't want to face this with me yeah it's actually got the gist of it it just needs a lot I don't know we brought on editor Nick Center at some point and he helped a lot and then also we just iterated on all the dialogue quite a bit yeah actually this is pretty similar I love this guy it was one of the first things that you did what's the food green hair I don't know you're talking about green hair Oh who's in who's in the portrait green hair yeah I don't know it's ambiguous how do we do the distortions when we dash through the jelly that's a distortion map and you can google that it's a shader thing yes yeah yeah you can take over a few things oh yeah what decided why we decided to give them the voices I was Kevin and like it's kind of an evolution of his voices for tower phone and I think he's just interested in that kind of stuff and like conveying emotion through synthesized voices and stuff and yeah one of the more ways to express the characters - yeah yeah so like when he suggested that we were all over it to you yeah actually I see go back to this awesome overworld mm-hmm oh you got them Jim thanks yeah those gems got moved to chapter 7 in the final view so special resort and then cliffside golden Ridge of cliffside for a long time and in just temple and I think I think these levels were gonna be pretty rough still like they didn't know so those three different color blocks those are the different color blocks in the yeah the trashy cleanup yeah even a messy cleaner resort but it just you're just blocks and I think this one's gonna get pretty close except in camo yeah the dust creatures were a lot different yeah we experimented with a lot of different looks oh I had the snow gear I think that's still there but it's still up lower yeah yeah I think I'll get his keys here oh yeah everything will know through that key let me defend yeah I do this key and the store but Pedro redid them way better with awesome animations now there's still no sure how long did we work on the main character field before designed to move on to creating enemies levels etc is back and forth honestly like I would say that the main character is probably like at least 90% finished at this point the movement and stuff a lot of small tweaks happened late into development no yeah same idea is the structure have it changed yeah it's back and forth I think this level was way harder oh yeah it was just like more claustrophobic and those but the spikes are the main thing yes I believe in you and you still were of these please forgive the idea for these have now become closer it evolved a bit yeah now that they come out one at a time but it's still time-based after you touch them and they well now they never go back in yeah actually they might be the final because I'm we actually flip-flopped on those I think they I think they're the final design right now but then we changed them yeah yeah and then they went back yeah I mean that's great why is pixel art important to our style this is an interesting question I think like telephones left they're both like very pixel perfect games so I think that pixel art is like it helps with the precision of the gameplay quite a bit yeah and also I think we just all love pixel art yeah just look how it looks a lot like it's just an art style that we all enjoy yeah this stuff is this is pretty pretty similar it it has like you but the levels have like a few like subtle changes like making things like just speaking both lava structure only slightly yeah there's like some spikes I'm seeing here and there that are moved or changed into different obstacles yeah we eventually went here in like replaced visited all the spikes in this chapter with dust creatures to fit matically better because why would there be spikes and yeah I'm curious to see if it blocks the Alva scene haven't seen any with the messy part it's yeah I knew goes here whose idea was it 40 able to have an Instagram I don't know I know I mean a Mauro is a huge part of that for the CR she did all with me p.m. drop I don't know if it was like specifically her idea to do it but it was um yeah she was definitely the driving force behind that I don't think yeah Oshiro still did not exist at this point there's a red rectangle there that might be a zero oh I tend to just make things red rectangles yeah every NPC just had these portraits before they actually existed thanks PA I wonder if she was actually in this room no no it was blocked out for him though like that bedroom was intentionally left blank to put the iron yeah but we still had no idea like the resort the story for those are it took us so long to figure out like develop these levels are pretty similar except obviously now they look way better and like these are all like the laundry ones I think they all got easier - yeah this is the laundry section yeah this room does here [Music] I'm glad Theo grew from being a small red rectangle to a real boy okay so the buttons exist today oh they just okay yeah they're just okay this is the peak great machine is it I told him yeah if Lawson that yellow rectangle that yellow thing was the creation and back to ninth Street venture like the word adventure there okay so this is getting is actually a lot closer yeah and this room still yeah it doesn't it has the same flow of the final room but oh one thing I want to check out in this one though is I want to see if you're sure boss fight yeah oh it's gonna be bad oh no no hey wait I think I can get there did you really call a game and see sharp yet molded yeah I just line for line board know why doesn't let me vote this you could learn the next room maybe yeah I feel like I played this I checked it like last night and I thought mmm might be the checkpoint no yeah it's not working you guys try formerly run and play into it yeah or just like right-clicking on this map is on here for something Oh okay writing this work so I'm just gonna load in from a check forms just find the name of it from there or yeah over the bluesman checkpoint so I really want to see it's every tile its own little entity or do you just do collision using a grid structure we have a grid structure for all the static geometry oh it's not happy about this is so anything that doesn't change is a grid and then like stuff like falling blocks and moving platforms those are their own entities it's a pretty necessary optimization I think oh my god okay this version is kind of a very unhappy okay let's see if I can get to this or I just want the possibly be trail okay this is gonna work I think okay cool so this was the this is a master suite or whatever and this is the Oh share fight which is I began because he could climb on a shear oh yeah and like use him as like part of the level yeah the idea was that you had to use him to get through the levels even though he was also trying to hurt you which I think kind of works metaphorically but yeah it just never felt fun it's always like awkward especially as we gave Madeline more and more stamina this just like sequence got made less and less sense you just basically skipped the levels by hanging on him I remember the section being really hard it is really tough yeah it's almost so long you can't oh yeah nice thanks yeah these levels got completely cut yeah but none of these are here we're not even yeah yeah it kind of feels over-designed to me like the design we ended up with as much simpler and less like I think I do oh boy nice really fertile I might be the second right now were there times during development when you were really unmotivated how did you pull through yeah definitely I don't know just like relying on each other like oh boy oh yeah it feels like chapter complete night you did what do you think about this question were we really unmotivated at points and how did we pull through oh yeah I think I think we definitely got unmotivated at times I think um I think we definitely questioned ourselves and like we weren't sure if it was gonna be a good game or not for a long time I'm just gonna look at what this is I'm not even sure I guess we just kind of oh wow took breaks when we needed to as best we could this is this is really similar yeah this whole from this room is not but I mean the idea of it's the same these spikes are offensive you I don't know I guess we just kind of these things are different nothing oh they they went on oh they just a yeah just a nothing ever gonna answer for that question but I'm not sure and to think of it more yeah I mean the answer is yes we kind of motivated considerably at times how we pull through I think mostly honestly it's just yeah relying on each other like if we're a team and lean on each other when you need to and this is they're actually pretty interesting this way I think I think nah no not month-long vacations I don't think we ever took like month-long vacations we took like you know time off from working on the game it's intense we do other things we all have like small little things we miss this that works lessons times yeah I don't think we ever took like a month vacation or anything like that I mean I I think while you and I I know we I think we worked too hard on this yeah and we were like him I know at the time I also felt like I need to work really hard on it because like financially like I I had to keep working like a take huge breaks yeah I'm not sure why I masochism I guess but definitely crunch to hard on the Sun this robberies not very good oh yeah these are these are full swap boxes because originally we could swap how they swap position yeah I totally forgot they were ever like this yeah these rooms aren't like this room is not that interesting to me it took us two years to make Celeste crap I think I'm screwed can we check her chapter for later - yeah all right oh yeah that problem that yeah that didn't get fixed too late basically if you're on these blocks and you - upward she's actually like a pixel above the block the whole time and so you can't jump it took us a long time to fix that yeah the physics in this game have so many hacks like like I really like the physics code but yeah like getting it to work perfectly was like it's always going to be happy the way he responded yeah Matt funded Celeste through towerfall and I for a while I was doing other contract work and stuff like that I did web design as left for a while until the last year development again let's see how see what we got in here these doors closes slowly yeah also there's lanterns yeah the lantern concept was pretty early and that buttons right here moved it onto like a platform later there's no secret there I think if you go later to this is you go through the mirror and seamlessly oh I remember this yeah this is evolved different yeah this is completely different now this is this is getting similar now this is yeah this is pretty similar except this locked door is moved into the next room in the final version for coding experience do you guys have for a project like this both I mean Manas a degree in computer science I went to compute like I did two years of computer science at a university and I dropped you out we both been coding for quite a long time we made this game in C sharp but we both starred with game maker which is like an awesome tool for making games in so if you want to like learn how to code I would totally try out keymakr more people wait but yeah we both encoding for like 15 years probably me and probably so it's just we've just been doing it a long time but it's amazing that this you definitely don't need to epic encoding for that long I think you could do like technically this game isn't that wild or anything I think you could do it and I can game maker or something yeah probably it doesn't help with us having you know yeah I might take longer yeah if you don't know right there you can totally but you learn how to do this and like we learned through game maker basically yeah [Music] we see the lantern there's another door I think this one has a skip yeah yeah yeah that idea of the skip that's still in the final game just a lot different oh oh that's it huh is there I'm gonna hit tab and see things no no is it okay so there's nothing through the mirror yet I'm gonna go check your work he has a signature before chapter 4 is probably all all there I jump into I think the ending is a lot shorter than final if I remember correctly yeah doesn't have a lot of the secret tears when I'm right here cool yeah I think I didn't Admiral the ending I forgot that I can't write oh yeah you could continue from chick um the ending of this one is one case where the music informed the design because they had these ending levels and they're like pretty much the same as in the final game but then after Lena did the music it became obvious that the pacing of it was off and then you did like four or five more levels we're deity the lantern ideas was that hit or miss upon its own the wet idea of the lanterns oh the in the temple anything in the temple I think I love that mechanic yes like more what now yeah there was definitely Emily on there was definitely question of whether it felt interesting yeah but the one problem with them early on was they weren't persistent so if he died they would go back out yeah that wasn't and that was yeah making them persistent it was probably the point where we were like okay this is a good thing [Music] boy your favorite buddy gives us a child I liked the links that passed a lot that was like a huge one for me yeah I know Matt was like Mario 3 yeah my main inspiration in this game is Mario 3 in Duncan country to probably plays as I pulled from oh yeah you know in level design - that is yeah entering coding Sophia totally happy to answer any coding questions people have like answering the Bezier curve stuff and disturbing them so assessment yeah questions are totally fun Rhys I came at this level be a good display of coding knowledge to get a job in the industry ones on the job yeah depends on the job I mean yeah I've never tried to apply for a game position at like a real company so I don't really know like actually what's involved in trying to get a job as it came develop here somewhere because I've only never just made games for myself but yeah I I seem like it he showed someone this and like like show that you coded it or whatever that should probably definitely with something like it's definitely show severe are we planning on making any more levels or an editor services it's already been asked editor we like the idea of it but we have we don't know if we're gonna do it yet levels yeah probably but we don't really want to say anything about it okay Mindy yeah I think being full-time unity it's like definitely hard and you want to make sure that you can survive for a while in case your game takes longer or something or it doesn't make money doesn't make money yeah it's risky basically yeah it's basically it's risky yeah and some people come into it you know if you're coming in from a place of privilege maybe you can withstand more risk or you know you know that everyone's everyone's context is different if you look at families is it to support an ideal heart okay if you could do anything over change the game to this point would you but we change mm-hmm honestly we've had the ability to kind of keep updating the game because since it's you know we have stuff like Steam and whatever worried just upload new builds were able to have tweaked things even after release yeah so I'd say like any of the major things that we saw that we wanted to change we've already changed yeah there's there are like I guess I guess if there's one problem I wish I could fix that we can't because it's like so fundamental to the design is um a lot of people really don't like when you go forward and then you're like blocked from going backward because they think they're going down an optional path looking for strawberries yeah that turns out to be the main path and then it blocks them but not doing that like we tried to like basically solve it in like a soft way like make it as unobtrusive as possible but like doing that was so core to the design that we couldn't just rethink it at a fundamental level and I wish we could have yeah um that's the only really big design regret I have and this doesn't feel like that big of one's me like I feel like we still try to accommodate it as good as we could given the design we had cornered herself India for the player class yeah I don't see any reason to split it up their work well enough for having Isaac there's definitely lot of self I would change we can redo the player class and reply and it being closer like 4,000 lines it covered a lot of the stuff that didn't need to be there like animation code and a lot of the states like all we're kind of like the dummy states that just have auto control it should just be a different object but the actual stuff that's like specific to the player I'm fine with keeping it in the player class that feels to me and it was easy for us splitting in two classes we just put it all over the place but that's like kind of to each their own I totally understand why you would not want to have it like that yeah but the thing I talked about someone said the checkpoints alleviate a lot of that and yeah that's that's a big reason why we added the checkpoints is once we noticed that that was a problem with the design it's kind of a band-aid like like ideally we would fix that issue at a more fundamental level maybe but I think for it would change the structure of the game for sure and for West last is I think we solved it in the best ways we could so this mrs. Tucker is actually mechanically again yes somewhere yeah a lot of the designs were pretty yeah I think I think chapters three and six for the big months he changed mechanically but like this one was one of the easy ones for sure in terms of iteration yeah this room did get a thing where after you get the strawberries it starts blocking off the side paths and that was because people just every once in a while like one in ten testers we get really stuck on that puzzle of how to progress here and if you guys know what I'm talking about the one where you have to like steer the block around and up every once in a while if someone would just get really stuck on that air all these blocks reset version how are they doing yeah and that was actually pretty laid - I think you control oh sorry yeah I think this skip ready is here I know a lot of spirits do this skip right here for this skipper skipper harder rather I think before you oh yeah I think I didn't even notice that they have an intention without a lot harder now it's like actually spike jump that rooms completely different the previous one was the mario blocking yet no the mario block doesn't relate yeah that was really that was after we had the idea of crystal hearts yeah this this bill doesn't even have crystal hearts yet it might have actually I want to see if it has [Music] but no it doesn't that's the next build yeah this one's pretty much done right is anything no I think that's pretty good for this build yeah we're getting other resorts yeah you know we already looked at that yeah everybody let's do it cool we're getting pretty pretty far in at this point yeah what's the next one next one is in April 19 2017 2017 so this is I guess about eight months before the game was time hmm all right Linc it says hi Resort so it's gonna take it one reload and it has f1 stuff oh wow yeah so this was four months after the last one we just did yeah and we have like a high resume okay actually this is the same Mountain model as the last one but now it's trying in higher ed he's just drawing high res this is like after we redid all the UI to be high resolution yeah yeah so this one's getting this one also has me nice look it has the journal now oh yeah it doesn't look as nice but it has it in his crystal hearts apparently getting back goes through each page huh could you guys save this dream yeah I think it said I'd save yeah yeah it should be up on Twitch later and I made a recording of it hopefully porting it maybe we can put on YouTube there's nothing on YouTube or something how do you meet Peter Nomura answer that earlier once but our French Chevy introduced Matt to them through their previous pixel art games and working stuff like that and then they worked on towerfall and they work Matt and then there were to me with they worked with me on a game called scattering for a long time and I worked on celesteville's - mm-hmm okay so this this one's getting closer Stowe house the other day yeah it's still called remix mode I bet is they're actually hard for these now oh this is cool okay so this is getting this one's four months later chapter six still isn't even in there no maybe it's in the maybe is in the game but not accessible from the menu maybe it should just a little bit make no and this one should have high-res portraits I guess so yeah we check that oh oh this is great the you eyes are so very different I think it'll have let's just see chapter three we integrated on the world map UI a lot yeah it changed so many times well just creatures are now looking a lot more finished yeah this looks like the final game I'll see if mr. Heos intros there there's new keys oh yeah hey Joe his keys your - reflect disability' from new summer summer - oh I handled that was very late yeah that we added that just a lot of sound effects is non-resident how do you achieve the weighty jumping there's a lot of little things that go into a good jump yeah a lot of it's visual visual sound and then yeah a lot of little control things it's it's there's a lot of that goes into a good job so that's there yeah his dad was a lot less good that he's there mr. Quiros dialogue was changing right up until the end actually it's like character we actually had a consultant come in help us with him like right at writing along better yeah like in the last month so yeah his his stuff just his his art got a lot more coherent right near the end pretty much see I think this version has stuff that isn't yeah this thing oh yeah this why is this not working I was working yeah weird babies what were we struggling with with mashiro um his we didn't know what his story was yeah I think we added all the stuff about his past about like we clarified his past and made him a more positive character basically like he didn't really have a justification for why he was being so like shitty basically so he just came across as like a like an annoying like terrible person which like he still definitely isn't like a like a hero or anything like he still definitely has a negative side to him and does bad things but if you like read the memos and stuff you can kind of see where he's coming from me you can see his past and that wasn't there at all so he just didn't really have a place in the story that felt he didn't feel like a human being also these don't exist in the game at all yeah these are pages from a journal that one play folder tags I mean they all were some I don't even like the ones that I wrote but it was like the idea was you're gonna there's gonna be another character who is a like a an archaeologist who is sort of exploring the mountain and who understood the power of the mountain and like kind of kind of like a paranormal archaeologist kind of deal they have we cut it because it just didn't both first scope reasons and also because it just didn't feel like it meshed with the like it was too too explicit about what the power what the mountain was doing and it didn't feel right oh yeah detachment of these hello every one thing hello no these are - with these they don't just like know like he's waiting the forever yeah if you just sit in them they just like I just fall yeah that's cool when did you get the levels the music for levels versus designing them so the music at first came in late because while everything came in late because I ran way ahead of everyone and like because she's standing in the hot yeah oh we were thinking when I'm hearing like a bathing suit here yeah oh what granny would have like a bathing suit and towels has to be like chilly in the hot spring would be pretty funny but yeah at the very start like the level design was way ahead of everything else there was like no graphics for anything you know it's just like designing chapter 4 and 5 with no graphics so the music came in late for those ones and then the design and story and everything sort of little tweaks to adjust the music here and there but the music was mostly taking its cues from the gameplay and then probably spikes sucks alright yeah peachy yeah and then later on the they were being developed more in tandem I think the music for like chapter 8 had to be done without seeing a lot of level design I mean the chapter he came in so late in development so yeah just by nature of like the timing the role of music and development changed in that way a lot of the art has looked really settled changes this make like visibility a lot better like these things were not as dark as they are now yeah and what he looks all of these spikes are terrible looking yeah the background palettes are just the city tiles recolored that's why they look so bad we just had placeholders yeah I'm curious if this stuff is looking yeah mmm yeah we can see where the cassette is that okay music notes and music so this is instead strawberry cd28 music notes getting all the music notes gave it the cassette which hadn't locked the b-sides which I guess was called remix mode at this point you're you're screwed this time what is our stance and glitches being used for the speedrun yeah as tgh said I'm not really aware of any big glitches the only thing that feels like a glitch to me is the thing in chapter 2 which cool about the thing in chapter 2 were you like and start the cutscene and then end up inside of the dream block that's like a really minor glitch but we don't mind it because it's kind of cool but yeah our general like thought processes like if the glitch doesn't destroy casual players and like it makes the speedrun more fun then it's worth keeping in yeah yeah we don't really care about whether it's faster or slower we care about whether it's fun for everyone if it's fun for casual players and for speedrunners then we'll just keep it yeah it if it like yeah there's been a few things that we fixed that were just like it would have made this beam run extremely just visibly shitty and no one would have wanted to do it like something that's faster but then it would just make speed running way harder rich or just he had not fun oh and he's blocks it yeah I I like his blocks I made them for a long time but they didn't read very well yeah and the the gray like and the green ungraded yeah and somatically your come on weird they feel like high-tech like yeah they feel like something else guy towing yeah yeah they just didn't like their like a cool idea and I like programming them but they didn't like yeah the more minimalist final design it's better yeah I'm curious if there's the other Mario blogs and Mario block well is this which is a thing yeah but there oh it's there okay cool yeah is it a heart now oh yeah might be a heart now yeah I don't consider ultra dashes to be glitches either we purposefully didn't cap the players speed so that stuff like that can happen the her animations were a reversal oh yeah I think the heart animation was largely based on the sound that Kevin made for it so once the sound came in then you know yeah got a lot better we like we made it break also it didn't break they're just like mmm spun into the foreground right yeah the mario block is fun it felt fitting to heaven homage to mario 3 in the game because of how much it inspired the design these levels are pretty similar mechanically just like the visuals got cleaned up a lot yeah yeah the ideas are all there those are the checkpoints yeah these are the checkpoints and the checkpoints went through a lot of iterations it's definitely something up there right oh actually no there's not there's definitely not yeah it's just the camera this level is kind of weird for a bit do you ever cap the speed of the player except for collision um that's I'm not sure not like I think in general no there might be somewhere that caps it I'm not sure where you guys should make a physical copy of Madeline's journal every really neat that would be really neat yeah yeah listen it's kind of all there and yeah this cutscene went through a lot of changes over time so I wouldn't surprise me if it was like there but like it might not have a middle part like his getup he just snapped up like stuff like that yeah and also this dialogue was a lot shorter at first like there was like half as much dialogue it's in the final game something about the color palette looks different like the SCOTUS kylus I think maybe maybe Peter tweaking or something right I think so yeah yeah all the timing is kind of often this cutscene nothing as like as much impact what was the inspiration for the panic attack bit hmm honestly I remember I just looked a lot worse oh oh no it's not there it gets just like the artists really bad this part yeah it's like some weird others hands that grab the dialogues from bad - she's like we're gonna die yeah he's like it's okay what was the inspiration this part I guess I was going through a pretty anxious time that's honestly where a lot of that came from here is it this house the intro of the temples shorter yeah like you just start right there start that's happening right at the hole I really want to play through hole wait a second is completely offend I wanna start yeah this is gonna be cool so this is the mirror also originally Peter made gigantic torches and I found with that yeah because they seemed like they would be more prominent in the design but they ended up being kind of like background elements this part so this is like yeah I'm here in Chapter five yeah and none of this stuff is just anyone yeah man so this is the same code that so with the Seekers in the final game when you're through the mirror when you stomp them and then they respawn and they have that shockwave that's the same code as these so these things are just like you get close to them and then they do that shockwave in a bit that's the entire thing I think if you touch them you can touch them in this one yeah so originally they killed you if you touch them but in this one it just instantly does the shockwave if you touch them that's kind of a cool mechanic but it just felt too finicky it was hard to like do anything on purpose music yeah you guys never could be like quieting them at the right time yeah [Music] yeah it's a lot like the pinball bumpers in Chapter six so even harder to steer I think oh we didn't have the Seekers as well so yeah this is an older or a newer one because originally instead of these guys there was like turrets like shot at you kind of like super meatboy reports for us yeah yeah but yeah it just didn't fit the game at all and yeah we're gonna jump on lumber ok these levels are in the game like this is a new gentleman oh they originally like really tried not to be jumped on like I think he can but originally they had code that was like if the players above you'd like just dodged out of the way and it made them really hard to jump on like and they turn faster in this boat mm-hmm yeah Barry I changed quite a bit just rebalance to pretty much completely but the gist of its there I'm kind of curious to see if fear is in your crystal or not oh yeah I don't know if it's a nice [Music] there's the checkpoint all the rebel red couples are here obviously past - - now thanks for the house tgh oh yeah the pinball bumpers stolen since they're surprised by how controllable they are and yeah the code for those is like very I gotta know if you're familiar with smash bros melee with foxes up b-but there's like there's ranges around the cardinal directions where it snaps to them kind of use that philosophy but pretty drastically especially on the left and right side like there's a pretty wide angle where it will just snap you to like that's a straight left or straight right bump since there's not even this one okay you might be in the next if I go think you might be there actually in the next Mariam goes for the house cool yeah thank you all so yeah the that part of the is like so much more complicated like here lovely let me you can right-click just okay so like you come up into this big room and then on the right side there's like this whole like these rooms are just completely not in the game anymore and these two rooms were merged into one big room that is like right here now so this was like really complicated for a long time yeah and over here so one problem was that people didn't know where to go so I eventually changed it so that as soon as you come in here the game like naturally leads you to this left door and then the left door has that long like passage that like shows you the goal it's like where you're trying to get with like the shining light but originally they didn't even have that it's like even be able to had no idea where the goal was even you're just like lost and this giant maze and you didn't even know where you're trying to go literally spent like two hours wandering circles in that big room kind of find anywhere to go yeah it was pretty brutal is either like well all the way around here and then I was through through here and down oh yeah it was really complicated and they instead of them instead of keys like in the final version there's two lock blocks that you have to like open and then shoot yourself across with the red bubble but in this version you have to find this room in this room has like two locked gates and then you have to go around and like open those log gates so one of the lock gates uses that bubble thing you have to shoot yourself the red bubble across to open one of the gates then the other gate you have to like go like down through here and around the bottom and then open it and then I think there was keys in vault to like wow yeah it was just like crazy I wanted it to be complicated and make you feel lost but I went way overboard also someone asked why we have stuff for other chapters in up here and it's we use stuff for other chapters to kind of block out chapters sometimes so yeah just placeholder placeholders yeah because we didn't have the Tonto stuff yet yes athira is here he's just a yellow cube name and he is different because I can't do that which you can now do what's that you can like you can't I don't think in catching oh the engines easily it was yeah it's just like a lot need harder to and I'm curious kind of wondered subpoenas chapter they might just end still yeah probably just ends like I think that I've olivine came pretty late yeah oh there's not even who's not even ending yeah it's just a level oh it's just a little yeah this little stood there the those blocks had like purple oh yeah they had these big purple dots on them to lecture you where they were gone and we replaced that with like the background like smear on the wall yeah so where it's been like scraping that's it yeah doors were really slower than this point Oh spikes like bounce to you what are your thoughts on people reading things into the game that maybe you didn't intend thanks fine I think I don't know if people see it yeah that's pretty much just like any art ever people you know will take what they will out of it yeah I think like part creating something and having people play it cuz you just have to kinda accepted people Avenue yeah it's like once you put it out there it's not really yours anymore in a lot of senses right yeah and actually when people engage with work that way and like sort of reinterpret it that's kind of flattering to be honest yeah it's not exciting when people have their own ideas about stuff is just mm-hmm which is cool and there's our six doctor [Music] still no six chapter name no I went do we have one with the water version I don't think I haven't of you hmm okay I think the next one already has the general idea but it's just a lot worse okay maybe we should try to find them yeah I have to go through the version control mystery yeah you could join your laptop maybe yeah I could do on my laptop where we yeah I guess I'm there the next version then there I think so I don't think this has anything else really I think a lot of the besides we didn't decorate the besides and so literally the last like two weeks of development they were like looked a lot like this for pretty much so this yeah the beasts head looked like this until like would literally two weeks before the game was done which was a huge mistake because it took way longer to decorate levels than we thought it would yeah but I think this besides basically basically the same this level that's not a level we didn't add rhythm levels until it like three months before release or something and then once we got a rhythm levels then I wanted to add them at the end of every piece as well yeah yeah I think that's pretty much it for this version yeah gives you the next one yeah yeah it would be cool to find the water levels that don't exist anymore but I had to go through version was it just because we were iterating on the b-sides a lot or did you just not get around to it we just didn't get around to it even like decorating levels was the thing on our to-do list I was always fished back he was always like okay we'll get to that like soon like we have to we have to rewrite this dialog 1st way to redesign this level first we have to you know and then the last week really sucks we were we were decorating like 500 levels in like four days I was yeah you're pulling all-nighters just like placing tiles and levels and it was like the worst thing that I've ever had to do so bad yeah we should've given ourselves another week I don't know why we we just had this deadline that we just wanted to hit and we just yeah at the expense of our own health it was like it was like how many levels can I do in like a day and and we were just be like sitting there like listening to podcasts decorating levels from when we woke up until like 7:00 a.m. the next day and we did that for like two weeks and it sucked yeah but that was actually the guzzled lowest point through the game development yeah yeah it was yeah like besides that everything else is like if we had just like another two weeks I think it would have been fine yeah I agree but it's really hard to have perspective when you're in the middle of it but lesson learned for next time seeing that the game went two years into development when and how did you guys decide okay we're gonna do this much and not more how do you know when to stop yeah okay it just kind of felt right at some point like I just kind of felt like this is the game like like it felt finished and that's like a really subjective feeling but like yeah I mean like the like we could have called it finished after the b-sides I think or even just after the a sides but then the b-sides just seemed necessary to us because the game had room for the higher level of play and then the C sides it was mostly a thing of like wouldn't it be cool if you beat the b-sides and there was even more like wouldn't that just be like as a player wouldn't that just be fun and then so we did that and then that just felt like a good place to stop this has yeah Gabby's Mountain Gabby's now most spends levying on it yeah looking pretty good now it's pretty close to the final one the lighting is different there's no fog yeah and there's not it's missing like chapter six and then he has summit stuff yeah and chapter five it looks like isn't even there yet all the chapters are in a kind of a low chapter 8 though this is chapter 8 get ready everybody it's called chapter 9 in your suite and when you have two dashes your hair's green in this original oh yeah this is actually the pika white version is you have that green here yes we start with that we went through a lot of different hair colors for her second - yeah the pink was the best I know you still don't get your - back from oh-ho you do if your wave - is really high the wave - wait - got a lot more forgiving it was also your speed rings now oh yeah rings well they they got changed slightly because they have the anti aliasing bits on oh yeah you fixed on yeah yeah cool great level design yep thank you I did that one I was taking it's time to get back to the menu yeah I wonder if this made up if it might not make it yeah yeah I'm it's restarted okay I heard many people say it was jarring that the overworld isn't such a different style than the rest of the game why did you go for a 3d model that was to communicate the scale of the mountain it's really hard to like make something feel big and ominous and like a place in 2d I think yeah 3d let it like circle around the mountain and I don't know there's just cold us yeah who's just exciting for us to do and we like the idea of it a lot let's see chapter six and oh yeah chapter six it's gonna have some stuff but it's gonna be missing a lot of visual stuff I think okay yeah we should go to the start of it but I just wanted to see like where cuz yeah there's a version of it where it was originally that's way different I would hate green to see house over it you just Skippy oh come on oh yeah this is it sorry my legs are still okay yeah but I want to see this cutscene here it's not like anything okay yeah also the backgrounds wait I don't know where the background oh there are the lights are in anyone yeah what is it now this is just the old site back yeah I just use the stars that shatter sound affects him every single time yesterday oh yeah it was the oh it's the gemstone I can't control her oh I guess I made more sense which is falling rather than being pulled yeah yeah later she's been told [Applause] [Music] well yeah the music was in already that's call yeah can't color here well these spikes everything graphically is chapter still a lot different than later I remember these um a crusher box the Kevin's and they were red yeah we changed them because it's the same color as the spikes so this kind of confusing [Music] janna spikes we read it first it's so like loud yeah it's actually so interesting it makes the place feel feels really different to me yeah a lot more negative I don't even know if this Green has cassette tapes yet the tapes were so late well it'll have the music notes right Oh might have the music notes yeah I mean the last time I think it does yo this level is bad oh yeah this level is way different now this was so much simpler now and better what is the size of our pixel art the screen size is 320 by 180 doesn't mean yeah there's no the cassette rooms nothing [Music] okay with the photos being harder on keyboard I mean I played mostly on keyboard and I don't find it too hard I guess they're like just due to the way the angles work like it probably is easier mystic yeah yeah but yeah it's just they're just away their work is just like slightly nicer with others here okay so that's there yeah everything looks a lot more red than me III did color grading on this chapter so yeah I did it color grits everything out on there's nothing over here and then why are there so many branching paths in the reflection I just felt like a cool structure given the like the feelings of the chapter it felt like a full way to express slab and then also a structure that has never been in any chapter before like no other chapter has branches that the only the only significant the only significance of your choice is what level you plays there's no strawberries or other collectibles and branches you're just picking which all what you want to do I just thought that the coolest truck here it also only works in a chapter where there aren't things to collect because there's a thing with slots where we always wanted it so you could talk to everything in one playthrough on flat area so this is the only chapters I have anything to collect so it means that it could have paths that didn't reconnect this was like a secret or it oh this is the music man oh yeah this level was yeah [Music] yeah it was like just a level structure that I always wanted to explore in the game it didn't have a place for it and then chapter 6 just seemed like a perfect place to put it are we getting touched the person wound up making a music CD I think honestly I think we saw Elena through Twitter and her soundcloud and I think I met her once at EDC very briefly um but it was mostly just like we were thinking we wanted to get music for the game and we were just like listening to her soundcloud and being like this is like really sweet and then I think you're just that mutual friends we just reach it were like hey like ya wanna check out our game and yeah adding layered music was something that was just I don't remember like you know it exactly but I don't know whose idea it was just felt really cool especially in Chapter one yeah I remember when we first hired lino we talked about like how music would fit into the game and one of the things we talked about was that we want to do dynamic stuff but we didn't want to structure it too tightly and we wanted it to be on like a per chapter basis of like whatever works best for that chapter yeah and yeah she was super into that yeah because all those are pretty similar yeah I would like to see I wonder if we he grabbed another build because this chapter was originally a water level and it was really bad water level took a long time to figure out they need to break down so I think you're right yeah related music you mean it gets more instance as you go yeah yeah yeah we just just felt cool to be like climbing through a level and having music control as you go it just felt like um exciting and it's like on and like it's done differently in each chapter to like yeah like in chapter one doesn't music doesn't develop if you go vit like when you're on a side path the profession drops out yeah so you lose your sense of progression when you're not progressing like you're your dry sense of drive where as chapter 3 the layers come in as you unlock doors and they're like no chapter does it the same way and it's like yeah it was something I think about a lot with this game is we wanted we never wanted to feel super like like a formula yeah like there's obviously there is sort of a formula I'm like she was always strawberries most the time and there's always like I said stuff like that like we want a place to feel really unique and like feel like I have its own identity yeah and that that also ties really well into the idea of like why we did branching paths for this area because like no men's dialogue straight to the point yeah because we wanted each chapter to have a different level structure if we want to each chapter to feel like a different and a different type of branching different type of someone asked also when did the Kevin blocks kiss sounds they got sounds pretty near the end and it was pretty much all up to Kevin like when it comes to sound design like Kevin was pretty much in charge of it and he ran with it so I'm not even sure like how he decided that they should have those like rumbling voices but it turned out super awesome I mean super Fitz I think someone else isn't so I'm behind in questions I'm going to go through them that's that like the gist of this dialogue is the same but yeah a lot of Polish how do you share assets with different team members we use revision control for this game we used Mercurio and we yeah post it on the bit bucket oh these levels got moved to the B side oh yeah these laws are originally in the 8th eyes and they're coming pointy - yeah people get stuck in these for so long yeah but yeah we just use a revision control I would suggest to either get 4 mercurial and just like any post that hosts the github bitbucket get labs and then we pet ya know how did you implement the diamond dynamic soundtrack so Lena would basically write the song with the layers like she had it in mind that we would split it up and then she would give our sound designers each part of the sound as a different file and then we would implement them into the game from there just be like Oh play this extra layer when this happens that's basically it yeah this boss I remember all of her timings like the time between attacks the speed of attacks all that was way too fast for a long time and like I had multiple play testers to go through it and I would like tweak the numbers a little bit make things a little bit slower and then do another protestor and like though thank you to this between constituency like these drops these blocks also just drop so fast like yeah the people who listed the harder version in this hunt I'm very grateful oh yeah instead mentions that yeah we used we've Dropbox for large files so it's like the map files in the sound files he shared them with Dropbox because you don't usually want those files in the version control yeah music is long why material over KITT there's honestly no really read no real reason for it is I can move to get in it is just what we were using before and it just kept using it I don't have a strong preference really yeah she shoots really fast is there merit to learn programming from scratch or a better keep building expertise with an engine like unity I think learning in whatever you find exciting is just the best option there definitely is good reasons to learn you know lower level stuff at some point but I don't think you have to and depending the games you're making you'll never need to so it's just like if that excites you then do it if you're excited working mentioned then do that like whatever is the most exciting way for you to learn and make stuff how do I make my websites I yeah I I'm actually like I was a web designer for a bunch II like I did contract web design like that's how I survived for a bunch of years as made websites for people so I just know HTML and CSS fairly well I just sort of practicing that as a kid and just kept doing it and making lots of like little websites when I was like a teenager yeah for little slice website another websites I just coated myself in HTML and CSS I honestly I just having this discussion last night and I honestly don't know if they're like good website makers these days I know there used to be software forth but these days I'm honest I'm not sure just because I ended up just do my own thing all the time so sorry I don't have a good answer to that is there a list of tools we use for celeste yeah there is all posted in chat I'll find it these levels are pretty much the same the boss like attack patterns are a lot harder like herd interval between beams is really short and the background is like just solid like there's no props in the background this week these always got decorated very late as well but yeah the the levels are proves the same but they're a lot harder because of the boss attack patterns are brutal spent on my to 70 FPS it sounds like fun but we'll see you'd be cool when is it actually don't know any news what kind of website ademma caffeine injury I made a lot of also its website so many websites for games and made forums I mean that dialogue is completely different like even though I don't have it changed [Music] should show people the glitch when you hit battle in at the end of a room and to retry at the same time yeah that gets what happened it doesn't turn off the glitch but if you like I hope that doesn't so exists it should still exist yeah you tried one let me talk oh really maybe I didn't we'll try it myself oh yeah you can't pause for some reason maybe it's the stable pausing during the Dutch effect yeah it looks like you can't pause him his freshman so we actually first saw that bug but then we've later on undid fixed it properly and search just like turn off the menu that's so weird funny oh man yeah I don't know why the dark change we just kept iterating on it yeah that dialogue I didn't like it all honestly like that dialogue was like battling begging her clients it didn't make sense I guess we developed like at first I would just kind of throw stuff in because I didn't really know what the characters were feeling like it took a while to like figure out like what made sense for the characters to be feeling in that moment yeah and so I just don't think that one hit the mark it changed pretty drastically to do support still in the game so I'm gonna try to fix it later oh my how we might have talked about it in Siena I can't remember anymore I could totally see like yeah it's always just being like yeah I'm kind of playing and I generally don't remember anymore if Kevin says it as probably happened yeah probably he says don't fix it yeah I guess it doesn't really affect anyone my god gameplay usually no one like retries there yeah oh yeah th is the world record holder for slowest like in every category and yeah every main category I don't think you'll remain good I don't think he has all a sides or all B sides or all C sides but yeah that 100% in any percent and 114 percent and all red berries and all hard dang yeah the glitch makes it so that if you retry when the game is like glitching out it keeps the glitch going so the glitch never turns off by glitching out we mean there's like a glitch screen effect yeah yeah there's a there's a glitch a screen effect when you hit battle in it's the whole screen kind of like looks like a VHS tape for a second no and that effect it doesn't turn off yeah so then why has that this cutscene had like no lead up like like obviously the music is still going the boss type music and there's like no lead up to the cutscene so this is like very rough of like just feeling out what the dialogue could be but we hadn't really done any work on timing out the cutscene or like making sure the mood worked and like she's still like Madeline's saying the gist of what she says in the final game but we just like to refined it and that bad line gets cut cut entirely like a lot of lines get cut just like we don't even need to say that that's implicit look like that dialogue was a long road in this game [Music] yeah the music just doesn't turn off right now yeah also these spikes are gone in the final version I think yeah they're all regarding all the hazards after this because it is the same kind of thing with chapter 2 how we got rid of all the spikes after the battle in flight yeah in this one it's the same thing we're like it didn't really feel cool like oh you just beat that really hard boss fight now there's like spikes again and also just the feel of like felt like Madeline was in the peaceful place after that I'd like to have a challenge to spell wrong because awesome just like the casualties oh there used to be a bug we're here we just keep walking forever yeah you're blocking football thanks pal perfect hmm I don't know Irene like this yeah I don't know either area cleared that's also different doesn't say area cleared nuna oh we call them areas forever Oh captors blade room yeah that's why in all our code it still says area for region yeah [Music] yeah the power of the moment so the comment was the power was a much bigger moment in the file any movement yeah like it always was planned to be that that was like that cutscene at the end was really early just like walking out like maybe she'll say this maybe this will happen alike no not much work put in jail yet the music still going yet techno log also there wasn't the idea they still weren't called besides they're called remixes so we had remix one arm x2 yeah what's this even anything yet they might crash it crashed I'm sorry it's okay I think who made the art for the area slash chapter cleared screens that's a Maura I'm worried did all the high-res are in the game putting the portraits in them and the Instagram account I think this is nothing why did you change the level up here from green to pink we made it greenery to match the oops the Pico a game and then I don't know we just didn't like it just didn't look right to us I don't think we tried a few different colors yeah we tried at least three or four different colors mm-hmm yeah this is getting close now doesn't have any of the other this summit yeah this is the summit the summit is probably gonna have very much art yet mm-hmm at this point basically throughout the entire game until the 8th chapter Matt was like way ahead in making levels and everyone else is like catching up with everything else yeah [Music] I cannot even see the specs yeah the specs are not visible I think I'm curious to see if as what were some of the design plots on the core it's so different from the rest of the Zune yeah I wanted to be different from the rest of the game that was intentional for sure just because it's it's separated I guess almost like an epilogue take a thing what did you say climbing this little mountain Thanks yeah oh the core yeah and and also that was originally a mechanic I was thing about using the temple temple actually I'm a mechanic of not regaining your - was originally gonna be after you go through the mirror you just don't get your dash back anymore confession in the ground and I did because I thought I liked the idea of like the mirror world having different rules for the - just feeling like dangerous or weird folk cut that for reasons of it not like meshing with the other mechanics in the temple very well so it was kind of a mechanic that we had we had coated like in the game and in uses of place if or didn't need a place but it felt like it wanted a place so I tried it and it just kind of worked and then the switching that together with the switching I feel like it's like the main metaphor of the core like like switching between ice and fire is obviously pretty pretty obvious metaphor I think for like Madeline's like mental state and stuff and learning how to control her emotions and manage herself yeah oh yeah it's a bog I regret I knew that was gonna happen actually we never fixed that I just took it out of this room oh yeah this game Kelsey you now and in screen with battle in the game kill see if you're below the camera so obviously if you use the look ahead thing and then you're below the screen when it turns off this will has a bucket you can't jump on these or jump off these with dashing up okay if your that's young yeah that was pretty late those things are tiny little man don't climb in it this was just wasn't done yet yeah yeah I remember leaving this for quite a while because I it took me a while to like work up the like courage to finish the game for one and also just to think of what to do at the end is really intimidating to design the final stretch of this King which parts of the game were most technically difficult to code the lighting we got a Fraggle you don't even notice it most of the game but for me was definitely letting I have a medium article I'll post it in the chat actually climbing this on mountain hello you ever get tired of the main theme yeah I think him well between this and sitting at the PAX big of hearing it over and over yeah like a really good theme but yeah I definitely went through a period of like I don't want to listen to that for a while yeah definitely love it but I mean we I think we've heard it literally thousands of times and it was placeholder for like every level before had music yeah every single level just played bad it actually affected like our opinion of some of the levels before they had music we're like man just don't like this level for some reasons is because we were listening to the same song a million times in a row just sort of hanging there because I don't want to hold it anymore the controller is like rumbling while he plays thanks unplug it that's ok this the holes pretty large is near here yeah the meters probably all if the Celeste team gonna work together on anything else in the future or is everyone going their separate ways I think a lot of us are gonna keep working together we have some plans that we can't really announce yet but bring something cool we're going to talk more in the future yeah more in the future about that specific subject I guess yeah this is all this is all done I think for this yeah you're praised enough Stan yeah we did it have the know this is different it didn't have the okay notice this is different yeah just a simple bubble yeah really it was just like a really short sequence yeah and then we're like well it doesn't really have weight because you do it so quickly and I added that like sepia color and also the zoom out who's you me i zoomed out and stuff so look logic and also adding the level where you have to break through some blocks and stuff introduces the mechanics of how those yeah enemies work oh it didn't turn off the yeah aware was called the leg moves back anxiety effect his theories but eyeball might not be though what part of the game are you the least satisfied with hmm hmm there's stuff that like we were gonna do for a long time that never happened but most of its like really small visual stuff like for example something I was gonna do for a long time but I never did was in Chapter 7 when you jump up and get thrown out by battle in you kind of go through all those clouds and for a long time I was gonna add like stuff from each chapter in those clouds so like when you jump up in the city you'd see like beams and like like metal stuff kind of flying by and that just never happened but I'm not like too satisfied with how it looks see there again I would say I'm pretty satisfied the game there's a bunch of little things we didn't do that we chose yeah yeah I mean we fixed a lot of the big that I mean all the glaring things we fix yeah ch's yeah yeah like like I said earlier like a lot of the stuff that we don't like we can keep patching and fixing and we basically have so there's non yes there's not a lot Matt already mentioned that one thing about the progression stuff like not be able to go back sometimes that we can't really change
Channel: Maddy Thorson
Views: 86,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celeste, game development, indie game development, making of, commentary, game dev, indie game dev, game design, programming
Id: u-nSjhIgmXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 50sec (8330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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