Cats and Dogs - Nostalgia Critic

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order well I'm the Nostalgia good guy remember it so you don't have to hey kids you like cat videos you know my dog videos you want to see a movie bottle well too bad that's what we got inert ever see that movie that looks really stupid then are shocked when it turns out to be a surprisingly good film well this is one of those bad looking films you think might be a surprisingly good film resulting in a surprisingly bad but the idea for this is right out of a Warner Brothers cartoon they can be pretty funny and imaginative but instead you're left wondering which category to put it in kitty litter or pooper scooper so let's find out the truth about cats and dogs one of you must be a genie Gruffalo rom-com fan Tommy I'm not a lot this is cats and dogs it opens with the world's fastest sunrise where we see a cat and dog pretty much as being a cat and dog till it turns into a really bad Doritos commercial fun fact this was actually supposed to be a crossover between crappy CGI Garfield and crappy CGI Marmaduke until they realized no we cut to a woman setting a pie on the windowsill in her 50 style dress with a bow inner abran because somebody somewhere thinks somebody somewhere still does that when the cat and dog land on now her reaction to the can't landing on her is fine but look at her face when the dog lands on her al Qaeda faces that comedic expressions are supposed to get big or as more stuff happens not scaled down how do you even duplicate that face what direction do you give to get a face like that alright I want you to act like you just discovered you lost your firstborn child but you found out while shopping the world's greatest vibrator in you specific but confusing you're presumably suffering third-degree burns the dog comes across what he thinks is the ran over cat it's a trick get an axe but a man of cats comes by to abduct him and if you're thinking to yourself okay that was a tolerable short film I'm sad to say that movie comes with it control here we've got a serious problem shouldn't that be dognapped if you're kidnapped you're not held hostage by a kid unless it's this kid but I'm never taking that babysitting job again we then cut to a farm where a new litter of puppies are waiting in a barn just guess which one of them is the dreamer and when I say dreamer I'm using the movie's definition meaning never happy wherever the hell you are I want adventure not wait for someone to take me to some boring old house don't you want to do something exciting like be a police dog what about one of those Russian space dogs are maybe sample the great bones of Europe you know as dogs we're not so easily entertained why did I yearn for never being satisfied that's Tobey Maguire by the way is Lou the main character and as much as I love to imagine Maguire in pain I have to admit it's not much fun watching a dog it's seriously injured I know it's affecting everything but how much fun is it really to constantly see cute little doggies get pummeled into hard solid walls isn't that like what sick kids watch is that a dog's head being smashed into away huh is that another dog falling is that just missing yes miss yes what is wrong with you it's okay it's funny because that's cartoon sound effects I'm telling mommy gal that you're watching this alright kids time to watch cats and dogs it's rated PG so we just had to tell you not to say the ones where were that they use in the movie it's funny because it has heart too and some people might be honey what's for dinner you guys like hot dogs right Wow so the puppies are being sold off but it looks like they're replaced by other dogs from a secret organization top-secret operation into the hole oh by the way you never see those puppies again they vanished from the rest of the movie what are we supposed to assume they did with them alright puppies into the room edge of the room gotta work so one of the replacement dogs is supposed to be adopted but Lewis left behind and gets picked up instead not good yes that one on the left look particularly disappointed it looks like he's distracted by something on the ground but he's just so destroyed by what's going on right now he can't keep his head up in fact I would be surprised if every dog in this movie has that exact same reaction just constantly looking all over the place as if they're always distracted but it's not it's the pain of this one scene that's ripping everybody up inside I know I read the script it's in cram the irony is as poorly as the animals are trained in this movie that some of the actors are trained even worse take this kid for example he's as invested as a wooden board who just found out he's a wooden board okay how about loser but what can you expect when you're the son of Jeff Goldblum ah kaprosuchus viscosity response uh Jeff we haven't started recording yet I know look he plays a scientist who's trying to find a cure for dog allergies though Bice cartoony dory it's where he was trying to figure out how to blow up anyone who came towards scrooge mcduck shmoney bit ducktales woho lou is approached by a secret-agent dog named butch played by alec baldwin yeah humans can get a little emotional you'll get used to it ideal casting having alec baldwin play a flag during review too easy a joke replay last line critic has to say something nice about the movie man this is a real tough break for the critic I hear you Frank but if you look at the replay he clearly took too obvious a stab at an easily unlikable actor right you are Ken oh and oh it looks like he's gonna try and say something positive about the film at least it's not Santa Paws and it is good it works the review can continue what fills in what he thinks is a cadet about the catnapped it still makes no sense to me agent this was your predecessor agent one three six four aka buddy we nicknamed in testicle chin try to guess why Sam what's your 20 that's Sam he passed forwards the film in fact all of us seem to do that a little too much in this movie but I have no excuse out of the house just lobby request permission to pant heavily sir granted hmm I hope that was just panting don't play that again I don't need to think about him touching his kibble in bits all right screw it I'm just gonna close my eyes I'm thinking more pleasant things Yeah right you forced me to combine the two actually I might started a brand new fetish but Lola reveals he's not an agent and Butch tells fox mccloud his disappointment you promised me a professional what do I get a pup there's no time butch that puppy stays end of discussion and if you could tell slippy to save his own warden ass every once in a while that'd be super we then cut to our main villain of the film mr. tinkles voiced by Sean Hayes this is the best character in the movie not because he's written the best or perform the best but because most of the time he's completely animated allowing more control over the character so I get open to world domination pamphlets to page three I will show you I want you to say yeah why because I hate you with all the others it's clear they're just waving treats in front of them so they always look unfocused and it's distracting as hell but this character looks like he's always in the moment because he anime in that way at what point did you forget the effect why wasn't this an anime of film with all the CG used and is it actually would have been a pretty good CGI film with fewer limitations instead we just have uninvested animals looking like uninvested animals just with little talking mouths put over them why would anybody watch anything with a character they know wasn't really in the moment hey nostalgia critic what were you look left look right look up this confuses me thank you wait why'd you have me do that no reason okay so the dogs tell Liu the back story of their war between the cats he forced them to build pyramids monuments dogs being man's best friend rose up you know do we really need a reason for cats and dogs to hate each other we kind of just get it everybody knows what'll happen if that wasn't the case dogs and cats living together mass hysteria and the people just forgot well you have to remember they're very primitive species heck they can't even take responsibility for their own heart guilty well I'll give him this for a film of this stature that was a long time to wait for their inevitable fart joke was that like 20 minutes in fart joke ears that's like an eternity so-called boom once again tests out his allergy cure oh no it's uh turning me into the fly help me help me even though it's not finished yet - ninja cats try to sneak in to get the formula you know I don't know if this movie understands when to use its cartoon sound effects particularly the ìiî ìiî a random cartoon sounds don't suddenly equal comic gold they need to match the mood and pacing for example this world Heil everybody this doesn't oh go back to acme looniversity until you pass your exams all I did was give you dated 80s comedy I don't know in fact this was the first film to actually parody The Matrix oh wait no it wasn't it was 157,000 but it still feels really fresh right oh I owe seven funny you're racist easy you breathe the can't escape but butch explains the seriousness of the situation did you see when I had them going with a right and left or right 11 then you got cocky you think this is a game you think this is fun this isn't about code names little boys or making friends chicks think these are goofy times or wacky antics this is cats and dogs we only use our III sound effect as a last resort I know it may look like we're excitable animals with a bit of string being waved over us but this is deadly serious hey nostalgia critic why are you doing that but I just want to bet at it well why well what is the purpose of this I do not understand so I need who are you you hey guys 1c Nastasha Craig videos a week early will now get Ken on vessel calm the mustache correct schedule is still exactly the same except now you can see him a week early $3 a month and on top of that you get access to a lot of other vessel extra features you can cancel anytime if you're not interested things stay exactly the same so go get a sneak peek when you get comes across a dog named ivy played by susan sarandon who seems familiar with their undercover operation glad I'm not the only one excited by the chicken I'm sorry but I think you got to leave my orders are clear I am cornered my weird floating chicken alien legs question that okay the almost perverted imagery in this film is almost making me uncomfortable okay now it's making me uncomfortable I don't like this our way to cut four secret lives of pets could you do that again but it looks like the boys and getting enough time with his busy father because we're 40 minutes in I guess we can start using that cliche he's building a bomb dog allergies my ass you're gonna see his name at an Isis auction very soon I can assure you and if you go to Isis auctions key give me your name I just want to make a few calls but it's okay because Luke eats some company and how the do you get caught in a soccer net no seriously that's not just stupid that's baby-proof the stairs moronic you'll replace my father now but butch doesn't like everyone getting sentimental with Lou and tells them to back off you're barking up the wrong tree I'm gonna say this nice just once stay away from the kid Wow not since I put two dot eyes on a stick figure I drew in first grade have I seen such dead emotionless eyes staring back at me this is one of the few times there's no music in the movie either every other second there's an annoying dude did you did your duty but here this close up is so intense they actually leave the music off like they know the drama of this scene you will believe a dog can have no idea what he's supposed to be looking at sorry a close-up of eyes doesn't automatically equal high drama hey nostalgia critic thank you what what are you doing that was you cannot comprehend Oh women you try to make that sound like something that was nothing make America great again whoa the mother comes across a stray cat and brings him home only to discover it's another spy I'm onto you kitty and you're in big trouble I think not baby puppy look up code for human quick BAM oh my butt all right break it up break it up yeah knock it off dogs I don't own why did that anger me they have a big battle trying to fight off the cat but the mother comes home has conveyed by that keyhole shot very essential but Gogol um accidentally knocks the cat out with the door what does any of that have to do with dog allergies unless you're trying to contact Gozer to get her a sample I don't see why you would need all that I will tell you nothing so the kid is captured or dog sure it seems so stupid the other way around and Luke gets to spend more time with his boy Oh how do you wish funny go on you a tummy let's hear you know this kid is so generic with his bland acting non-threatening catchphrases at IKEA bedroom display that I'm actually starting to wonder if he's an animated character he never seems real he always feels half human half artificial a Hogarth Joel Osment if he will yeah I can remember all the times as a boy I cheerfully shouted belly roll though to be fair there any like the ones before it might be warranted but they stumble downstairs where Goldblum seems to be lacing all his nuclear explosives with food coloring by God is every single one of Jeff Goldblum's us he packaged them up look there's an up from Jurassic Park there's an off from powder and there's an O from his biography uh-uh what daddy's very angry when he discovers his work is destroyed my rainbow fruit flavors now no one will be able to try trout strawberry what we get a dog us mutt see not Oh what a sorry sight we have here yeah it's not looking too good for critic look at the two of them it's like a small Chihuahua and a tiny miniature football sized pool yipping a teacher I'd say the critics definitely the poodle as it turns out that somehow created the cure for dog allergies aha I can finally partake in my dog sniffing fetish no longer will this will be an unfunny recycling of David Letterman's stupid pet tricks but grumpy cats sex change disguises himself as his comatose master they send a fake pamphlet saying the kid won a contest to lure them to the factory your way versus Chad I don't remember you entering any contest though can we go please please Jimmy go maybe he's an animatronic like the ones that almost look real but just make you uncomfortable I can't smack them out and hold them hostage to get the dog's attention yeah I'll recognize these goons uh listen uh if you're all kinda just just take the bomb I've spent years perfecting it change the battlefield change the world so the dogs take a pod that's so fast it knocks their heads back except when it doesn't maybe that's just a weird dog tick as they apparently travel to the center of the earth where their headquarters are okay this might sound kind of silly but cats and dogs is really losing me on its credibility it's going off the rails even for this movie I mean how gullible do they think we are paying us all to critic okay I'm not falling for another one your trailer play fetch do I all right wait wait no no you can't walk away that easily I want some answers she doing oh my god I need to go our weekends the world council voted to sacrifice the Brody family when the dogs decide not to save the family Wow dogs are kind of dicks we find out why butch is so cold to protect them we work for them so when they go off to college they can W with some old lady who can't throw a ball without so much as breaking our hip is that what happened to you no it's just a completely random thing I said of course it happened to me eventually though the two of them decided to take on the cats themselves as the family tries to stay calm don't be scared Scotty everything is gonna be okay Oh spirit it's all right to be scared natural I'll be okay oh really I'm okay uh I know this is for a joke and all but I don't care how old I am I'd be pissing my pants seven colors of fear this happened to me kid it's like Pinocchio one day he'll be a real boy but definitely not missing oh but I've nothing to hide maybe he's CG you know they're making wonderful advances and not making CG Tom Hanks look like a pedophile every human in the world will be allergic to dogs the cats it looks like have devised a reversal formula that can make everybody allergic to dogs it takes years to create I'm sure it just takes seconds to reverse and they plan to give it to mice to spread all over the world mice none of my mom you were right not to laugh at that part let's bring out the more appropriate side Oh Oh much better they stopped the mice from leaving but mr. tinkles lights the room on fire with a family inside don't be scared son I'm not scared I'm not even here I'm hand-drawn and every single frame of film remember so the dogs save the family and fourth the cats plan but it looks like Lou is still inside and well Lou blue is it truly to rule out hand puppet like Yoda but Lou is pulled out by butch not entirely sure how he made it through this but it looks like he might not have pulled through whoa oh man that's a that's just a shame that sound of three dogs this week let's just get a cat of course he survives as all the mice are read their rights and placed under arrest right to remain silent than you so you can we'll make out like God kind of a random time to say that I'm sure there's a lot of other scenes that deserve the saying of my god my god so Lou please fetch with his family because after discovering dogs and cats are intelligent beyond measure that's what I would want to do with them as mr. tinkles is given to his owners maid who does nothing but dress him up with her sisters you've been little spoon if you feel like you're going totally insane right now don't worry the films actually been doing that to you for a while you're just only now noticing in fact the credits are rolling right now but because this movie is driven you so bonkers this is all you can see it succeeded in bringing on a complete mental breakdown thus you can check yourself into the cats and dogs mental ward at your local mental health trust me they all have them so what the hell can I say about cats and dogs it's from the same director of son of the mask that explains a lot doesn't it well it's nowhere near as bad as that film you do see it's paw prints all over it The awkward comedy mixed with confused Direction combined with pointless sounds and inconsistent effects it's not a good flick which is a shame because it is kind of a funny idea with funny possibilities but as cat or dog vomit goes this isn't one I'm looking forward to cleaning up anytime soon so thank you all for watching and tune in next time when I take a look at dead a nostalgia critic negative review I really hate this movie it makes me want to shake my head and anger so run away from it as fast as you can I just want to swat at every person who likes Deadpool what the hell have you done my wife recorded you for clipping everybody's gonna click on a negative review of Deadpool but I like to pull tell the comments that this is fact and I'm gonna report you you can kiss your channel goodbye go ahead we just called fox and told them that all your videos have Deadpool in them your channel will be gone before you can even make the report all they have to do is watch the video - no I'm not doing god dammit you ah hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out and this week I am doing one that everybody tells me is just a phenomenal one it's called heifer international their mission is to end hunger and poverty while caring for the earth and for 70 years they provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to improve the lives of those who struggle daily for reliable sources of food and income but the way they go about it is very unique they link communities and help bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with the long history of poverty their animals provide partners with food and reliable income as agricultural products such as milk eggs honey can be traded or sold at the market and as you imagine when many families gain this new sustainable income it brings new opportunities for building schools forming communities savings and even funding small businesses you can check out their YouTube channel or their website to see all the good they're spreading and see how you can not only stop a family from going hungry but also grow their community into one that will never have to worry about that again check out the link and see all the phenomenal work that they're doing you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 2,729,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, movie review, film review, cats and dogs movie, cats and dogs, cats and dogs review, cat movie, dog movie
Id: vgTdMwDiuHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2016
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