We're BACK! | Titled Tuesday - Apr. 16, 2024

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all right and it is go time greetings everyone I'm International Master John Bartholomew or should I say hey guys this is John okay I'm playing uh NCO a streamer fellow streamer here this is the first game we're jumping right into it no delay whatsoever let's go this is my first title Tuesday in ages so I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens trying not to overthink it you know just play some good Blitz chests right and go from there let's play H3 I'm going try to keep this dark Square Bishop maybe Knight E5 we're off to a very quick start here okay um let's [Music] play Let's play Rook C1 could go for the minority attack let's play Knight A4 hello everyone greetings yeah I see the twitch chat out of the corner of my eye we're uh we're live okay I'm just going to take this yeah I wonder if F4 has some Merit here F4 looks interesting but let's just play A3 again first game we don't want to overthink let's just play a simple move here bite our time I like my dark Square Bishop by the way looks pretty good if this Knight moves I can play Knight C5 people are uh shocked that I'm playing title Tuesday I don't have board sounds that's weird we I'll try to fix that afterwards but let's focus here yeah I want to keep this dark Square Bishop it's a really good piece maybe black will play Queen G5 but that looks kind of superficial to threaten this I don't think I should be greatly worried about that So the plan is B4 maybe Knight C5 at some point keep this real simple just as a reminder this is 11 rounds of three plus one Blitz it's a long tournament thank you thank you guys so much yeah good opponent here 2400 Nemo is uh quite strong I know she's very fast too so I cannot take any game for granted in title Tuesday and certainly not this first game thank you pitch bucket by the way thank you for the 40 months okay B5 interesting yeah I'll go Knight C5 I suspect she's going to take with the Knight let's take this way because after this black would really love a trade of the dark Square Bishops but if that's not forthcoming I think it's going to be tough to find a plan for black can I play A4 now I think A4 should be good B4 Bishop A6 is the idea looks a little uncomfortable for black and I've got a big time edge here which is nice Bishop D7 okay maybe Queen B3 how do we feel about Queen B3 ah then B4 is playable so okay I got to think here I could also take take place C6 don't think that quite works though so hm interesting moment here takes and queen D2 maybe yeah F4 also comes to mind F4 seems like an interesting move actually let's play F4 I'm going to try to create a new problem here with this there is Bishop takes H3 but I don't think that's good for so let's try to jam up the bishop cuz I think if F6 Queen H5 starts to look kind of interesting maybe F5 is playable here for black but hard to say trying to open up a second front here Bishop F5 okay okay okay thank you by the way Tiss now can I take I think now might be a good time to take CU is C6 working I think it might be let's do it Force Queen E6 yeah and [Music] now I'm going to take Queen takes E3 I'm going to hide the king okay Rook F3 maybe yeah let's go here very complicated complicated position I'm not sure what's going on so we just got to do our best let's play the Queen over Bishop E4 might be a thing okay blockades H let's go here adjust the bishop or adjust the Rook rather probably King H2 coming up very complicated very complex game I thought I was cooking but you never know Queen A6 made me okay let's go here yeah cuz now we both have uh annoying situations here I'm just going to have to play fast and hope for the best not sure I really want to go G4 try to keep pieces onard H oh I completely missed that move that was well played yikes oh man I'm busted now let's try to confuse her uh take wait a second H not looking good but maybe I can hold the draw somehow okay but how does she win this how does she win now we go here okay and I think I secured the draw by the skin of my teeth by the skin of my teeth this it's the wrong color Bishop for black yeah I completely missed uh the bishop taking the pawn idea okay GG yeah and she missed uh I noticed when I played the bishop H4 move let me check this up draw she missed Queen E4 check I realized right after I played this I mean this this bishop H4 is desperation Queen E4 check was a killer right here cuz I'm going to lose my queen all right well let's uh chock that up maybe to some some luck getting back intitled Tuesday for the first time in a year and a [Laughter] half all right on to the next game taking the old Swiss Gambit thanks everyone watching live and also uh in the future on YouTube I do appreciate it oh let's see if this works do I have sounds now I still don't have sounds strange okay don't know why that's the case but we'll just have to roll with it yeah greetings every I see everyone in the chat it's good to see you all hey thanks so much thanks a lot okay let's play A6 here let's just try to get white to take and kind of clarify the position cuz if A4 I can take and then that's bad for white because they're pinned so yeah we're going to get to take with the Knight this is nice and let's see Bishop D6 I think looks appropriate here front run white putting something on the F4 Square uh okay let's Castle obviously have to watch stuff down this diagonal but I think it's fine I don't know that I'm that upset about Bishop takes F6 so I'm going to allow that we'll allow that capture I do like my Bishop pair Lumberjack John yeah you noticed I had to wear this shirt I feel like I wear this shirt for title Tuesday I had to bring it out of the closet it's a little uh it's a little Dusty I saw some moth balls back there just kidding but I I had to do it had to do it to him am I in a round yes I am in a round this is round two you haven't missed much Lurgan good to see you by the way okay I can almost trap their queen that would be a bad idea F5 kind of comes to mind H yeah let's play F5 this might be a little bit risky but I think Knight G5 Bishop f8 actually take huh C all surprised by that all right we've achieved the diamond formation we like that let's go here now and I think with Knight D4 on the mix Queen E7 if I need it to offer a queen trade I think I'm in pretty good shape here yeah let's go Queen E7 so if trade trade Bishop B7 I can take on C2 at the end so I think this is looking good with future pressure against C2 [Music] mhm should have pre moved that but whatever yeah now I think White's going to have to fight pretty hard to keep the balance here maybe they can somehow get away with Bishop B7 and eliminating these pawns but I feel like these pawns are more of a weakness yeah they're going to go for it okay so question is now which one do I take probably this one so that on Bishop takes I can play Bish uh Rook over to A3 yeah but if I take here I'm on their Bishop ah but then Rook B8 Rook B8 okay so I probably need to play this move first yeah let's do this hit the bishop in the process title Tuesday brings a different level of anxiety right it's uh you know you're just playing Blitz chess there is a 1 second increment but that you know shouldn't make a huge difference I know the game does play differently but it's mostly just whoa stuff like that like nearly pre-moving or executing the pre moove Rook C3 I'm a little jittery okay uh I kind of want to keep pieces on board so I'm thinking Knight D5 Knight D5 Bishop B5 though is kind of annoying H yeah I see what they want to do do see what they're up to Knight D5 Bishop B5 okay let's play this ending let's play this ending I think I have pretty good winning chances here because they're tied down to this weakness I can get this ewn going eventually it's going to take a while this might be a grind but I think eventually I can get it going so let's start bringing the king up attack now it's push might as well mhm let's go here so Rook e three I think that's a blunder cuz and I should win something so they got to be a little careful at this point probably King G2 is the move here if they don't play King G2 they might be in big trouble G4 really isn't that just a pawn check let me take I'm going to take here now I think they lost the plot I think they had to play King G2 and sit tight there now I should definitely win just push okay wait a second I think I can go here so they take F5 okay King G3 I take and then King takes F2 King H5 that's a winning King and pawn ending I thought I blundered for a second though Rook E7 all right we get the win all right round three we're playing against D Jango Fett I have the black pieces again we're one and0 with the Scandinavian let's see if we get another opportunity to play it that'd be nice no C4 okay uh let's just play C6 transpose to a slav Let's test my theory here my knowledge of theory play Knight B6 I haven't played this line in ages but uh I am pretty familiar with it yep and in this position we want to go A5 to stop white from playing A5 I do believe and then let's go H6 so G4 Bishop H7 is no problem just trying to prepare E6 at a moment when we're not going to get mobbed by these kingside pawns okay you know what so far I was worried about my time management time management so far knock on wood and I'm knocking on my wooden desk uh it hasn't been an issue so let's hope to keep that up okay let's go Bishop B4 here yes but your shoes are too loud please change them a timely reference timely reference that is such a chess thing to happen though like that sort of drama or con rovery classic chess all right I'm really contemplating C5 here but part of me also wants to keep it in reserve let's just play Queen E7 just try to bring a rook over yes the the shoe thing actually happened with Ali Reza that was the Big Talk of the last round now do I go for C5 soon I think White's going to play Bishop B2 so do I go ahead and play for C5 sometimes that's premature I'm just going to play Rook C8 I'm not going to make a decision quite yet maybe I pivot this Knight back not 100% sure yeah like now pivoting the Knight back is kind of tempting so is playing Bishop D6 or something let's pivot the Knight back and if I were white I would probably try to keep pieces on board here I think I'd play Knight C4 maybe white will think to play F4 but I think if you were going to play F4 you'd probably want to leave this Rook on F1 yeah so they do play Knight C4 B5 B5 could be a overreach play for C5 now but doesn't quite feel right let's go Knight D5 I'm going to bait E4 and then play Knight F4 maybe send the Knight back we're doing a little Jiu-Jitsu here let's bring this over MH bring this back thank you guys thank you padum okay Queen let's go Queen here because I'm threatening Knight H4 I think White's trying to line up D5 but it shouldn't be working yet maybe they'll play Bishop C1 but then I could actually still play this move if I want this might be good here they take there take take yeah I like the look of that let's do it so they got to take my queen now but I take theirs with check very important and then I can pick up their Bishop it's a trade and that should help me somewhat because I'm the more cramped uh person here not physically but in the chest position well could be physically I guess but now I'm uncramp my position having traded a pair of minor pieces a little bit yeah I like this transformation is there Knight an issue on H5 probably not yet super tempted to go for B5 or maybe G6 first could be a good time to go for B5 yeah actually let's do it I mean this Knight's kind of off in la la land over here so maybe this is a good moment to play it mhm Knight B6 I got a two to one time Edge more than that actually 3 to one threatening A4 if they play Rook A1 I have Bishop C3 so this is starting to look good okay just push oh wait I can win a pawn take take yeah take take let's come here okay we're just going to push what what does that move do this is way too slow for white right this is not even close Okay chock it up there we go very nice so we moved to two and a half out of three that one felt pretty smooth I think the timing of B5 was pretty nice because you know it's tempting to kick this Knight with G6 but I don't see the reason to actually force it back it's not doing anything on H5 I'm guarding G7 F6 is not a concern think White's in some trouble here and yeah indeed clear advantage to Black in this position oh we got a strong opponent here Den Laz let's go Dennis lvic yeah he played in the uh what was it the chess.com Global championship this young man is a beast I think he's like 16 or 17 years old he is a beast let's just try to play Fast play something normal looking think I have this line in my course actually play A3 yes he's beaten Magnus a couple times absolutely he's a title Tuesday fixture just a regular on the title Tuesday circuit it's a a great privilege to play him I don't take these games against these strong players for granted okay so I want to try to line up E4 let's figure out how to do that I'm going to first play Rook E1 we're kind of telegraphing our intentions here but that's what we're going to do and maybe that will encourage him to change up the structure because I think this is kind of an annoying threat okay he doesn't change it up though goes B5 all right let's see what happens I mean my Rook is lined up with his Queen so I like that situation if Bishop F5 I'm going to play Knight H4 wait a second did he blunder I think he blundered Knight takes D6 let's go I think he just blundered that and that might be a really costly blunder CU Queen takes C4 is coming if takes on B3 I take with check and I win the queen okay so good start to this one not over by any means this is not going to be a a oneandone shot I don't think as much as I would like that yeah let's take a check Knight D5 H okay so can I do this takes on D6 I take take Knight F7 at the end looks good but I'm not sure how convincing that is um just pausing for a second because it looks like Knight G5 is really strong but I don't think it's necessarily crushing doesn't look crushing okay let's go here attack the queen I can still move this Knight and attack his Knight on on D5 in good time but let's first play this move yeah now I was thinking here up a clear Pawn still looks very very good knight E5 now or Knight G5 may be stronger even let's go Knight G5 Big Time threat yeah he's trying to trade could play Knight E4 taking D5 is definitely critical though let's take h there's multiple ways to do this okay we're going to go for this one and then take I don't know about this now I think I misplayed it a bit oh especially cuz my Knight's in trouble darn uh maybe still something to do though let's go here H6 H6 yikes yeah I'm self-destructing now guess I'm going to go here this is definitely losing now yeah I completely lost objectivity there I'm still going to try of course but completely lost objectivity that was ugly okay if I can win the a pawn I got a outside chance I guess uh wait a second check no doesn't do anything better just take this still mate maybe opposite color Bishop again ah nice GG yeah ah can't mess up those opportunities night takes D6 h i really struggle in these scenarios where I have a lot of good moves and I have to just play one and Blitz this is an old struggle of mine I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing about it but uh given that I haven't played title Tuesday in a while I might as well bring it up here we go round five title Tuesday I'm on 2 and a half out of four still shaking off that last loss but we just had a little bit of a break so I think I think I should be able to gather myself and recover so is my opponent here King cyber yes they are and we've got board sounds let's do it going to get another slav no okay I guess I'll take mhm um it's hard to remember how to play these positions E6 it's been a little while since I played them so I'm going to meet Knight A3 with Knight B6 white might try to get the bishop pair out of this but I'm prepared to potentially give the bishop pair in order to keep this Pawn so we'll see what white wants to do like Queen C2 Knight B6 Knight A3 I could chop if I want go there ah so they're going to do it this way I see I see okay but now I can play B5 if I want take take Knight E5 I think that should actually turn out okay for me think I can do this it looks very scary let's pre moove this so on take take Knight E5 I think I will play Rook A6 I could also maybe play Knight takes E5 Bishop takes A8 Queen takes D4 but I I think that allows Rook takes A5 at the end so we'll play it like this okay put the bishop here opposite White's Bishop okay so White's going full scorched Earth here let's take that and then tempted to keep this simple with B4 could play Bishop B4 first let's just go B4 try to keep the extra Pawn maybe Queen B6 was a little bit more flexible but this looks okay too let's keep that time Edge I know that time Edge is going to help me later we don't want to do what I just did against enl regardless of the position okay take flop the Knight here now Knight C5 maybe I just take and play Queen E7 or queen B6 or something otherwise I can go Bishop E7 Queen B6 um C5 might be playable here too I'm not 100% sure C5 Knight takes Rook C8 actually kind of interesting but let's just play Bishop E7 again in the interest of keeping it simple prepare castling okay now E4 is a threat let's go here I go to B6 I didn't like Bishop D4 so I'm going to try to stay out of range of their pieces still got that time Edge they're under a minute now mm this is tempting this is a tempting one I got to say let's actually play it I feel like that c Pawn is dead weight I mean they're going to blockade it anyways so let's play it okay now I can think about Knight C3 let's do it complicated lot of things under attack here here and I'm glad they're the one thinking about this position probably they're going to take yeah but now what now what are you going to do they take H okay so Rook takes looks pretty decent or Rook takes taking the Rook looks pretty decent night takes D1 that is although I keep have to keep my king in the center but I think that's okay oh no they take back ah I see what they're up to okay let's just play this one I'm just going to take this way get ready to Castle much better to have a safer King this Knight on C3 is a beast this is still weak let's bring this over make a little leftt move let's bring this over H just going to trade Queens with them this is a bit of a conservative decision but I think I like it Knight C5 keep that time Edge John give me push push those pawns all right we get the win very nice let's rele release the chat from emote only mode I like that one I think I made some good decisions that game I think I did yeah so I think a pivotal moment in that one was when I decided to play Just Queen takes E7 against Bishop takes E7 cuz this was very tempting taking but I think I think White's intention was to take with the rook and then no matter which way I take I have issues Queen takes just loses to Queen C6 check and King takes Queen C5 perhaps among other moves and I lose my castling rights this does not look practically like what I want maybe the engine will say this is still okay yeah no this is good for white so I think that was a good decision on my part take with the queen yeah King takes even possible but Queen takes preserve castles that was nice cuz long term I've got a great edge here it's actually equal material but the Knight on C3 is a monster there's no reason to cash in even just keeping the Knight on the a pawn is really nice so I'm happy about that decision all right this is the what is it sixth round we're playing an FM I'm going to start with D4 in this game I've otherwise been playing Knight F3 but let's start with D4 see what happens D4 C4 okay we're going to get a grunfeld or Kings indan Kings Indian it is okay um let's play a samish a zish oh I got to put you guys in emote mode I'm sorry chess.com is requiring streams to be in emote mode which was not a thing when I last streamed title Tuesday so I've been forgetting to do that in these early rounds but we just got that taken care of okay so this is all standard I like delaying the development of the dark Square Bishop in this line I learned this from uh Grandmaster Alex dreev in looking at his games he's a big big expert in this system and I've actually taught this to several of my students including Andrew Tang if you guys have seen Andrew Tang play this system you know where he learned it he really likes and understands this line at a very high level um more so than me at this point okay so this is all pretty standard I think I want to play Bishop E2 here it's Castle I Retreat to E3 that's pretty standard so if H4 I'm going to park the Knight on H1 I know that looks weird but the Knight can pop back out main thing I'm trying to do with this game and the rest of the games today is just keep that time that nice time Edge that I've been working with I really want to maintain that okay between these two moves close call I'm actually going to go for this one right away I'm going to trade the light Square Bishop for the Knight this is somewhat of a simple way to play but I'm going to try to argue that this bishop is a little out in no man's land if I get to go F5 I think that's a bit annoying for black so watch for the F5 idea yeah so if I play it now are they going to take ah and then they have Rook takes E3 okay that's what they're claiming I think yeah okay but I also have moves like H3 too o Tricky Tricky Tricky Knight F2 comes to mind as well just play Knight F2 now they're ready for B5 so I have to be aware of that maybe F5 now I'm going to do it this is kind of my whole idea so now this whole thing doesn't work anymore cuz Bishop D4 I wouldn't be pinned least my queen wouldn't be pinned all right let's take trade these off drag their Rook far away and now the dark Square Bishop's annoying I definitely want to trade it I don't think black's going to allow me to do that but oh they actually are okay very happy to swap that let's try to get this in the game somewhere Knight G4 would be really nice but they've got the bishop guarding little bit down on the clock but nothing major whoa whoa whoa they are allowing some tempting stuff towards their King now if they take here which I think they will I don't think that's fatal but I can simply take back if I want and my kn is in a really good spot on G4 yeah Queen H6 I don't see that winning or anything so let's just recapture and now they're trying to bail out with trades makes sense okay we're going to take and then let's resume this idea H yeah maybe there's nothing for the moment Black's defending come here it's a nice defensive move by them but just keep the pressure on keep it rolling I can think about E5 if I want at some point like now might be a good moment to play it actually let's do it H D6 no let's just step out of the line of fire out of the pin tricky I I think I have some pressure here still but things have been you know getting swapped might need to play something like H3 soon just to protect my back rank yeah that move makes sense let's play this okay so if I trade I don't know that I can win that ending let's go here I'm going to try to go here and maybe guard this as well maybe D6 I don't know it just looks kind of weak for them could take their nightwood check but I'm going to play this one wait check oh that's mate I was calculating King G5 Queen d8 trying to go after their Knight then they have Knight F6 I guess but that's actually mate surprise Checkmate there we go nice all right we get another win 499 players in the mix here we go this is round seven late title Tuesday playing Sergio chess no clue who this is but they've got a high rating in their GM put you guys in emote mode thank you very much for reminding me let's do it okay D4 D5 we going to get another Queen's Gambit yes another qgd okay so I sometimes Play Bishop F5 here but let's just play E6 mhm we'll go for the faneto the fiano as hakaru says E4 H early E4 let's take again time management so crucial in these games I need to keep that constantly in mind as I'm playing title Tuesday time management is always relevant try to use the clock as a weapon as much as possible even though there's a 1 second increment that one second increment barely matters uh I I kind of think that's a wash with the tension of this tournament you basically have to play like that one sec second increment doesn't exist a lot of times h okay I'm tempted to play C5 here and try to liquidate I'm gonna do it okay now there's multiple ways I can try to play this we can only choose one let's take this way could have also taken on e4 first but I like this way this way looks pretty simple interesting take like that okay okay so if I Castle now they're going to win a Pawn on H7 I think is what they're saying but I could trade everything down and just castle at that point maybe simplest yeah I think I'm going to do that I'm just going to swap just so I can cast Rook D1 Queen C7 maybe white will try to grind me in some end game after that but it doesn't look that bad okay Queen D4 here perhaps uh Queen C7 obviously comes to mind maybe Queen C7 is just the easiest yeah let's play that one Bishop F6 H Bishop F6 Knight D7 though does that even matter though Knight D7 Rook d8 feel like that might not matter CU stuff is getting swapped unless white can pick up a pawn somehow I think we're just going to get trades don't see how they pick up a pawn though yeah they're just going to play chess here Fair F5 nah Queen E5 maybe let's go Queen E5 I'm kind of going Ultra exchanges here but I'm a little bit worse I I feel like a half like a Quarter Pawn maybe or a tenth or two of a pawn so I think I should trade down just try to reduce the pressure it might look a little lame but I think this is the right way to go we play for results not whether uh people think we're lame and I've got a Time Edge okay that helps I think objectively this should be a draw this heavy piece end game we'll see how white tries to push we there H invites this move a little bit surprised okay show me what you got hm so can I take on B2 what's the deal here they want Rook D7 yeah okay I see your point I'm going to go here they're probably going to play like B3 or something now yeah let's just go here I don't want this to be a thing anymore try to be annoying okay watch that time John allowing moves I don't like that I allowed ah you can just take that g now I'm in Big Time trouble cuz I can't stop that Rook from coming in well that was gross still a game hold up ah Rook F7 missed it though yeah all right time to resign I panicked in that time scramble yeah panicked in that time scramble all right here is round number eight I think the break is after this round I'm glad I didn't go and get more coffee so thanks again everyone for watching and supporting really appreciate it both on TW and YouTube um okay I'm not going to get complicated here I was tempted to play G6 but G6 is kind of my trappy opening we're going to have a jobab in London okay let's play A6 let's just make sure no Knight comes to B5 whatsoever yeah and then um okay let's play H6 mhm I generally don't mind this type position don't mind playing this actually remember Danny wrench and I have played a bunch of these types of games so yeah I don't feel too far outside my comfort zone let's go Queen A5 maybe I can Castle Queen side think I'm going to do that attack this bishop G6 huh okay interesting if I take okay I see their point let's play F5 probably took me a little too long to play that I wish I would have played that faster but all right D4 maybe D4 tempting but seems premature I'm just going to play a solid move B4 is always meant by Queen takes A3 by the way at least for now okay let's take this I'm going to go Bishop D6 coordinate h I'm watching for tactical tricks but I'm going to play this to start okay I could take that pawn but then they play Rook H1 I suppose Fair F4 no I'm a little UNC what to play here I'm going to go here I feel like they're going to play Knight A4 or something start trying to tilt this over to the queen side but let's just try to get back on the clock still can't take that pawn huh what if I play F4 first let's do this I might need to do this to get the knight in the game I'm thinking that's the play Queen E5 I think I'm going to go there directly I'm going to allow Queen takes F6 I think it's better that way then I can after the trade maybe get my Rook over to G8 and try to win that g Pawn yeah got to make up some clock here I'm going to take take take take G3 I take H4 I don't think I should be worse there [Music] oh that's what they wanted I shouldn't have let that piece live okay it's still probably fine though yep confusing move confusing the audience but I think it's okay let's get rid of that pawn once and for all okay this is a draw but I need to be very careful here what they're blowing it still maybe J check I like to announce my checks guys like to announce them before they happen nice okay I was playing with fire that was old JN again old JN was rearing his ugly head time management wise I kept it calm though there were some confusing moments there with my opponent putting the uh Knight on F6 and whatnot I think I should have eliminated that night when I had the chance there was a moment where I could have done it but we shall take it and here we go we're playing pav El yanov here in round nine of the late title Tuesday on what is this April 16th 2024 thanks again everyone for the support for watching the stream and the VOD in the future I think he's a slav guy maybe not not a SLO guy okay let's play Bishop G5 h okay I'll take you let's play like this yeah this sort of thing okay this is interesting let's go Queen B3 I might go for a fian ketto oh I got to put the emote mode on sorry chest.com I keep forgetting that I really need probably if I'm going to play title Tuesday in the future I need a a mod or two in the chat to uh have control of emote mode I think one of my mods Frank ruttin was in the chat but he's he might not be here anymore so okay we got it turned on now though it is not easy to remember to do that when you're playing yourself here in title Tuesday all right so should I go for E4 I feel like E4 is kind of a critical move but it might be premature let's just Castle first so Black's a little bit cramped but in the long run they're hoping to open the position with these two Bishops they take okay yeah E5 makes sense so I could play D5 but I guess then Knight B6 is the thing that might be okay for me this kind of feels like the only critical move so I'm going to do it we're going to play it Queen E4 was also possible but so if E4 takes Queen takes B2 it doesn't work CU I take the bishop that's my thinking here hm so they're just going to give up the pawn could take the pawn on B7 but this one looks much more appetizing so I guess El yanov is just going to try to grind this with the two Bishops he probably has some compensation so I don't think that's crazy per se yeah I'm going to have to work pretty hard here to keep an advantage Rook C1 Bishop takes A2 though but then I can go Rook A1 maybe I'm not sure but let's let's see what he does against this move otherwise I got to reckon with that Rook coming in I don't quite like that I didn't like B3 either cuz take take Bishop F6 that didn't seem right so maybe this will liquidate somehow but black has to prove it there's the one down the pawn yeah now I was thinking go back we'll go back now take oh they're playing for a little Trap Of The Rook I did not see that that is clever though that is clever okay how do I get out of that I mean B4 maybe I don't know I got to try this or something I know they can take but then at least I can mess up their Queen situation H guess I'm going to do this this and hope for the best Bishop C5 Rook takes B7 or Bishop takes B7 I mean that'll be really tough for black to win but I don't think I'm better at that point well maybe I could be better in some cases I don't know but I got to go for this I don't see any other way but yeah he slamed the door on my Rook that was clever guess these players aren't uh former 2700s for nothing okay Rook B1 now Rook B1 Bishop C5 we're going to get a big trade down we got to try it h I don't know this feels like a draw but who knows who knows I mean I think with the structure it's going to be really hard for black to do much here so that's why I feel pretty confident that I shouldn't lose in theory but I might be better I might be better because if I can win this Pawn I mean that's a pretty big weakness H4 next tricky I go there there's Rook takes F5 I'm just going to wait because I don't see what to do here for now wait a second did he blunder you might have blundered okay now I can maybe win maybe no my net is kind of Trapped I'd be okay with a draw okay yeah I feel like maybe I could have won that once um um once I won that H5 Pawn but probably I needed a better configuration there I think pushing for a win in this situation towards the end is a little hard with the doubled pawns and it is equal material so [Music] probably if I could extract my knight that would be great but I didn't see a good way to extract the Knight you know so we get a draw against a very good player uh former 2700 pav elov okay playing WG GM sanura it's 2620 so I actually get paired down here let's try to make the most of this game everyone's good in title Tuesday though and 2600 is very much a legit rating so I just try to play this game like any other one especially time management wise so I'm glad my opponent's thinking here sanura are you there knock knock okay she might have stepped away I'll take the extra time okay and there we have a move so given the tenor of this let's try to build build on this 45 second gift just going to take I like playing this way in this system keep this light Square Bishop often white tries to maneuver their Knight but I actually don't find this to be that fearsome of an idea for white I think the engine might say White's a little bit better in this type of situation but I really don't see it most of the time so let's line up here bring this back and then I've often talked about this but I want to play for the F4 square if I can okay so they go there it's like this yeah so really starting to potentially use the F4 Square in the future but also think about B5 I know I've tried that in similar positions yeah let's get this nice and settled so now I'm actually pres preventing F4 entirely from White so I do like that and I can think about probing with H5 or Knight F4 at some point B5 very reliable position here okay B5 probably get a trade bunch of Trades seems decent though I think I'm going to go for it Bishop E3 B5 Kick That Knight back H4 H okay but if I attack your knight where are you going Knight E3 might allow this same with Knight D2 okay so I could play Knight F4 here very tempting move it's also Knight D4 maybe then there's some trades H5 is another move okay let's play the tempo Gainer first and now I I'm leaning towards H5 here let's do it I feel like I can take this bishop whenever I want yeah and now let's maneuver so both sides have an outposted piece in enemy territory H Rook A1 maybe n let's go Knight C5 reinforce all all eight minor pieces in play here guys this is interesting very interesting position yeah let's play for Rook d8 I just want to see in the future if I want to trade on the file I could go Rook A1 as well was another move but this looks easiest and I've got that time Edge still maybe I can play Rook D7 Queen d8 and try to take control of the file it just looks a little more difficult for white to come up with a move here than it does for me so that's what I'm going to do could take the the Knight there but I'm going to replace it this bishop just strikes me as a bad piece I mean maybe white will try to improve it but I like my minor pieces a little bit more than Whit's okay she's under 30 seconds now got a hustle okay Queen [Music] D1 this also takes and then Knight F4 is another option looks interesting take Knight F4 and then Queen D1 at the end end looks very interesting B4 yet another move oo uh many tempting options here I'm going to go with this one now take take this is not made because I have the bishop on f8 let's come in now okay Queen F3 or Queen G4 wait this one might be good I'm really afraid I'm going to like drop something to a night move but this threatens M I think they got to take my knight and then I play Queen takes F2 check in between move important in between move and then this okay no don't hang the queen let's just go here let's keep the tension super awkward position for white she's defending really well though for when wow she defended very well there with no time on her clock kudos to her I definitely didn't prosecute that Advantage the best but we got the job done in the end all right so final round playing mban let's go I'm going to do the same thing I did last game I got the double black I'm just going to go for the same system I seem to do well in these systems so why reinvent the wheel why try anything fancy okay so same exact moves that I played last game defend E5 think in the last game white played G4 I think in general white does not want to commit to G4 so embon I think is playing this better or at least more challenging in my experience I still I don't know this F5 move or sorry sorry B5 is tempting I still might go for that but let's think Bishop G6 also makes sense here uh could just play Rook B8 or sorry Rook d8 let's play B5 think I've had some games that go take take Knight E3 and white eventually tries to use the D5 square but it's double-edged thank you chess dojo for the raid appreciate it thanks so much okay 93 yeah yeah yeah let's play A6 just to give myself optionality here I can take with the a pawn if I want I think I'd rather keep this Pawn on C6 to guard D5 so I don't mind that B4 yeah sometimes they do this too that's right um I'm thinking if I can get away with A5 here it's an interesting moment to try it I'm going to attempt it let take this way and then if we get a trade I'll be kind of eyeing up this pawn it is defended by the Knight so the queen side's getting a bit liquidated here this looks too dangerous Knight takes E4 I don't know that I want to attempt fate with that move they might go Knight D5 if give give the chance let's play here get that Rook off of this h I don't know I feel like I'm playing a slightly awkward series of moves here but it's probably fine still I'm going to do something a little risky wow really okay oh that's what they have in mind interesting well let's try to Counterattack I don't know how great that was for them but we'll see here yeah runs into Rook E4 let's get this defense in they might be able to take here I'm not sure but I'm going to allow that and just kind of gamble that they're not going to play it okay they go there let's do this now I'm going to try to for a queen trade cuz I'm hitting the queen and the Rook have F3 annoying Knights versus Bishops who you got place your bets the eternal battle H this is nasty ah darn Rook E8 they can just take yeah this is busted resign well time management went down the drain in that one when when it got complicated this was a critical position I missed F3 yeah F3 it's an ugly looking move but it kicks the Knight away and that's very important and I think after this I'm probably I'm probably fine if I play something like King G7 now that I look at it yeah King G7 was probably the move I think that was it Knight D7 it says King G7 is bad I don't know it's very tricky it's very tricky in this position against the two Bishops even though this one's out of the game uh you could say the same thing about my knight on H6 yeah Knight D7 realistically I think I need to be in a more competitive time situation to have a chance here I think once I allow F6 this just this wasn't looking good my pieces are sidelined and there's constant back rank issues yeah this is correct Queen C4 is not best Rook d8 is better apparently but very complex position even if the engine says I'm winning uh I think the extra almost minute white has easily makes up for that thank you guys yeah this was fun bit disappointed in this last game but it was fun let's take a look oh and uh thanks very much for everyone watching on the VOD I'm going to edit this so you guys won't have to sit through the downtime and whatnot but yeah return to title Tuesday after about a year and a half and um I'll try to play more if I can let me know your your feedback let me know if you like these and I'll see you guys in the next title Tuesday thanks YouTube
Channel: John Bartholomew
Views: 19,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess
Id: rv7WoM5j4I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 50sec (5330 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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