Home made buckskin with simple brain and smoke tan

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julia is making some buckskin and how are you tan in the buckskin bring rain tanning and how do you the brain well cool feels good to use it up hey there it is enough brain to tan the hide [Music] yeah so what's your plan I'm planning to make brain 10 this side I'm hoping to make a buckskin skirt out of this one tricky when you get to the edge rooms aren't too short like a t-rex their arms are too short your arms are I think pretty perfect imagine if you had arms like Dave's and on your body you would be in a museum so once I'm done flushing it and you stick it in lye water or ash water to make I wonder to set up all the hair and then you scrape the hair side all the hair off have you made buckskin before nope never wow that's amazing I was a big deer you got how do you know if that's enough ash don't you're just making this up aren't you I mean the beauty is this just doesn't have to be a super exact science I'm sure certain ways work better but it's all gonna work somewhat you know what I mean you need more water you just have my water I mean by good it looks terrible but I think when you grow up in the suburbs everyone wants to tan Hines we're not trying to be like savages we inherently we're not like trying so hard to try to be to be primitive but but there's something primitive about it this was something that was done forever yeah the first clothing yeah I'm pretty sure was was other people's skin other animals yeah I don't know how many brains you've handled but they're they're so soft it's their fat like they're jittery they're not like fat like like on a pork chop they're they're fat like the stuff that you liposuction out of your belly links and you get this little Ziploc of fat when you leave the hospital that's like what your brain is it can't even support its own weight it's like a beached whale it's just a lump of fat there's the lesson there what's the less that's the way it's supposed to be so - did the turkey you know a lot of a lot of teenage girls when you talk about hair removal they're not see they're not talking about making a buck skin this is one of the big differences between leather and buckskin the top layer of skin you're actually separating the skin you're not scraping something off the skin you're scraping skin off of skin right hey that top layer would make it stronger and it would it could make it waterproof if you went the leather rope but when you take it off it ends up being soft breathable it's a different product that's the magic right there yeah it's hard to know what they mean if you read about this in a book until you actually do it you don't really know what they're talking about scraping off the top later but it really is pretty distinct right the next step is neutralizing it so in the winter I have to soak it in vinegar water like a bucket of water with a little bit of vinegar in it and then I can put the brains on it and tain't so we're getting closer yep [Music] never smell snow oh it does oh it smells um I guess it does why do you need to put it in such a huge bowl well the whole high it's gonna go in there okay well let's do it is that frozen no it's just dry it's not is it supposed to be dry says it all coded now looks kind of maybe reposition this and I'll get you another stick just thinking a couple days it's gonna be a what a skirt yep I mean I can see the beauty but to some it looks kind of gross but but in gross like mom did he just you know I'm recording right now she thinks it's gross right now oh yeah she thinks it so we can see the beauty right and in a couple days it's gonna be a gorgeous buckskin skirt it looks kind of satisfying hey like with every stretch you can feel it stretched out to its maximum hey yeah if you didn't do that it would be thick and crunchy stuff but when you stretch it all out it gets thin and soft right there's not harmful huh hello mad cows from if you're the one making the buckskin just do whatever you want the other people are not making buckskin and made me one person who's ever made buckskin and then got mad cow disease see ya hasn't happened it's very rare I guess the brain smells like fish and a steak a fish steak like tuna nope just a fish and like a beef steak blended together in a smoothie that's what the brain smells like a fish steak smoothie it's not appetizing okay we should try them yeah you go first is it really as beefy as the fish makes it smell just soften when it was just by hand yeah this one was way bigger than that other one needed me yeah yeah we need to tighten it up it's coming on loose thanks [Music] that stuff is incredibly strong huh it's amazing like you are you're like hammering on it with a shovel it's not cheating it kind of seems like cheating a little bit some people put it in their dryers that's cheating okay [Music] it's not I think it's cheating but it sure makes it soft I like it kind of takes it from being quite coarse and it makes it very soft and fine pretty cool yeah the darkness is still from the ash right so you have lots of charcoal in the ash that kinda stained it but that looks really neat it's flexible but it's not like totally soft show me the other one this is your first one it's all done it's all smoked and feels like heavy like a heavy cotton would you say like a heavy flannel like it's just super soft smooth and but still kind of you know stretchy a little bit you still got some give right oh yeah stretch it out yeah it's got lots of stretch like that's why people make buckskin is because it's it's just like fabric still feels a little crunchy hey not quite soft yet look at this what a beautiful day to be making a buckskin what do you call that technique oh it's quite challenging really well look at these guys so hey you're ready to run hey come on put the skis on no way now watch Dave's gonna show us how to do it let's go Dave don't say whoa that would have been hilarious to see it actually supposed to pull you here we go so sean has got it he's giving her me hey he's warning hey Jimmy you laid your new round bail Peter father you big stud yeah I know yes hey hey it's all you licked me I don't even know if you're a puppy you definitely look more like a bear than a puppy [Music] [Music] that's new I like the top band on here and I really like the little tie yeah yep it's even a dress at the back hey it's a dress all the way around good one looks great Julia but I'm so cool there's anti-people right yeah there's anti leather people anti-animal people anti people people but leather is actually a totally sustainable incredibly durable strong but soft but you know we should make more stuff on a leather we should go back to leather bring the leather back like really did we give up leather so that we could use plastic is that what we did nice going is that what we did I think that's a good one it's just like luxurious here cuddle that yeah that's that's nice that is a baby blanket right there yeah so I cuddled it and then you cuddled it I did it on the other side now it's cuddly countryside I was pretty careful
Channel: Gridlessness
Views: 326,396
Rating: 4.9417844 out of 5
Keywords: home made bucksin, simple brain and smoke tan, brain tanning, making buckskin, buckskin skirt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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