FLY FISHING the Prettiest TIGER TROUT I’ve Ever Seen!! ( Catch & Cook)

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well how's it going guys welcome back to another exciting fly fishing video doing some fly fishing for big tiger trout we're not going for numbers today we're going for one or two big fish and we are going to fish for some brook trout along the way you know to keep us entertained yeah we're gonna really put our fly fishing skills to the test today because these are some smart fish but yeah hopefully we can catch a couple of them stay tuned thank you all right here we are at the first spot we're going to try there's no big fish in here but there's a lot of small brookies let's give it a cast all right so I just got this little green olive green woolly bugger we're gonna throw down there see if we can get something to come out and Chase it from this Moss we'll see oh there's a fish there's a fish there's a fish looking at it oh little brookies looking at it he's still circling it down there hey little guy turn around ah he spooked off [Music] oh here he comes here's one that's a little guy got him got him this is far smaller than the one I saw just a little bit ago he's still down there but this little guy just came up and wanted it well that's the first fish of the day we were on the board we're getting the skunk out of the boat there we go Brookie on the Fly just a little squirt we'll get him back all right see yep all right let's get back down there oh there's a nice one right there oh he's got it he's got it there we go that's a good fish that's a better fish still not a biggen come here gotta reach over this log scoop them up nice another brook trout that is a better sizing for this Pond I let my woolly bugger sink all the way to the bottom in the Moss and that's where this guy was sitting he came out and slurped it right up that is a beautiful brook trout perfect cooking size but I think today at least we're going to do all catch and release another solid little Brookie from this pond cool cool great way to start the adventure oh see you later got him got him I'll show you guys what I was using because I actually broke off that woolly bugger on that log so I switched to something totally different and that guy came out and bolted straight for it he wanted it got him another little brook trout I actually got that guy on a little nymph I don't know exactly what it is but if I had to throw a guess out there pheasant tail nymph he came out and just clobbered it another nice little brook trout just tossing back yeah so that's the fly it was not sure exactly what it is but it worked man let's see if there's another one down there because this is the spot where I saw two of them come out from underneath just the side right here they're just tucked up underneath the bank oh oh oh shoot he went over to it he swiped at it a couple times I thought he had it oh he's coming back to it oh got him got him that time get out of there get out of the Moss little itty bitty Brookie another one on the nymph number four from this Pond I caught most of the fish I've seen so that's pretty good we'll just pop this guy off real quick barely skin hooked in the nose we'll just twist them off there he goes there's one oh got him got him that was not even the one I saw two of them came out this is the bigger one no he popped off he popped off shoot that looked like it could have been the biggest one of the day oh oh he's in Pursuit he's in Pursuit got him there we go there we go that's not a bad size one for this little pond we got him trying to keep our balance on this log it's a little bit sketchy but is this number five and then we've missed like four others cool cool oh tiny little Brook tiny holy crap smallest fish so far today came out from under that Moss just out of nowhere micro brook trout fishing I'll take it oh see you later all right folks well we're moving on from this Pond caught a lot of brook trout but now we're gonna head to a different spot see if we can catch some bigger fish thank you okay all right here we are spot number two full of tiger trout and there are some quite big fish in here as well so let's try it out all right so as I'm walking up here I can already see a few big tiger trout right here close to shore so I'm gonna keep throwing that little nymph I was using back at that brook trout pond no indicator we're just gonna toss it down there and hopefully one of them's hungry because there are some big old fish down there in fact I'm gonna get down on my knees oh one just jumped did you guys see that okay fly is in the water oh one's going over to it one's going over to it oh he turned on it he turned on it what the heck well there was a look on our first cast it's pretty good oh big old Tiger just bit it thought I had him he came over opened his mouth and kind of nibbled at it and I just set the hook but I guess he didn't dang it dude there was the first bite of the day got him there we go folks first fish from this Pond first little tiger trout of the day I'll show you what I got them on because it's actually been a long time I've just thrown nothing but stuff they don't want so not the size we're after but it's a start little tiger trout I actually got him on a balanced leech olive green and I just saw this little guy sitting up here this is the smallest fish I've seen and of course this is the one that I catch just got them right there in the tip of the nose here we go that's what got him finally all right see you later little guy just give them a little toss back in about a year or two he's gonna be twice that big so yeah anyway I've been fishing this Pond for about an hour and a half and I've seen lots and lots of big fish swimming around and I've thrown a couple different nymphs a micro black leech and then right as soon as I tie the olive green balance leech on we get a fish many hours later got him got him there we go fish on fish on fish on finally dude beautiful tiger no he popped off he's just sitting right there you've got to be freaking kidding me dude I've been fishing for three hours and I have caught one tiny little fish gotta be kidding me dude he was sitting underneath his log and I could see him so I had this green balance Leach back on tossed it right next to him and he turned around and then ate it right up and I guess I set the hook too early or man dude that really hurts that was a beautiful fish that was a pretty big one too got him got him got him that's a giant that's a giant that's a giant that's a giant five minutes after we lose that other one oh my goodness he ate the leech he ate the leech so this is a big fish and this is light line I'm not gonna horse them in I'm just gonna let them tire out for a second oh I cannot lose this fish dude I've been here too long come here come here come here come here and he's so close got him yes dude yes got him dude I've been fishing for over three hours and I've had so many fish just look at my flies and deny them five minutes after I lose that fish we get this guy and that is a gorgeous fish look at that pinned him right there in the nose with that green balance leech there we go that is what we've been searching for all day long I've seen about a hundred of them but these are some of the smartest smartest fish I've ever fished for but we finally got one and that is a beautiful beautiful colored up tiger trout holy cow all right folks there we go we've kept him in the water while we've gotten pictures and video so we should be all healthy and ready to go get one last look at them there we go beautiful tiger trout we'll send him back oh yeah he is ready he is ready there he goes he goes right back down to the bottom you can still see him there he goes hiding under that log if that's the only fish we get today I'll be happy with it because that was a stud but we're gonna keep fishing see if we can get a bigger one got him got him got him on the balance leech again the beautiful tiger trout I was just about to head out of here I'm not even kidding yes I was literally about to call it for the day get over here got him yes check it out fish number two or fish number three actually second good one of the day oh my goodness you guys that last fish I caught was like an hour and a half to two hours ago I don't even know that's how slow it's been right in the nose with that green balanced leech in the same spot I've actually been walking around the entire pond fishing for the last hour and right when I come back to this spot I get another fish so this might just be a good spot that is what this is all about beautiful tiger trout stomping through trees and Thorn bushes 90 degree weather for these fish right here third fish of the day not quite as big as that other one we caught but it is almost this one might be prettier though I mean look at those patterns super dark colors I've been fishing for seven hours just to catch a couple of these fish and it is worth it let me tell you holy cow all right let him go there he goes I say we ended on that well folks there you have it I have been fishing since eight o'clock this morning it is now 4 30. so needless to say I am extremely tired but really grateful we caught those fish some of the most beautiful tiger trout or fish in general I've ever caught so I couldn't be happier it was a great day but the video is not over tomorrow we're gonna head to a different Lake maybe go for some brook trout I don't know we'll do a little catch and cook so I'll see you guys tomorrow thank you all right folks well it is a new day those last Clips you just saw were from a couple days ago catching those tiger trouts and today we're switching it up we're a completely different spot and we're going for some Baroque trout with my spinning rod and instead of throwing flies today or jigs or anything like that I think I'm gonna drown some worms because I've got some worms that I still need to use from a while back and I just want to get rid of them before they go bad and I'm getting hungry too so I want to do a little catch and cook yeah I don't know how long we're gonna stay out here because the mosquitoes are horrible in fact a couple days ago those last Clips you just saw I got eaten alive by mosquitoes and sunburned so I've got like a thousand mosquito bites on my arms it has not been fun and they're just as bad today hopefully we can catch some fish quick but I got some worms right here they're still alive they're starting to look a little soft so we're gonna definitely use them up here I've just got a little J hook we're just going to throw the entire worm on really entice these fish to bite give them a good meal all right there we go looks juicy let's catch some dinner so we're just going to toss this worm right around these Fallen logs because you know if I know anything about Brook Trout they're going to be right up here on Shore hiding under them so just going to give it a little flip one just jumped right over there and I've got no additional weight I'm just going to let it slowly and naturally sink down and hopefully there's some fish in the area oh there's a fish there's a fish swiping on my worm come and get it buddy he swiped at it a few times I can't believe he didn't eat it it's a real worm dude oh one's got it one's got it got him fish on fish on first one kind of surprised it took that long but we got one we have dinner get out of there oh that's a good keeper that's a good keeper I'm just gonna flip them right over here there we go that is a perfect size cook up we're gonna fillet them oh he just broke my hook off hold on but hold on hold on there we go we're gonna fillet this guy cook him in some butter it is gonna be good that is a good sized fish too for this Pond all right just killed this guy he is dead We're Not Gonna fillet him up quite yet I want to get cooking because I want some fresh fish but we're gonna toss back in see if we can catch any more I'll probably just let him go so I'll just set this guy right there for now and see what else we can catch go ahead and get a new worm since that guy ate the entire thing I'm glad he at least got one good final meal you know all right then I'm just gonna toss it right back in that same spot I mean I would think there'd be another one hanging out with them probably had a friend just ride along this Beaver Dam here there's a bite there's a bite got him fish on number two same spot I knew there'd be another one down there this one is a little smaller still a good fish we're gonna let him go assuming he didn't swallow it that's one downside about using worms is you know sometimes they just swallow it and you got to keep them that is a fat little fish check it out thankfully he didn't swallow it he's just hooked right there in the corner of the mouth that is chunky little fish nice and fat we'll get them back quick here all right little guy thank you for biting all right toss them back see you later oh there's a fish I didn't even know I had one on oh shoot he's already getting me snagged are you serious are you kidding me no oh I got him I got him I got him I got him there we go almost got me Tangled almost lost him there I didn't even know I had a fish because my line it didn't move you know he didn't take it out he must have just stayed in one spot I just lifted up and he was on all right there we go thankfully he wasn't hooked too bad another nice one there he goes you know usually I'm not a fan of using worms but it is kind of nice to just throw some bait out there and just wait you know you don't have to do anything special you just kind of throw it out there and if there's a fish in the area chances are it's gonna slurp that worm up in a second so there's fish oh dang it pulled it right out of his mouth oh there's a bite got him tiny little guy tiny little guy we ah yeah there we go what is that number four nice fish cute little Brookie again he didn't swallow it thank goodness oh and there he goes all right we are very quickly going through our worms I mean if I wanted to I could make them last much longer but I figure you know why not just give these fish a full worm give them a good meal if I'm gonna catch them I mean that's the least I can do right oh no I think he picked it up again yep yeah make sure he's got it do I got nope dang it there we go fish on Fish on doesn't feel like a bad one pulling a little bit of drag yeah no this is a good fish holy cow I mean he's not huge but he's fighting unless I hooked him in the side or something there's no way I did get out of there get out of there bud I'll let you go don't worry about it now that is actually a pretty good fish all right that's another nice brook trout these are Big Fish for this Pond I usually don't catch that many but I guess when you're using worms you're going to catch the bigger ones nice all right well we'll let you go beautiful fish beautiful fish with a beautiful view on a beautiful day there he goes all right we're gonna fillet our Baroque trout right here and we're gonna get cooking we've caught a few fish now it's time to cook one so we're just gonna do a fillet job on this guy we're just gonna leave the skin on there we go beautiful filet holy cow that's gonna be delicious didn't waste much on that fish then we'll just cut away those rib bones and just sharpened this fillet knife so this is a lot easier and then we're just gonna leave the pin bones there are some little pin bones that run right along the center of the fillet but honestly I just think it's too much work I really don't care I'd rather just cook it and then pick through it while I'm eating and then if you end up swallowing one they're small enough it's not really big deal so I just make sure to get the rib bones and just kind of go from there start with some butter get that melting down I think we can fit both of them in there [Music] that was not a bad sized fish for this pond so turn that heat down a little bit I don't want them to curl I'd rather it's nicely slow cook them and then for seasoning we have some mustard green spice blend really delicious so we're just gonna put a little bit on these guys all right I'll just let them cook [Music] all right we'll go ahead and give them a flip here you're just about done oh yeah look at that crispy skin I'm not gonna eat the skin but nice and crispy in fact we'll just go ahead and take it off here should just peel right off yep [Music] and there we go they are all done cooked perfectly it smells amazing let's go ahead and try peace while it's still hot drag it through some of that butter that is amazing oh my gosh caught fresh from the lake 15 minutes ago just fried up in butter it's a little mustard spice um that is honestly amazing I'm not kidding I think this right here might be one of my favorite spices I've ever used on fish it's got ground mustard garlic onion powder salt oregano Thyme and parsley and a little butter dude these mosquitoes are getting worse since it was such a wet winter got tons of snow and it's been raining quite a bit and that's just causing the mosquitoes to go crazy I just heard some over there I don't see anybody feels like someone's watching me I am in the middle of the forest well there might be something watching me anyway I think we're okay I just heard something crashing through the trees over there I don't know you never know out here I'm gonna finish this up real quick it is good man that's some of the best fish I've it's been a minute since I've just fried them in butter well I did fry him and butter over the fire but and that was in tin foil this is delicious man all right folks well that's gonna do for today's video hope you enjoyed hope you guys enjoyed me catching those big tiger trout at the beginning of this video it was a long day got about a thousand bug bites I got burnt to a crisp but it was worth it for those fish and ending it off with some brook trout and cooking one up in some butter doesn't get any better than that let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see you want to see more brook trout more tiger trout more Cutthroat just let me know I want to catch some more tiger trout so hopefully you guys are down for that if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already I would really appreciate it and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Bass'N'Trout
Views: 44,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eU0E750ruaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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