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hey guys what's going on I'm about to start prepping my shrimp for dinner tonight and I made an intro for this video in the other night but somehow we had some audio issues and didn't end up getting that clip so Victor and I went to Hillsboro and left the other night to check out the shrimp were running because we had heard the night before that some people had caught some so he went to the inlet and there were shrimp everywhere so I texted my family the shrimp are running get ready so we got to the house the only person who ended up being ready was my mom my dad wanted to come but it was a little bit sick so it ended up just being Victor me and my mom we caught a ton of shrimp we had a ton of fun so I hope you guys enjoy the video we haven't used these nets in probably like three years we haven't had a good shrimp run in like three years there we go Wow oh yeah there's so bright red pink check it out guys these are good size shrimp too that is a good size shrimp we haven't done this in probably like three years honestly I did a trimming video when I like first started doing YouTube which was probably like three years ago and we haven't had a shrimp run that was good at least that we knew about and probably three years but pretty awesome now you're a lot of keeping a five-gallon bucket full of shrimp per boat so when you're on land it's 5 gallons per person but when you're on a boat you're only allowed to keep 5 gallons so we have a long ways to go because I barely covered the bottom of it ok mom I'll give you this net can you give me your nut okay [Music] there's only four other boats out here doing it but there's a couple people on the docks doing it but doesn't seem like a lot of people know about it so Shh keep it a secret and people always talk about like when the shrimp run like based on the wind and stuff like that there's no one right now absolutely no one it is an incoming tide so you would think that they're coming in with the tide but there is no wind or else they get out Oh so we used to have the typical like blue little blue nuts that you mostly see people use for shrimping and my neighbor found these nuts somewhere online and they're so amazing you don't have to worry about your shrimp jumping out of your net because that oh that one's I'm dopamine because the cert the net is so long that they just get stuck in there and they won't swim out if you guys have ever shrimp before you probably know that this net looks good Oh [Music] okay it's been like I don't know what five minutes oh yeah and we got another maybe 15 in there what do you think like most two dozen oh now we got the thing about you ready watch haha let's get ya and we'll hold this Wow whoa look at this one mom is this the one you said it was the biggest one of the night I think so Wow look at that man look at him compared to this one that's a good one you'll have to keep that one that's like a little Lobster it's literally I think that might be the biggest shrimp I've ever seen that's definitely the biggest one there's some other big boys in there but that is okay just like going to the casino this is when you put in all your chips or your coins or whatever you're cashing out your reward or is it because it's that too when you don't realize it like these and that's our pretty light but when you have that many shrimp in there with the drag it gets to be a workout so we're doing good we're doing real good we could empty em out and it's like Brooke was saying earlier everybody thinks they know when the shrimp are gonna run but nobody actually knows guys will tell you full moon new moon in between moons southeast wind Northwest wins the shrimp they use the inlets to come on the incoming Titus generally when we get them but we do get on the outgoing tide too and they're always coming from the south I'm pretty sure these are shrimp coming from the keys Biscayne Bay Miami because that's where all those grass flats are and I'm pretty sure that's where they grow up and then for some reason every winter spring they seem to migrate north and then as they're going along the ocean like we see all these shrimp right now they get in the inlet there's millions and millions of shrimp along the piers the beaches everywhere all the way up to 2,000 feet of water swordfish you're eating them literally probably trillions of shrimp flowing right now so we got to get back out there we we got quite a ways to go now there's like eight boats out here where when we first started there was like four and the boat next to us is using like bait nuts to try to catch up which is good I mean they're out here catching them and I'm sure they're getting a couple but they probably see yard nuts and they're probably like what the heck they got you know like seven eight inch like bait nets that you would use in like your live well that's that's the thing with shrimping is if you tell one person you told the wrong person this saying let will go from one boat it's a 50 boats within like four hours because this is the type of thing where if people get the word they know what doesn't happen all the time so they'll pack up at nine o'clock at night and they'll get out there's it's also like sixty degrees right now so it's a little bit chilly for us I do a mom they did slow down they come in like little bunches it seems like you'll have like six come into light real fast at one time and then you won't get any for like a minute or so and then you'll get a bunch more but I think they've already slowed down since we've been here instead of just leaving it down there I like to make sure my trip goes all the way down there halfway in the net they can swim out real easy see they come on get on these right there oh my gosh there's a lot coming I think you're right we haven't popped shrimp in a while but they seem so much anchor and redder red or orange err I don't know Hannah's no it's a hundred percent we usually get them and they're really white there's one white one in there so that's what they normally look like is that guy right there but they are super bright for some reason yeah they seem like it it definitely seems like they've slowed down but we're getting close to the end of the incoming tide so they may have started at the very beginning of the tide so that could have been going on for a long time but I feel like also sometimes I say that and then we'll have a bunch come in but they come in like little spurts yeah piece of plastic I don't even know if we have a quarter of a bucket yet but we're having fun and that's still a lot of shrimp you know can't let it get to how many girls it really tires you out let's get some more alright guys so we are back home at the house and we are cleaning our touch now we always clean them the night that we catch them regardless of how many we catch you are at 7:07 t 3 I thought I was at 71 72 73 74 and ok so we're at 74 so let me show you how my winded up country we've already done we already cleaned 75 and we have some in the sink and then we have I think we got really close to like a half a bucket of shrimp hair and I'd say we did pretty darn good I think we were on the out there for about two hours and what we're gonna do is clean all the shrimp take all of the heads off and then we bag them in bags of a hundred and that's normally like a meal for like my whole family so we take a bag out of the freezer we always say shrimp it's best eaten the day you catch them or frozen we don't ever leave them in the fridge or anything like that we freeze them the day we catch them and they're really good so let me show you guys over there okay don't forget guys okay so here's our shrimp I like to take my thumb in my index finger on one part of the head of my other hand here and you're just gonna pinch like this and kind of pull it off and what if you do it properly if you just saw that the vein comes out with it a 485 let me show you again just pinch right at the connection of the head in the body and you'll see that their vein will come right out see that that's the vein which is the digestive tract just pinched and that comes right out what are you a thank you three welcome to the kitchen our kitchen this time now after we ended up cleaning all the shrimp me and my mom talked to you guys about how much shrimp we ended up catching but we had another audio issue didn't get the audio for that clip but I want you guys to guess how many shrimp you think that we caught comment down below pause the video comment down below and it was funny because before we clean them I was like how many of you guys think that we caught just to see who got the closest my mom guessed 500 I guessed 575 and Victor guess 375 then after we started cleaning them and had like 200 my mom let Victor changes number and he changed it to 525 but we ended up catching 473 so my mom had the closest guess but anyways time to start cooking and I'm going to this is 100 shrimp I have six people for dinner tonight and I'm going to start cleaning them I'm gonna actually going to take them out of their shells so I'm going to just kind of take my fingernail and go under the shell and peel it off these were frozen and I had them defrosting in the sink and some water I think I'm going to leave that little tail piece on just because it looks better yeah it kind of gives you a little handle okay so nice and simple all we're doing is peeling the show ah it comes right off and also taking the legs off at the same time just like that and leaving the little tail on now tonight we're making shrimp kabobs and we're gonna put some pineapple on the kabobs and I'm also making some butternut squash okay so I'm going to clean the rest of these shrimp get all the shells off and then I will season them up for you guys once I'm done so see you then first thing and we have butternut squash we need to get into the oven which is set for 400 degrees now no I did not chop these Victor if you've never cut open a butternut squash then it's actually very very hard so make sure you have a good sharp knife and some muscles okay so I have three butternut squashes cut in half we're gonna have six people here for dinner tonight so everyone's gonna get their own little nice hat so what I'm going to do is take this extremely obnoxious a large knife and I'm going to make some cuts in this it's going to help the butter sink in and those flavors to get down deep you want a smaller knife it looks like you could benefit from it it's okay at the beginning these cuts aren't gonna really do much or look like much but once they start cooking you'll see that these cuts actually help a lot it's not even like they're that deep but you'll see when they're done you'll see these cuts I'm also going to go back to the opposite direction now that I have my cuts I have some melted butter here and I'm only going to do a little bit at the beginning because it's going to kind of run off besides when you put them into this little seed compartment oh I also took out of the seeds when you cut them open they'll be seeds here kind of like a pumpkin and just take like a fork or a spoon or something to take that out so just doing a little bit once it cooks a little bit more I'm gonna put butter on again so just doing a little bit for now and I'll show you guys we put on more later now we're going to do salt we are going to add butter but we're not going to add more seasoning so this is the end of its season pepper and the best part brown sugar these are going to be so so so good you can also do this with acorn squash but I looked at the a quintic washes in they're kind of small so decided on by the Knights wash both aren't very very good though [Music] now we're going to put these bad boys right in the oven how do you know they're not good girls you're funny it's actually heavy yeah we should start saying that make me good girls a thing now I'm guessing like 45 minutes we'll set a timer for 35 just so we can kind of get an idea of what's going on we'll probably check on it sooner than that so I can add a little bit more butter but that's for that time to get to the shrimp okay so I have my clean shrimp that I'm going the seasoned with salt pepper and garlic powder and I'm going to mix this up I'm seasoning them in this bowl instead of already on the skewers because I don't really care it is using the pineapple now normally I would buy pineapple and quart myself and cut it but this pineapple was on sale so that's what we're doing so let's do pineapple oh don't stab yourself now we're going to do shrimp let me just stick it through one part do you think we have to stick it through twice no loss response shrimp Shirin shrimp so we'll do that piece of pineapple [Music] come on my shrimp [Music] just like that and now we do it about 15 more times so we have all of our shrimp on skewers and we have some teriyaki sauce that I thought I was going to make it homemade but you know Victor and I were doing yard work all day and I didn't feel like making it on my own so about a nice bottle of teriyaki sauce we're gonna put these all in the grill and then we're gonna base them on teriyaki sauce so here's your teriyaki sauce and now we're gonna base this up yes we can put on to the finals but can you explain this fruit so what Brooks cooking on tonight is a pellet grill so it's electric-powered and it's kind of like an induction oven it's not direct heat there's a fan at the bottom of the grill and it circulates all the warm air and you're getting that wood-fired flavor throughout all your shrimp and all your food cool thing about it is it's like impossible literally impossible to overcook your food and you just get a really good grilled flavor I just took the butternut squash out of the oven and then put the rest of the butter on top and as I was telling you guys that once it starts cooking these lines will show up more and so that the butter kind of it gets to sink into something and they've been in for about 45 minutes now I think but I'm gonna let them keep going if you guys could only smell me if they smell so so good [Music] these metal skewers are really hot I don't really know the best tool to flip them so I have these oven mitts that I'm going to attempt to grab and slip so we can put seasoning on the meats when you put the teriyaki sauce on the other side how're you doing boys looks good it's real good look at that fresh around we don't get them that often in Hillsboro but they got them a couple nights ago [Music] you can grab a fork in a napkin and head up to the table [Music] [Music] probably should have been using trunks Wow amazing [Music] when these skewers are very hot so I think if you him your plate I can well this rims are so good now we're talking [Music] oh the shrimps are peeled they just have a little tail they're really good these Hillsborough Inlet shrimps they don't come around every year but when they do it's nice to get lucky enough to find out about the run and get some tasty delicious fresh what you think I loved it and I love the fact that we caught the shrimp which makes them taste that much better shish kebabs fun way to cook good job Brooke and was just really good those shrimps shrink so much my only complaint was I wish we had more shrimp because they were so good like Victor said you can't go wrong with more shrimp they were so good the pineapple and the girl was amazing squash was good yeah the teriyaki sauce was was a good touch I like that like sweet like syrup kind of a sauce on it yeah yellow sure it looks beautiful thanks Fred it was really fun to catch them we made a lot of good memories when when the kids were small catching shrimp oh he went with Emily one year when she was small and it was really good the way you made it I just wish the shrimp ran more not just once a year it was really really great thank you thanks mom not tonight we have a special guest Emily actually been my best friend since we were what like nine younger than that seven like five five I thought it was awesome honestly I've never had a bad meal with this family like on my right hand I've never had a bad meal it brought back a lot of good memories like they said we've gone tripping together in the past and it's just always a good time and yeah like everyone else said I wish we had more you want them I guess it was since we were like five it was a long time [Music] you
Channel: Brook Crist Outdoors
Views: 679,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catching, hundreds, big, shrimp, catch, clean, cook, shrimp kabob, catch and cook, catch clean and cook, shrimping, catching shrimp, fishing, shrimp recipe, grilled shrimp, brook crist, brook crist outdoors, teriyaki, hillsboro inlet, florida, family dinner, fishing girl, fishing net, shrimping net, saltwater, ocean shrimp, cooking shrimp, how to clean shrimp, kabob, kebob, florida fishing, butternut squash
Id: 1HAHGhhf6k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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