CBC: Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III "Where You're Going Ain't on the Map"

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[Music] [Music] opens door can I see Jesus we San Francisco several weeks ago and blown away Marv by a sale that's going on they got a sale this that's out of this world and I find out the reason for the sale is because the stuff that is on sale was from the prior season and they're getting ready for the next season and so they are putting on sale anything that ain't going into the new season it ain't go work in the next season so they got to put it on sale i'ma help y'all in just a minute because God is trying to move some of y'all into a new season but you trying to carry some old stuff into a new season when God is saying you need to put that on sale on sale on sale so maybe tonight you should go through your phone and just look at your contacts and say sale sale sale sale sale so you can profit from what was and embrace what's about to be [Music] okay God how we thank you and praise you that you are God and you are so good we thank you that you have in grace kept us and bless us to see another Holy Week where we Oh God commemorate and celebrate your sacrificial love express so powerfully and lovingly in Jesus Christ Oh God how we thank you for Jesus thank you that he did for us what we did not deserve he did for us what we could not do for ourselves thank you that he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him but with His stripes we are healed thank you for Jesus Christ Thank You Heavenly Father for this opportunity now to to walk with Him to learn from his life as we Oh God reaped the dividends of his death in anticipation of Resurrection victory and now that you have met us here and you have brought us here we need a word from you we need to hear from you if we don't hear from you what shall we do so please God remove any distractions that may divert our attention don't let me or anything in me or about me get in the way of what you were up to and what you want to say and accomplish through me hide me behind the cross and help us to see Jesus and we'll give you all of the glory and all of the honor so stand in my body take over my mind and think your thoughts take my mouth now and speak with power your word bless your word give power to your word let your word go forth with such power that none of us leave here the same way we came let your word go forth with such power that you revive us again let your word go forth with such power that you do exceeding abundantly above anything I can ask or imagine according to the power at work within me in Jesus name we thank you and praise you amen and hallelujah what a mighty God we serve our God is good our God is worthy of worship and it is good to be here i i'm peacock cloud and honeymoon happy to be back here at the great Calvary Church here in Jamaica Queens of course pastored my by my beloved friend and brother the incomparable pastor Victor T Hall I thank God for him our friendship a man and for his wonderful ministry I am blessed and continued to be challenged by him as he models what what it means to unite in holy wedlock good scholarship with spirit and of course we all know that he is a phenomenal preacher and teacher of the word of God so much so a man a man so much so that I'm no I'm not here because y'all are homiletically hungry or semana CLE starving y'all get the best preaching every time he stands up and so I thank God for him and for the gift that he is and for his wonderful ministry I am blessed to be here of course when I get to come here I get to see his beloved Queen the one and only marvel a hall I thank God from Mars she is marvelous and I just thank God for that dynamic duo lover of a couple this country got all hype and they should have been about Michelle and Barack and we shall miss them now a man but before there was a Michelle and Barack we had Victor and marvelous I thank God for for them and of course for their beloved children my god children and then I'm really excited to be here because you all have such a phenomenal office manager and I'm really I'm really hyped about the new office manager here at Calvary I guess she went back to the office where she's here okay all right all right so the office manager there's the office manager what's up the office manager is in the house and I am really blessed please know this my favorite and most challenging staff member at friendship West through all of my 35 years is now your office manager and and I'll say it again she was my favorite my favorite I mean we did some new things exciting things that I never would have thought about us doing at the church she keeps us tied in to a new generation so with that being the case she's been my favorite staff member at the same time she's been my most challenging staff member I've never met a staff member who knows more about pastoring than me and so at my church at my church and so I've been there 35 years and she is not 35 and yet she knows how to pass the friendship west a whole lot better than me and so now that she's your office manager I'm praying for you I'm praying very seriously she is a gift and for those of you who don't know I'm referring to my lovely and wonderful daughter I Bonita hang she is a tremendous gift I appreciate her and love her so very much there's the office manager good to see you madam office manager also glad to see Pastor Lisa Jenkins she is something else Lisa blew my mind she there's a movie that just came out I don't know if y'all saw it called the Black Panther and so the movie comes out you know like one week and then the next week I get this notification from Lisa to download her book about the Black Panther and I'm tripping it's like how do you write a book in one week about a movie that just came out the week before and yet she did it so you a bad Negro I just blew my mind that blew my mind she could not have slept at all during that time but I appreciate her and I'm glad to see her I want to call your attention this night to a passage of Scripture found in the book of beginnings the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 11 and there in the 11th chapter beginning at the 31st verse we find the words of our text for this message I'm going to read in your hearing from chapter 11 verse 31 through chapter 12 verse 9 from the New Living Translation of the 11th century vowed Hebrew text it reads one day terrorists and took his son Abram his daughter-in-law Sarai his son Abraham's wife and his grandson lot his son Hans child and moved away from ur of the chaldeans he was headed for the land of Canaan but they stopped at her on and settled there Terah lived for 205 years and died while still in her on the Lord had said to Abram leave your native country your relatives and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you I will make you into a great nation I will bless you and make you famous and you will be a blessing to others I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt all the families on earth will be blessed through you so Abram depart as the Lord had instructed and lot went with him apron was 75 years old when he left Iran he took his wife Soraya's nephew lot and all is wealth his livestock and all the people he had taken into his household at her on and headed for the land of Canaan when they arrived in Canaan Abram traveled through the land as far as Shechem their reach set up camp beside the oak of Marais at that time the land was inhabited by Canaanites then the Lord appeared to Abram and said I will give this land to your descendants and Abram built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord and who had appeared to him after that Abram travelled south and set up camp in the hill country with Bethel to the west and higher to the east there he built another altar and dedicated it to the Lord and he worshiped the Lord and Abram continued traveling south by stages toward the Negev I want to put a tag on this text and for a few moments with your prayers based on verse 1 the Lord had said to Abram leave your native country your relatives and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you I want to put a tag on this text and in these few moments I want to talk about where you're going and on the map where you are going ain't on the map life's greatest tragedy is to already be where you are going these words continue to beckon and challenge me from the marvelous mind of my late mentor dr. Manuel Scott senior again life's greatest tragedy is to already be where you are going it's possible to miss out on where God is taking you because you were stuck like Chuck on maps that have been designed for you I see if I can illustrate this idea the year was 2005 I had been invited to share for a ministers retreat in the hills of Southern California I had flown into Los Angeles the National Airport there and then I was picked up by my driver the driver was taking me from LAX to this retreat site in the hills of Southern California I was also greeted by the son of the one who had invited me to participate in this retreat where ministers of the gospel would be dealing with and discussing issues of social justice reuniting in a holy wedlock as it were Jesus with justice and they had invited me to share during days of retreats so when my flight landed in LA I was greeted by the son of the one who was running the retreat who then escorted me to the ground transportation that would take me from LAX to the heels there in Southern California my driver informed me that the ride would take some two and a half hours that was cool because it was now 2:30 when I landed in Los Angeles and by the time five o'clock hit we would be at the campsite my presentation was not to take place until 7 p.m. so I was cool with the out with the 2 and a half hour drive but when I got in the car immediately I was hit with sleeping sickness and so as a consequence I dozed off and went to sleep 3 hours later it's 5:30 and I'm awakened by the fact that it seems like we are going around in circles and so I look and note that we had just passed an area that we had been to before and I didn't say a word but it happened again 15 minutes later we passed an area that we had seen before and I note it and please understand this is 2005 there is no GPS that I have access to let alone my driver he is driving according to a map a map now most of you were too young to know what a map is because you've had GPS all your life but but a map my sisters and brothers is what he was utilizing in order to get from LAX to the campsite but now it's three and a half hours later were approaching 6:00 p.m. and the campsite is not in sight and so I took the map out of his hands because Marv he had the nerve to be checking out the map in his hands while driving with the other hand and so I thought I would help him deliver him from this precarious approach to driving and I took the map out of his hand and I then said okay let me see where we are only to discover that my eyes rolled down to the bottom of the map and look at the copyright date it's say it 1985 this is 2005 and so I asked the driver I said please tell me when was this campsite constructed he responded it was constructed only a few months prior it's a new site the site is new and yet the map is old and we were trying to get to a new place but we were depending upon an old map which Freddy I'm about to do that because my sisters and brothers understand I had an assignment to fulfill I had a mission to accomplish but the mission was in a new place but I could not get to the new place because the person I was with was depending on an old map in order to get me to a new place I'm not even done to make matters worse understand that where I was going was not on the map what I had been called to do in that season was not on his map and as a consequence we were going in circles going where we had already been because we were depending on an old map a park here parenthetically because it could be in 2018 that God is moving in your life and in my life and God is calling us beyond old maps to go where we never saw our sales going God is moving God is doing a new thing and if you are not careful you will allow an old map to cause you to go in circles and miss out on where God is trying to take you I'm preaching it y'all just not feeling me and so watch this my sisters and brothers all of us if we are not careful have old maps that try to tell us what we can do and where we can go what's your old map was that old map what somebody said to you as a child that still haunts you and handcuffs you what is your old map is that old map the way things used to be done and you think that because they were done that way they've got to always be done that way because that's the only way that you know that is an old map I'm still not coming though maybe your old map is dysfunction in your family behind you that has limited how you operate in the world around you that is in a old map old maps my sisters and brothers aren't working in 2018 is that not a word for people of faith in the body of Jesus Christ because in too many instances we are stuck doing old things an old way in a nation that is no longer a Christian nation I hope you understand by now that Christianity is in decline in this country and so many have been turned off by the church in all of their scandals and greed and standing on the wrong side of history and justice that there are many in a generation that will gladly say they are not religious but they are spiritual meaning they still believe in a connection with God but they do not trust religious institutions that have broken their hearts and too many of them wounded in a real sense they ain't hanging out on the old Church map and if we are not careful we will miss out on what God is doing in 2018 because we're stuck on the map of 1918 y'all still not trying to feel me I'm don't push this thing a little bit further because maps my sisters and brothers can haunt us and handcuffs and cuff us and preclude us from fulfilling the possibilities that God has for us I'll see if I can make it plain because surely you will agree with me that black people in this country are haunted and handcuffed by the old maps of racism in what Maya Angelou called these yet to be United States of America I'll quote Jimmy Baldwin and James Baldwin threw it down like this now as then we are still watch this locked up by the nature nature of our categorizations first without and then within y'all didn't get Jimmy B so let me give you jay-z jay-z says blindfolded expected to walk a straight line mine molded taught to love you but hate mine y'all still not getting this I'm trying to say these are old maps and these old maps aren't going to help us negotiate the new world we find our sails in I'm still not coming through I guess not throw it down like this all of us should be sick and tired and not shocked by what we have heard in recent days about the criminality of our justice system we're out in Sterling's murderers are going to get off there in Louisiana in Sacramento California stephane Clark is no longer alive shot dead 20 times in his own backyard there he is dead now and I'm simply saying my sisters and brothers it's shocking that it's still a reality and there are many people who were saying is 2018 I can't believe this is still happening well it happened in 2017 in 2016 in 2015 in 2014 when you don't believe it's still happening it's happening because there are old maps that are trying to preclude us from operating in this new world I'm still not coming through I see if I can help you do you not know my sisters and brothers that no one less than Oprah Winfrey put it like this to be black and male in this country is to be labeled a suspect there it is that's the old map if you have a black body you are labeled a suspect you are perceived as a threat that's the old United States map y'all still not getting this are ya that's the map that too many people still operate off of it it's a map that labels us in order to limit us it profiles us in order to persecute us it's a map my sisters and brothers that is designed to confine us well with that being the case I couldn't wait to jump into this passage in light of the season we find ourselves in ER because this is Holy Week and isn't God amazing because next week we're going to commemorate the martyrdom of the drum major for justice Martin Luther King jr. and you do understand that Martin King my sisters and brothers whatever else you want to say about his ministry he refused to stay on the map Martin King where he went took us off the map y'all miss your shout I'll see if I can help you the year is 1963 it's the Birmingham campaign and he had been invited to Birmingham by Fred Shuttlesworth and Fred Shuttlesworth invites him to Birmingham in order to fight a Jim and Jane crow segregation here's what went down the movement is not gaining steam because Birmingham is entrenched in its racism and doing things the way they had been as a consequence King comes and when he gets the preachers in town are not pleased the business people ain't pleased and he gathers in the living room of his motel suite at the Caston motel check out what went down it's Easter if it's Holy Week and his dad has come from Atlanta along with Benjamin Elijah Mays and they have a conversation with dr. King daddy king wants Martin to come back to Atlanta why because that Sunday is Easter it's the largest day on the Christian calendar but Martin gadot doesn't want to leave Birmingham and so he has all of these people in his ear they're business persons telling him that Birmingham is too tough daddy is saying let's come home because you've got to preach on Sunday I've got a question for you what do you do when you don't know what to do and you got all these people in your ear trying to tell you what's best for you that's what King was up against but here comes your chef because King here it is gets up from the living room goes into his bedroom shuts the door behind him and then some time later he comes out dressed in blue James why because while he was in his bedroom he had fallen on his knees no he had taken a knee he had talked with God and God had told him to go off of the map and when he went off the map he got arrested understand he's manhandled placed in solitary confinement in Birmingham jail listen he had heard from God and we walked right into a jacked-up situation apart right there because every now and then you will hear from God and think everything is supposed to be smooth only to walk into a jacked-up situation y'all playing like y'all not feeling me buddy is there anybody here who can say Freddy you in my kool-aid you just called my flavor I'm trying to do what God wants me to do and yet I walk into a situation that's even more jacked up I'm wondering if I've done the right thing I'm not even donar because King is placed in solitary but Vienna Sunday comes and when sunday comes he gets word that some preachers on the wrong side of history had written an open letter to him in the Birmingham paper and they labeled him an outside agitator because of the protests that he was leading I got a shout you're right quick doesn't it blow your mind that people of privilege always have the nerve to critique the protest of those who don't have privilege now how you won't pratik me for not having what you have and all I'm trying to do is get what you enjoy but you so busy enjoying what you have that you ain't got enough sensitivity or spirituality to look beyond what you have to see I ain't got what you have and as a consequence I'm a protest to get what you have because I'm a deserving child of God y'all not get this but does it not blow your mind that people will critique protest movements they will critique Colin Kaepernick they will talk about Erick reader they will talk about NFL players who decide to take a knee and yet they don't deal with the issues that they trip I need to begin with I'm just trying to say they will put you on their math and so King doesn't go home for Easter but he experiences resurrection I'm gonna do that one more time because a whole lot of foot will come to church for Easter but they won't experience a resurrection preach Freddie Haynes I'm doing the best I can just because you show up and dress up for Easter it don't mean you experience resurrection power resurrection power according to Myles Jones is being that should not be I'm gonna give you one more time to shout on that resurrection power says that you be when you shouldn't be it means you show up when you're not expected to show up resurrection power means you keep bouncing back up because God gives you the resilience and the resources to bounce back up life has not down is there a shout in the house who will say that's my testimony when I look at all the hell I've been through when I think about some junk I've had to overcome I am being that should not be I got a dress up for Easter to know the power of the resurrection I'm preaching y'all just missing your shell keys I'll keep this thing going you know how I know King experienced resurrection because yhe Walker Anna and his attorney they brought the newspaper to King and King began to scratch his response in the margins of it it became known as the letter from Birmingham jail your mission shout right there the shout is that when he's in jail and under attack because he is off the map God gives him revelation and resources and responds with this letter that is attacking him because God will use what squeezes you to squeeze a blessing out of you that wouldn't have been squeeze had you not been in a bad situation is there anybody here who can say that's my testimony if I had not been jacked in that situation it would not have brought out of me what God had placed in me and so King does that because he marches off the map and and that's the testimony of my man Abram in our techs Abram and Sarah the books say as they march off the map don't you love it they marched off the map because God had called Abram in a time of chaos and controversy alienation and dissension it's a crazy time how do I know because when you read chapter 11 in its context you discover it's the same chapter as the Tower of Babel and so now we're in a time of turmoil and trouble a time of chaos and confusion and in that context God issues a call to Abram and Sarai y'all still not shot it it's a crazy time I guess y'all not connecting the dots I'll do it for you this is a time of turmoil and trouble chaos and confusion a time of division and dissension that's the world we live in right now why because we have sank into a trump hole a trump hole y'all don't know what a trump holy as well I'll break that thing down for you a few weeks ago he had the arrogant audacity I'm speaking of 46 minus 1 to refer to countries of color as s holes will s holes you know what S stands for and so since America would be America had it not deposited it's extra mint in the toilet of those countries been in a real sense America has become America because of the genius of black folk who built it for free as a matter of fact if you want to know what Wakanda is Wakanda is according to according to many blacks dollars Wakanda is what Africa would be if white folk had left us alone rich Freddie Haynes I just did because all of that genius would still be on the mother continent but because you decided to deposit your waste in Africa as you stole the land and gave us your version of Christianity but I'm here to let you know that instead of calling it let's call this nation a trump because whenever somebody comes for you wrong which you ought to come back cut back at them and say you ain't Trump because when you're saying you ain't Trump you're simply our understanding the synonym of us with Trump and since there's such appropriate semanas why don't you tell them to get the drop out of your face [Applause] and so understand my sisters and brothers that that in our text here is Abram it's a time of chaos and controversy division and dissension I guess again it's reflective of our time because we are now in the shadow we are we have witness in this country the Eclipse I think Cornel West says of decency honesty and integrity and that's left us in the chaotic shadows of what emboldened racism unvarnished greed not to mention predatory patriarchy as well as military madness all of that characterizes the turmoil and trouble of this nation but look at God Godse us in turmoil and trouble that's what I will call an abram and sarai to do something brand new you still missing your shout here it is the shout is according to Walter Brueggemann that the call of Abram and Sarai is not simply the forming of a new nation Israel it's the reforming of humanity for the transformation of the world because Brueggemann says that God is calling a womans arrived to give birth to a new nation that will be a new paradigm for what nations ought to do and that is the nation's ought to be blessings to other nations if they want to make themselves great ain't coming through what I am preaching so I'll go ahead and show you how this thing works because God is calling you off the map where you going ain't on the map what God is doing in your life it ain't on the map I don't care what other folk you've told you you supposed to be doing it it could be the tide is calling you off the map of their job description for your life be careful about allowing someone else to draw up a job description for your life when their life is wet and so make sure that you recognize God has a plan for your life and where God is taking you may not be on the map I see if I can make this plane this morning I flew here from Dallas Fort Worth and here's what happened Vic I flew out of Terminal a since I got there in plenty of time I decided to go by watch this Marvel in honor of your curl day if I decided to go by the Admirals Club so I go by the Admirals Club only to discover it is shut down it's not open in Terminal A in that area why because it's under construction the doors are shut it's noisy and the process of construction is underway don't miss your shout the process of construction is underway so I can't get in what I used to get in I can't enjoy when I was looking forward to enjoying because they are under construction I'm not even done it there's a picture watch this of what they are constructing but what messes me up is not the picture it's the caption beneath the picture the caption says we are reimagining what the Admirals Club will look like in 2018 I talk too fast because I gave y'all the shout you just listed I do it one more time right now it's inconvenient right now doors are shut but there's a process going on and the process is going to eviscerate in the manifestation of what the sign says we are imagining we are reimagining of what the Admirals Club will look like in 2018 come here because that's your shout you've been trying to figure out all the chaos all the shut door stuff ain't going the way you wanted to god is saying I have reimagine what your life is going to look like going forward eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men and women the good things that God has in store for them God is taking you off the map so how does it work I've almost done the text says when God takes you off the map where are you going ain't on the map the text says to begin with and this is gonna shout you right here that you can't do move forward until you leave some stuff behind you didn't get that did you uh-uh there's some stuff you've got to leave behind if you want to move forward if you want to embrace what's in the future you got to let go of what's in the past I'm still not coming through am i I love I love I love how how how how who is it Drake puts it Drake throws down like this Drake says real strength is not so much in what you hold on to it's what you learn to let go of I like that right there I got to go back to Jay again Jay Z tell us how it works a loss ain't a loss it's a blessing every even if we learn to emplace to embrace the pain it's a blessing why is he saying that because sometimes we experience loss says in order for us to profit there are profits in your losses y'all not getting it I got it go to the text look what the text says the text message me up because the text says in verse 1 of chapter 12 that God had past tense God had called Abram out of earth but something happened between verse 31 of chapter 11 and verse 1 of chapter 12 what happened Freddy Haines I'm glad you asked the text says that Terah Abraham's daddy had left with them to go to what to go to Canaan but the book lets us know that when they came to her on they settled there you didn't shout they said tota for less than what God had called them to and because they settled for settling the text lets us know they stayed there until Abraham's daddy Torah died and one starett that's when God spoke again and the text says God had told a brother to leave her to leave your family to leave everything behind you and go to a land I'm going to show you y'all missed it he said leave all of that behind but because he didn't leave it behind the text says his pad went with him and when they got to Hana that's when they settled because his dad was not in on what God had revealed to Abram and because of that Abram settled for settling and because he settled for settling he had to experience the loss of his dad to profit off of God's promises and here is where God always blows my mind and that is a loss ain't a loss it's a blessing I love that right there yes because you lose something or someone it doesn't mean that's the end of your life God ain't done and God ain't did as a matter of fact what gets me a hype about what God can do in spite of all of the losses we are experiencing as a people is to remember that God has always been able to take a tragic murder and transform it into a transformational movement I guess y'all don't know your history so I got to help y'all but y'all do recognize that immaterial who was killed August 28th 1955 and his mama decided to expose the hypocrisy of American democracy and she kept the casket open at his funeral and all of the world saw his mutilated body and what racism had done to him and Rosa Parks noted the courage of mama teal and December 1st 1955 when Rosa refused to give up her seat she was thinking she said about immaterial and her and his mama and that began the 381 day Montgomery bus boycott y'all miss your shot a tragic murder both a transformational Moo meant y'all didn't get let's go to 1963 I think it's June 12th when Medgar Evers gets killed in his driveway in Jackson Mississippi while trying to register black folk to vote the very day the very next day John Kennedy gets on the television and talks about passing a civil rights legislation but it does not happen immediately four four girls are slain in the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama September 15th 1963 November 22nd Kennedy is killed in Dallas Texas and Lyndon Johnson a southerner becomes president and makes it his political priority to pass the civil rights bill of 1964 our tragic murder became a transformational movement y'all still didn't shut I got to keep it going it's Freedom Summer 64 and Schwerner Goodman and Chaney get killed there in Mississippi February 65 Deacon Jimmy Lee Jackson gets killed in Selma Alabama but you know what happened don't you because those marches they march from Selma through Bloody Sunday all the way to Montgomery hearing LBJ say and we shall overcome and you know what it gave birth to the Voting Rights appeal of 1965 tragic murders became a transformational movement y'all still not shouting I guess I gotta give y'all the best Lorna there was a tragic murder that took place 2,000 years ago it took place on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross and my Bible says they know my Jesus they they hung him high and stretched him well I guess y'all don't know about that tragic murder he died on Friday but caliban's Sunday and now I'm a part of his transformational movement because God can take a tragic murder and make it a transformational movement so let's tell the families of Trayvon Martin and Tamir rice tell the families of Sandra bland I tell the families of my man in Sacramento tell the families of love Eric garner here in New York guarding gunner guarding dinner a movement is about to be set loose God is about to do a new thing where we going ain't old the map it ain't on the map it ain't on the map so you got to let go with some stuff to embrace where God's taking you you didn't shout I'm about to get y'all then you said okay where's that doing me personally I'm glad you asked when I was growing up I got turned on in my neighborhood to garage sales I don't know if y'all have garage sales here in in the NYC but but garage sales check this out a garage sale is when a family's about to make a move and so they don't want to bring some stuff but they want to profit from it okay okay they about to move to a new space and they don't want to take old stuff to the new space so they have a garage sale y'all didn't shout okay okay I'm in San Francisco several weeks ago and blown away Marv by a sale that's going on they got a sale this that's out of this world and I find out the reason for the sale is because the stuff that is on sale was from the prior season and they're getting ready for the next season and so they are putting on sale anything that ain't going into the new season it ain't go work in the next season so they got to put it on sale i'ma help y'all in just a minute because God is trying to move some of y'all into a new season but you trying to carry some old stuff into a new season when God is saying you need to put that on sale on sale on sale so maybe tonight you should go through your phone and just look at your contacts say sale sale sale sale sale so you can profit from what was and embrace what's about to be you better bridge for the Hanes I'm doing the best I can I'm a rush on here watch the text that text goes on to say Abram watch this he he leaves what was to embrace what's next and lets us know that is that god is so wonderfully and powerfully good that God says don't allow the disappointments of the past or the predicament in your present to blind you of the possibilities in your destiny I love that right there because look what the text says the text says that Abram is told by God leave your family leave your old land leave all of that behind you because I'm going to make you and suraíh the parents of a nation you didn't shall abram and sarai Abram is what 70 80 years old Sarai 60 70 years old Abram pre Viagra is about to be the father of a nation survive you're missing your shell this ain't even mental Paul she's put men on pause because she is now what 70 years old and God says y'all about to be the parents of a great nation don't you Alette your disappointment from the past I know you tried to have kids in the past and it did not work but your past disappointment can't blind you to what God is about to do in your future don't let your present predicament your issues issues issues all of us got issues okay tweet this if you don't shout vic mensa he was on the tour with jay-z and vic mensa had a line that messed me up he said i got so many issues I could be my own publisher at a preach right there huh because all of us got enough issues to be our own publisher Abrams arrived they got issues but the text says in spite of their issues God says I've got a promise this plainer then you'll pass a promise that's greater than your issues so don't allow your past or your present to blind you to the promise I have for your life I love that right there that that makes me think about I think my wife is coming tomorrow and and and and just tell her this because I want to let y'all you tell her this okay so so so I'm married to my wife but she's in love with Denzel Washington okay I get that I get that she's married to me but she loves Denzel you know okay so she's married to me so the secret of 30 years is that whenever Denzel has a movie come out we there the first night cuz that's how that's how you stay that's how you stay if she and so so even when he was on Broadway I should tell y'all this on Broadway he was on Broadway so we came up here came up here went with the halls to see Denzel on Broadway and do you know that your first lady and my wife pushed their children to go get autographs from Denzel at the end of the play and they stood in the back blushing and and looking while pushing their little kids to go get the autograph from Denzel that ain't in my sermon but I had to drop that on your pay Marv so so watch what happen so Denzel watch this Denzel was doing a marketing tour for for a recent movie and here's what messed up he's been interviewed by Ed Gordon ed Gordon is wrapping up the interview last question it's gonna shout you Denzel please let me know what do you think is your greatest performance ever and of course because I'm married to someone who loves him I knew I had to rush through and find out anticipate what would didn't sail say surely Denzel could say what training day after all he played a thug and you know what happened he won the Best Actor Award but really he should have gotten it for Malcolm X because he didn't play Malcolm he became out them you've been had you've been hoodwinked bamboozled run amok I mean he did that thing and when when when ed Gordon says what was your greatest performance I knew he'd say one of them but he didn't Dimmesdale shot back at ed Gordon my greatest performance is my next one because anybody who walks with God knows that God's greatest performance ain't been played yet God says my greatest performance is my next one y'all playin like y'all not getting it so I went Edgar don't gotta and I interviewed God I said yo god I'm about to preach at Calvary Baptist Church I want to tell them about your best performance God was your greatest performance in the beginning of when you created something out of nothing and cosmos out of chaos and Gaza that was cool with that what my best performance I had God or what about when you created humanity out of the dust of the earth that was really hot right there but it's still what my best I got I got you what about at the sea what we called the Red Sea and you made a way out of no way gods that was kind of hard wasn't it that's still what my bet I got you God what about when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego got thrown in the fire because they would not bow during the Babylonian national anthem gods at all that was cool too but that what my okay I got you now God I know your best performance when Jesus was dead for three days and you got him up out of the tomb and Gaza yeah that was kind of hard right there but it's still what my best I said I'll pay God wins your best performance God sent my next when eyes have not seen it ears have not heard y'all didn't shout believe it now are we the sons and daughters of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but when we're seeing we gonna be just like him because we'll see your Masius body done with you yet God is still doing something new and where you donate on the map hold on doc I ain't there yet okay I ain't there yeah I'll get there in about five minutes okay so give me five more minutes I promise y'all be right there watch the text says next in the final analysis the text says God is so absolutely amazing here's your shout right here God says make sure you have a faith that is portable here's your shot you didn't get it did you check out the bottom of the text when the text said that everywhere Abram went he erected a tent and built an altar wherever he went he erected a tent that's where he stayed but he also built an altar because his faith was portable his faith when I was coming up at 3rd Baptist in San Francisco we had hymn books in the back of the Pew stamped with these words not to be removed from church we have a whole lot of folk that's how your religion is not to be removed from church but when you know God for yourself your faith is not to stay in church you come to church to get refueled you put the church to take your faith and live your faith in a crazy hell of a world oh I get it I know what's going on cuz I'm pushing my heart out get ready I'm preaching my heart out and in preaching my heart out I just know y'all be just run out of here by now especially on on God's best I knew y'all be done y'all be through but y'all ain't do cuz this is Victor halls Victor Hall is such a teacher preacher y'all know how to hear a sermon and I've told y'all about this we hear summer what do you do you listen get ready to shout some churches listen ain't got enough sense to shout other churches shouting and you know they ain't listening but here at Calvary y'all listen getting ready to shout and and y'all are on the edge of your pews wanting to shout ready to shout but you're listening so well and you're listening is a product of your thinking and you know what thinking does thinking will make you shout because thinking is real closely related to thinking the more you think about how good that is the more you thank God for being good as God has been it and we have a think party right quick think about some of the stuff god watch you through that you wouldn't have come out of that God not thank you think about how God opened up some doors you didn't even knock don't thank you think about how God saved your soul thank you think about how God gave the chance after chance after chance after chance think about when I think that the goodness of Jesus at all he's done for me so here it is y'all are thinking and I feel you you're listening and you're thinking I know what you think can you say Freddie Haynes don't you leave Calvary tonight until you tell us did you get to speak at the retreat site when where you were going was off the map and y'all
Channel: Calvary Baptist Church Jamaica, NY
Views: 30,021
Rating: 4.816216 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Baptist Church, Jamaica New York, Holy Week, Revival, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Maps, New Destination, Chase your dreams, Inspiration, Father, Church, Genesis, Haters, Dallas Texas, Freddy Haynes, Jesus Lives, Sacrifice, Hope
Id: tw9KyTn1ag0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 42sec (3222 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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