Minecraft But There's SCARY MYTH Hearts

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the scariest myths in Minecraft stole my hearts leaving me with nothing no no no stay back stay away SCS are you okay oh no guo I'm not okay look my hearts are gone I mean there's literally nothing there the scary myths must have taken them and just like my hearts they vanished too wait huh what is it well Guido it's raining and I don't know if you saw but there was a white Enderman Enderman hates rain which which means he can't be far uh wait dude no way he's taking cover under the tree that's actually kind of cute not so scary anymore huh Guido let's get our heart back now every time I kill a myth I get their heart and some insanely terrifying abilities all right quido that is one heart D um Steve you look strange wait what what are you talking about don't be rude oh yeah I uh I do look strange uh thanks for pointing that out but hey check it out it looks like I've got a white ender pearl right here doesn't particularly look that much different than the normal ender pearl but it should be able to help us get to those scary myth villains yeah wait it it didn't do anything it's got to do something yeah what's its secret here you have a try oh did you just put me towards you yeah I guess I did let me try one more time oh my God sorry Guido so an ender pearl teleports us to things but this teleports things to us like this pig oh jeez sorry little guy Guido we can use this to find the next myth I wonder if this ender pearl can also move stuff other than animals or guidos like maybe this tree hey he it's this start Alex get back here dude where is she going and wait what is that oh you look like the starting vogs don't touch those oh you don't have to tell me twice I want my heart I'm not going to stop until I get it oh my gosh I'm missing her with the end Pearl as long as I can get one solid hit oh no no that was a bad idea hey she went that way looks like she's hanging inside of a cave Steve but do we really need to go inside it looks dangerous Guido you're a robot you don't have a heart so you don't get a choice in this I'm going in oh jeez just watch out for the blocks they're everywhere once we're inside we better be prepared for anything I'm not but okay you know the drill quo don't touch those blocks oh my gosh we got a little narrow part to get through here this better all be worth it weo look she's totally distracted huh why what I don't know she's just staring at a wall or something don't you do that sometimes gee I really wish I had a sword of some kind to take her out with hey that's my distorted Alex time to Die the next heart wonder what PO for about to get now here we go wao Guido check it out holy cow you're ugly now hey okay so I may look a little different but I also have these weird blocks floating around me it looks like some kind of Shield only one way to find out wo hold on Guido we can do this some other way remember when you used that ender pearl on me yeah but it was in the name of science we don't have to hey look okay so the shield totally works at least against arrows not sure what's going to happen if I come up against some of those other myths oh and I also got this distorted Apple which says it's a oneway trip to the distorted world we probably shouldn't eat them nonsense Guido look at me I'm one with the Distortion now besides apples are good for your health wao all right distorted World here we come I wonder what could be on the other side oh my gosh dude that was that was her herrine go back check it out that was Herobrine well now we know where our next heart is let's go this is ominous but if my next heart is here then we've got to keep moving just um yeah just watch your step wait Steve Marge It's Herobrine I see him Guido just don't draw any [Music] attention uh-oh oh this is going to be T we have only two hearts quo but let's see how we do don't worry I be working out yeah I can tell guo look how strong you are and look it looks like these zombies can barely hit me because of my distorted Shield we actually might stand a chance here actually hold that th what are you doing oh guess it's just me hey guys we can can talk about this uh wait I've still got the white ender pearl instead of spending all the time fighting through these zombies to make it up to the tower I could just bring the tower to me oh my gosh dude it actually worked all right now all I have to do is make a very simple jump across this Chasm here and now I'm hey oh well look who decided to show us they were like 10 million zombies you can't blame me whatever dude now Herobrine should be at the top of this Tower which means my heart isn't far away ah dude that does not sound good oh no he's going to use me again we're doomed not if we can get to him first come on stay close to me we actually did it we k K Herobrine and that is another heart on the menu let's see what this does I look so powerful uh wait a second was that guy always there who is that is that Entity 303 what is it wa wait a second dude I can actually fly just like Herobrine I'm starting to think you getting your heart Solen was a good thing yeah this has been awesome uh wait what is this well we don't really have time to figure that out 303 is going to get away come on I saw him go to this Forest he's got to be around here somewhere be careful Steve you can only Fly for a limited amount of time yeah yeah yeah quido whatever look huh he must think he's funny you see Entity 303 is the most malicious hacker in the entire Minecraft Dimension and I'm sure whatever that message translates to it's probably not very nice what a jerk yeah yeah laugh it up 303 wait a a second what is that oh no no I'm already out of flight [Music] quo that was a close one but don't worry we'll get back in the sky in no time oh jeez uh yeah it doesn't look like we can fly anymore if only someone told you this would happen 303 must be on top of that sky island but without my flight Powers I'm not really sure how I'm going to get up there there's got to be some way up there uh hey guo check it out the book it's glowing oh that's probably not good or it could be exactly what we're looking for woah Guido look at the leaves they're dying all the leaves around us are dying and look it's powering up my energy Again The book must have done this nice dude anyway look weo our flight powers are fully charged back up which means we should be able to get up there to 303's Lair he's going to regret sending on of those nasty messages you really thought you could get away huh 303 I can't understand you come on let's have a real discussion here I just want my heart [Music] Guido no no Glo snap out of it what's wrong I can do anything I want your heart is mine what the 303 just talk through Guido uh wait if he really does think he's the greatest hacker in the world maybe I can use that to my advantage he stood by some kind of ancient portal I should be able to use that to dist strength him so you really think you can hack anything huh of course I can I just said I'm the greatest hacker in the world H really okay then why don't you go ahead and Hack That ancient portal right there I bet even you couldn't hack there hauh easy watch this okay now's my chance that's it 303 keep attempting to hack this ancient portal we both know you won't be able to do it you've just got that big of an ego that you're going to try your best and oh you may be wondering I safe he doesn't have a weapon well I've got this book and it's the most powerful weapon of [Music] all gotcha thank you very much 303 uh you what happened oh Guido thank the Multiverse you're safe nice job on taking 303 out without me but how are we supposed to get out of here now well does that answer your question Guido look not only am I looking really snazzy right now but we've got entity 303's command block if he could use it to heck open this portal I'm sure I could use it to okay yep no this is really complicated we'll figure that out later come on let's go okay we made it back to the real world and everything seems normal look at the Moon what what are you talking about oh my gosh dude it's blood red that means the blood Golem must be close by everybody run well that's ominous uh you you might to turn around oh my gosh it's the blood Golem I don't care where to F him with oh jeez it would be really nice if someone I knew could turn into a sword no way I'm not going near that thing oh my gosh okay it's the house quo come on come on oh my gosh dude that was a close one uh hey okay if we want to take down that Golem then I need a weapon um maybe I can find something here we've got a chest with nothing useful in it unless we can beat the Golem with bread don't think that's going to work ah there's got to be something we can do uh wait the command block now's the perfect time to try it out and I've got a bunch of test subjects hopefully this is the key to defeating the blood Golem it seems like we have the ability to manipulate time yeah I guess I'll just try it on the villagers no no shut up you're going to draw attention to us okay uh accelerate time O Okay well it definitely looks like this works but how are we going to use it to defeat the blood Golem okay here's my plan we use the command block to turn the blood Golem into a baby you'll be way easier to kill yeah I thought I was hearing things too Guido what do you mean kill a baby it's just an idea oh well well I guess it is our only chance oh okay here goes nothing time to die blood Golem no stop time dude no way I actually did it I'm stuck in midair and now the blood Golem can't get me where's the blood Golem oh my gosh guo don't worry I'm going to do this I'm going to transform him into a baby but I I don't know I just can't kill a baby maybe I should accelerate time instead turn him into a grandpa I'm sure I could take a grandpa blood Golem in a fight accelerate time wait where did he go yeah where the heck is my grandpa Golem uh oh my gosh no no what have I done okay yeah definitely reverse time a he's actually kind of cute all right let's get down there okay let's do this oh but look at his little eyes okay you know what I'm just going to reverse time even more so he never even existed there we go way less messy than the other option and that is another heart return to its rightful owner wo hey check it out Guido I look so scary I've got this red flower for some reason that's not very scary Guido uh Guido where did you go I swear he was right there I look awesome now buddy you sure you don't want to check out my sassy new outfit oh my gosh that's Guido he's in trouble oh but why am I so slow all of a sudden it must be because I've been infused with a Golem oh this is so annoying just when I needed to be fast it's got to be some way I can improve my speed here um maybe I can use the flower or something I mean it looks like the only item I got uh let's give this a try e did the flower just melt into a puddle of blood but how in the Multiverse does this help me wo oh my gosh I'm so much faster on the blood and hey check it out the blood is trailing on me as well which means I can now move at super speed wherever I want oh this is awesome but I am kind of ruining this Village so I'm just going to go ahead and follow the sound of Guido's voice I think it came from this Forest woohoo hey get away from me just hold on buddy I'm almost there oh my gosh where is he Guido stay away from him oh my gosh Yep looks like my goem arms are very strong there we go Multiverse you're here Steve I was just out here minding my own business oh what a day I know right we just killed the blood Golem and now this Blood Golem what are you talking about uh the blood Golem that just hunted us down uh maybe just a little bit shocked Guido come on this way we've got to find more of the hearts hearts what are you talking about okay something is definitely wrong with Guido eh I'll just talk to him about this later come on Guido the next heart is wait Guido weren't you just behind me Ste who's this guy it's you there's there's two guidos this is my worst nightmare who in the Multiverse are you quo what does it look like it looks like you're an impostor I'm not an impostor you're the Imposter us of course one of these two guidos must be the next scary myth the mimic now I know that the mimic can copy appearances but not Memories so if I ask them questions only Guido would know I'll be able to find the fake in no time okay enough question number one what does guido stand for easy ging utility in database operations and you uh great use of uh whatever it is I'm sure it's awesome interesting so the guo on the left is definitely got the advantage here but the next question should SE it who was the first myth that we took out today now you go first this time it was uh uh Herobrine yeah Herobrine we got him good right Ste what a fool it was the White Enderman okay I've heard enough Guido let's take out this impostor oh my gosh this is anything but a joke steal it's real and your heart is mine forever wait that must be the mimic and he's got my heart okay let's not Panic I'm fast as well so I can catch up with him and maybe I can even use my ender pearl oh he's just a little too agile I can't track him how the heck am I going to stop him now just look at him he's struggling to stay above the water my blood Golem body is weighing him down come on come on yes and there it is the next heart give me give me give me I'm I'm sure this one is going to give me some awesome abilities let's see here and activate oh man nothing happened I just looked like my normal self after today that might not be so bad Steve yeah that's very true Guido also guo check it out it looks like I've got something else a mirror I'm guessing that this is the source of the mimiks power does that mean we can shape shift into stuff as well yeah maybe we just got to find something to use it on hey there little guy hi that's it gaze into this mirror you got it yeah check it out dude I'm a pig now nice but the other pig doesn't seem really too impressed dude I don't care what the Pig [Music] thinks hey it's that thing it looks like he's trying to get away come on let's get after him way ahead of you Guido it looks like it looks like he's gone Underground all right you know what follow me there's got to be an entrance in the cave around here somewhere now the thing is about that thing he's got four extra arms meaning he's very good at mining I mean just look at this ah this just feels like some kind of Twisted game hey Guido I could really use the sword right now what are you thinking Ste well I can't be certain Guido but I guess we're about to play whack-a-mole come on that thing show yourself there he is oh and there he goes there Ste oh man wow your reflexes are terrible oh my gosh this is so annoying seems like a SK shut upo I'll get him eventually and that time is no geta and that is another heart Acquired and wait is that a pickaxe oh of course he must have used it to build these holes anyway let's grab back the heart wa cool hey why do I have two oh my God go okay that's why I have two because I've got four arms ah seriously I still got no arms and you got four no no Guido don't be jealous we don't even know what these pickaxes do yet this could be useless look let's just try it out okay uh wao okay it looks like I can just fling the pickaxe and catch them with one of my forearms this means I can just mine stuff from Super far away I mean let me just see here how far can I actually throw it and then run away from it come on oh wait I already got it back what it must be some kind of heat yeah maybe it just follows me across the room anyway what do you say we get out of here I mean come on dude I'll do all the mining I mean it is pretty fun and everything now look at this I can just absolutely spam this okay yeah this is going to make mining so much more fun yeah where are we going there we go wao what is this place everything in this cave is massive just look at the crafting table the furnace who could this place belong to I think we're about to come down hide hide come on under the bed quido is giant Alex a be she's coming over no no no no we got to move come on this [Music] way what do we do Steve wait I've got an idea we can use the command block what's a reverse time so she's a baby I don't think giant Alex was ever a baby that's not going to work but I think there is something we can do you see those wooden pillars there's three of them and those three pillars are supporting this entire cave if we destroy them we'll bring the cave down on top of her oh I see okay let's do this okay she's distracted again so let's target that one it's furthest away from her yeah and now she's distracted by that pillar let's take out this one all right now we just got one more pillar to go wait no see if we bring this pillar the cave is going to Crum on to us yeah you're right quo we're going to have to run out there okay three two one go go go oh my gosh she spotted us okay let's go find that heart and there it is think the Multiverse is not giant yeah it should be able to fit inside my body now all right let's see what this thing does oh W behold giant Steve oh Guido you're so tiny hey that's not very nice you know what if I'm going to be small then I at least deserve a pickaxe yeah yeah whatever just have both of them I'm giant why would I need them anyway oh my gosh dude Guido are you seeing that it's it's a floating village I really don't think we should bee here here I understand that Guido but I still don't have all of my hearts I'm guessing the next one is somewhere in this Village wait that's VR leave my Village or face my WRA seriously you really think I'm going to leave look at me this is my village now I think you made him mad oh boy woah Guido look out there's so many of them wow they're like annoying little flies yeah and the thing with annoying little flies is that they need swatting okay got a couple but there's still so many I'm trying to aim in the middle because that's where most of them kind of intercept okay got a couple there maybe I should just go and guard one of the doors instead that might be the better option come on coming out of there you yeah gotcha and you this is definitely way more efficient all right only a few more remaining come on come on out don't be scared oh my gosh they're coming from so many different angles it's so hard to track all of them this must be the original wait he's still alive where is he there he is the L everything you do is hopeless because even if you end me eror 422 cannot be killed 422 what are you talking about he is stronger than all nine of us combin you are doomed you know what Guido I've heard enough there we go Guido one more heart to go and we already know who has it error 422 that's right Guido now let's get out there and uh-oh uh that doesn't sound good oh look good Guido Guido what's going on okay everything's looking relatively normal here yeah I don't think so see oh my gosh what in the Multiverse is this weo everything's upside down or are we upside down we're stood on a cloud I thought I saw a lot of weird stuff today but this is the king welcome to my domain Steve oh no no my Powers I I need those how am I supposed to beat this guy it's just like the LR stand he's more powerful than the other entities oh yeah well we'll see about that take this what I I can't damage him you fool I gave up my body in exchange for power a long time ago your mortal attacks do nothing to me oh you've got to be kidding me wait a second Guido that did some Dam damage 422 said that this was his domain but maybe it's the source of his power give me a pickaxe quido we're going to take this guy down mine everything you can see no no no that's it budy keep going we're doing [Applause] [Music] it there it is guo what we've been fighting for this entire time the final heart but what does it do I guess we're about to find out who uh Guido what the heck is going on I'm flying actually Steve I think you'll find were F quo quido we did it we got all the hearts and look I got my hearts back everything is back to normal yeah at least for now
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,923,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, surviving 99 years, minecraft scary mobs, minecraft myths, minecraft myth mobs, minecraft scary myths, minecraft blood golem, minecraft herobrine, minecraft that thing, minecraft distorted alex, minecraft giant alex, minecraft null, minecraft scary myth, mobs, minecraft hearts, scary myth hearts, minecraft but there are custom hearts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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