Tossed Out Live Bait and Caught Dinner!

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holy cow this is a big this is a real nice fish right here get the net oh we got a net we got a net sometimes it is fun to go pick the most public random spot in your area and just try to be successful on this channel I have always tried to do the most relatable types of fishing so that anyone watching me can go out and enjoy the same type of stuff that I get to enjoy on a daily basis on this particular day was no different we targeted some of the most public areas in Orange Beach Gulf Shores area to try and catch dinner that is a pretty sight right there folks what is happening welcome to another video I'm at our Outdoor Store Beach bomb Outdoors we just got in a ton of bull minnows and I'm gonna take some bull minnows out and see if I can catch some fish if you're new to the channel we do have an outdoor store right here in Gulf Shores Alabama and so if you are in the area pop in it's called Beach Bum Outdoors we've got bull Menace shrimp all the tackle you need I'll give you a little look around real quick this is just kind of what the inside of the store looks like if y'all want to go check it out so you want to check me out this is Vanessa she's our employee tomorrow yeah let's go for a ride we're gonna go hit up a few different places in the orange beach Gulf Shores area and hopefully we can find one that's working out very first area we started at is Perdido pass sea wall now this place is super public located right out back of the gulf restaurant free to fish free to park Brad's got a net y'all what is the world coming to we are what is the world coming to holy cow I don't know they might ever see ever seems to use a net on your channel I don't think so either it's first time dude all right these are big old healthy bull minnows guys come on by the store and get you something did you just let him go seriously Brad just literally dropped their first movement overboard he's chumming got him on a little circle hook just gonna toss him out right there and just kind of let him sit and hang out I'm gonna loosen the drag we're gonna go multiple rods there we go we're good we're just gonna wait for that thump see if we can get a good keeper fish to take home and eat oh Brad's getting ate are you on there you go Brad there you go first fish of the day right here oh dude you caught us is that a sand perch killing it Brad I'm up one nothing nothing that doesn't count that's bait getting my first my first bite of the day out here all right he dropped it he was on there that wasn't a flounder it was a fish that was like running with it um probably like a maybe a Lady Fish or something oh wait I'm on I am on holy cow just kidding we'll see what it is here in just a second decent fish dude get the net oh we got a net we got a net ready to rock and roll here if this is a flounder it's a giant nope what is that oh big Mangrove get him up here that's a keeper dude yeah we're netting something today yes that right there is a that's a 13 inch mangrove snapper which is a keeper here in the state of Alabama so we're gonna keep this guy well that's a pretty good start to the day this is what Brad's catching over here Brad's got the state of Alabama fights hard though doesn't it does fight really well yeah the difference that these bull minnows make versus the shrimp is your bull minnow stays out there longer this time of year because the trash fish tend to not pick it apart like they do a shrimp and so therefore you do tend to catch better fish on the bull mono so we're going to get it right back out here and see oh we are getting a little bite right here got them there's a fish there we go there we go oh look at this a hardtail on a bull minnow yes this is a blue Runner AKA hardtail got him on a bull mono you never know what you're gonna get out here that's why I like this place so guys as always I keep my spoon with me when I'm anytime I'm fishing just in case I see Fish blowing up and I am seeing fish blow up right now so I'm gonna like just toss a spoon out and see if we can get bit I don't know what oh there's a decent blow up right there next to the sea wall oh there we go I'm right on them there let's see if we get hit there we go there's a fish I got him no I told you that's why you always keep the spoon with you let's see what we got yup guys I have been catching so many of these lately that is a Spanish mackerel at the sea wall right here and there's some big ones blowing up again oh that may not that may be a jack okay I always keep a spook oh my gosh my bait's messed up always keep a spoon with you for this reason right here let's see if we get hit again yeah oh we're getting hit come on some of those are big blow-ups too there's fish blowing up everywhere down here so I'm gonna walk down here and just make some cast when I see Fish blowing up it's time to go what's up Fred what's up Fred we got to go get on them right at the back of this restaurant y'all got to get down here I don't know if I'm gonna be able to reach them dude they've got this thing blocked off and you can't uh I can't get I don't know if I'm gonna be able to reach them or not we'll see oh we're gonna be close we're gonna be close ah come on oh dude I think I'm in them I think I'm in them let's see oh yeah I was in them oh there we go I got hit again I got hit it hit second time second hit all right okay I would not be able to do this without this combo and I'm going to talk to you all about it here in a minute but I've got to make the most oh God I hit my GoPro insanely long casts imaginable right here okay let's see see what that's gonna do got him there's a good fish there we go there we go right here back I'm literally in the restaurant catching these fish ah you couldn't do this without this combo nice Spanish mackerel right here y'all whoa whoa oh and there he goes okay well he slipped out of my hands let's try this again got him there we go there we go there we go we're getting them now baby oh man I'm losing a bunch of them today but that's okay there we go got him got him got him right that boat just ran over every single one of them but I got them right before the boat got here so that's cool oh man decent fish here heck yeah another nice Spanish back roll right here y'all I switched sides I walked over to the other side of the bridge simply because I saw a massive Feeding Frenzy over here and I want to go see what it is I'm looking at them right now it's just a massive Feeding Frenzy we're about to walk into now we've got like five boats going through them so that's terrible timing that being said I still think we can reach them oh I gotta missed them first first hey Tangled my Tangled my lure up feeding it is a blitz in this pass right now y'all if I can get a cast right now I'm about to be on oh my gosh I think I'm in them there we go there we go we got him there we go it's coming in I think it's a Spanish oh yeah come on buddy get up here nice Spanish from the beach right here y'all we're gonna release them and get back after another one see you buddy right where you go the wrong way you going the wrong way you're going the wrong way go out I'm gonna come on there you go there you go another big wad down here we're gonna move this is a what this is an insane Feeding Frenzy right here there we go there's a fish there's a fish got him got him okay sweet another Spanish right here y'all it is a blitz out here on the beach I can't turn down a blitz I'm sorry so my channel is called angler up with Brent my name's Brent and it's an angler like a fisherman yeah yeah yes sir oh they are in a frenzy out here dang there he is it's every cast now it is every cast yes oh he came off after spending an hour catching one Spanish after another I had to leave and get ready for a sales meeting that evening at Beach Bum Outdoors but the fishing isn't over yet we're up here at Beach Bum Outdoors have an hour monthly sales meeting and I was like you know what I'm gonna grab some shrimp out of the shrimp tank back here and we're about to go do some night fishing it's like 10 p.m what's up oh bad that's the team right there folks so let's go uh let's go hit some dark lights see if we can't catch some fish oh man it is it is muggy out here tonight come here shrimp all right y'all let's go see what's out here I have not fished this dock light in quite some time oh it's windy I didn't think it was going to be windy but it is golly let's see if there's any fish in the light cannot tell oh yeah oh yeah I think we got some fish sweet first bait going out we're just taking a live shrimp we've got a single hook we've got a old school bobber y'all comment below if you've ever used these old school corks let's get it out there there we go I'm gonna set it in the rod holder and when it goes under hopefully it won't take too long oh yeah we're getting our first bite there's a fish there's a fish first fish on right here let's see what we got working with oh that's a nice fish I think come here oh yeah nice trout first fish of the night here sweet heck yeah heck yeah fish number one right here first first date in the water trout number one we're gonna release this guy see you buddy sweet all right y'all getting another shrimp going here let's get us a good fish there we go put it back in the rod holder right here ready to rock and roll turn the light off sit back and see if we can get us one we're getting another bite here oh my drag was loose oh my gosh oh yeah we're on here we go holy cow this is a big this is a real nice fish right here real nice fish I can feel feeling come on don't be a kitty don't be a kitty it's a kitty and be mad it is a kitty holy cow that's a fake out right there I can't believe it I thought I had a redfish or a big trout there I got it man I swear we are back at the house now y'all check this out first and foremost we've got some fresh Spanish mackerel fresh mangrove snapper homemade tartar sauce sliced tomatoes we were fishing that dock light last night we caught that one speckled trout and it was like it spooked everything and so but I want to show y'all something super cool uh so we actually never got another bite last night check out our backyard this is our cooking section I want to show you guys why I was able to be successful at such a public spot that gets hit all the time now that was the sea wall in Orange Beach in the parking lot of the gulf restaurant like a million cars a day drive past that spot and so you would think that oh how I'm not gonna be able to catch fish there because it's so public that's not the case if you fish it right and fish some of these public places right you can be very successful but this is what allowed me you know what I'm gonna take a bite of this fresh fried fish first right here before I show you the the magic sauce because you're there's something about this that I've never showed you guys before that's awesome fresh tartar sauce with fried fish Nothing Better joke this is my favorite long cast combo now I've showed you other combos that I really like from the beach one of them being the pen Slammer 4500 in the Ninja dagger nine foot but this is a dial assaultist 5000 with a 10 foot bummy stick but here's the beauty of this combo and why I was able to cast so far to those fish today to reach them when normally you wouldn't be able to this 5000 holds 20 pound braided line really really well braided 20 pound braid is so thin that I can spool up a 5 000 size reel and bomb it out there so far with this bummy stick and this reel this is the es casting metal and I can cast that so far and that is the reason that I was successful today I was successful on the beach the other day sometimes you have to make extremely long cast to catch these fish and this combo right here is without a doubt my favorite go-to long cast combo and so Daiwa was actually nice enough to send us a bunch of stuff for this video and so what I've done is I have packaged this combo just like this the bummy stick the Daiwa reel spilled with 20 pound braided line I've got that Linked In the description you're going to be able to purchase this exact combo that I was using today you're gonna need a free Daiwa hat you're going to get the line for free and you're going to get a free spool of liter material from Iowa as well it's going to all come packaged right to your house so I thought that was pretty cool and I'm gonna be honest with you this is not a cheap combo this is for people that want a combo that is going to last them a very long time and that is going to hold up with this in sand and salt but that you can also cast a mile and so uh and get you some of these es casting spoons as well so I just wanted to share that with you while I eat this fish in these fresh tomatoes and hopefully when it cools down we can finish our cooking section yeah and too hot I know Melanie is just uh informed me that we still have kind of a ways to go on our outdoor cooking session section out here we kind of put it on hold because it's been like a 110 degrees and so we're like yeah let's just let's just put it on we want to save our handyman's life yeah it's uh there's something about tomatoes and summertime I don't like tomatoes any other time unless it's hot I don't know why but so this is coming along guys if you enjoyed that video shoot me a big thumbs up I've got this combo Linked In the first comment as well as the description go check it out you will not be disappointed absolutely love it other than that we'll catch you next time
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 4,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yxrI5BvgQ5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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