Catfishing by a Bridge!! (Surprise Catch)

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those are my catfish pools that's a bridge in river rats i guess that means i'm catfishing next to a bridge which if you ask me that's pretty american now we just got to catch some catfish so let's go in addition to catfishing i will likely try to catch some crap eyes or white bass i don't know if there's any here it's not like i catch them here very often not that i even get to fish here very often anymore used to when you grow up things change i mean i kind of grew up where's my bait got some crap eyes like crap eyes yeah it's multiple there's two in there awkward burp i guess that's kind of my thing yeah these are some pretty delicious crappie chunks hopefully the catfish thinks so i think they're crappier quite amazing but i'm not eating these ones pretty stout just kind of how i like it give them give them the heat as my buddy sam says try to try to sam oh no come out easy please come on get off of there all right cool survived yeah these are too close that'll work these are even relatively fresh leaders this is the first day they've been fished which channel catfish in the spring i'm higher on the side of uh using heavier line that way i don't have to replace them all the time and then just wear them out i mean you can get by with a 10 pound line fishing for these things but then your line gets wore out and then you start missing them so i just put 30 on here and let them ride for a week at a time or so depending on how much i'm fishing more so how much i'm catching it's very shallow and mucky which is what they like in the spring all right go find some white bass or crap eyes maybe well hopefully i don't regret walking away from the catfish rods it's risk i'm willing to take honestly it's not even a risk it's embedded pretty good in there what's the odds that there's actually crappies in here or even better yet white bass my bass don't taste as good but they're a lot more fun to fight this is what i'm in it for most of the time it would be interesting if there were crappies or white bass here i think there should be i don't mean nothing when it comes to fishing i learned long ago that what i think doesn't matter that's what the fish think this whole white bass crappie fishing thing's probably gonna be pretty short then then we're going to straight cat mission [Music] you need your opposite that's what happens when you get too far away he didn't hammer it but he bobbed it a couple times there he goes gonna let me walk away a little bit probably gonna fold it and rip it in the water now the rod holders are pretty secure yeah there's a fish that jumped try cart but i'm gonna cast at it anyway all right no cats time to slide up the bank smidge oh hey [Music] got him just packing up to move and rod goes down not a bad one always rolling up in it yeah he's not real big i'll just shut up until we see him at least on the size have a hard time being quiet lots of times still going to slide down the bank it ain't bad it's all tangled in it this trip is officially a catfishing trip sweet flipping three pounders oh he's all bumpy i don't know what it is but like early in the year in the spring sometimes later there's all these bumpies on yeah that's what i'm looking for ow i took myself with the hook this thing's sharp weird all right peace out my friend free passes for everybody today because i've already gorged myself on crappie yep still going to slide down the bank but if i don't catch anything i come back here general rule of thumb if you take rods out of the water they get new bait and if you really break it down it makes sense considering they're feeding by scent so you have bait with it puts out more scent and it ups your odds whether it's fresh or frozen i prefer fresh but that's just me okay big cast deep and then uh throw this one down the way i haven't angled up high i probably should put that angle down actually i had an idea behind it but uh the more i look at it i'm like that's stupid make sure those scales don't cover the hook that's one downfall of crappies is those big beefy scales so when you use it for bait it happens where the scale covers the hook and you miss fish so it's a good thing to be aware of i'm gonna leave that one out for a little bit longer because i'm addicted to the thump of crappies and hopefully there's a few of them in here oh there's a cat yeah take it down i'll just cast between them for the time being probably the better spot anyway i need to fix my lure these crap eyes are so touchy about that it's like if your presentation isn't spot on you're like nah not today take it down you can do it little friend oh another po it should probably make up my mind am i catfishing or my crappy vision i feel like i've had this conversation with myself i guess it just depends on which one bites these aren't the most tuned up catfish in the world apparently can't even pull the rod down big sissies are you for real this time oh yeah i gotta text my dad if i take care of that it's a deal with the cats maybe they're not in deep water he's kind of getting excited shaking it like a dog with a bone oh got him spacing off he's fighting hard that's all he can ask for changing reaction running at me acting like a beefcake channel yeah oh yeah big old head shakes these nice fish i think i ain't bad at all fun sized how well is he hooked that's where the other one goes down and there's too much fun and i switch back to the j-hooks to give myself a little practice for the flat heads it's not like perfectly transferable but you get used to it a little bit don't hurt a thing and they work it's not like they don't work so yeah i don't know that's what i came down here to catch and i caught it and i have simple tastes i guess a few catfish a little mud and uh life's good especially with some nice weather like we have right now let's see all righty get another chunk back out there the cats seem to be shallower all right lure you get like 10 more minutes then we're strict catfishing it's funny how those little guys show up and just peck peck peck and then the big dog shows up and actually hits it at least that's my theory i don't have a camera down there to prove or disprove it make me a few casts down here before i uh cast a cat rod down here okay last cast with this thing probably all right put the other cat rod in we're catfishing officially nothing like sitting in a little mud because it's pretty dry am i gonna bite cooler if i was here kitty kitty get another 10 minutes and we're moving not far believe it or not this is not the most comfortable backrest ever very good cats i don't have much more time so you need to bite it's funny i settle into catfish and i can't get a bite all right catfish we're making a move last move last spot all i got time for okay so far not so bad i don't think it's gonna be bad at all just trying a different angle angle the dangle if you will plus there's a big log to sit on because it's muddy and i'm not gonna sit in the mud like the real mud this is real mud where'd my bait go there it is i said not a ton of time it's not like a beaver hole is there such a thing of bugs bugs are good good old biodiversity wow pretty minor tangles what's going on i don't know if that means good things are gonna happen or bad things yeah i just slid up the bank because this is like a long sweeping bend and fish are definitely moving this time of year as much as water levels allow never hurts to stay mobile one more it's just been musical rides tap tap tap tap tap tap hey sweet he's not jumbo but he is the whisper variety oh he came off dang it it's like i just want one more and that was one more now i'm left still wanting one more okay i'm going to bomb this one and cast that one a little shorter gonna do it it's pretty weak sauce bro fish you're out of control you pull your life together maybe i do maybe i'm a problem you got him oh you suddenly got much larger than i expected yeah i'll take it wow he's moving a lot of water oh get out of the sticks what are you you're not a cat big drum fight heart apparently not what i was expecting oh he's barely up don't catch too many barn doors very often i'll take you though barely hook look at that mouth it's a drum to be proud of you who'd really appreciate that drum josh well i wanted one more fish and this is one more fish i wasn't thinking drum but this is pretty quality drum for my neck of the woods we don't have the jumbo jumbo jumbo ones here but we do get them it's about this big i think i'm gonna wrap up the video here he's not a true barn door but you know he's a mini barn door anyway i hope you enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button if you want to see more videos fishing for catfish and sometimes catching drum hit the subscribe button either way i really appreciate you watching hope you catch giant [Music] you
Channel: River Certified
Views: 88,777
Rating: 4.9009995 out of 5
Keywords: Catfishing by a Bridge!! (Surprise Catch), lake fishing, kayak fishing, bank fishing, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rig, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, primitive, bait, kayak camping, for, creek, shallow, deiter melhorn, exploration, exploring, line, missouri, deep, camp out, wisconsin, mud cats, remote, pond, hidden, bank, shore, spring, early, shore fishing, tons
Id: TWTv7-6CdCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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