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hello everyone my name is Zach I Am The Traveling Man and I just finished the longest cruise that I've ever taken in my entire life on board the celebrity Apex we cruised all over the Eastern Mediterranean from Cyprus to Israel my second time on Celebrity Apex which I've often called my favorite cruise ship at sea but has this longer Voyage changed my opinion there were some things that happened that well we just need to discuss it so this is my official review of my celebrity Apex 12 night Eastern Mediterranean Cruise experience well as I said this was my second time selling onboard celebrity Apex celebrity Apex is the second newest celebrity ship of course the brand newest one is the celebrity Beyond which I was on uh back in May and June of this year so if you've not seen the videos that I did on board celebrity Beyond make sure you go back and check those out and I will actually link that playlist right here so that you can click there and get into that and see some of those videos but this was my second time on apex up until this Cruise it was my favorite celebrity cruise so I was really curious to see uh selling it again if I would still like it as much as I did the first time I think I liked it so much the first time because it was my first Celebrity Cruises experience so coming from other cruise lines to suddenly being on board This Magnificent like modern luxury cruise ship that the celebrity Edge class of ships offer it was just tremendous I was really curious to see with 12 days on board if I would still love it as much so we're gonna walk through my cruise experience review we're gonna do this using my steps process and if you you've not watched a cruise ship review I've done before I have five steps the S stands for ship the T stands for taste or talk about food of course I'll talk about food a little bit very briefly here but I will do a more in-depth Food review video which will follow this one it'll come I don't know exactly when but make sure you subscribe so that you can watch that video when it comes out but I will walk Mill through Mill all the meals I had on board celebrity Apex in that video so you'll want to come back and check that out the E stands for entertainment and we had 12 days of entertainment so a lot to talk about there the P is for ports and wow there are some great ports on this cruise going to the Eastern Mediterranean going to Israel uh I can't wait to talk about that and then the S is for service or staff or crew will talk about that and of course celebrities supposed to have the best service some of the best service at Sea I say it's the best service I've ever experienced on cruise ships before but did it hold up we're gonna look into all that as I go through my review of the celebrity Apex and we're going to start with the S the S is for ship and like I said celebrity Apex going into this Cruise was my favorite cruise ship had you asked me out of said yeah it's the best ship at sea but I'll go ahead and spoil everything and tell you that celebrity Apex is still my favorite cruise ship there's just something that Just Feels Like Home to me when I get on board celebrity Apex I I don't know I just love the ship and the 12 nights being on boarded I still feel the very same way about it and even more so now so the ship of course a very beautiful ship and because it's my favorite of course that just tells you there that I love the ship I think it's nearly perfect one of the best cruise experiences that you can have and this is because of the modern Elegance as I like to call it that the celebrity Apex has you know you walk on board and it's just your stunning art all around the ship the entire ship itself actually looks like a piece of art it's just amazing what they have done these cruise ships the celebrity Apex to be on in the edge and soon the celebrity Ascent which I will be on board and we'll be reviewing that come December 2020 E3 but all three of these ships cost north of one billion dollars to build so they put a lot of money and they're not the biggest cruise ships in the world some of them cost more than some of the biggest cruise ships in the world but that just shows you the amount of detail and the amount of luxury that celebrity has dedicated and invested in creating these ships so I only mentioned the money component to say these are some of the best cruise ships that you can sell on however even being as great as the Apex is still my favorite cruise trip there were some issues that I need to tell you about this Cruise the biggest of those being with my infinite brand and if you've watched any of the Vlogs that I've done from the Apex that are already out on the channel you've already heard me talk quite a bit about the infinite Veranda situation first day I noticed that the window would not come down in my infinite Veranda it appeared to be broken I went down to guest services and explained to them they called an electrician or someone up and they came they claimed they fixed it well they really didn't I mean they did fix it it did work when they left but it didn't permanently fix the issue because the next day well the same thing I couldn't open the infinite Veranda again so I had to go back to guest services and talk to them and I said look can you just move me and even though I volunteered to move and kept my stuff packed I didn't unpack any of my clothes so probably the third day of the cruise just in case I had to move because of the window Guest Services continually every time I asked told me no that's not necessary you're not we're not going to move you you're going to be in this room if it comes down to it and we don't get the problem fixed the second time we attempt it then we'll actually come in and replace the window one day and you'll have to be out of the room for that so even though I paid north of six thousand dollars to be in this stateroom I went throughout most of the cruise with an infinite Veranda that only worked some of the time because it remained broken I actually figured out a little trick that I could do to get the window to work most of the time but it was still kind of frustrating that I did go and express to get services and ask them if I could move you know I wasn't asking to be upgraded to a suite I just asked to be moved down the hall a room or two down because I know that those are empty and they indeed were but they had no interest in that another thing that was just okay with the ship that I'll talk about is the internet because I feel like the internet's part of the ship infrastructure and I don't really think this is the apex's fault because uh you know I've been on these ships before and The Internet's been fine I think it was just our position because we were over near Israel and they actually warned us we might experience some issues with the internet as we get closer to Israel just because we don't get as good Satellite Communication in that part of the world so I understood that that there were times it just seemed like you know the internet was overloaded with people you could tell certain times of day it was a lot slower a lot slower than I had experienced on Celebrity cruise ships before now of course there were many more people on this Cruise than there had been on my Celebrity Cruises I've been on in the past now there were only 1900 and I say only because that's only about 60 capacity and with the cruise before hours they went to Israel also and they had something like 70 to 80 percent capacity so I had expected you know somewhere in the 2000s I think the ship holds about a maximum 3200 guests so 1900 wasn't as bad as I thought however it was the most amount of people that I'd ever experienced on a celebrity Edge class ship but unfortunately you could see that impact on the internet speeds and I had the premium internet that's the fastest I upgraded and paid the extra amount to have the fastest internet and it worked most of the time but there were times when it was you know very slow and that was kind of frustrating one more thing that I'll say about the ship that I did notice this time because I do like to use the walking Track and they have some of the best walking tracks I've experience on a cruise ship on these Edge class of ships because it actually starts uh up on Deck 16 and it actually weaves down to deck 15 and then there's a big bridge over the pool deck that takes it back up on Deck 16 so it's actually really cool walking Track however because there were more people on this cruise I noticed that on sea days especially it was hard to walk and I can only imagine if I were a jogger or a runner or someone trying to go fast around the walking Track it'd be aggravating because sometimes I would be walking you know pretty fast around there there speed walking uh you know trying to get a workout in and folks would just be all over the walking Track because you know rightfully so they're using it to uh walk to another part of the pool deck or another part of the ship or something when you get up on Deck 16 there's actually those big loungers on either side of the track so of course there's people on either side of the track moving around so that was one thing I noticed that was kind of like oh this is a little frustrating I haven't noticed it before but now that there are more people on the ship you definitely notice things like that that's one thing to keep in mind if you're a runner or a jogger from probably 11 in the morning to two in the afternoon or three in the afternoon do it early in the day or later in the evening because when there's a lot of people outside you're going to get slowed down so had I not had the issues with the infinite Veranda you probably would be hearing me give the ship a five star rating I would have given it a 5 out of 5 however the issue with the infinite Veranda it really graded on me you know over the course of the cruise and that wasn't great especially spending so much money uh to ultimately have an infinite Veranda that's inoperable for a lot of the crews so because of that the ship is only getting a four and it's still my favorite cruise ship at Sea so now we move on to the T and the T is for taste or food and y'all Celebrity Cruises has the best food at Sea I'll just say that right up front and get right into it they have the best food at Sea I don't care if you're eating in the buffet if you're getting a snack at Cafe albacho if you're eating in a specialty restaurant if you're eating in luminae which I did get to try this cruise for the first time ever you're going to get great food you're going to get great service and that's a great one of the best things in my opinion about Celebrity Cruises is the food and the service if if I had to sum them up or state two of the best things about Celebrity Cruises it would be food and service they do food and service like no one else and the food on Celebrity Apex was no exception now this Cruise for me was a little bit different because when I sailed celebrity Beyond and when I saw celebrity Edge two out of my last three celebrity Edge class experiences actually had blue blue is a specialty restaurant for those guests staying either in Suites or in aqua class and because I wasn't staying in either of those this time I was just relegated down to the lowly little four main dining rooms on board and I say that as a joke because the four main dining rooms which are Normandy which are Cosmopolitan Tuscan and Cyprus the four main dining rooms on Celebrity Apex are so delicious and because we had 12 nights on this sailing that gave me opportunity to go to each at least twice but you're going to find exceptional dining no matter where you eat on board celebrity Apex most of the nights on this Cruise are done in the main dining room it was always good food and good service I think two or three of the nights I just went to the buffet and then two of the nights on board I actually went to Specialty dining now there are I think five or six specialty dining opportunities on board this ship however I've done most of those in past sailings on the celebrity Edge class ships so I just went to my favorite this time and those two were Eden restaurant and rooftop garden Grill an Eden restaurant has always been my favorite restaurant at Sea I've told everyone if you go on an edge cluster if you have to eat at Eden it was much better the first time I went on Celebrity Apex unfortunately it just wasn't as good this time I was I was a little disappointed that it wasn't better it wasn't the best meal I had on board this Cruise unfortunately and I thought it would be as I mentioned I also ate at rooftop garden Grill and this was a much better specialty dining experience for me this cruise I love rooftop garden girl I had never eaten there until I sewed on Beyond a few months ago but now I love it and it's probably one of my favorite dining venues on Celebrity Cruises I just love sitting outside the night I went there we were leaving Athens Greece and we were selling away it was almost Sunset the only downside to it is rooftop garden Grill is of course on the rooftop garden section of the ship and that's where they have a big screen brain where you can come and watch movies sometimes they have sports they generally always have something planned on that TV too it can be pretty loud Downing experience because there is you know you're sitting here and then right over here there's a big screen uh with a sports game or movie or something going so that's the only drawback I guess to dining at rooftop garden Grill also the other drawback would be the temperature if it's a cool night outside or if it's very windy you're going to feel that because you're eating Outdoors but other than that a fantastic dining venue the food was good the service was good and I highly enjoyed it I also got to try out thanks to one of you luminae and luminae is the special dining room reserved only for those guests who are staying in Suites and it's supposed to be some of the best food on board and I had a great experience I got to eat there for dinner one night and I got to eat there for lunch the next day and all the food that I had there was incredible the service there is just top notch some of the best servers that I've ever experienced on a cruise before I highly enjoyed my experience at lemonade one thing I want to mention about food though while we're talking because I didn't get to meet so many people on board this cruise and you came up and talked to me and you shared about your cruise experience and when folks come up to me on a cruise ship I always try to say how's your cruise going I like to hear how folks are enjoying the ship how they're enjoying the food uh so thank you for always sharing with me and I met a couple and they were telling me how great the gluten-free options were on board celebrity Apex they said they had been on other Cruise Lines before and they'd never experienced so many options for gluten-free on board a cruise ship so I just wanted to mention that it wasn't anything I experienced myself but from someone who was restricted to a gluten-free diet they said there was great availability on board celebrity Apex so kudos to Celebrity Cruises for making you know food accessible to everyone on board their ships regardless of dietary restrictions and so for food on board celebrity Apex this cruise I give it a Solid 4 out of five rating so the E is for entertainment and there was entertainment a plenty onboard celebrity Apex as there always is on Celebrity Cruises there was a show in the main theater each night everything from a comedian they had quite a few musicians on this Cruise they also had a few Stage production shows throughout the cruise the shows were typically at 7 30 in the evening and then again at 9 30 in the evening and just depending on which time you went to dinner you could then decide which show you wanted to go to they also had shows uh a lot of the nights not every night but in the club they're on board the ship and that venue they also had I think three or four times throughout the course of the cruise they had some special theme night back in Eden however I had some really long days on this cruise we were in Port for you know 12 plus hour on tours so I was always going to bed earlier than these shows back in Eden were starting because they wouldn't start until I think 10 30 or 10 45 in the evening when they were having these theme nights so I didn't get to see any of those but from what I've heard from folks those are really good they of course always had music going in the atrium around martini bar area folks were dancing folks were having a great time so a lot of entertainment options on board the ship I will mention that it seemed like entertainment options were a little bit better the first half of the cruise we had a comedian on board he was great they also had this van called jukebox which I love they performed two nights of the cruise and then they left about mid cruise but they were fantastic they're from the UK and they were very entertaining and I probably heard more about them from other Cruisers you know just oh we really enjoyed that show we really enjoyed that show than any other entertainment option on board the ship so definitely check them out if they're going to be on one of your future cruises with celebrity they also had movies up on the big screen in the rooftop garden area of the ship also in your stateroom on the big TV they have in the state rooms they have movies on demand however I will say they had terrible choices they were not just not that many choices on this Cruise the last couple cruises I've gone on Celebrity Cruises they've had a lot of options on that on-demand menu just not that many this Cruise one of the other things they did this Cruise because we were going to so many ports so many historical ports they did a behind the podium Series so each night like say we were going to be in Athens tomorrow so the night before at like 8 30 they would have a guest speaker in the club or in the main theater and he would be talking about the history of Athens some of the cool things in the port area he did a whole series on Jerusalem and Israel uh I went to a couple of those and thoroughly enjoyed them it was almost like being back in college and going to a college lecture before you actually got to the port itself which I love because you just had so much more insight and so much more knowledge and history about the port before you ever even got there so kudos to celebrity for that I enjoy stuff like that when you're going on a cruise I mean if I'm going to the Caribbean you know maybe not but if I'm going to Europe or other places around the world where celebrity sells and I'm going to these ports that I'll probably never go to again I want to know stuff like that I want to have more of these beyond the podium series because I really want to feel connected to the places that I'm visiting this really helped me to do that so I really enjoy enjoyed that they also had a couple of talks with Alejandro Alejandro was our cruise director they had one talk with him about how living on a cruise ship was during the shutdown during the global pandemic and then another with him just about how it was being a cruise director what life was like and then they did another comedy type show with him in the captain I unfortunately didn't make that one and I hate that I didn't because so many people told me it was great so I'm going to give entertainment on board this 12-night Voyage on Celebrity Apex a 4.5 out of a five rating entertainment on Celebrity Cruises in my opinion just cannot be beat moving on now to the P the P is for ports and this is the star of the show because I don't care how much I love celebrity Apex I don't care how much you love Celebrity Cruises or how much you love the food or whatever you were on board this Cruise because of the ports because this was a very special sailing only three times this entire year that celebrity was cruising to Israel so what a special sailing what a special treat to get to go to Israel of course that's why I booked the voyage I actually booked this cruise on my first celebrity Apex sailing back in September of 2021 because I've always wanted to visit Israel and I'm like this would be the perfect opportunity on a ship I love on a with a cruise line I'm very familiar with and with some other great ports as well so the cruise itself left from Rome and we had a day at Sea and then we ended up in Olympia was our first Board of call then we were over in Athens we were in Ephesus Turkey and then we hit Israel and the first day we were in the port of Haifa which is in the northern portion of Israel and we got to visit places like Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee and then we left Haifa and went down to the port of ashdad and were there for two days and this is right near Jerusalem so the first day I got to visit Jerusalem got to visit Bethlehem which is just near Jerusalem and then the second day got to go out and visit Masada and the Dead Sea the Dead Sea being the lowest point on Earth so this was fantastic and y'all you're going to want to see these Vlogs when they come out they're going to be hitting the channel throughout the month of December 2022 so make sure that you go down below and subscribe because I have some very special content coming from Israel uh it was such a a great visit to that country such a beautiful country and one of the best places I've ever visited so I can't wait until those hit the channel so make sure you subscribe so that you can see that content uh when it hits the channel very soon and then we left Israel sadly and ended up in Cyprus and then we had two sea days on the way back to Rome so a fantastic itinerary and of course most folks had booked the itinerary to go to Israel all in all it was four sea days and seven days in Port uh and I thought that was just perfect I liked having the two sea days on the very back end of the cruise a lot of people would ask me you know 12 days isn't that too long what did you think about 12 days you know how was that and like I said it was my first time being on a cruise this long I think the longest I had done before this was 10 days so 12 days was it's a long cruise you know it's almost two whole weeks on board a cruise ship but I loved it I thought it was a perfect um Pace it was a perfect amount of time and it wasn't until the second to last sea day that I was like okay I'm about ready to go home I've about had enough cruising if you're on the fence or thinking about booking one of these longer voyages I say go for it try it out and see if it's for you you're going to get to see a lot of amazing ports when you do because you know when you're on an almost two-week Cruise you can go to a lot of places a lot more so than you know just a week-long seven-day Cruise so of course the only rating I can give the ports on this Cruise because it was a nearly perfect itinerary it's a perfect five out of five rating love this itinerary and love the ship that I was on so finally the s for service or for crew and I already said it I think I spoiled it earlier the service on Celebrity Cruises cannot be beat and this was well proven on board celebrity Apex some of the best crew I've ever sold with they're just fantastic I don't care if you were at the cafe one of the main dining rooms all the way up to luminae when I got to down there those couple of nights my room Steward he was fantastic always on top of it always just great conversation with him every day one of the best room stewards that I've ever had in my 21 cruises here's a pro tip for you I like to leave Pro tips in my videos here's one for you and I was telling a lot of people about this on board the ship because they were like oh I want to make sure that my room Steward or my server at dinner get recognized because you know they send the survey around at the end of the cruise by email and ask you to fill that out well one thing I do to make sure that the folks get the recognition that they deserve if it's someone who does exceptional service and I'm like I want to write their name down I go into my phone and I keep a notes document all throughout the cruise and it's just by the time I get home it's just a list of names and I make sure when I fill out that survey that they send me when I get home from my cruise that I list all those names and I tell what they did for me why their service was exceptional above everyone else's and and this time I had a list longer than I've ever had before because that's how great the service was so I am giving service on board the celebrity Apex of course a solid five out of a five rating again some of the best service I've ever received on a cruise so that's all five of our steps and telling all of those scores together that brings the total score my total rating for the celebrity Apex a 4.4 out of the five rating that's pretty solid and I believe that's the highest I've ever given uh in doing this now four or five cruise ships I think that's the highest rating I've given and it just underscores That Celebrity Apex is my favorite cruise ship if you have an opportunity to book celebrity Apex book it it's a fantastic cruise ship they got fantastic crew on board there some of the best food you're going to eat at Sea beautiful art all around the ship and it's going to take you to some pretty awesome destinations so that's it that is my official review of my 2022 celebrity Apex Cruise experience I want to know down in the comments below what do you think if you sell the Apex before do you want to sell that Apex yes you do now that you've watched this video and you've heard me gush about how great it is and then lastly I want to say a word to all of you on that whether you're part of the crew or whether you were just a fellow guest like myself thank you so much you made my cruise awesome I met so many people just incredible some of the friendships that I made this cruise and I'm really grateful for that so thank you if you came up and said hello thank you for coming up and telling me that you watch my videos y'all don't know how happy that makes me several people I met on board were like I'm on this ship because of you because I watched your videos before and I wanted to come try it out so thank you for doing that and it was a pleasure to meet you and if you're ever selling with me if you ever see me on a cruise ship come say hello come chat with me let's talk about the ship I love talking about cruises of course I do it every week here on YouTube and thank you for watching this video I hope you've enjoyed it and found it informed if you did do me a favor go down below give me a thumbs up also make sure that you're subscribed to the channel so you don't miss any more of my cruise content that's soon to come thank you again for watching and I'll see you on the next adventure [Music]
Channel: Zach the Traveling Man
Views: 33,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity apex, celebrity cruises, cruise ship, cruise tips for travellers, la lido loca, celebrity edge, celebrity edge cruise ship, celebrity apex review, celebrity beyond, celebrity cruises review, celebrity apex food, celebrity apex dining, cruise review, celebrity cruises food, life well cruised, emma cruises, cruise vlog, zach the traveling man, celebrity apex ship, cruise line, celebrity cruises beyond, zach the traveling man celebrity apex
Id: -JYZoeQiU20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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