We Discovered A Hidden Mountaintop Compound In Our Own Backyard

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we just discovered the most insane mountaintop compound but we're in our own backyard here in utah look at this all right guys today's video is a good one in fact it's so good and it was such a shocking discovery uh for me that i need to give you a little bit of a backstory before we get into the actual video so about a year ago a little more me and diesel dave and a couple of other guys run the helicopter flying through the west desert of utah and we're flying low to the ground checking things out having fun and we came up on this mountain range and the very first mountain on this range was just kind of like this steep straight up hill as we got closer we thought is there a house on there is there some sort of building and as we start to fly over what you're going to see here in this video clip that we insert you're going to realize that we came across one of the most insane most untalked about nobody ever heard of this mountaintop compound right in our own backyard here in utah i mean literally guys this place looked like something you would see in the middle east like a big compound in the middle of the you know nowhere and as we started to circle around we started to realize that there was a lot of action going on here somebody had either been living here or doing a lot of work so after that day i went home pulled up the map coordinates figured out the property tax records and went through and tried to contact the person who owned that because we were so curious we wanted to stop in and check it out or just learn more about it and so for you know six months i went back and forth trying to get a hold of this guy i found his name found his information but it was all old and outdated and you know at the end of all my efforts we weren't able to get a hold of him so it was kind of a bummer fast forward to like a week or so ago we get a random email out of the blue from a guy saying hey my name is alan i watch your youtube channel i love it you guys do some cool stuff maybe you guys would be interested to learn more about this this cool you know property that i have and then he begins to describe the mountaintop compound that we saw a year prior we never made contact with him he didn't know that we were trying to reach out with to him so you know i got a little more information from him and i was like oh yeah let's go let's go tour this place because nobody's ever been up there you guys will have never seen any sort of videos or pictures of this place because they don't exist but for some reason alan this awesome dude decided to give us full access so what you're going to see in this video is like something we've been looking forward to doing for a long time and i don't think anybody else has ever done so buckle up and enjoy this is a good one this is literally the top of a very very steep mountain just a little flat uh plateau here literally troll mountain each side of us is sheer cliffs we're standing on what will be the home of a guy named allen allen uh has been building this for about 20 years and as you can see it's just this full-fledged compound up here with just the most insane views the most insane driveway and the most insane floor plan you've ever seen in your entire life literally tunnels going everywhere block five that he's built one block at a time one bag of cement at the time he's literally hauled 20 000 bags of 80-pound cement to the top of this to build what he's got here and he's not even done yet he's got a long ways to go but i mean if you'll see over here this is not a small structure this is a big building and it's sitting on what's maybe on top of this mountain and the rest like i said is just sheer cliffs buckle up guys because you are gonna absolutely enjoy this nobody's ever had cameras up here before this the first time he's ever allowed anybody up to kind of come tour and take a look so this exclusive look is something that most of you would have never seen ever before if alan didn't let us in today so buckle up and enjoy my name is alan morris i really enjoy adventures and building new things right now i'm working on a project up in the mountains on building a self-sustained home that you can work at and live at which sustains itself and can grow [Music] you ladies ready to go welcome back to the cutting board today's episode we'll be making smoothies that's why i'll be talking smoothly starting with the first ingredient which is a banana grab your knife make sure you slice it perfectly you can take the pill off if you want i like to leave the peel on throw it in the blender next ingredient a carrot but if you can't seem to get your hands on a carrot have some strawberries as you can tell these knives have been around for a long time they don't got so well anymore nothing to be worried about you want to make sure it always ripe sprouts just cut the tips off yeah you can leave the plastic in it'll work its way out in the oven there you go yep all right then you just got to add some of this almond milk in yep right there oh in case you got tummy problems like i do you just want to add some pepto nice let it drizzle to the bottom that's actually going to bring out the pink flavor everybody loves pepto flavor right that's what you do and now we blend [Music] shake it around around get all the goodness yep and you're ready to drink this is gonna be delicious let me just grab a glass and pour this is gonna be good [Music] it's so good it's so good when it hits your lips [Music] and freeze you know what this guy needs you know what everybody needs with christmas coming up i've got the best present idea you'll ever hear you see a channel all about knives should have some nice knives that's why i am going to give my friend a brand new set of kamikoto knives guys these kamikoto knives are freaking legit this is hands down one of the sharpest knives i've ever felt in my entire life it's built with 800 years of japanese knife making technology it's also built using all japanese source steel which is actually a really big deal if you want to be the star of the christmas gift giving this year i need you to click the link in my description below go to the kamikoto website use the promo code sparks you're gonna get fifty dollars off any kamikoto products like i said these make a ridiculously awesome christmas gift because they come in this super nice ash wood box the packaging the presentation is just top notch so guys click the link in my description below and make it happen now now with that said let's make my best friend's christmas dreams come true hey man hey these knives might really help your channel are those cabbie konos and your smoothies thanks heavy d merry christmas oh it is a merry christmas i love it i love it i love it i hate to tell you guys my place is a mess uh probably just want to park here some of this is left over after the fire i hadn't like taken care of everything [Music] it's all interesting it's all got a story yeah it's like uh this right here this is one of those military pole trailers yeah they're not you don't see them very often and that's liner that they use for the bottom of the landfills oh yeah the blue membrane yeah that's some heavy duty stuff yeah and then this right here funny enough this came out from the pile this is leftover tailings from a mine operation i don't know where it came from it was right in front of the gate down there when morgan asphalt came in morgan asphalt came and redid it we had to pick it all up and i said we might as well uh grab it because apparently there was it was supposed to be from a gold mine that's pretty dense we found a uh 80 pound uh chunk of silver in the pile a blob jeez got to finish sifting through it yep that right there is a military mobilizer they're used to move the modules but it works really good on moving big pieces of equipment that i don't have a trailer for yeah what is this old scout yeah it's my friend's scout right there i did that's awesome this is so cool there's so much cool stuff out here this is a glimpse into my future i had been rebuilding this this came from desert storm oh wow that truck right there and uh and i was going to put uh the five ton engine in it i had a five-ton engine mounted up to the two and a half ton uh bell housing trent uh transmission but it was burned these are the uh uh the m 151 jeep wheels and tires wow the newer jeep these are all deuce and a half those are gamma go oh gamma go what are you doing this all that all came from uh a uh the where uh broken arrow is located right now yeah these are the reactors that were left over i was planning on modifying use them to make a couple uh furnaces that'd be awesome wow this is cool these are m715s yeah i have a complete one up on the top and another a model of one complete over here i want to get fix them up i they had the tornado engine in them and i want to figure out a way to mount a uh the mopar 318 v8 pretty this is a deuce and a half dump over here oh wow these were pretty rare and i only picked this up uh a few years ago yeah i've never seen a deuce and a half with a dump bed that's a great little truck i've got i've been putting all the parts aside that'll need to be uh rebuilt and i just haven't got until i get everything else done right it's it's one of my top projects that's cool these are your precursor to your 900 series use the eight one sixes these are the 35s okay there's an 800 series that came after these uh interesting enough i bought this for parts yeah because this boom right here is going to be needed for something which i'll show you here soon so that needs a hellcat engine [Laughter] this was used by davis school district this even has an extra you can extend it slightly you can extend it farther than normal oh really and basically you can lift stuff up and load it on to uh the trailer is it a rotator too yeah it rotates this has a single ram in the center the newer one looks like you have a double ram looks like the front of a half track yeah they had a half track version with the half track in the back and then they had a wheeled version that's this old track deal here yes this okay we've got some mining history here this uh compressor and these two air tracks right here came from eureka oh um i'm trying to remember the name of the miner he was pretty famous up there uh he passed away and his family sold it all to me wow i got a bunch of like other mining tools you know i went through their the shed that was been falling down and grabbed all the little pieces for all the old drills and i managed to put a couple together are they all air powered uh air drive and everything uh yeah it's air runs hydraulic i believe i think that's crazy maybe it is it might be big air those are cool machines it's one of those projects yeah this was i guess the last one the one that he was this was the one that he was running last yeah this model the military used so i don't know if he bought it from the military or if it was just civilian purchased yeah got some of the rare michelins these smaller ones are pretty rare uh yeah i don't really need that i don't really know what i'm gonna do with it 12 520s then you got a stack of trucks up here this dodge is the one that brought all the mining equipment down from buffalo oh this one is i had to modify it had brackets come out and we loaded 30 foot rail across either side that's cool i have a record the record is for every first snowfall of the year i grab a snowball and i throw it and i've successfully hit somebody every time oh somebody oh no no no that's not good that's five tons yeah i bought that from the estate auction really and here is a brand new 900 but look at the boom what's wrong with it they bent the boom a brand new one this is how they do that that's impressive bent the boom a severe amount what the hell were they trying to lift i'm guessing this the engine had a runaway because when i got this the uh one of the uh injector pump inside one of the connections had broken and they said it was probably because they somebody somehow had over revved and i think that the control mechanism for the auto speed control got stuck in full and somebody was trying to stop it and didn't know how to really do it and so they were trying to use the hydraulics to try to wind it down on and do it that's the only guess i can have right when they were setting it down because those metal bars were up holding it right try to stall the engine they must have bent it oh they hooked it to the bars and then probably try to stall it yeah that makes sense yeah that thing's almost brand new isn't it just gotta swap out the boom it'll be good to go that's a nice truck this is my little that's my truck i run around getting all the big loads with yeah when i had to go through the tires and change the tires oh yeah once i did that i didn't want to see the trucks again i don't blame you you just got stacks of trucks through here these are all from the fire district are they water tankers or fuel water tape well they were initially fuel tanks this i got from jack tomlin who beat me out of it when it was on the sail at twila oh and a rare deuce and a half fire truck that was initially designed with uh singles oh really no take big red for a spin jim oh yeah look at that the uh axle hubs are slightly different there's a way to do it to bring them out and this uh is uh what the one version that they had that only came with singles with the bigger tires that's another museum piece there that's really cool oh yeah they got the big heavy axle systems under them yeah these everybody's after these trucks there's another fire truck that came from idaho if you like basically this line of duke's in half this is what came out of that clearfield yard the whole line up there yeah this whole line even that uh even the uh uh the tractor trailer okay do they all run you know uh i bet you i probably could uh put a battery in them and then start right up yeah even on the old fuel oh that's cool yeah this is another m715 but it's uh a different it was the service body on it ah telegraph body nutella for you know the telegraph lines or whatever communication lines yeah i initially all the stuff was going to be in this area that i cut out here but then like i told him that big auction came up and with nobody bidding on it i suddenly got a whole mess of trucks all at once that's pretty cool trailer yep got your shed there atvs little shed got the the guest house yeah but it's basically part storage yeah and uh a lot of these tires i got uh there's a lot of them are still good some of them are not so good cool suburban uh this is my record that i was using quite a bit this is the one that i had that catastrophic failure with the dog bone but what happened was is just after i got it all painted and working good if you look on the back you'll notice i had a semi truck in the evening when i was towing it back out here ran into me this guy wasn't paying attention and drove right in the back of my suburban it's really disappointing when you've rebuilt something yeah exactly you have it like a couple months and then it gets whacked here's uh mining equipment that's the oh look at those carts there's a mucker right there that's all the stuff you brought out of buffalo another minecart real fast yeah that's awesome you can see the track that one piece of track is a 30 foot that's what i carried down on the sides of that truck and these are all side dumps yeah there's this little step right here the operator steps on it right here and you operate the controls here you lift it up dump it in one controls this and then one controls left and right and a lot of people died i'm sure because uh they were operating one and he turned it left and crushed himself between the wall and the machine geez this truck was one of three that came from another place in salt lake more m-880s yeah mostly used by uh fire departments yeah they love those old trucks these are the these are the trucks that i really use for doing stuff yeah what's this rail oh it's uh i was thinking putting a tunnel in and i got a hold of this old track mobile so the wheels will come down you can drive off and then come back on uh with it was used at the old uh the chemical plant next to it when my friends took it over and it was basic elements manufacturing initially it was non-running i fixed it up and got it working for them and then they wouldn't beat it up and then uh it wasn't running anymore and so i picked it up you mining out of here nothing i did all this you did the rails yeah i put the rails in that's awesome what i want to do here is put like a little mining museum oh yeah and so i was starting a lot a lot of the ties i want to build a little area there and i broke into a little pseudo cave system right there really it's not really much yeah there's an ambulance cut me yeah those are awesome that's cool so i figured this would be a nice place to build like a little mining museum yeah it'd be perfect for it you got a wrong side excavator it's an old john deere never seen one with a cab on the right it has its issues everything up top is done by hand or my little mini x you're out of your mind you're crazy in fact i was working on this to get it up and going again the problem is you just can't get parts for it right has a large nitrogen accumulator for shock prevention on that side and the seal's gone so the track goes loose so what i ended up doing i took out the fitting for the nitrogen and put a grease zerk in it so i filled it up too yeah but it'll slowly leak out right you grease it up and use it it'll stay at pressure for you know a couple of months yeah you just have to put another tube or two in i remember that's a michigan yeah yeah i mean it's that's a tank counterweight's 12 inches thick all these were all these uh wooden ties here came from along i-80 from the uh when they were redoing all the uh guard rails okay you doing firewood out of them no what's this using for building okay oh yeah that's great stuff these are little three-quarter ton trailers those are pretty nice yeah those are nice those are what i use for behind the pickup truck yeah uh it's i love it out here so do i the one thing i am mad at myself is i i made this areas right here not look as good like i want i like overloaded myself you got a lot of stuff yeah if you start hauling off some of that scrap it'll clean up pretty quick yeah how far out do you think you are finishing i'll be done next year nice probably halfway through [Music] uh [Music] wait till you see the top he built a railroad by hand this guy alan he is a very interesting dude this giant collection i just keep seeing little glimpses into my future pretty amazing out here and this is just the parking lot now we're headed up to where i've wanted to go for a long long long time top patrol mountain right there he's got this compound he's built up there all by hand literally two bags of cement at a time you'll see the road that we're about to go up he doesn't call a road he calls it a trail [Music] look at how happy he is [Music] how about this for a driveway [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh the compound we've arrived and it is just as cool as i expected but i don't think we're getting any drone shots today yeah what's the elevation right here right 5 000. what is really cool is there's sometimes we get the fog in the valley and the fog will come up within about 75 feet of the top really stay right and it looks like i'm on an island floating in the clouds yeah 51.80 start yeah well there's a there's another 715 there's the 715 hole ready to go awesome this building here that was the up of the buffalo mine oh okay it's got a bunch of bullet holes in it doesn't it how'd you get this up here on the uh pickup truck so that's really cool that's three quarter ton dodges are great yeah they are that's an old uh mining locomotive underground mining so big battery and then it pulls the little side dump wagons that's crazy let's picture dave having these up above his pool your kid's sitting in it and it's like those buckets yeah those buckets at the water parks where they fills up and then when it's so full it splashes out you know yeah you jumped your kids in here wow those turn pretty easy push the lock up dump it out and dump it out uh there's a decent amount of flat space up here where'd all these rocks come from that's really cool that's building a wall here to uh block the wind yeah this is all going to be built up oh really yeah it's got i want to get it about uh uh probably about eight ten feet tall to block the wind it's red it's hard to see but it's like a mess there's a a very rare m880 uh ambulance oh really oh it was one of the three that were in the movies oh where's your power and water come from uh some solar panels okay and then i haul the water in yeah this is your trusty steed yeah this came from magcor when i got it it had no this this front section didn't have it i built the whole front oh really out of just some surplus rams i had that's impressive man that's he built this whole arm seat's well used yeah that's on my list got the one tree up here yeah see the tank right there what i usually do is i bring a right now i just put barrels in the back of the truck oh yeah and then i pump the water up uh and since it was winter time i just drained it i just drained the system we'll go this way you've done all this yeah so you set the cinder blocks then fill them with concrete yeah some of them are filled concrete with rebar and then some of them i use stones with the concrete and these beams here these two um and some of these other the ten inchers came from twilla army depot where they uh went and uh uh scrapped uh one of their big buildings that was another big project of money yeah so what's the whole purpose behind this place i don't think i've heard yet well the point is i have a place i can work and also live and be able to do research to design like new uh power systems solar systems alternate energy and stuff but you need to be away from the town to do that and basically i have something where you you keep in the family and you just keep it going to the next generations yeah where's the guest bedroom i'll throw up oh really well this is this is going to be one of the bathrooms here because that's a shower that shower there this would be like the maid main master bedroom or whatever have you done all the work here yourself yeah sorry dude when did you start i would say around 2001 yeah since basically it is blowing april and inside this building is like almost perfectly still like all these are cinder blocks that he's filled with rebar and concrete so it's poured the whole thing this is nuts so this is the main floor where the master bedroom would be here you've got a better view he's done this all by hand this is exactly what i expected nice yeah you have like a better viewpoint yeah definitely because man it's just blown everything around well you gotta get some altitude just keeps going [Laughter] this freaking wind is holding us up whoa i'm not going to end up in the ground will blow to ogden [Applause] i think we're at the highest point wow that wind is literally pushing us off the top that's that's 60 70 all day okay but while you're while you got the camera you can see this is literally in the middle of nowhere i mean miles from anything anyone and to be able to get up here you saw we had to go up so as you can see it's very remote very isolated very protected and even if somebody did get up here then they got to get through this concrete fortress plus whatever weapons he may or may not install so will this be the top level here uh this up here will be solar panels okay but right here is really nice oh this is warm nice and warm right up here yeah where's kitchen gonna be it's all the way down we we haven't seen that floor yet how many floors are we three one two three four five five oh my goodness uh these beams were interesting these beams go all the way through the building they're like i think about 26 feet long yeah uh basically i cut a hole in the bumper and i put a bolt in the bumper to the end of the beam and dragged her up in the dodge and then i hit because the mini x could only sort of push them up a little bit i had to like drag them with come alongs into place oh gosh oh man you are now maybe like half an inch half an inch half an inch half an inch the time that i've gone into this is just even moving those beams i i actually i've got tricks i can move beams and stuff really fast so we haven't even seen the basement yet no do you have a drawing of what this is going to look like or is this all in your head it's all in my head that's awesome the biggest issue and look at all the see all the conduit and the electrical boxes in the wall yeah okay get the gym to get all of this so that it all fits where it is i have to calculate my head yeah and there's radiant for heating for heating oh there's so there's tubes in there i wonder if i can see it in here oh yeah you can come in here you can see some of it oh yeah uh this is a central column to connect but more of this sticking out in places okay so i'll tell you in order to do it uh the easiest way is you always work from the out in right because then you don't have to plan too much yeah you have to know generally what you need to do right and then you work it in yeah but everything needs to be thought of beforehand you know it's a lot of work but it's fun yeah it definitely looks like a lot of fun the the main the hardest part of stuff like this is the logistics right that's the what tires me the most yeah it's getting all the concrete in the water getting everything to where you need it right and that's what really slows things down right and wears you out yeah it's sometimes it's like oh great that's a lot that i have to do in a day yeah and you get that but when you actually see things happen it's really cool absolutely that's when like i don't like pouring the concrete down the block because you don't see that you've done anything that day really yeah you'll spend like a couple days putting the stuff and you don't see anything when you actually put the walls up it's like cool you see something new yeah definitely yeah i was thinking that that's got to be depressing watching the concrete go down in the block it's like how much you have to put down there it's like there's as much going down in the block as you see in like the floors and the ceilings gosh 20 000 bags of concrete home depot and they're nice they bring it right to the bottom of the mountain this is like the first floor and that's the kitchen area okay those are the solar panels that are just in here to be stored big stacks of them and i just i just ended up using this as my storage and tools for right now it'll all be stuck in here for time and all eternity yeah well they won't be here much longer because that's what that other little building is out there to put on oh hold on uh if you wait a second let me turn on power i have to go to the other thing to get it unreal this is where the guest bedroom is i'm feeling power man i can't go anywhere i just try to the flashlight's not even touching that darkness that's a thick darkness she got there oh cut the power power on yeah well there's this isn't set up right here but jeez one of the catacombs yeah this is sort of my little shop right now dude this is so cool so so is this where you started the build uh yeah this is the the bottom of this section right here garage uh this is no this is a there's a tunnel oh cool a tunnel a tunnel there's a there's a tunnel there's a real life tunnel oh gosh got rail track here for the mine cart did you tunnel this yeah [Laughter] dude alan this is cool this is the shaft to go down to connect to the micro cave system i've been working on there's a micro cave system in here what i want to get the 50 degree air out of hold on a micro cave system yeah what's a microcave system that's my term that i created basically it's a a cave that's formed because there's a bunch of rocks that are glued together with gaps and so the air is able to flow in at various points of the mountain and come out yeah and so basically if you can tap into that you can tap into the temperature of the inside of the mountain so you can use that for heating heating and cooling yeah so you did all this yeah it's amazing how did you do it i just did it you just grabbed the pickaxe and went to town look at this i'd make forms over the arches and stuff okay hold on this is a legit shaft there's a legit that's a solid 30 feet 40 feet to the bottom and then it branches out it's just starting it's good it's got more work it's got to go down 50 feet and you're doing it one bucket at a time how many bucks you've gone through i don't know so how is the center of a mountain really warm then yeah and anything underground is 55 degrees yeah it stays yeah just a basic constant temperature i wonder if the battery's still juiced up on this thing is that how you go up and down no take a trip down oh i just i just use my hands on the side yeah hold on but i never have no safety nothing you just go down and just like yeah you just crawl up and down shoot up and down doesn't take very long well no no it's not the the time that i'm worried about your life you know it's it's narrow enough how do i you can't really fall if you push your arms [Laughter] he tunneled all this you put in a track yeah going down look at this wow one bucket at a time that's incredible that is incredible that's the coolest you're a madman allen this is this is trending probably it's just this here but this is all concrete it's several feet thick there's a little hole right here but that was so if you wanted to run the pipes down and then the tunnel just keeps going uh there's one of my yours that's my little drill baller oh so if you wanted to add to this like extend this out another foot you just can come in here with a big cake and just start hammering on it no because it's got to be as it is for structure yeah come on he's not he's you concreted your tracks in yeah wow here's the water storage here okay where's that water coming from uh that's right up against the rock okay so it just leaks past it i'll open this door to get some light so there's your mine cart yeah this is a different type this one rotates and dumps oh really yep look at that oh my goodness [Laughter] how do you not just bounce from this to that to this to that when you run out of money doing one thing then you go to the project that doesn't require it when you run out of one thing then you go to the next project oh man so this is a mine and cart track that pushes the tailings out off the edge of troll mountain that is cool look how far we are from the main house oh that's that's too cool yeah basically yeah so this is the top of the tunnels um you can see all the conduits and stuff running in for lights and power and water and infrastructure this looks like your main power in what did you dig with dynamite did you blast this uh yeah initially oh my gosh see that right there that was like my pile that was like heaping pile i filled that up and used it probably five six times wow a beeping rock for this but there's actually a there's about 15 feet of true tunnel right there really yeah dude the amount of man-hours you have in this has it mostly been by yourself i've all been myself i just love that you can continually build on whenever you want open up a new shaft and build some rooms and keep going up so it was interesting like the cargo containers coming up those are on the back of a deuce and a half up that road [Laughter] and i'd have to put a huge water tank counterweight on the front extended bumper to keep it from wheeling over backwards man yeah that's one of those moments where you don't want the driveline to break yeah yeah th this this one right here has a stuff for the five ton trucks and the two and a half ton trucks it's hard when you're by yourself and you're doing all this to keep everything nice and tidy and to remember what you got you know what i don't remember everything i have sometimes it's christmas just when i go through a pile and find something sweetheart like right there yep i put a lot of miles on xr yeah this i think i've done 30 000 miles yeah the this thing stopped running and it's been here since uh i believe it's the ignition module the the city environment and of itself is not bad but it tends to give an artificial uh version of what reality is and people start get losing touch on what's real relationships with people and stuff when you're out in nature you usually have to rely a lot on yourself but you also it's not one way i mean there's a lot of other people that you end up working with just because i would be working out there myself there's an amazing amount of other people behind the scenes the people who made the concrete for me the the equipment that i use but it keeps you grounded you're closer to what god has created when you get into the cities you tend to be more distracted when you're out in the rural areas people are more connected to one another you know more of the people you have more of a relationship the cities tend to get to the point where you're disconnected this exceeded all of my expectations i knew it was going to be cool but yeah the amount of stuff he's hauled up here on this sketchy ass road like this road is sketchy to drive up with just people let alone a fully loaded cargo truck [Music] right [Music]
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 3,405,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, no swearing, tug of war, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Cat, Caterpillar, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Yankum, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Machine, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, Dieseldave, underwater, diving, murder, mystery, smash, scrap, scrapping, scrapyard, junkyard, sports car, racing, drifting, formula drift, tow truck, wrecker, cliff, blue collar, adventure
Id: EwievpEnXrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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