Catching lots of shrimp with home made shrimp traps

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[Music] oh man they don't make buckets like they used to me Oh doing the inside this site is basically ten inches the diameter times pi yeah my artwork for pi tile it's very close there's pies and ours and tubes imagine it's like a perfect cone dad fun the slant height and the vertical height and then do some kinds of math you do that okay so what's the circumference we said we rounded it 32 C squared squared plus B squared equals C spray nice that's not you were close it was close D is equal to 25 oh no um you have to do math to catch promise clearly wasn't that Barbie that said math is hard I'm not sure but Taylor Swift says come on kids math is fun no if you want good run trout there are like a hundred dollars right whoa how much is a bucket a bucket is five dollars there's and it's it's a it's a math lesson and that's priceless we said math applies to real life doing math equals eating prawns how's that for an equation to here there's 32 right and from the middle 307 it's 213 214 2 times 14 10 14 units under this is exactly what you dream it that's perfect do you know what I think though you know I think we should do thank the cone should be steeper you can do it all on your own now with these girls okay I'm gonna supervise you'll be the go-getter okay I'll be the co get it hey do you think you got it what's your job sorry what Oh were you high were you sleeping on the job no I think we should I think we should have a meeting after today's shift are you gonna fire me this is so satisfying to do this after Abby did all that math and now all I have to do is just kind of cut out the finished product just a trace and it's like oh look at the dangly bait unbelievable this is so good oh these things are gonna mess together going oh girls we are like Forrest Gump we are gonna have so many shrimp no just a good look at that make that cone for the trap yeah make it and do the math you need to use all sorts of math yeah I mean like imagine the spaceship someone had to design yeah to know the nose of that spaceship like this is NASA technology I mean you don't have to be a rocket scientist but you should be but it helps so we're gonna have six prong traps we're gonna make four and get ready for this our homemade traps okay I think there's gonna be any problems get in there hey we should put up we should put a bet on the number of prawns we get out of all four traps how many think we're gonna get ten prawns really hedging your bets that's great Thanks so that guy hangs in there alive that thing that's a lot of rule oh man we're dunking it no it floats it's floating oh there we go oh there we go there we go she's going down boy that's going down really is it tied on it's not sinking very hard I think we need a bigger weight round put some iron in here okay it's sinking it's so crazy just I just feel like I'm letting go you know just like throwing all my hard work to the bottom of the sea and we are fishing it's the moment of truth it's time to check these traps who made prawn traps whoo right on unbelievable you know what let me just keep pulling it okay yeah we got a good no way those are shrimp though these are definitely shrimp will take shrimp oh man look shrimp for sure okay grab that up see those guys are the shrimp oh man shrimp Oh I can't believe it this is a huge success girls like brilliant Wow Jeff I can't believe you invented the prawn traps and then went out there and caught the prawns that's really impressive Jeff I was thinking wow I bet I need to do that you totally like man even in the canoes you can prawn drop in a canoe this is the beauty of what we're doing is anyone can do this how much do they pay you for this they should pay me fights Oh prawn swimming away oh yeah man like this is awesome I'll get that guy after there's a big one in there right that's the kind we're going for hey hey that's just the color of them Wow looks great oh man there's this like 20 or 30 in here another nice brown in here whoa let's drop him that's a beauty what's in there Oh what what oh man there's a big one that vision is a big prawn scary scary kiss here okay take that bucket that's just the four traps the two lines it's a pretty decent bucket that's a pretty great force end up like literally like stab the shrimp we're gonna share it in like inject it with poison or something that is the weirdest little crap it's like a crab at the front but shrimp on the back Wow some really Giants in there good job cuz you got a keeper oh yeah okay this isn't a game yeah this is serious business does this look like a game no don't play around man now it's just us in the fish hey give them a kid [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Hey that thing is gonna make delicious sushi no we're smoking it get your own sushi look at that [Music] that's great I like to look at his wheel of fortune on the front rows I feel like this is where it was destined to be Oh three big fatties in it doesn't shrimp right yeah these are amazing girls so they're the most tender thing in the entire world we're not like chewy at all and they taste like is there some lemony stuff in here I think there's lemon juice lemony like a little bit tangy look at this is a baby this is too amazing this is like the most amazing camp food in the world daddy okay this is their butter to be frightened butter too yep there's no butter okay well if you know what that thing was please let me know I would just name it right now mode you name it aquatic us Jeff focus oh man the spring salmon king salmon if you're in the States it's so exciting to fight those things they they are strong yeah they're just well they are entirely meat like they're just like their whole body is like a muscle that swims hard so remind me of someone yeah I guess I I guess I am salmon like no don't use fish heads in your project these fish eat prawns right and shrimp so if prawns might like have an aversion to salmon heads or maybe it would be like sweet revenge so you could catch the vengeful ones okay they don't taste good no very bitter I want to talk about your bicycle all the wheel of fortune I know don't you love that I loved it yeah I mean prawn fishing you don't need to go to fishing store no it worked awesome it did work yes I can imagine without that if the Rope has been a 30-degree angle yeah and if there's a hundred pounds force pulling down yeah and here's fourteen prawns in the trash and the coefficient of kinetic friction on the aluminum was like point one five say you're right how many times can you pull the trap before the role seventeen times I know and I don't want to buy a rope every 17 times I don't know if you guys noticed that but I this is this thing's not monetized great you notice that I notice fat because nothing against the people who are monetizing right this is not a judgy place right here but I don't like the commercials cuz some people have said hey man you should monetize it like I hope you do well and you should make some money that's me that's all those people yeah they really want what's good for me right they yeah yeah am I just being ideological I don't like to objectify this channel cuz it's just a it's not even a channel this is just me time I mean us yeah we can revisit this too like if I could come back to it I feel I'm not being remunerated anyways I could use a new pair of shoes that's why I'm like Spock no emotion cold you could use lonely if you're on the coast there you go why do people can't do that Haley this is like a special gift yeah oh you have the special gift to you yeah or gifted very like Vulcans
Channel: Gridlessness
Views: 381,227
Rating: 4.8658204 out of 5
Keywords: home made shrimp trap, catching lots of shrimp, catching spring salmon, practical math lesson, home school geometry lesson, bucket shrimp trap, 5 gallon bucket shrimp trap
Id: Hvl-htG4e4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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