Catch, Clean, Cook Smallmouth BASS!!

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well how's it going guys welcome back to another exciting video I am excited for today because we are fishing for bass so I'm excited I haven't caught a small mouth and I don't even know how long but yeah we're heading to this Lake my cousin and his friend have been going here and they've been absolutely messing them up just throwing Spinners from Shore so that's what we're gonna do I got Spinners or polish crankbaits curl tails and you never know if we start catching them we might mess around with the fly rod so my friend Grayson's actually meeting us out here too to do some fishing we haven't seen Grayson in a while so that'll be fun and of course at the end of the day if we start catching them we're gonna do a little small mouth bass catch and cook stay tuned wow it is quite windy today like very windy oh that's not good turn right whatever you say baby and here we are folks beautiful 100 degree day with the wind blowing just a little bit but anyway I decided on this spot because there's some rocks down there there's a ton of big boulders and for the most part all around this Lake I'm not seeing a ton of rocks and for Smallmouth I don't know much but I know that fishing around rocks is what you want to do step one to any successful fishing day stay hydrated [Music] oh look at that I'm getting to break out my bass box I've got so many lures and I never use them literally I use like three things this is just for show well we're just going to use what we always use got a big gold spinner with an orange feather that looks pretty good all right I apologize in advance for this wind noise we'll embrace it together oh yeah lovely so we're just going to start right here we got a ton of big boulders and rocks there's probably quite a few Smallmouth just hanging out right around here why on the one day I come here it's like 50 mile an hour winds anyway give it a first cast of the day oh that water is warm that is some warm water holy cow oh there we go there's a little fish no way holy crap dude five casts in we've got a fish check that out dude that is not a small mouth it is in fact a giant green sunfish that is freaking awesome I haven't caught one of these in a while either on a spinner too that is a gorgeous fish we gotta get a pick of that guy no no no no no no no no no well there he goes didn't even get a picture of him that blows dude that was awesome a little bluegill should not make me that excited but it does I've been catching so many trout a little green sunfish that oh man that's awesome you know I'm not opposed to cooking one of those guys up if we catch some Biggins that size because I mean that was a good sized Sunfish if we catch a couple more like that we might cook one up along with some bass that we're hopefully Gonna Catch all right folks so here's the deal we have switched spots to this Lake right here the lake we were fishing is just right up there and it dumps into this one so the wind's not quite as bad down here it is still somewhat windy but I'm thinking this will be better and the water is a little bit clearer so I don't know hopefully there's fish in here First cast just right along the shore oh there's a fish there's a fish there's a fish oh second cast I got bit I thought it was a rock and nope there was a bass falling behind it come back got him got him what is that no way it's another freaking Sunfish dude I'm here to catch bass what is this guy doing well dude a fish is a fish man not the one we're after I want to catch a bass man thanks for biting though appreciate it come on now I could catch a small bluegill toss him on a circle hook throw him under a bobber and toss them out in the middle that is an effective strategy all right I speak from experience highly illegal highly effective though oh little guy oh that's a little small mouth a little small mouth got him right there no that's just another cool another fish third one third one of these toss them back so I'm thinking we just gotta weed through all the bluegills there's no avoiding them you just gotta catch them and eventually we'll run into a small mouth there we go that feels a little bit nicer this is a bluegill I'm gonna be oh [Music] dude he fought hard props looks like they're full of eggs too that's a chubby little guy they're so pretty these are cool fish just not what I'm after there we go that's a fish and that is not a bluegill either that is a smallie for sure wait no way no way are you are you kidding me is this a joke I just caught a freaking trout it's 100 degrees outside there should not be trout hitting Spinners right now but dude I just can't get rid of them I can't get away from them yeah well and there he goes and now he's gonna play dead there he is get out of here buddy I am not trying to catch a trout today I came here so I wouldn't but I mean there are trout in here so that's not super unusual all right guys so I've switched to us from a spinner to a little Rapala Grayson's fly fishing with uh what is it Klaus or minnow see who gets bit first hopefully not from a bluegill but by a bass oh there we go bluegill on the Rapala I don't know at some point I'm gonna start keeping some of these he's lucky I'm hoping there's like an evening oh I just got hit right when it hit the water little for now he's starting to fight please be a smallie please be a smallie oh it is it's a small yes first bass look at that yes that's the first bass in like a year heck yeah that was right when it hit the water first Smallmouth in like a year for me that would be a good one to keep but I'm gonna let the first one go all right little guy thanks for biting eight two hours to get our first Smallmouth but we did it well that was five ten minutes of using the Rapala so they might might have found something they want oh got him oh that's just a Giant Bluegill holy oh my I don't think this might be my biggest bluegill ever my biggest sunfish she's definitely got eggs in her she's freaking huge we'll let this girl go so she can go spawn it is an absurdly fat bluegill my goodness there we go there we go that was out in the middle so this might be a bass in fact yep out in the middle another smallie heck yeah dude another smallie out in the middle so they might be hanging out on the bottom now this guy is a little too small to keep even these little fish put up just such a good flight crazy see ya bass number two oh there we go that's a good oh no that was a big smallmouth shoot jumped and shook me off gosh dang it I'm hoping there's oh there's another one there's another one that's a good one that's a good fish on the bottom yeah another wait is that is that a smallie or a large one it's a smallie same spot dude that might be a good one to keep you know what guys I'm gonna keep this fish just because I don't know how many more bass I'm Gonna Catch and I want to ensure that I have something to cook at the end of the day that's not a huge one by any means we're not going to get a ton of meat off of them but we're gonna get something beautiful Smalley smack his head on a rock and then we're gonna keep fishing so I just got that fish steak down in the mud for now hopefully it doesn't float away that was too small mouth almost back to back just casting it out there in the middle letting it sink a few feet and then slowly bringing it back there we go that's a good fish that's a good fish well every small Mouse feels like a good one but this feels like the biggest one for sure dude he is staying down this actually might be a good fish oh my gosh he's hugging the bottom holy cow this feels like a good one he's not coming up he is not coming up holy crap he is dragging me around and this is a good one this might be my biggest smallmouth ever honestly or he's just fighting hard I forget these small mouth even if they're small they put up a fight so he could be getting tricked here oh it is a good one it is a good one though I haven't even seen oh that's a giant that's a freaking giant Smalley that's a giant Grayson went up to get his spinning gear oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay hold on hold on hold on got him got him dude look at that small mouth dude that is my biggest smallmouth ever right there easy are you freaking kidding out in the middle on a Rapala yeah Grayson went up to get his spinning gear too bad he missed that look at that sucker there we go guys that is my biggest smallmouth of my life put up a heck of a fight like that is a beautiful fish I'm so glad I decided to come out here today what is that fourth one I think yeah I think so there he goes heck yeah all right let's get some more yep that's a fish what the heck I thought I hook some seaweed or something it's a good smallie he was not fighting there for a second no I've lost two smallies and I've landed four pretty good and about a dozen bluegill oh there's another one wait dude I can't tell no that's a fish yep that's a fish tiny little smally a little smally cool bass number five any bass is a good bass hey there he goes First cast I went up to charge some batteries in my truck I come back down first cast we hook up not a bad one fat smally I think we'll keep him too it's good cooking size and another Fat Smalley this is probably the size of most of the fish in there it's about 10 11 inches or so we're thinking that it's the color of Myra Paula because Grayson still hasn't got one and he's using a fire tiger pattern they're sure liking his brown trout all right we'll take our stoning tool here put them on our Stringer there we go two nice Smallmouth we're gonna fillet those guys up a little later and cook them up hey there we go there we go right from under this rock well along this little rock wall nice it's the first smallie in like an hour all right oh there's a little fish jumping out there bass probably here we go sweet I love these smallies see you later oh there we go that's a good one that's a good one it's a good one right on this Little Rock hump that goes out to The Middle oh it's a trout what the crap you know what dude we're gonna keep this no dang it I was gonna have bass and trout that's kind of funny I came here to avoid the trout and that was the second one I've caught today there we go nice man they fight so hard this is so much fun hey there he goes there's a fish there's a fish I slowed it down and I was just barely cranking it it's not really fighting he's staying down that's a nicer fish dude that that's a good fish definitely not a small one it's probably not quite as big as that one earlier but it's not bad oh it's a good fish yeah that's a good fish oh it's a good one it's a good one bring them over by Shore it always going slow very slow right out in the middle of the channel he's barely hooked he's barely hooked oh my gosh hold on always blind in one eye got him got him not a bad one second biggest one not not as big as that other one but it's probably just under a pound or so there we go it's probably gonna be the last one for me and he's actually missing an eye so yeah I don't know it's cool though I love these fish oh where is he where is he the lines there he goes haha all righty while Grayson's using my rod I'm gonna fillet up our little small mouth here see what they've been eating that's what I'm curious we're gonna use this rock as our cutting board it's not super flat but it'll have to do and I've only I don't know I filleted Smallmouth before but I haven't filleted many of them so this is probably going to be really bad especially since we're doing it on a rock as long as we can get most of the meat off of them that wasn't too bad we're gonna cut a stomach open see what they've been eating doesn't seem very full in fact I don't even think there's anything in there stomach is literally empty huh I was thinking they were going to be full of minnows because there's just been tons of minnows on Shore all day see what's this guy's been eating okay this guy has something in his stomach let's see oh crawdads little crawdad claws so yeah I'm thinking next time we come here we throw tube Jigs and something that mimics a crawdad all right there we go got four Smallmouth fillets I don't think I did too bad for only having folate one small mouth in my life and doing it on a rock that is not flat all right guys we are calling it for fishing it was an okay day not a great day I caught two big old Smallmouth like I I'm pretty pleased with my performance Grayson on the other hand caught one smally and a couple little Gillies on the Fly Rod too so but we got like an hour left of daylight or we're gonna head up and cook those Smallmouth fillets should be fun first we have to climb up this literal cliff snap my neck that wasn't actually bad that wasn't too bad all right guys so for the recipe today that we're gonna be cooking our small mouth in got some Tapatio hot sauce we're gonna use that as our wet ingredient now we're going to bread them in some all-purpose flour toss them in some vegetable oil easy as that this is a good recipe for like white bass and walleye a lot of people have done this on YouTube so I figured we'd give it a try with the old bass I'm glad I had this stove with the wind guard because it is still kind of breezy out here you think it would have calmed down by now but nope pour some oil in just use up the rest of it take some flour pour in the Ziploc bag there we go we'll take our hot sauce and pour it in this bag hot sauce small mouth sounds pretty good huh so we got our hot sauce and I'll take our Smallmouth fillets to drop them in this important fishing item oh shoot I forgot to cut them up I was going to cut the fillets up in little nuggets I got fish going Grayson's got the old beef beef ravioli meat sauce MRE you got Skittles in that one I'll find out doing unboxing come on the ravioli chocolate banana muffin top delicious the teepee and the moist towelette and the gum and the Tabasco the spoon in Afghanistan in 2003 an Army Ranger killed a man with one of these the M Ms all right we got our hot sauce covered filet the wheat snack bread a buy of thirst before I finish it this is gonna be good I did this recipe with trout not too long ago and it wasn't bad did it on a tiger trout oh I also got tropical fruit flavored punch all right now we'll just shake up our oh all right oil is plenty hot in fact I think it's way too hot and we're good we're good nice breaded Smallmouth oh caught from the lake right over there about an hour two hours ago yeah after we cook this fish up we're gonna try this MRE it's gonna be interesting oh yeah you're old all right now these shouldn't take more than a couple minutes on each side I do want them nice and crispy all right so do a little tutorial MRE because I've never had an MRE I've had the dehydrated meals but these are too complicated obstructions of all of the all of the world rock or something put your your meal in the bag oh you got some Tabasco sauce in there yeah there's uh there's a trick you can do with an MRE heater and Tabasco sauce but I'm not going to teach it to you what the heck it makes uh tear guts all right we're gonna give these fish a quick flip look how red they look they just look dangerous I'm supposed to overfill it and that just boils it it should it's crazy I don't know what's going to be better fresh fish or an MRE probably the MRE if I'm being honest oh yeah we gotta find a rock or something or something hey that's something hey right there something all right these fish are done we're gonna turn the stove off nice and golden brown and orange and a bunch of colors fresh Smallmouth it is caught a couple hours ago all right we'll let those guys drain and dry and cool off a little bit can we try this gum sure if you're opening that up how old is the summary about a year old two years old so this isn't that old oh that's super soft that's not that old that's ringtone it's not that one that's pretty good MRE gum that's actually quite quite good flavor's already gone 40 seconds later this is a good experience three out of five stars all right before we continue with the MRE I want to try some of this bass you can choose to partake or not whatever gonna go for one of these crispy pieces here all right oh I got a bone [Music] not as much flavor as I hoped I just got a little kick to it that's about it oh you can hear it sizzling Listen Hold On I don't know if you guys can hear that on the microphone but we've got boiling water in there that's crazy probably 300 calories in beef but I remember last time I had bass it was like almost chewy or rubbery but this is not this is very soft it doesn't have a whole lot of flavor on its own it's pretty good though next time though I'm gonna add a lot of salt to the flour because that hot sauce doesn't have enough flavor on its own what is this the banana nut no this is the wheat snack bread you can eat it without the cheese it's just bread not quite that is very dry chewiest bread you've ever eaten well that's actually not bad I have a sandwich with this it's not it's not chewy it's it's definitely not like store-bought bread but it's not bad no tastes like easy cheese it's disgusting all right what's next yes that actually sounds good it is 290 calories oh heck yeah you got crushed here just give me a little finger pull we break the part real easy it's dry oh sweet I got the oxygen absorber oh my gosh that's like eating flour good though that is that is very good very good it's so dry it just crumbles it's literally like eating flour chocolate flavored flour I don't traditional banana all right that's good but this bask folks solid three out of five stars but we'll see how this beef ravioli is it's hot oh it's very hot it's just Chef Boyardee it's good that's better than the dehydrated meal surprisingly good first time ever having an MRE I'm liking this banana bread flour stuff it's literally just crumbs oh man it's it the flavor is so good banana nut chocolate but it just dries you out you cannot swallow it without water all right Eminem time hey wow they are crushed Eminem's even those taste a little off they're a few years old they're not well uh they're also kosher all right guys well that's gonna do it for today's video hope you enjoyed did a little MRE catch and cook there too which was kind of fun never had an MRE anyway fun day out here caught a couple giant well not giant I caught one giant Smallmouth not your best day but that's okay because when I fish with you whenever he fishes with me it's not good I usually do all right you want to shout out your Instagram or something gdc.1502 or at just another space cowboy other than that thank you guys for watching and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Bass'N'Trout
Views: 7,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VUnyBE20WOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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