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I've never really been to a concert before so when the opportunity came up I was in a back alley and I might have traded George's kidneys gone to some tickets to CD one the only And if it's not already obvious I'm alone Okay, okay I'm done I just had to get it out of my system, you know Anyways, and who really knew what to expect other than overpriced drinks But let me tell you if you're five - on a good day concerts are absolutely terrible There is no possible way of seeing anything other than the back of people's heads and my fellow fortnight I mean 500 dot people did not warn me about this at all. I could have at least brought my footstool Hello, Georgie and Pedro and okay Yes, I get it Elmo with my man's and his BFF and that was technically the third wheel But it's all good because Georgie got was in KFC and I was happy Thai dollar sign and scissor ended up opening up for postie and while the first half we try to get as close to the stage as Possible for the off chance that he would whisk me away and we can live happily ever after I love you but I realized that the crowd was filled with these overgrown giants of a human being that will Probably crush my hobbit-sized physique if I got it closer So we decided to avoid getting crushed Mainly me we go to the side towards the fences that divided the normies and the VIPs I had a small goodie bag with all the free stuff from the event pretty much a beanie a shirt Random stuff my umbrella and my jacket I place it on the floor next to me So I could record postie popping the good bumps Also the back kind of got a little too heavy for me because I haven't weakened flimsy noodle arms. Yeah I said it my muscles are non-existent So while I was bopping the bops of the posted notes from my fur referral for for RIT But the sight of my eyeballs, I noticed a couple of dancing and the girl was spilling her Apple juice she was spilling her apple juice all over my freak. Goody bag and my hunties check it I don't really like buying clothes. I still have clothes that I wore ten years ago everyone really grown much Okay, and because I hate starting commotion and for no apparent reason, I just moved my back towards me, you know Just not make a big deal out of it But this girl spills more of her drink on my only nice jacket as if she was aiming for it So I was trying to mean mug this girl, but then I realized that she was way too drunk off of um Tell me busters Okay, that works and she kind of looked like she wasn't really having a good time with this guy He was pretty much all over her and she would lightly push off any of his advances and gave her the you okay Like and she nodded and rolled her eyes all pointing at the guy This girl was technically my height five two on a good day would heels and the guy she was with well okay, he was wearing a seat to a constant slash show where everyone was drinking tummy Busters and Smoking broccoli. There is no way that you're wearing a suits that event unless you're a part of the Mafia But then again he kind of looked like a younger Kingpin if he had hair, but he was also four times bigger than this girl, and I'm pretty sure that he sneezed he can Accidentally break three of this girl's ribs. Let's call this girl lemon and this guy Harry kingpin cuz y'all already know I'm trash at nîmes and I go back minding my own business listening supposed to because this is probably a once in a lifetime show for me and you know I don't really like being in other people's businesses like that. But from the deepest darkest corners of my eyeballs I noticed that things were getting a little too aggressive between lemon and Harry kingpin Lemon at this point looked like she was struggling just to stand up let alone pushing this guy off of her So ya girls stepped in thinking that she had two bodyguards behind her just in case things went south But in reality they were a little too busy recording the show And I'm pretty sure they didn't even know I was about to square up with kingpin. Hey everything. Okay here. Yeah She's with me. I'm sorry. I'm not asking you I'm asking her. I I don't even know him He won't go away. No, no, she's with me This is the part remembering questions whether she's just had way too much to drink or if he slipped something in her drink and place Regardless the best solution would be to get her away from him. Hey, do you do you wanna dance? She nods but kingpin did not like that. We're going come on. Let's go He then grabs her arm trying to make a quick getaway. Like he was in some sort of bank heist Thankfully, let me reach that for me and I somehow grabbed her hand and I guess I wasn't the only one that noticed other girls behind the fence notice what was going on sooo? So they stepped into whatever mess. I managed to get myself into this time Is he bothering you she clearly doesn't want to go with you you better leave or we'll call security. Excuse me What are you trying to do with her and bless these girls for stepping in Wendy did because I in no way shape or form? when a tug of war against Godzilla kingpin left in a panic But he was persistent because he came back and he was hardcore Lurking and everyone was dancing and bopping suppose he and he was just on Creepo mode Just watching lemon like she was his prey so he comes back and tries to take her away again Now she's with me fam Pater and Georgie notice and being towered over by this giant monstrosity in the suit So they come with their big boy muscles and check on me I'd like to believe that my brain power and my head went to the gym for three days muscled scared off kingpin completely But that's not really the case in truth king fenge got spooked because of georgie and pedro and definitely not because of me The show ended and the other girls that came to the rescue earlier helped out to make sure that lemon y home in a cab Safely, if you ever see someone in public or anywhere getting harassed say something Sometimes you just speaking up can make a difference A lot of people are affected by the bystander effect where people are less likely to help when other people are around thinking Someone else will say something but sometimes that's not the case if Harry kingpins took that girl home Who knows what could have happened? It didn't miss a good chunk of the show but it also gave me another reason to go watch Posty again in which this time someone actually passed out in the middle of the show Yeah, I don't really know how to explain that one Hope you guys like that video. If you did don't forget to hit that like button. It makes me fart glitter I'm trying really really hard to get videos out once a week No promises as of yet But we're working on it and by we I mean me okay with that said I'll see you guys later Let me know what you guys want to see in future videos and ie my foot fell asleep We also have you guys could tell posted that. I want to see him again, that'd be great. Ok. Bye
Channel: CypherDen
Views: 3,309,145
Rating: 4.9476414 out of 5
Keywords: CypherDen, Animation, Animated, Story Time, Cartoons, Funny Stories, Cypher, Creepy, Save, Saving a Girl, Concert, First Concert, Post Malone, Cartoon, Weird, Life, Life Stories, Scary, Posty, bystander effect, StoryTime, Creep, Art, 2019, New York, NYC, Brooklyn, Stranger
Id: HnGIfdIFLos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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