Celebrity Apex Food Review | Brand New Celebrity Cruises Ship

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now i've had the opportunity to eat at all  three of the major specialty restaurants   here on board the celebrity apex so i'm going  to review those for you also going to tell you   a little bit about the two main dining rooms that  i was able to eat in so far this cruise so we're   gonna go all the way back to the beginning of  the cruise the first night of the cruise i ate   in the main dining room one of the main  dining rooms of course this ship has four   main dining rooms cosmopolitan they have the  tuscan restaurant they have cyprus and they   have normandy i still haven't eaten at tuscan  and normandy i will be eating at those the next   two nights of the cruise and i'll tell you in  my final review of the cruise which will be out   soon i will tell you about those restaurants but  starting with cosmopolitan the first night of the   cruise i told you a little bit about this in the  embarkation day video cosmopolitan was very very   good this was my first experience in celebrity  dining and i was very impressed i was like wow   this is a main dining room but it tastes like  specialty dining food i had the the cajun fried   chicken and that was so amazing it was so tender  and juicy and the food itself was hot i mean it   was piping hot normally even the best food i've  had on cruise ships which is royal caribbean right   now as it stands uh it's not as hot as this food  was i mean this was like it literally just came   out of the fryer right off the grill right to  the table nowhere did that food sit waiting for   anyone to come get it like it was piping hot  it had mashed potatoes and a biscuit with it   um and then dessert was great that night as well  so really enjoyed cosmopolitan the second night i   was in the second main dining room experience and  this time i went to cyprus because this was a day   we're at mykonos and i'm like well i'm going  to have this like authentic greek meal this   mediterranean meal uh it's going to be amazing and  it was the food was so hot the food was so fresh   everything was amazing for my main dish that  night i had the chicken slovakia that was good   my appetizer i had that night was some cheese  dish and i put the name here because i forget   the name of it basically just melted cheese and i  had maybe half of it or a quarter of it and then   i realized i just couldn't do it anymore because  it was just too much cheese is that even a thing   but it was for me i'll say but it was really good  everything was hot there the service has been on   point everywhere the service was good in there for  dessert that night i had the new york cheesecake   with caramel sauce drizzled over the top and this  is one of the menu items of course you eat in the   main dining rooms it's sort of rotational dining  but they do have some items that they have across   all of the dining rooms that night the dining  rooms of course because they're themed differently   a french restaurant a mediterranean restaurant  an american cuisine restaurant they do have   cuisines and a menu of food that's just unique  only to that eatery however they also have the   main dining room menu for that night which is  different every night the the selections from   that restaurant itself which are unique to that  restaurant those are always the same each night   but they also every dining room will have a  portion of the menu that's the same across   all four dining rooms so part of that menu was  the new york cheesecake and that's why i picked   it that night i wanted to try that and it was  delicious everything was good at cypress really   enjoyed it now we move in to the specialty dining  the first specialty dining location and i'll let   me back up a little bit first and say that because  i'm a part of the concierge class on this cruise   i'm able to go down to my concierge and shout  out to the concierge you've been helping me   dana dana's been great this cruise to take very  good care of me went down the first day of the   cruise after i boarded a couple hours after i  bought it in athens worked with dana to set up   my dining reservations both for the main dining  rooms each night but also for my specialty dining   i had pre-purchased the three-night dining  package i think it was about 137 dollars which was   a pretty good value i think that's like a  15 savings because each of the specialty   dining restaurants here on celebrity are 55 per  person this is a little bit more than what you're   going to pay on carnival and royal caribbean  and lines like that those are usually 35 to 40   so the food is a little bit more expensive the  specialty dining so if you do think you might want   to do the specialty dining make sure you check out  one of those packages that can only be purchased   i think before the cruise starts maybe up till 24  hours before the start of the cruise so make sure   that's something you purchased before so got on  board went to the concierge dana helped me book   all my specialty restaurants and we ended up  because we wanted to block off lobster night which   is actually tonight so it ended up just being that  the specialty restaurants were consecutive nights   um night three of the crews four and five  of the crews so first i went to eden and i   was super excited to eat there i've been back  there to check out that area a few times over   the course of the cruise and it's a very cool area  first of all wow the setting of this restaurant   is amazing it's on the very back of the ship  on decks four and five so when you sit down   uh the view i had anyways it was looking  right off the back of the ship the after   you could see the wake of the ship that's one of  my most favorite views on the entire cruise ship   so uh i mean we're selling off the coast of roads  and so you have roads on one side and you have   turkey on the other and you can see the wake you  can see the sky starting to turn tonight slowly   and start to get dark it was just an amazing view  my server this night i had shaquille and he was   amazing very very good service some of the best  services i've had our crews was that night in eden   and the food was phenomenal the the thing about  eden is they try to make unique dishes that are   earthy that have a connection to earth that are  sort of more organic so for my starter i had the   sheep's milk gnocchi the sheep's milk nookie  was very good the only thing i'll say was it   was actually too much and they gave you very  large portions even for appetizers because i   was like wow you know gnocchi is sort of doughy  so it's actually a lot to eat so i didn't even   get to finish that because i'm like wow this  is a lot of food the thing about the specialty   dining restaurants here you can have as much as  you want so he encouraged me to try more of the   food not just one appetizer not just one entree he  said you know have as many as you'd like so i said   also i want to try uh the soup that they had on  the menu and this soup was incredible y'all some   of the best soup i've ever had this was a type of  soup that you wish you could have on like a cool   crisp fall night like it's very spicy a lot of  different flavors were going on in the soup a lot   of different textures in the soup it was really  really good and i really enjoyed it it tasted very   fresh and very organic and sort of went with that  feel that eden was trying to go for so it worked   really really well for my main dishes i actually  had two of those because of course i did i had the   filet mignon and wow that was a tender piece of  meat i could have cut it with my fork it was like   melt in your mouth filet mignon i also had the  lobster casserole and y'all the lobster casserole   was amazing i thought that lobster casserole now  every day since i went there i just want to go   back and be like can i have another helping of  lobster casserole i'm very tempted to book eden   again because i enjoyed the restaurant so much but  really just to get another helping of that lobster   casserole never been served so much lobster on a  cruise ship normally you order and they give you   a single little tail but this was like almost  like a full lobster in this casserole and like   the casserole also had this sweet corn cream in  it and it was just so good i can't say enough   about it about how great it was i really enjoyed  that dish for dessert i had the creme brulee and   this creme brulee was very unique because it  had carrots in it never had creme brulee with   carrots in before creme brulee of course if you  watch my channel my cruise vlogs you know i eat   creme brulee all the time on a cruise uh this  one was just okay it was actually cold i it was   supposed to be served that way but i just wasn't  into it that much but all said eden was amazing   perhaps the best meal that i've had on this ship  it's gonna be really close with another eatery i'm   gonna talk about in just a minute now the second  specialty restaurant that i ate at the next night   was the steakhouse fine cut steakhouse and i'm  going to say a big man on this one i wasn't as   impressed with the service the service just was  not there and fine cut steakhouse it was okay   but it wasn't like the service i've experienced  everywhere else on the ship so far the food was   just okay like i got the ribeye i love a good  ribeye and i thought wow i'm going to this nice   fancy steakhouse on a celebrity cruise ship this  steak is going to be amazing and it was just   okay you know for 55 additional 55 dollars i don't  feel like it was worth it in the middle that i ate   for my starter i had the crab cake i normally love  a crab cake this one was just okay it had too hard   of a outer crusting on it it kind of felt like  something that you might get at the grocery store   frozen and fry and make it home yourself it sort  of felt like that a little bit i wish it that it   take i'm sure it wasn't i'm sure it was that they  make everything fresh right but it tasted very   you know like it was heated up or it was fried  from frozen so it wasn't that into the crab cake   my steak was just not very flavorful by the time  it came to the table it was just almost all cold   i had the truffle fries with it the truffle fries  were not good they were not crispy they were just   very like cold almost stale like so didn't like  that had some mushrooms with it the mushrooms   were fine there were mushrooms what more can you  say and then also had some creamed spinach it was   also fine a little lukewarm as well so wasn't as  into the food as far as appetizers and main dishes   go in the steak house but one redeeming quality  of the steakhouse was the dessert i had the warm   apple and walnut cobbler and whoa that was  really good it really tasted wonderful it   was warm it was served with some ice cream on  the top but wasn't sold on the steak house not   a big fan of the steak house and probably would  skip it if i were to come back aboard the apex or   the edge or the beyond or you know another  celebrity ship i probably would just bypass   the steakhouse because of that experience that i  had now let's talk about the next place that i ate   lay petite chef and family and this was an  amazing eatery such a cool idea and a neat concept   i've never had a meal like it before in my life  uh this is one where you go sit at the table   and you have a set menu and if you're  okay with that set menu that you know   they'll go over it with you the waiter does  and if you're okay with all the the dishes   and of course it's the seasons it's like cooking  through the the year cooking through the seasons   so there's a course for spring there's a course  for summer there's a course for fall there's a   course for winter and that corresponds to your  soup to uh you know your appetizer to your entree   to your dessert then once that's done there's  actually an animation that plays out on your table   on your plate and the little movie the little  characters it's almost like a pixar movie right   they come together and they actually prepare  your meal you see them throwing all the   ingredients together right on your plate and  then as soon as they're done with the meal on   there the waiter is standing puts the actual  dish right on your plate and that was just   amazing i was blown away by that i loved it it's  about a two-hour experience they do start it   at six o'clock in the evening at 8 30 in the  evening there's two set dining times because   everyone in the restaurant is eating at the  same time because they're showing this animation   and the speakers are playing the audio for the  animation so everyone has to be on the same entree   at all times so there are only two seatings each  night for that dining experience and you have to   try it if you're coming on a celebrity ship that  has it y'all i'm not kidding it's worth the 55 or   whatever price you pay whatever dining package  credit you use go eat at la petite because you   won't be disappointed i have some video that i'm  gonna play here because i did video quite a bit   of the experience just to show you what it  was like so i'm gonna start those videos now and family and this is actually where they'll  do a lot of animations on the plate and stuff   as the mill progresses so super  excited about this this is a   pretty unique dining experience offered here  on the celebrity apex so excited to see how   this goes down and i'll share some of it with  you all well enjoy the flavors of the seasons hmm thank you so much thank you because the plate is very hot thank you so much so there you go that was lay petite  wasn't that such a cool concept   uh let me know down in the comments before if  you've eaten there before or if you've eaten at   a restaurant similar to that before i know  a lot of crews the other cruise lines have   similar concepts so i'm interested to know have  you eaten there before have you eaten somewhere   similar before let me know and that concludes  our sea day food reviews goodbye everybody
Channel: Zach the Traveling Man
Views: 31,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex, celebrity apex, celebrity apex cruise ship, celebrity apex dining, celebrity apex food, celebrity cruise ship food, celebrity cruises, celebrity cruises food, celebrity edge, cruise food, cruise ship food, cruise ships, cruise ships 2021, cruise tips, cruise tips for first timers, cruise tips for travellers, cruise tips tv, eden restaurant celebrity edge, food vlog, solo cruise, solo travel, zach the traveling man
Id: 2FEP6i_t-i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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