Can Evan Thompson REALLY Break a Course Record?

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we found Evan Thompson on the driving range Evan went viral for posting a 59 at a golf course where the previous record was held by a professional golfer Anthony Kim however the internet did not respond positively to this with a lot of people claiming it was fake so today me and Adam are here to find out is Evan Thompson the real deal Evan Thompson you've seen the videos online you've seen him post crazy scores Bella Kina 59 yes sir him he's here we're here to find out as we always do is he the real deal brother thanks for saying yes of course bro we're excited to hang thanks for coming on we're excited what's your what's your expectation today what do you thinking today is to just go out have a good time hang out with the guys and just see what happens I don't think there'll be any 509 for us on today's scorecard no as a scramble you definitely could do it we'll be lucky if we get one or two birdies on the card all right we're going six holes stroke play so we're doing stroke play because if he comes out and fires three off the bat we're just going to say he can beat us as bad so let's get out there and have a good time 2 one six holes divid dudes versus Evans goes first my mama raised me to you know serve the guest okay here we go the dude's good at golf I'm going to say it right here yeah that's probably the line yeah hate that one I played a scramble against the scramble against the three-man team a few weeks ago and it was a very close match the whole time so I'm excited to see what these guys can pull up with divid dudes are coming in hot that's for sure that is aggressive Kim I just kill somebody that is an aggressive line going with the driver I practiced this week so I'm feeling good oh right there sit right there you might be able to play it I think it's alive as long as you guys have a chance you're good it's always a chance [Music] how did you get started Golf dude honestly I started Golf just to do something with my dad on the weekends and when I was in high school I played football full time and I was like God this golf thing looks so fun and you know I just wanted to hang out with my dads on the weekend I played like here and there when I was growing up I just got really good really fast I don't know the first time I shot but I like kept breaking 90 consistently when I first started that's crazy and I was like dude there's something about this yeah yeah I just kept on getting better and better and then here we are so dude that's sick man we'll get more on a minute right now we got to put one of the greens this is going to be interesting very interesting cuz I feel like their big sandbaggers they have a lot of potential and it comes out at the times where I don't eat it to come out honestly I sandbag myself sometimes I don't know what I don't know what's going to happen we just need some balls dancing you just got to have a put at it see I told you get down it's kind of fading on me sit that's all right he definitely got an up and down you can make that that really solid just kind of open clo face but Conor's got me we've got it up and down so not much pressure but it would be great to have one close on the first hole get up and down we got this all right we got 100 yards to the flag pretty much ideal t-shot thanks to uh our Pro out here leading Us in the right direction we're going to try to stick one close here we go that looks right on it spin look at that peling down birdie look there we go baby good shot 10 ft yeah there's always a good good start when you start with a birdie look so here we go hopefully we roll it in it's right here at Royal Oaks today no we're not Lakes Royal Lakes today wow I didn't bring up he knows we're going to like Duff this that's why spin go in hole go in the hole go in the hole oh oh my gosh well that was close but a little bit too hard there we at least saw the line yeah little right to left golly dude make a roll for par see what happens well it look pretty dang slow yeah I pounded it too sir ripping lips are you serious dude that's actually brutal all right well it is stroke place so we haven't lost anything yet I am pretty notorious for three putting so don't count yourself out yet all right we got about 15 ft low left to right hopefully we can get started on a good note K ball oh in good bar dang two more rolls that was in a lot of birdies on the card coming today don't you worry D the dudes are in for a treat yeah we are all right well so we're going to number two hole one is over we are down one one over to even we're good we got away with a bogey that's fine got the Jitters out it's game time now there's a lot of golf left we got five holes left don't count us out yet don't count us out I'm mentally weak right now I need to toughen up I think we need a vlo slap and a Zin and we'll be good yeah dude this is a cool hole this is really cool 510 yard par five you have to pretty much take three shots at it cuz you got to lay up over here on the left so there's water trouble you got to carry at 320 to go over are you going over it this is like if it was 310 I would try it but since it's 320 I just 310 I don't know sounds like a personal decision you got to make oh we're going for it all right going for it 320 to carry the water if I want to step on one I'll just Tee It an inch higher and then what I'd try to do is raise this left heel and really unwind on it so you think the line would be like right at the uh see the Single Tree yeah there all right oh bounce B I did not see it down all right a little bit of an open door just get one in play that would be ideal chunked it but it's alive we can get over the water from there so jeez I hit about a yard behind the ball okay so I'm going five hybrid here just want to get out in the Fairway Conor's a little bit short if I just get one somewhat close in the Fairway we should be fine solid swing here hit it dead [Music] [Applause] straight well we're going to have a long hole to go you just got to hit a shot less than 210 cuz that's the water on the other side it's an island green this is actually a crazy hole a [Applause] bummer I forgot what my swing thought was like at the very top plan is to hit it just safe Conor we're in trouble dude Godly Miracle we're in play we're just inside this OB steak and we got about 5 ft to work with to get through these trees we got about 120 to the water a lot of roots around here a lot of rocks I'm literally just going to try to hit it right through that [Music] Gap oh my gosh that may have been did you make it through made it through in the perfect spot all the way down there and we have a nice wedge shot in that I impressed myself with that one there was a part of me that really wanted him to go for that just to see something cool or or to hit it in the water for us to give us a chance to par here and he had a perfect layup yeah it look like he thread the needle perfectly all right we're alive we were right here got a club length away from the hole going to lay it up over here punch it out dude all right you're good you're good I'm good there you go athlete perfect that's got to sit perfect all right 101 yards got a little island green here kind of little like TPC Saw Grass we're playing for par here let's hit a good shot all right yeah in the hole good shot here we go sit okay it a little bit right number just a little bit left Conor give me your 100 yd swing right here 100 yard swing yeah on the ball yep deal I got you dude what am I doing man like that's that's like that's like 3 ft behind hey we're the divot dudes what do you expect we getting some some great divots into the water all right block it out we're good adversity what do you do when adversity strikes persevere yeah yeah that's what you do what do you do when adversity strikes sometimes I just want to jump in the pond when adversity strikes all right after that incredible punch out no idea how look at that zoom up into those trees somewhere over there okay going to try to rip it back about 10 ft past and hopefully hold out you hold out I will jump in the pond deal wow all right here we go it's pretty spot on dude good shot not hold out so are you putting birdie right now yeah yeah okay all right we got to chip in for par here we do that's tough Adam actually hit a good shot in here I don't know why I said actually as in we the guy duffed into the water as in I didn't know when you hit it this is makeable Adam hit a good shot so how you feel about gimmies today is that I'll give you guys all right than almost I'm feeling this one got to little be a little bit more aggressive on the greens T bit slower than what I'm used to I'm just gonna keep this one right online and hopefully it drops hit the hole go go dude I did the same thing last time that's twoo right in the okay two over to even I feel like they're sandbagging me right now I don't know why but they're just not telling me and I feel like I feel like they're just going to rip off some birdies or Eagles here soon that'd be pretty crazy if I was chunking all these on purpose right you know I just tried recently just the qualifier for the US Open but didn't putt well at all shot 74 wasn't my best day on the greens I feel like when I get everything quicking though it's going to it's going to like break through when everything lines up it's hard hard to be so so what's that like shot wise score-wise in a US Open qualifier what do you need to shoot to get through usually like anywhere from like 66 to 70 depending on the course so like everybody is so dang good these days that I mean you really got to fire you got to fire a low on all right we got a par 4 here 310 yards pretty much a stock driver for your boy we're going to go a small cut off the green side bunker and hopefully make a hole in one here we go is it too far right close close to okay or close to Great close to okay dude imagine the controversy then we start holding controversy if you made a hole in one and we didn't have a green Cam that would be something else oh man the internet's a special place many hold ones you got two two I made my first one in a practice round oh no way yeah for a tournament it was UN unlucky that I didn't make it in a tournament you playing by yourself no I was playing with three other guys playing I did not get the shot on camera I only got my reaction so let's go oh he turned it over see I told you the sandbags coming at some point oh Carri oh I think it bounced back in yeah I'm happy with that you it Sol you sol Connor open the door for me there so I can just kind of wh at this even though don't really ever will at it just going to hit a driver and just pray I need to sit that's a little L as his was oh it bounced is that what did it bounce that could be a good bounce or a bad bounce I thought it was absolutely perfect I'll take that all day oh there's water is that my ball somebody's on the green dude it's either you're at them oh there's two up here there's two on the grd that has to be your wait no what are we all three let's go let's go dude what just happened IA EV and I both just drove the green is that what just happened all right well we have two Eagle putts here Adam was on the green I was just off over here his ball had to roll like over the hole to get to where it is just imagine if we had he like curved it around why didn't we do green cam I don't know why we didn't have a green cam that's actually crazy hey should we just fake that you got a hole in one probably one of the best drives of my life drove the green I don't think I've I've only done that one other time and I almost killed someone cuz I didn't know they were on the Green break great go in the hole for a second I thought I had a chance you almost made that break oh like identical that's pretty that's two pretty good PS balls are touching what I mean you need to change your names to sandbagger dudes instead of div sander dude wi squirrel finds a nut every once in a while that is very true and you like nut all right I'm just going to try to focus make this eagle and walk off happy how about that perfect Pace were you aiming at her Mark right over help me you you had it really far out right watch us three put four different holes yes all right two birdies there so we are now back to one over he is one under yes sir still still two swing we got ourselves a match how many holes is that three three we three more let's do it hey do you have a hard time finding pants to fit yes yeah I mean say he's pied up I did find yes he is saying that but I did find the freaking gold shorts for us us thick thigh people though yeah cuz it's like I'll order something it'll be like 32 waist and that fits and then my legs just like oh yeah it's like this yeah it's brutal you actually that I don't know sounded good down right down Main Street Boys be perfect always try to thin your t- shots because they run out more and they stay online better if you watch Connor he tends to chunk his t-sh shots and you want more of a you want more of a thinner shot hey you freaked up for that you're freaked up for that they relatable go that's the name of our game what's the line here you going to chunk at like 126 off the car get past the red je all right bet bet I hled it so it's not good no it's [Music] horrible bounced bounc out of bound you feel like you play better golf or Worse golf in a scramble I always am uh pick to go last so I feel like I just ultimately play better golf because like I have to step up and hit a good one I think we should play a scramble and see what we shoot as a team all three of us I love that idea all right I got a six iron just got to hopefully hit it up on the green that's freaking beautiful come on in there cut oh bunker that was a good shot though to the beach I thought that was going to be perfect yeah all right well just more Club than I turn that over honly position a off the T we got 149 playing 157 a little 8 yards uphill I have a nineiron just a nice flighted one right at it trying to put some pressure back on the divot dudes here we go that sounded unreal oh sitall I did Club up on that one maybe a tad over the green it was a good strike but just didn't have it honestly pretty ideal shot just one Club too long we got about 10 yards over here he going to put a 60 UPG 60° up there and snuggle it close no way no my God what is this I told you it's was coming let's go dude I'm just glad I didn't have to bet you and jump in the pond let's go bro I was about to say if you one of y'all bet me I was like feeling really good at let's go let's go man I'm glad he was standing right there cuz that was kind of funky from where I was at man that feels good to go a club long off the Fairway just make it up by chipping it in let's go man now we got to hit the best flop shot bunker of Our Lives anybody over this side where Evan is is in trouble just High who is there like a rock under there yeah that that kind of hurt all right round two oh good shot there out back just no stroke play anything's possible that was the idea if he beats Us by 100 then you know he's legit I mean you're two under through four pushed it I pushed it why didn't I use my putter I don't know that's fun all right so we are currently three over and he is two under on a two minut scramble there's time for us to bounce back I'll say that I have made a lot of big numbers in in my life not sure if it'll happen today but there's a possibility still stay on the edge of your seat cuz you never know when you post this video like have you hitting this round on your end did you feel like most of the feedback was positive or negative I think it's like 90% negative really I I posted it in spite of like the best round of my life and something that I'll probably never come close to doing I think it was the way that it came off because I only got to record the last three so obviously people want to make jokes about that stuff but I've always been somebody that's been like doubted my whole life but stuff like that especially in social media if you care or worry about comments it's just like at the end of the day it's not going to you're not going to be it's not helping yeah yeah feeling good you going to fire off a couple more birdies here I feel really good that chip in felt nice I haven't chipped in in a while so that was good speaking of chip-ins hole in one you're jumping in going in the pond again wow again I don't know if it's again it's just could happen so if I hole in one right here you're jumping in the water all right that's my mission it's a heck of a shot it's moving oh deep deep deep well I guess the flag's on the back well hopefully we can get another chip in how about that yeah you honestly might have hit it pin High just like a little a little left and we're just swole as freck so can't relate to that crooked as freak my spine looks like this true got scoliosis horribly that tea just smacked me in the face I just that in the water oh it's deep water [Music] holy wow that is like in the forest that was crazy it's all right you guys have a shot up there we can get up and down from there pretty good seven iron there kind of tugged it probably three yards but now we have a straightforward Chip Shot so I'm going to land it just barely in The Fringe let it release and who knows hopefully make another one oh what was that bounce ooh weird bounce weird bounce hit like uh that thing right there it's unfortun old divot not divot dude but an old divot dude what's going on we hit it in the water that didn't great that didn't roll out [Music] good I think that's good made it anyway all right what was that for bogey that was bogey so this is actually a decent putt decently important putt here actually it's not so right Edge putt going to give this nice and aggressive stroke and drain it in the center hit it oh dang this is a true roll yeah that's a tough spot that Hill like kind of scroy there four over one under one under going in the last hole a lot of crazy stuff can happen let's see how low Evan's going to take it on this [Music] one Evan is simply put destroying us here hasn't been our best golf but a cool guest some days that happens and thankfully he's playing good today so y'all get to see a good golfer do some good stuff 395 dog League left I typically always go three-wood because I typically can't hit that draw with the driver I can but it's just not as controllable so I'm going to go draw three wood right down the middle yeah that's a lot of [Laughter] practice yeah that was a good swing there I should try that practice thing out it looks like it works the shot Evan just did looked great so I'm going to try and do that but with a driver that's right in the bunker that ball had cut in it think it bounc right that did sound weird yeah relatable golf though that is very relatable golf that is true especially if you suck if you're good at golf it's probably not very relatable I don't think I've ever heard that noise before in my life I I'm not even sure I hit the club face if I'm being honest yeah about slice that's perfect I play the slice we don't use the term slice here that's a power power left to right where' It Go Fairway Center sweet all right 160 uphill I'm going to take a little Punchy seven iron dude it's not my day brother not my day all right we're pin High just like we planned it goly it's cool I hit a good one up there so going to go cry in a hole I'm so glad we brought out our best golf yeah dude pretty much a green light for me 125 playing 130 slightly uphill I have a 50° nice flighted one right at it green light shot for me oh that's right at it he good got a huge hop so hopefully we can finish her off in the right way all right coming up to the last green Evan is currently one over one under one under tough bogey on the last hole and only playing six holes it really doesn't allow you much opportunity to score and the fact that he was two under and still has a chance here to go two under again I don't even have to say it kid's the real deal and he's a nice guy right want hate on a nice guy how good are we though this is a rough look for us I'm going seven over through four holes five holes all right I'm just going to not think about this one and I'm going to hit it and it's going to go in you like that idea yeah I'm not even going to read it oh my gosh when I don't think about it you just walk up and hit it you ultimately do better I like that no honestly I don't even have to put this like this is just in whoa whoa I felt like you hammered yours so for some reason I thought I had to that was very nonathletic of me all right well that is the match needless to say the man Evan is a real deal he's not out here faking stuff I can say that we appreciate you being up for the match man we'll do a lesson series with dudes and then we'll do a rematch to see if we can get some a closer match going yeah as always hit the like And subscribe button y'all go follow Evan if you haven't already but uh we'll see you next time
Channel: Divot Dudes
Views: 53,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golfswing, golf videos, handicap golf, golf handicap, golfers lying, golf tiktok, golf reels, viral golf videos, divot dudes, catching golfers lying, golf pranks, golf jokes, golf vlogs, pga, pga tour, liv golf, liv, liv tour, scottie scheffler, golf lesson, golf tips, golf club, hit better drives, golf beginner, pro golfer, good good golf, gm golf, good good, Evan Thompson, Pro golf, Golf challenge, Golf vlog, Ben kruper
Id: 7bku6ybWO0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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