I Went BERSERK Trying to Win This Chess Tournament

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200 votes for Blitz turny okay if I can win this blitz tournament maybe I'll I'll do the hourly bullet afterwards try and satisfy as many people as possible but I am late joining here no more time to waste this is 5 which is a Time control I don't usually play online like usually I play 3 or 3+ one for title Tuesday it's taking a while to get a game oh do I keep Zen mode should I keep Zen mode maybe I will thank you I forgot I had Zen mode enabled Let's berser uh let me turn down this volume okay so I don't know who I'm playing someone says no Zen and another person says no berserking well too late for both yeah if I'm trying to win the tournament I probably shouldn't be using Zen mode because I want to like smart berserk basically okay tucking away the queen so I do have a lot of things controlling E5 so 95 I was going to say 95 should not be possible take take I have to calculate now take take take take I just think I'm winning a pawn here yeah cuz if we trade on C I take with Rook the queen will stay supporting the Knight down a little bit of time thank you Samsonite gifting to karun happy 34 months to kikoi okay so there's some tension along the SE [Music] file uh what do I want to do got the rook in play not sure how useful Rook d8 it is play 94 I'm imagining like Queen here and then Knight here could be a fancy way to try and trade uh that's a move might as well take and I could do gessy ELO here too um I'm guessing like 1900 actually Rook C1 is kind of [Music] annoying cuz I either Rook C1 is very strong I have to play Rook B8 and my Queen's really misplaced here there there to play Rook B8 Rook c7's probably coming so now I'm threatening check and then check and then win The Rook okay um got to move a lot quicker that was bad timing I'm in trouble here I lost back the pawn the one thing I was not supposed to lose subed for one 12th of my life let's go okay oh what a start to the tournament oh I was regretting not taking a draw at some point but now I I'm happy I didn't take the draw thank you Tuesday's Green Oh what a game yeah it was it felt like Ultra bullet towards the end oh man okay no Zen mode Al berserk trying and keep up this win streak we have a Grand Prix blacks playing one of the more confrontational approaches useful to throw in this move Bishop B5 where do you get your sweater I got this in ice land I got in Iceland earlier this year back in March March or April and the weather is finally getting like cool enough to to be sweater weather this interesting approach from black like these pawns are very extended maybe a little bit overextended if B5 maybe A4 okay some nice tension here thank you young Bizzle what do we call this I've been playing 1. G3 H5 as black because of something you mentioned uh you're welcome I guess okay so all the pawns just got traded it was like a zipper that just disappeared okay this is attacked and this is attacked so this defends everything Queen defends a rook I think the goal is to probably back on the king side but also to expand with D4 very soon like D4 and then F5 F5 will open the bishop also maybe The Rook maybe allow for Knight F5 it's looking good 23 months wow thanks for all the content also board sounds are pretty low Ah that's because that's because of my extension thing um okay let's play this move I hope uh hope the sound is better now checking the levels like I don't want it to be too loud okay can I take on G7 Knight H5 seems very close I think I'll play this first I'm just preparing that H5 I mean it's a party on the the king side most of my pieces are invited F6 on Tap Black might have to play F6 to prevent me okay that's a almost I mean that's not actually a m threat Knight defends and now the goal is to probably sneak in with a queen but is it winning oh I'm blundering a rook oh [Music] no someone call an ambulance or we can just wait here in silence and no one has to call an ambulance yeah G5 is the best move and this actually isn't easy take I don't have any M threat anymore position's a little bit awkward I'll play this now I wanted to sack the rook and then sack my queen and then mate but it's not meant to be all right let's play this I have to be really careful here this is almost [Music] crushing I might be in trouble [Music] again to defend the [Music] pawn like I want to play this move but doesn't work yeah this move okay so I'm defending F6 I'm over defending the Knight too so preparing Rook H3 oops okay here we go [Music] again I'm going to be down two [Music] Pawns and I'm stuck I'm completely stuck oh man had to unpin myself that's a sad Square for my queen trying to not get mated I'm also trying to Checkmate on A8 looks like I'll went on [Music] time okay I was a little bit faster there another really close game though oh man Smokehouse says Wednesday night about to be lit it's already lit bro oh man yeah black was winning there like my attack didn't actually really pan out to anything but life goes on berserking goes on Welcome Back To Late Night wife alert as long as I keep winning I'll keep [Music] berserking I mean both games so far have come down to me having not much time left queen C2 I think C5 is a proper approach I don't really want to trade Queens so I think Bishop D7 and and Knight C6 oh no my Pawn Yeah if Knight takes Pawn I I play Queen A5 and then win the Knight nice little tactic and the queen has to find a different square and there might be E4 coming oo I shouldn't be taking too long it's an interesting position I keep kicking the queen I guess there's a line Queen D2 Bishop B4 Knight C3 Queen A5 which defends and attacks if Queen D3 maybe Knight CB4 Queen B3 okay okay I'm going to sack the pawn if white takes the [Music] pawn then Knight C B4 looks nice wow so white allowing some discoveries I mean this move Queen here it's not super clear okay felt like I had to defend there first so now I oh I'm not actually threatening that either cuz Queen takes E3 I burned a lot of time looking at a nonsensical line at least my pieces are happy and decently centralized reminds me of a like Yugoslav dragon type [Music] thing E4 is may be coming and then F5 okay defending I might be threatening E3 here there's a nice little kind of triangle with u the things oh E3 was not a threat cuz thing was pinned and I just blundered that move okay another another comeback story hopefully in the making um let's play Bishop Pier first going to avoid trades The Rook D1 it's not [Music] ideal I had Bishop [Music] C7 I missed a chance want to play G5 very shaky [Music] position what was that move okay don't think we're getting a miracle here yeah what to do okay 23 minutes left 30 first place berserking maybe not the best option but the goal is to I is to try and win the tournament did leest change their design there okay this is going to turn into like super aggressive chest now going to play some maybe slightly more dubious openings to to hopefully try and win more quickly every game has been a [Music] struggle yeah this is some kind of England gambut [Music] declined it's white about to Castle Queen side wow okay being super aggro here yeah this is full destructive chess instructive chess will come later idea is to play A4 and B3 maybe some idea Knight C4 would love to see a Stafford at some point yeah me too there been no opportunities for Stafford so far uh oh okay this is okay maybe uh C5 coming I still want to keep Pawn [Music] storming do I sack the queen I feel like I might have to oh no my [Music] queen uh it's interesting [Music] though because I have the light squared Bishop which is pretty strong in this position and material wise I have rook and Bishop for Queen so it's not like I'm down so much play this move threatening this but it's not great that we're simplifying oo prise Queen takes C4 could take on [Music] G2 and now there's this battery with a bishop okay opponent saw this diagonal but not this diagonal someone call an ambulance still matter okay still trying to win games as quickly as possible now 20th Place leader has 24 points it's a clean score that was fortunate like my opponent played well there to at least win the queen and white was probably objectively better after I lost my queen welcome back to Young Dairy good evening Eric okay I think I'm I I'll be berserking the rest of the games to at least try and have a running Go Eric thank you Yuri in the house how's it going shout out to Yuri yeah so the way to play aggressively here is to just go all out on the king side D5 might [Music] happen I'm okay with D4 and then Knight [Music] E2 I might look to play G4 like sack the pawn to open the [Music] file opponent taking their time why is there an ambulance in your name yeah I legally changed my name to Eric Rosen [Music] ambulance cuz we have to call one so frequently usually not for me but sometimes for me okay so this is a very classic um kind of Kings Indian type structure I have the pawn chain pointing this way black has a point Pawn chain pointing that way the goal is to eventually play G5 maybe Knight H5 okay the king is trying to Uncle the king is now tied down to the pawn if G6 I take take and then take some x-ray vision with the Rook Queen G3 probably the next move the king's still running oh this is a free Pawn oh maybe I can like attack from all directions almost didn't see that there's so much focus on this quadron of The Bard oppent having some connection issues can I I have to save The Rook want to play G6 but not quite in time and it's so close to working going to be patient for another move I really wanted to take on E5 with the queen sack and do things but I have to have some self-control okay I have to still keep in mind of the open file and G B6 will make things spicy okay got the back rink and now attacking from multiple directions Knight's pinned Bishop's pinned these Rooks are stuck yeah everything's pretty much playing a role here if black doesn't take the Knight then Knight G6 is coming black takes the Knight I'll win this back first forcing the king here and it should be made in like maybe three more moves okay that was nice I feel good game so 17th Place 12 points and 12 points behind for first so I need to need to get in at least three more games might be difficult cuz games can take up to like seven like if I berserk they take up to seven and a half minutes okay new opponent oh playing this person who beat me earlier um but I was black earlier so slightly different going for more open position my ideal to play [Music] D4 and this resembles a French [Music] now it might close down on the queen side I'd like to play Knight G5 maybe Queen G4 and push the H [Music] Pawn have to keep in mind F5 as well it's interesting I'm trying to throw the kitchen sink at my opponent oh that's a good move yeah I didn't really get much there okay this could be a long [Music] battle I don't know if black has a way to stop the pawn cuz I'm controlling all these squares the question can black make use of this [Music] Pawn ah this going to be a draw cheuck now I think I still have winning chances I also have losing chances oh no this it's probably a draw and I'll try and fight though to run up to G5 aon's waiting for me to accept the draw always nice to think on the P's time this is kind of risky ah yeah this is a draw well black trying and flag me though okay that's a draw uh what to do D Queen G5 I wonder if I could have avoided the [Music] repetition but there's no shelter for the king hello how are you I am fine and you I'm good and you welcome back sir ripoff Maple okay not the most successful tournament see if I can play one more game maybe finish top 10 oh it's interesting the flares don't appear in in the list I think a few days ago they appeared but leas keeps changing things okay final game playing Mark triple 3 Stafford Gambit time might be the first Stafford of the Stream the first stord of the tournament also the last stord of the tournament this line is known to be a little bit better for wh can still try and poken prod I'm being very aggressive here that's a fine [Music] move I'm going to be also maybe creative here I'm going to sack the pawn to just develop my Bishop this is not something I would normally do but it's interesting um I Castle Queen sign Bishop E7 first the Knight wants to come to F4 probably even [Music] here might keep the king in the center have to watch out for [Music] D7 yeah this this might be asking for too much I mean the idea is F5 and then Knight F4 it looks kind of cool can I oh no my queen okay so I just atted a knight but Rook G8 is a big threat check King F1 Bishop G2 maybe Queen H3 first but then the king is running so where is my thing I might be in trouble here have to try Queen H3 Rook G2 at least we're getting a fun [Music] game Queen D3 would thren my queen does defend from a distance having a hard time calculating can my queen like [Music] castle and Bishop H4 super super tricky my King's not safe here White's King should not be safe here I'll take a pawn I don't think this game will count for the tournament despite my efforts to try and win quickly okay good job to asanga winning the tournament so Knight [Music] E2 I think that's a good move and if I check Rook [Music] F1 King's coming to [Music] D2 so my plan is to open the D [Music] file Bishop A6 trying to calculate this King D2 take think that's okay there's a line like Bishop A6 even this sign too cuz yeah once I take there will be a pin yeah even if the bishop was on A6 I'd still go into this line cuz my king gets deflected the queen would defend the Rook but [Music] now you white could play this hoping I I go for Queen F2 and forget about the bishop King F1 might be the best try I'm not seeing the mates that's also a move okay we'll simplify I'm up rook for Bishop okay good game yeah I'm actually curious what the engine will say about this [Music] game even in okay Black's better in this position King F1 yeah King F1 Queen H1 and then like Bishop G1 but black has enough fire power yeah the opening was perhaps a little bit [Music] questionable Bishop takes F7 best move idea Queen F3 o Queen H4 is not the craziest idea ever okay should I move on to another tournament or should we look at the graph first yeah it was much worse I was kind of hoping for this and then checkmates it's such a random Checkmate but it's uh it's a nice pattern opponent took the Knight best move Rook takes off four I could have been in trouble to gc9 for my sub gift thank you g cook entering month three so yeah if you're just joining I ran a poll the being beginning of the stream people voted for Blitz chess so I just played the blitz Arena but in second place in the poll was bullet chess and I failed to win that last tournament but maybe maybe I can have some hope in this tournament this will be a bit faster probably a bit crazier too even though okay the games I just played were relatively crazy have you played Ben OTB I have oh let me I really should change this uh setting okay no more berserking wait I meant to join the the bullet tournament I just join the blitz tournament I just joined a blitz tournament oops okay let me uh let me I guess finish this game and then join the tournament I intended [Music] to I clicked the the tournament that looked the most attractive the it was highlighted blue I don't think I'll do both it's too hard to simal Bullet em Blitz Rook B8 and B4 okay save the bishop yeah this position is probably close to [Music] equal I still have ideas of B4 yeah maybe I can push for something oh I hung a rook but opponent missed it opponent wanted to trade Queens oh man not in the best form today let's start with this yeah I want to drive the Rook away from attacking the pawn we're still trading lock the king up to G 6 leaving the tension okay now mean I'll take with check oh no I won't take with check I think this is a good transformation though white almost in zwang I have active Rook versus passive Rook question is how to make progress okay not getting mated thankfully my Pawn wasn't here i' get [Music] mated maybe there's some idea to put the Rook on D3 preventing Rook B8 I think white should have brought the king to D2 it was still possible okay now there's that move but check it's still tricky but it's looking good or is it feel like we've both misplayed this end [Music] game but now it's going [Music] well this is a long fight okay okay oh that was a a long game all stemming from joining the wrong tournament what's up R of us welcome back oh you're just in time to witness hopefully some more saffer gambits to find the right tournament okay so this is the hourly bullet Arena the goal is to win the tournament I'm joining about 9 minutes late 18 minutes left it's 27 minutes long so get a solid 18 minutes of bullet chess playing let me uh disable the setting real quick game display okay opponent's treating this like Ultra bullet like in bullet you can still kind of take your time hello welcome back to philas I think the goal is to put the Rook here and then still sack maybe even end up sacking the queen uh okay let's bring the knight [Music] in also my son the emote for now says hi Ross oh no my queen oh no some one con ambulance oh wait actually my queen I meant to play Rog H1 too I thought I was meeting okay it's still okay which is not the most efficient okay not my proudest game oh dear oh hello to your son emote all right no Stafford still trying to play aggressively Knight yeah a sacking the Knight going to try and open the H [Music] file okay the Knight was uh was bait there the queen okay staying clean even maybe with not the cleanest of games uh berserk berserking is risky in bullet chest but maybe it'll pay off okay that's why fractions of seconds exist for moments like that okay berserking paid off barely so 15th Place leader doing [Music] well okay we have the same opening as previously okay this game is a bit cleaner plenty of time okay on the berserking streak welcome back to Andrew how's it going yeah if you're just joining had some Blitz and now some bullet opponent wanted to play the ponzani there oops should have taken the Knight okay okay getting the job done not so much time that's F that's three berserk winds in a row have to do what I can to catch up we have a stone wall heading straight towards the end [Music] game I'm up on time now so that worked out weit's playing solidly just a little bit uh play a little bit too slowly I'll sack The Rook winning the Knight okay third place still eight points out of first what's the line here Queen [Music] E1 oh this is the classic one um supposed to take don't think I got what I wanted I have 13 seconds left okay that worked out second place the berserking will continue oh the urusov Gambit that was not a good move I don't know what opening we just played I'm down a [Music] pawn I'm going to win the pawn back though but I'm going to lose it again oh I have a fork maybe [Music] coming oh no my pawns attacking this okay I'm fall Sol the me threat okay got the dirty flag not so clean though in first place the berserking continues playing cold death haven't played a London in a while this is muscle memory taking over I'm going super [Music] aggro no that was a mouse Flip n uh oh no my keyboard keyboard's low on battery what to do oh it's going to be close cuz Vera's playing I think I need to get at least one more game maybe [Music] two it's risky again but let's go for it ver pass me I need to win this [Music] game down two pieces let me be the first to congratulate you on 250 Subs Eric you deserve it thank you kind [Music] person can you be the first to console me about this game too okay there's still [Music] time oh no my amazing berserking streak there's still time okay that oh no oh that's the tournaments I had my chances there too I may have missed meate why do I have a knight okay I was trying to promote to Knight with ma but uh didn't quite work blocked my queen okay that was still fun missed out a little bit real quick I just want to see if I missed any matate I was calculating uh King G1 takes here and then this Checkmate but maybe I should have taken with Queen here ah yeah this would have been forcing Queen F1 and then Rook [Music] H7 okay so um yeah had a nice mix of Blitz and bullets I could end things with puzzle racer puzzle racer is a fun feature allows allows people to compete um a couple people asking for wle like independently too so I just shared the link in chat the first 10 people get to play okay 10 where's Roxy she's with my parents she's not my uh she doesn't stay with me all the time okay so good luck to everyone oops a lot of uh things to address here oops ah I miss made in one ah ah smart kid good job well played got to 74 JG and third okay let's do another one do a few of these again if you want to join click the link looks like everyone's joined 98 s there we go 5 4 I used to play zoku not so much recently struggling with the mouse here a I could have taken the bishop which Rook oh Bishop F3 classic one was this one oh Rook T8 oh it's close Hamlet Champion 74 okay let's do one more new game this might be the last one okay 10 n s good luck to everyone 2 1 Z try and be clean here what is this one ah okay Queen takes E1 Knight C4 okay it's my highest score of of tonight so yeah I think I'm done with chess for now uh thanks everyone for tuning in
Channel: Eric Rosen Extra
Views: 32,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, lichess, eric rosen, imrosen, im rosen, chess strategy, opening traps, full twitch streams, eric rosen vods, twitch chess, international master, stafford gambit, london system, chess tutorial, how to play chess, chess asmr, chess.com, queen's gambit, blitz chess, instructive chess, slow chess, chess tactics, blunder, checkmate, stalemate, chess tips, chess tricks, chess traps, eric rosen extra, chess 2023, rapid chess
Id: 2t0X1hNKE9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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