Cats Are Weird (Animation)​

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so who do we have here today i'm cypher dead i hate myself please introduce yourselves and your cat companions hey guys it's tilly i have two cat companions flash he's a black cat and mocha she's a she's a tortilla okay i'm memory too and my cat companion is named prince and he is i believe a snowshoe siamese my name is alyssa illymation and my two cat companions are luigi and juni so i have a couple of questions for you guys okay okay i'm ready i'm ready hit me okay when you're in a group or you're just hanging out do you get referred to as the one most likely to own like 300 cats oh yeah i'm fine with that but i feel like that implies you're the only cat lady i feel like i'm usually around other cat ladies we do attract each other that's not fair because you also technically have like what six cats you have six cats what technically okay you're the cat lady we're just cat owners no it was it was like four at one time but it was it wasn't mine it was my mom's you lived there so technically technically my mom is the og cat lady well okay but question if you could have six cats would you um i i personally personally i can't i will die so oh alex you're allergic oh wait i'm allergic to the same [Applause] yeah i think that's like kind of one of the rites of passage just to be allergic to cats and then get one this is brand new information no i am not allergic to my cat it must be nice to be god's favorite chili you wake up you're not a sniffling mess i was ready to roast then because she was the only one but then you just all come in here now you're the weird one oh my god we have to suffer to love them we have to wait is it are they severe allergies for you too uh every time i visit prince i have to take allergy medicine or else i'm like a sneezing sniffly itchy eyed mess if i pet them and touch my eye that's just something i don't do anymore i flip my hair can't really i'm so excited to be god's favorite damn i didn't realize that was common are you lactose intolerant too yes me too me too i'm here to stop for her we drink milk we own cats i flip my hair again wait chili's like invisible chili wisconsin i can't like it's illegal to be lactose intolerant she's just built different guys feel different wait true says rip to y'all but i'm different i'm not allergic to anything that i don't man get out so gotta be honest 100 i know this is going no i know where this is going if you could be a cat would you marry another cat yes what wait would you have you guys not seen like the the cat returns no no what you have to what what hold on that is yet another cat lady milestone i haven't we need to watch it next time we link up so again guys be honest do you have a thing for kovu from the like okay this is a targeted question i have no shame yes yes yes yes 100 yes yes i think kova was actually my first actually no i can't say first but one of my first like childhood crushes and really is perk up she's like oh did you say no emily you said no no i don't think i've ever had a crush on a non-human character but yeah i have no shame i love kofu hell yeah he's he's a lion and he's sexy okay you know what though you know what though kovu is voiced by jason marsden who voiced haku and spirited away and i had a huge crush on haku so technically same oh wait so you had a crush on haku who is a dragon who's a person she i had a crush on the human version of haku doesn't like cats just dragons no that's i'm i'm not sure to him as his water spirit form i'm just saying kovu has an attractive voice for sure so attractive and personality and looks so if kovu was a real boy you you just took a cartoon lion slapped emo hair on it yeah does your cat ever give you the look where they look like they're about to murder you oh i have a picture for this i probably have a picture for this i have a picture for this here you go oh he looks like a little monkey he sits like that all the time no my cats never sit like that it's more like you just woke me up from my nail yeah i have those too he just looks so ugly [Music] wait wait i can do better i can do better i will find one wait where's chew we need you too here's to being all slinky oh my gosh she's such a long boy so long do you have any murder faces for me i'm looking for them but here's him in the sweater oh my god it's a cute little sweater is he good with the sweater or just try to take it off take it off he literally stops moving and functioning when he has clothes on do you guys put cute clothes on your cats too uh yes emily's right he likes him what is it he hates clothes but we put them on we put them on anyway oh my god that's so cute she's like prince if you knew how cute you looked i have this one it looks so cute if we gain attention so professional [Laughter] standing there it looks like a meme format it looks like there should be like top do you guys ever kiss your cats on the lips [Music] but like but like you know you know those like really thin lips that they have when you like like when you like push their like their mouth back you the little lips you know what i mean right you ever smooch them on the lips come over here do you want to kiss his creepy cat lips and i'm like yeah [Applause] i remember you doesn't like did you say you pull it back well pull it back but like but you know you you like push push the little mouth back a little bit you can see the little lips okay i don't do that like i'll kiss them it's not like a process to do it i just grab them and smooch oh this the season of the cats here you go oh my god oh wait that's so cute what the heck i'm not allowed to have a christmas tree anymore because of yeah but you know what this photo made it worth it oh my god what a chunker god that's a person that's a toddler i think what does it look like carpet what the hell heavy no not actually she's not i'm pretty sure it's mostly like fluff she is a little overweight like a tiny bit but it's a mix of like they're just a tiny bit it's a tiny bit we're trying we're so pretty what is your guys's favorite feature about your cat his eyes um feature uh mocha's fluffiness uh flash flashes his uh his his pl i know this is not a physical feature but playfulness let's go with that you're ugly i'm just saying there's no fee he's just a black cat there's no feature on him prince has these beautiful blue eyes flash flash is a boring black cat i'm about to do i do not love blush i love him flash and shoe look the exact same there is nothing special about flash i said i like choose eyes they look exactly like flowers piercing through my soul oh my god chili doesn't love flash that's what i'm looking for i love the white the white hairs here if they're very huge crotch hairs there's crotch hairs i like that luigi is very dynamic so he just moves oh my god wait why did he look so fat in that first pick he just he just moves around in ways like oh my god that first picture has little legs oh my gosh he just like the way he conks out like he finds a new way to sleep every time he goes to bed and it's so funny he likes to experiment he does here's here's how long you ever here's a picture of my mom's cat oh is it is it cheeto oh my god oh my god yes that is is so chunky he's the chalkiest cat either he looks chunky but like he's he's good at it you know he's not like suffering he owes up to it he owns it yes he owns the chong you guys got you guys got butt cleaning pics what you have a preference oh yes wait do i go oh god yeah look at him yo he's going out yeah i don't think i've ever seen my cats do it like with both legs up i don't think i have one like that it's pretty nasty chris is digging deep is he is he nasty i don't know if i've ever take wait wait i gotta scroll hold up hold up i don't know if i have though getting all self-conscious for prince do this thing and you're like no no no they do it's just i don't think i don't know if i have pictures one last question guys ah yes so it's going to be a hypothetical would you ever clone your cat it retains all the memories of your cat right now oh wait why would you clone them like your your cat's on its last limbs technically would you ever close oh close it would be like a kitten he said it would save all its memories right oh then yeah how is that possible it's a hypothetical that would never hit a hypothetical emily what if it could [ __ ] doesn't know what a hypothetical that would never happen no but in fact if it were possible oh well yeah who would say no to that no i'm gonna let my cat die okay what if it didn't have its memory oh no then what's the point if it didn't have the memory instead then if there's no point yeah at that point you just get a different cat yeah yeah this big sick but that would never happen ma'am we really dogged on emily for this emily i'm sorry i love you she knows we love she knows we love her we're going to see a picture of prince smiling look at him oh my god wait what the [ __ ] what's up okay one of my favorite things about little prince is that his chin is constantly white so he just has this like it really defines the three in his face oh my god he's at the table with a beer is that boy drinking no it's his day off he can he has to put up with emily thank you guys for being in this video thank you for letting us share pictures of redcat just want to record an outro bye make sure to like and subscribe to cipherdan yeah ghost up to den if you haven't comment if you love cover or not um hit like if you like guys kiss your cats oh also do you kiss your cat you kiss your cats on the lip on the leaves i don't want to be alone okay bye bye bye
Channel: CypherDen
Views: 249,283
Rating: 4.9768453 out of 5
Keywords: CypherDen, Animation, Animated, Story Time, Cartoons, Funny Stories, Cypher, Cats, Cat, Lion King, Kovu, Emirichu, Chillypanda, Illymation, Cat ladies, Spirited Away, Cat Returns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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