Catholic Service - Stations of the Cross I 4 March 2022 - LIVESTREAM

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in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen let us pray oh jesus help us to meditate under the way of christ give us a true understanding of the suffering accepted and the desire to reproduce in us your attitudes and virtues keep in mind that jesus christ has died for us for us and he is risen from the dead he is our saving lord he is joy for all ages first station jesus is condemned to death we adore you o christ and we bless you by your holy cross you have before pilot jesus stood unbound and broken unafraid pilate asked are you king he replied i am the crowd shouted we have no king but caesar crucified him crucify him then before jesus pilate stood bound broken and afraid he handed him over first to be scourged and then to be crucified jesus our brother we stand in silence as you are condemned by pilate standing in silence is not new to us we have stood in silence as you went hungry by our tables as you were orphaned in our walls as you walk powerless in our world we always stand in silence or we like pilot about broken and afraid give us the courage to speak on your behalf for justice and through amen by our sins we have condemned you jesus let us second station jesus takes up his cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world large and heavy ages rough weight unbearable that cross has stood waiting the unfortunate the criminal the victim of the court mentally silently jesus shouldered it the march began to go gotta go gotta he struggled on painfully quietly alone jesus our brother we wash you bear your cross and do not understand we are afraid of suffering our hearts are hardened everyone tell us that suffering is evil and must be avoided at every cost we flee sickness sorrow and pain your caring of your cross says something different about suffering we are not sure just what it is of us to follow you even when we do not understand sin the slowest third station jesus falls the first time we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world here on calvary's way jesus felt the first time not yet exhausted still alert to every pain still quickened by the lash trip on the stone perhaps or stumped by the soldier's blow jesus struggled he stood up he moved on jesus our brother you have fallen with your cross we wonder if you have not fallen again today everywhere we see signs of weakness in our church in our nation in our world we see dissension controversy turmoil we are scandalized we do not understand our faith begins to falter help us find you hidden in your weakness i must find you beneath the cross jesus jesus we behold your first teach us that for us if we fall we should never give up fourth station jesus meets his mother we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world mary mothering her son in his last moments unable to touch safe with saddened eyes jesus body taunt heartbroken eyes on his mother comforted and comforting no word was spoken none was needed jesus met his mother jesus our brother we are moved by mary's love for you we are amazed by mary's love for us it is hard to believe she has not lost confidence in us but we know she has not she saw beneath your grime and agony she saw your hidden beauty we trust she can do the same for us we need to be understood these days we so often feel alone when we simon helps jesus to carry the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world strong and likely simon stood changed water of the strange procession on his way to calvary brought and from the country young and insecure carry the cross they said words empowered by whips and lances and numbers and he did he shouldered the cross and followed behind jesus jesus our brother we have to admire simon he took up your cross and followed you he has so little doubt so little hesitation we see you suffering in all around us in the poor and the powerless in the misunderstood we are so hesitant to come to your aid we find so many excuses we remain aloof grant us the wisdom and the courage to help the least of your brothers and so help you make us understand oh jesus by your pains you will need us taking up our cross with you sixth station veronica wipes the face of jesus we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world his face blood stained grind weary terrified and tired jesus shuddered step by step along veronica hesitantly tender alive the opportunity from the shadows stepped up and with a woman's veil touched the face and breathe the sorrow to the temple of a tears veronica veronica so tender so alive jesus our brother you rewarded veronica for her courage you left your image upon her veil you will reward us for our courage you will leave the imprint of your face upon our lives by this will all men know that you are my disciples that you love one another help us forget our fears and reach out to serve our needy brothers follow us our neighbor show compassion for our savior is his passion all his image in our heart seventh station jesus falls the second time we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world tired now beaten bruised body broken jesus staggered along as he walked the shoulder ache the head dripped blood the knees buckled jesus fell the second time a week of flesh a hard word was spoken a feast a lion's blunted end jesus rose and moved on again jesus our brother you must have been discouraged by your second fall we too know discouragement our best efforts and in failure those we love do not seem to love us regardless of our efforts life does not bring peace what shall we do we will imitate your example and try again even in a phase of fertility jesus as we see you falling we can hear your spirit calling urging us to persevere eight station jesus consoles the women of jerusalem we adore you o christ and we bless you cross you have redeemed the world o warned women leaning on each other young vital women children at the knees babies at the breasts women of jerusalem weeping see jesus shrugged on see the terror in his eyes see the noughting of his body women of jerusalem weeping and yet he spoke not they weep not for me but for you and your children jesus our brother in the means of your sufferings you had compassion for others and their pain we are often so self-centered we do not see the sufferings of others we want pity kindness and understanding we are willing to give so litter in return of us forget about ourselves awaken us to the pain in the lives of others as the holy women weeping all tears for jesus keeping for ourselves and all mankind ninth station jesus falls the third time we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world jesus reaching the limit of endurance diet beyond tired hanging on to consciousness felt the third time pain had passed beneath the body and sheared the edges of the soul weariness had broken the resistance of a tough well-trained body and overwhelmed the man jesus fell the third time jesus our brother your third fall is the beginning of your death agony our world is filled with dying people in war in famine in hospitals on highways many this day will die alone may our prayers become comfort to the dying especially those who must die alone trust in you dance station jesus is stripped of his garments we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world bits of flesh and matted hair plots of hardened blood grime from city soy were torn from his quivering frame streaks of his garments naked before the crop common criminal of scourging of the earth fully of a foolish people jesus son of god jesus our brother there is something fearful in thinking of you street before the crowd even the privacy of clothing is taken you have given up everything for us we give so little in return may we have the grace to give to give of what we have to help our brothers and sisters suffering all around us lord we sleep our souls before you sorry humbled we adore you take our sins and grant us peace eleventh station jesus is new to the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the hammer world nails slicing through the flesh hands clenched in ultimate agony feet stretched to conform to the rough control of the cross and then the cross was hurled aloft banded in the sky flanked in the face of god jesus was crucified jesus our brother the pain of those nails was unjust your hands which did such good your feet which walked on errands of mercy are now punished you received little gratitude for the good you did why should we expect more for the good we do have us give and ask nothing in return victim of the nails and hammer we acknowledge on our order it beneath the bread and wine 12th station jesus dies on the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world jesus died silence birds could not sing children could not cry the world was worthless it had lost the word make flesh only flesh remained jesus died on the cross jesus our brother you have the greatest love for us how can we say in the face of it we can only try to imitate you by responding to the brothers and sisters you have given to us to love dying dying jesus let us ponder your last seven words and wonder at the love of god made man 13 station jesus is taken down from the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world dead lifeless flesh body without spirit heart exposed as if to reveal the emptiness gone the smiling face the impassioned gestures the vital step the treating agony lifeless body taken down passive supple lifeless in a mother's arms jesus our brother you are laid in the arms of your mother the agony is over but resurrection is not yet your father's plan requires patience so it is with us we reach moments when only patients can carry us on when only patients can carry us on we know that something better will come but when i must share your patience and death of your mother mary mary from the cross you take him call indeed dispose forsake him still keep faith with you [Music] 14th station jesus is late in the tomb we adore you o christ and we bless you because by your you have redeemed the world it was all over body buried neatly tuned spices ready cloth in proper place little things were done no one could face the larger agonies of laws of loneliness of anxiety faithful friends busy with tiny things jesus christ was dead jesus our brother the end of life is so definite we feared it deep within we do not want to die help us understand that our lives are but a prelude to a new life alive with you and your father buried in the tomb then rising we too lord by our baptizing share your hope of victory let us pray father we have followed jesus on his way to calvary we have pondered the meaning of his suffering to our lives with deep faith help us renew our purpose to direct our lives in the light of his so that the warmth and vehicle of his resurrection will shine on our faces and the fire of his love will burn in our hearts we make this prayer through jesus our lord and our brother amen may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit may he defend you from all evils and bring you life eternal and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace amen us our lord carry us back cause your power and calm rescue your people show us your face is [Music] save us [Music] rescue your people show us your face bring us back [Music] carry us back rescue your people show us your faith [Music] you
Channel: Church Of The Holy Cross, Singapore
Views: 2,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catholic, mass, livestream
Id: MQZqmQ_FkgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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