EXPOSING Golf Influencers on the Driving Range...

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we went to the famous golf influencer driving range Dobson Ranch to see if we could find out if golf influencers are actually honest about their carry distance or if they're a bunch of liars 300 gosh dude we found Darren wedgeworks the CEO of golf and Nick Delo let's see are these guys honest or they a bunch of liars hey bro you might have to ask you a question here it is how far do you carry your driver I think I count as myself 290 290 all right bet we're going big 290 let's see what he's got 290 is a big carry so we'll see what he's got it's a little cold it's a bold move it's a bold strategy cotton let's see if it pays off for him little spinny all right let's see what we got ball speed 162 so he's definitely got the speed 240 out of it little Little slice or little hookie big hook all right you got two more shots at it all right we got 242 carry on the first one little hookie left it was really fast though so I feel good about it we'll see oh that was smoked that one feel good I caught that one good that one was smoked let's see what we got 167 ball speed oh it's going go 290 on the dot bro look at this guy with the 290 didn't even need all three shots hey these influencers are legit out here so far that's not bad that was mov all that one that's good stuff Darren Weds right here check that man out we already see two influencers out here we got Nick Delo over here whacking some balls if you remember he's actually one that has some internet beef going on with the do King right now so this will be a really good challenge let's get over there hopefully he's cool with the video hey Nick you care if I ask you a question sure how far do you hit your driver uh carry or roll out what we we'll go carry in the air I think I can get get it to about 315 320 in the air yeah carry if I yeah all right okay would you be willing to try it on camera oh hell yeah let's do it all right three chances we got Nick Doo here he says he can hit a 315 carry in the air with his driver about to show you guys I'm not CPP and watch this he's not capping he says it let's do it let's see what he's got I can't remember we said 315 or 320 320 320 okay we're uping it 320 he thinks he's got it he gets three chances three chances at 320 let's do it I mean it's smoked nice little fade you don't think that's it no I think it's spinning yeah a little bit of a fade let's see keeps going up that's crazy oh yeah Di's on the seat 3 on the do oh my God that's crazy dude let go all right first try what he said that one's a little too spinning and it was 320 on the dot you think we can go up I'll do I'll do one more all right let's see what we got he says he's got more more in the tank let's see what he's got what's the new goal we'll try 330 all going 330 dude these guys he's definitely not capping out here on social media he knows what's up gosh that's it that is telling you that still has not hit the ground what's up I think it's it I don't know nice little draw oh my God gosh oh my God 334 that is crazy the man Nick is legit he's out here smoking balls for all you internet haters that's the truth right here we appreciate you dude that's fire thanks for having me out I'm not capping he's not capping now we know that's tight all right so Nick Doo he's got the sauce shout out to the dod King man you might have a challenger that's like actually smoking the ball 330 there's no lying about 330 that is money down at the other end of the range looks like we have another influencer over there we got the CEO of golf uh his name is remik rocking the 49ers jersey today I guess when y'all see this video they would have either won or lost so we'll see if he's got that right but let's go out here see how far he hits his driver and see if he's lying to you guys on the Internet is it going to be sick one day when you're doing this with like PJ tour Pros yeah that would be cool he's like getting very dialed over here right now that's a good shot that's a sweet driver dud thanks bro do you mind if to ask you a question on camera dude yeah how far are you hitting your driver o carry carry distance I'd say like 300 carry carry 300 gosh dude these influencers out here are smoking the ball would you be willing to try it on camera let's do it all right let's do it 300 carry man I need to get my numbers up we'll see though he hasn't done it yet you're nervous I'm nervous nervous with the Deo Jersey your last one was 280 uhoh uhoh uhoh spaghetti oh oh God little bit of a pull thank you so much where was that on the face I tried to kill that really you get three chances at it oh okay about 30 yard short I believe in you I believe in you you catch one Center let's see what we got yeah job oh Center but a little spinning maybe L jump up there it's one oh dude that that one was spinning and it was only 11 yd short so we'll give you one more shot to get one Center we got to get at least one true shot to get the nerves out of the way you know I need a smoothie oh that's a good shot that could be it could be it that could be it you sure 166 go ball go ball dude hey dude that's the heck of some shots right there though that's okay I don't even have any balls to give away you know so appreciate it dude thanks for coming out I guess I'm the one that came out here but whatever hey we got rim he's the real deal out here no joke all those are little spinny that's just a tough luck of the draw there keep all that other stuff and but like cut it cut this one to like get you smoking one after like jacking one yeah 100% oh that's money that is torched I would suck if I get this one now it's torched 170 straight as an arrow that's it my on the Rope oh 297 that's a heck of a shot though oh one yard a curve right there that's pretty impressive that's nuts all right well I'm capping guys I'm capping he's you know that wasted sign where like you you get out yeah wasted dude C capping all right so this jerk off over here thinks he can hit past me with a three-wood um after seeing my drive so I mean Nick let's see it he he does hit it long he saw us over here and said hey how far was that I bet I can do it with my freaking 3 wood pull my drink oh I might do it shoot that's going to be really annoying that sucks he got the the contact was pretty good 145 let's see keep going come on 293 that's pretty much my driver oh my God Prett that's pretty much my driver that look like a good one extra 10 yards with the pull what do we got here 291 yeah I mean close it's close it's not bad I'll get him next time Mission fil we'll get him next time it's going to be all right brother you know what that's tough that's a tough look we don't like this guy do let's all be honest no the chat hey chat roast this guy that's all we got for you today hey most of these influencers don't seem to be capping uh he missed it by a little bit but uh yeah it was a good day today and let's get out here and keep CH some guys we're in Arizona subscribe and let us know where you want us to go next but until next time see you later
Channel: Divot Dudes
Views: 94,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing, golf simulator, top tracer, driver tips, golf lesson, golf tips, how to hit driver, how to stop slicing driver, driving range, hit longer drives, golf pranks, golf jokes, good good golf, gm golf, grant horvat golf, dobson ranch, divot dudes, whats your carry, golf tiktoks, golf shorts, calling out golfers on the range, golf shot, top golf, driving range tips, 300 yard drive, rick shiels, liv golf
Id: 2SpF3c242p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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