Giant Mahi Mahi Fish Catch And Cook

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it's always super nerve-wracking when you're just about to hop in the blue and you have no idea what's there let's get the drink let's get some mahi whoa it's on baby ready joe ready for this let's get it sammy with the first fish of the day a beautiful bull mahi he went the berserk it's changing colors it's just going electric green blue yellow absolutely amazing what a fish sammy one on the board already listen look at all the mahi down there look at them they're everywhere yeah that'll do jackal thank you this lure here is actually a lure i found a few episodes go straight ahead watch this much fish oh you're on [Laughter] there's so many there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds fall under the boat this is a female the rounded head is what gives it away the males have the bigger bullheads you ready [Laughter] today's adventure started well before the sun had risen we have punched out hundreds of miles into the middle of nowhere good morning job hello good morning jackson good morning morning 500-plus meters of deep dark mysterious ocean lay beneath us home to some of the biggest fish in the ocean big sharks a whole range of wild sea creatures and the best thing of all is that you don't actually know what's going to appear so let's get stuck into some blue water madness later on we're going to hit the coast do a filling session do a cook up tasty easy and actually super fun to make it's going to be a wild day let's let it go holy there's so many around soccer it's so good to see such a healthy population out here like i said they're so fast breeders the predators out here for the mahi maha like marlin bigger sailfish apart from that there's nothing real oh so there are just everywhere another beautiful female going get in the water jacko gone so we're after a giant dolphin fish one that's going to be bigger than me we've got a few fun things to try out today as well i'm going to try catch one on a banana we've got an iphone lure there's a little bit of a challenge with that they're gonna win an iphone flying fish flying fish oh oh that's the boat ball two oh my god you've done it sam's actually got a big big ball on the lure there are bigger bulls around believe me we have seen them so i think with this guy if sam does land it will get him back in the drink we are going to keep a few more fish because none of us have fish at home mahi mahi or dogfish are one of the best fish to target they are super fast growing they reach sexual maturity really quick and they spawn like crazy they're worldwide they're delicious and they're so much fun saying they should always just take what you need so and in the end we're gonna get that giant giant wolf he's off oh sammy with the big ball he got me oh what the hell wow it is on today hang around because it's going to get more wild i dropped down and i had to wait waiting kept this distance and distance and i'm using a 1200 i really needed that extra length for the gun all that shot and i hit him in a good place but the speed and go all the way through but just tagged his skin so the good news is that fish is going to be completely okay i only just got him the bad news is he spooled me and smoked me and when the pressure got too much he just pulled that little bit of skin holding in we're gonna go for the second shot and hopefully get lucky but what a bloody fish oahu is one of the fish that is around here that is a bye catch at the mahibahi but an absolute awesome fish in its own whoa [Music] the first big bull of the day believe it or not i seen some absolute monsters down there thank you mate thank you so much i got this one for jaco and his family jackson's got an ear infection at the moment so he can't dive so he's like brody get me a fish for my family so we did that what we'll do is we're going to go fishing right now we'll cruise around see if we can find another school of mahi somewhere and i'm going to get back in there later on on this spot hopefully all the big bulls have come up they're not as shy and i can get you guys an actual giant monster ball bigger than this believe it or not i'm not taking anything from this fish it's a monster the reason why i actually target it is i wanted to show you guys that when a fish is shot it can heal that was shot i reckon about a month ago nine times out of ten they will heal unless it's like a kill shot position and you get super unlucky so buddy stoked right now it's competition time between me and jackson whoever gets one first you've got to win fast okay ready we're kind of free one guy [Laughter] oh oh that's a big one everyone knows about the banana myth bananas and boats are meant to bring bad luck but in this case we're using it as bait to catch a giant mahi mahi they're not biting at the moment but hopefully soon they will yeah turn around turn around go gekko oh he spat it that's the boat oh yellow thing get up and put it back in put it back in jackson yellow fin i thought he had swap beautiful little tuna i'm gonna get him back in the drink see bud so the banana didn't work so we're retiring that banana for now i've got one of my old iphones here and we've turned it into the lure whoever hooks on the fish with that or buy a brand new iphone oh that's the rules brand new iphone whoever gets it so rock scissors paper three used to see you guys first go ready and if they don't get one well they have to walk the plank there we go the first cast with the iphone it's so dodgy we don't know if this is going to work go on sammy cast for cast just eat it [Laughter] [Music] that works come on jacko this is it here we go and you have to whine you can't stop go go go you have to wind you have to wide we're coming i want it oh oh are you on the phone laura suddenly hit the phone lure jackson just got a hit jackson just got the first hit on the phone lure it's up to sam go oh my god look at all these sharks they just rocked up there's sharks everywhere now first round of the comp they were interested they did come up they had a look before they were gonna hit it but it didn't happen so this gum's gonna run all day so there'll be a few sessions with the boys on this and hopefully one of them will get it but we'll check back with that later bouncing from spot to spot with the boys there's so many fish around at the moment it's actually insane here we go here we go this is so good oh yes look at that shark where is it right near yours oh he's so chill he's so chill the shark doesn't even want it actually it is a bull that's a good fish yeah chucking you know that's nice well done good fish that guy my turn this is a big fish well the sharks in that spot just got a little bit too wild then so we're going to move around a bit more looking for some birds and some bus stops and hopefully find another school of mahi or wahoo or yellowfin ah it's an absolute beautiful day out here at the moment well the deal was if you didn't catch something on the phone laura you have to walk the plank so jackson's actually got the ear infection so he's not going to do it but sam you're going in you walk the plank boy [Music] uh [Music] dude the monster mahi mahi what a beautiful fish believe it or not this fish is probably only a couple years old right oh it's time to get into some fielding we have the mahi mahi here we're going to process this one side of mahi mahi show you a little bit step by step of how i do it and we're going to get stuck into a feed straight after this with the bulma it's important to note that there's meat all up the front of the head here i'd like to start at the front people like start the back i just make the first cut there just behind the wing and i sort of follow it up you can feel this like a bone there that you can follow up in front of the head there all the way to the top and i just like to run back along there small cuts here you just want to try and hug the frame of the fish all the way down the back of the fish push it up through the tail actually your hands on this side so you don't cut out because you can slide out the next cut i like to do is just along here guide along the bottom of it there down to the bottom of the fish you don't want to go into that gut there spin this fish around like this the next thing i like to do is i like to just do the same thing outline the fish on this side only going to about there just run along the bottom of the fish there until you get to the gut there and this part between the gut it's not important there's not a whole lot of meat rider try to just shook so you just want to go a little bit less deep there run it up till you meet the bottom here bring that back around right oh this part here is probably one of the more important parts once you've got the outline done nice and shallow you want to run your blade pretty deep here and really press down on the frame of the fish so you start from the front of the back again find that rib and just run your knife along the frame like that work your way down as best you guys can cut through the pin bones it's got to be a little bit of brute force there which is one of the only places where you have to use a bit of force to cut through anything same thing work your way back when you reach the spine of the fish it's quite pronounced you want to kind of hop up and over and then cut down to make sure you maximize how much meat you get out of it flip it over put peer pressure on in and cut down separating that from that so basically i like to work now from the front to the back cut that that's all ribs running along there as you can see and there's no real meat there's a bit of belly meat there but you can cut over it so now you've got that you can work your way down pushing down and a couple of big strokes there you have a big slab of mahi mahi meat absolutely beautiful that's basically all i missed that's just my personal way how i process a big mahi mahi there might be other better ways but that's a good one for you guys to take note anyway we're gonna get straight back in the boat cook up a feed i'm bloody starving let's get into this it's gonna take a bit of meat off the skin for here so you just want to cut down on an angle like that grip the fish there and just sort of like guide it along just like to cut that bloodline out look at that flesh that's absolutely beautiful let's go for the fish personally the head meat is probably the best part of the mahdi mahi so whoever scores that is in for a little treat i'm just going to lightly season the mahi may bit of salt a little bit of pepper and a little bit of lemon pepper and straight in the hot plate while i check this mahi just straight on the hot plate jackson's gonna get straight into the little salsa that we're making mango spring onion red onion a little bit of red some lime there and some green he's gonna finally dice it all up and once that's done and cooked we're basically putting on here and then putting that salsa on top and the mango and the mahi it's not gonna take very long to cook maybe like five six minutes on one side and then flip it over and only cook it for about a minute or two minutes on the other side good shopping jacko look at that technique we had to do a little bit of a swap sammy's on night shift tonight so we dropped him off the boat ramp and we picked up wow vicky guys can smell this so once you flip them the key is you only want to cook it for about a minute or two on the other side not as long as you did on the first side oh this is done so let me quickly put these on here like that maybe you guys have to do a rock scissors paper to see who gets the uh the head meat this is the best pile of that i'll just put striders down here to cool because we're not going to put any lime juice on hers go use two rocks of paper while i do this so the winner gets the cheeks a little bit of mango on first what's next vicko tomato a little bit of red red a bit of a spring onion a little bit of green and last but not least the lemon whoa that looks so good who's going first go on vicko grab one eat the cheese no no no everybody's falling off wow that mango and the maya so bloody good that's it for this episode guys we'll see you guys very soon few little christmas presents that's a bloody wrap baby
Channel: YBS Youngbloods
Views: 5,405,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tLqZKDgoufg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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