Catching Golfers LYING about their Handicap

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hey man yo how's it going what's your name bro I'm Sam Sam Connor I got a question for you what's up what is your handicap I am a 2.8 right now according to the USGA that's a pretty locked in number right there well I you know you get an email about it every now and again yeah well question for you we want to test to see if you're actually a 2.8 handicap I'm a 10 handicap my partner is also a 10 handicap we'll go three holes if you can beat us in those three holes then we'll give you some golf balls I just have to beat you it's not just got to beat it oh all right sounds great you feel good about it I love that that's it all right let's do it man got it we got a tea time in 12 minutes I think you going to get out there and do it yeah absolutely all right let's do it bro that'll be a good time Sam here says he's a 2.8 handicap right that's what you said sometimes yeah very specific number but we're going to test that see if he's full of crap I am full of crap but not about this it's me and Adam we're going to be scrambling from the tips against Sam it's a three-hole match if he can beat us in that three holes he gets a box of free left Dash prov1 what's your prediction of this if it's y'all scrambling it's going to be close I got to be on every single shot sounds good Sam go on first Sam let's do this that looks pretty legit you're not even watching it it just landed you already walked all the way back what do I need to watch it for I mean I pretty much got a hit driver after that I know I it's going to land what do I need to watch it for okay so we're one swing in and he looks legit so far Fairway one of one Adam's going to pull one out in the Fairway for us hopefully and then you know I think I can catch you if I catch one clean on that drive yeah yeah I you know you're you look like you go to the gym just going to try to get Connor out there little layup and let him hit a hole in one it's out of works right yeah that's one way to chunk a ball well we are in the Fairway we're good I mean we're going to have 180 yards in but we are in the Fairway all right that's fine I don't know don't let him lie to you I don't know if it made it it didn't make it I don't know if it made it to the Fairway I was getting him confidence Sam a money that will play ladies and gentlemen money you guys are going to be closer than I am I think hey that's how you hit a that's how you hit a CL this guy's full of crap we're about to know that's for sure give us a little rundown what do you do who are you why are you here playing with us you actually a 2.8 handicap uh my name is Samuel herb um I'm a singer songwriter and I live in Nashville and I also run the Heritage Golf Course like Instagram Facebook Tik Tok I'm the guy behind the camera for the golf shop this is Chris Series golf shop this is Chris how you feeling about this match today I'm feeling good about the match like I didn't have to offer anything up so yeah I didn't think about that I should have made you bet something I'm swinging free and having fun he literally beat me by like five yards that's BS I feel like warming up would have been in our best interest for sure oh no sit well I'm playing some really good golf today like this is different than a scratch golf for me I I definitely don't have the right Club but I don't feel like going back and getting the right Club good luck dude go ah just short we can that in chip that in or yeah we're good well neither one of them hit the green so I barely hit the green hey if you were really scratch you know you'd want to be below the hole like us right if I was really scratch I wouldn't be a 2.8 I'd be a zero I feel like that's the close enough right I I don't know how this works I just switched my wedges from a 60 to a 58 so all my wedges are flying a little bit farther that's a thick sticky out there my friend I like a good arm lock Adam I think it's it's just pretty pretty straight maybe right Edge it's going to go right Edge look at the other way it was a bit faster than I thought it was a lot of thinking going into this putt it looks like oh that's fast that is fast good good for face of play I'm good with a good good good good for face of Play We like that both even after one let's do it I made it though yeah toally what's your carry so you think after whole one that he's actually a 2.8 so far I think he's a really good golfer 2.8 is two bogeys or three bogeys per round it's like what GM Golf is he's two I don't know we had two more holes to find out hole one is done we got two more holes left to see if this guy's actually full of crap so so far looks pretty legit 2.8 is a low number though so well this hole is uh 628 y from back here so see how 2.8 manages a part five I guess Yik that's the safe spot to miss though yeah might be Fairway yeah it's fine fine it's a 12 shot hole how you feel like you did on the Tracer there on the Tracer you think you walked in front of it Tracer awareness right now is is not out of scratch Lev I will say that oh I didn't know there was a tracer oh there it is that's money that was the anti-u right side we're going to have a long ways in but uh good luck Tracer nice all right so you're safe let's go at one unless you slice it that bad all right well we got one in play it's part five baby you got plent really hoping I wouldn't lose any balls in this one must be nice just being able to hit the Fairway almost every time yeah yeah there I just got fit for a driver for the first time and I I cuz I've just grown up like playing with whatever clubs I kind of got and getting fit for something gives you a lot of confidence just to swing as free as you want is this your uh first YouTube appearance I have like my own songs and stuff that that are out on YouTube but um it's my first it's my first time ever really talking to the camera a lot of musicians like the golf but it's where you find some that are like dialed oh yeah they used to say that the only people that play more golf than professional golfers are country art I believe it that's true the trick here on car path only days is to hit it near the car path and watch the other guys wear themselves out roll baby it's in play let's see where they go honestly cuz they go right they're kind of screwed in the trees if they go left or in the pond my money is one of them is gonna lose a ball decent drive here decent bro this is a great drive further than I thought I did actually but we can't reach it so we just going to hit it out there probably to the 150 Mark or probably 100 yards in and go from there oh yeah that's a perfect shot should be fine I don't know how the bounce was so I'll just should be fine up there Connor should be able to have a good look at it go man a few words oh yeah let go let's do it that's what I'm talking about this man's in trouble I'll tell you that much we can beat Luke and his scramble and we can beat him we also played from the ladies te's when we played Luke and oh yeah that's true and Luke had on clown shoes it's those colorful grips bro I'm telling you they give me the salt let's get a good wed shot here in capitalize that would be money I'm definitely down the lid was on definitely down for that oh look we got two balls right by the middle flag stick thing take your stickers let's go baby options that's what we want it's options doesn't happen much you pick based on your aage I just pick my club based on whatever grip I'm feeling at the moment this pink one he almost made a hole in the one with so it's been treating him right shout out to the grip sponsor how far you got here brother oh was I supposed to tell you he's stealing his range it's 142 not a [Music] liar that is right in go in the hole that you just sit dude did that just spin in the hole no that was really good it's a little long but it'll be a putt back up the hill I'll be all right all right we got a little PE W here see what happens well that's not going to work throw some legs ball all right well I'm chunking everything you feel like the wind pulled it a little bit I hit 4 in behind the ball the wind didn't even touch it I was asking you I was hoping you would give me a little bit of advice here but I'll give you advice if you want to take that uh one stroke penalty for it cuz that's the rules that's a rule yeah asking another player for advice is that's illegal it's illegal USGA rule Sam's new to the YouTube rules where there are no rules that's the way we play you're telling me if I'm in a PGA tournament and I'm playing with Rory and I'm like hey Rory what club do you use there stroke that's a stroke yes oh my go why would you ask him your competition first of all why would you ask your competition you're trying to beat him I thought it's just tell you I'm allowed to tell you but you're not allowed to ask all right just put one clothes for me please oh yeah oh I think I rocketed that seven was that way over yeah that was over yeah it might be in the bowl down there what did you hit that was a nine we got to look at something hopefully it was a good divot it was a good divot dude comma dude if he spun that back to 5T that'll show his craft he didn't take a divot though so he might have caught a little th hey you know what tiger says when he's in good he doesn't take a divot okay we're alive you want to chip over a bunker or up a hill here I'll just putt this yeah did you catch your as a little fan no I hit I hit a lot of Club I just I try to knock something down they got a tough shot I don't know which one's easier to be honest nine iron 155 yards pretty pretty normal n ironon for you be just a nice comfortable n hour Forum give it the old Texas wedge up there and just you know hope for the best like that's makeable it's better than duffing a chip you know this is a pretty tight lie fight that might be good good shot the spin on that was crazy dude that's my teammate that think sa this is for par 600 yard par five ball I'm going need you to mark that one is that good there or you need me to move it that's good would you mind pulling SL it's kind of needy dude you get used to it after a while but first couple holes you're like do you guys breathe when you put breathe yeah do you breathe in and out or I usually try to breathe are you like I'm just trying to hit the ball I'm just trying not toit the ground first I feel like you think about a lot more things than I do maybe I just said that to make you think about move ball move ball bro should have hit it dang I wouldn't recommend holding your breath that didn't work for me all right what did it hit it went broke left it hit something bro wow well this is a big putt here go up one in the match no pressure that was crazy dude who uses shcks on balls I told you man anything that I get for free is what I'm taking home you know the early step dude the early step it was 4 feet still though that was aggressive I was about to give it to him before he said I got to see him put that out Sam is officially up one we're going to the last hole which is a par three it's coming down to the [Music] wire well this brings us to the last hole here our uh oh my God we get I think so I think so this is a tough par three it's like 100 75 yards or so I think it's a long one 180 we need a big finish here let's do it all right part three it's 188 just straight into the fan I'm hitting a four iron I like that term into the fan yep sounds fancy into the fan four iron you ever had a hole in one I've never had a hole in one I've had an albatross which apparently is harder to do what's the difference between a double eagle and Albatross the uh just the way you say it but people say the same thing what no such thing as a double eagle it's an albatross and the albatross people are like what's a double eagle it's an albatross yeah it's it's the same thing I like saying Albatross cuz it sounds cooler than double eal but oh no go Oh no you're not in the bunker though no we get to the last hole and the pressure's getting to him we made him wait extra long for our Boll camera to get up there and it worked out perfectly just like we wanted to do I don't know if you can see it but I got stuff on my glasses oh dude that's tough I'm just aiming for the green just hope I get it up there I think it's alive it is alive but it was really bad it's alive I can get out of here with a three or a four versus y'all might be taking five or six shots out of that we'll see we'll see that was a bold statement oh no how did that spin so much would be that chunk hear me what's up yall should take that one you think so oh yeah this is my years of being a cart guy right here is that how you got good no I got good by uh carrying around like getting free golfer carrying around like a 30 lb bucket of sand when I was like 15 just around the golf course and filling divots fun they let me do it they let me play free golf it was great Some solid Shots by the dud real I don't have a ball so um oh I'll hit first can you throw me a ball Sam door's slightly open might good that's a great shot oh that spin is brutal I think we're closer than he is so yeah that's true we's see if we can get even closer all right he said no dang it all right here goes nothing freaking hold it out dude oh for I hit that so good you can't it's great contact we can work with that yikes I'm trying to line it up every time I step back you're in my window sorry break pretty straight I also got to hammer yeah money pushed it cool all right two putts for the win oh man oh all right well I think it's safe to say he's not full of crap he had one bad shot this whole time and he was only one over through three with a pretty bad position there so it's been a lot of fun it's a good shot brother just like that the owner of some brand new roie ones yes there's nothing like free golf balls da
Channel: Divot Dudes
Views: 313,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golfswing, golf swing, how far do you hit your driver, viral golf, golf challenge, what is your handicap golf, golf handicap, lower your handicap golf, golfers lying, golf pranks, golf jokes, driver tips, golf tips, golf lesson, good good golf, gm golf, golf tiktoks, divot dudes golf, divot dudes, random golfer challenge, hermitage golf course, driving range, golf swing tips, stop slicing driver, golf vlog
Id: rBNk2ta2TRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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