Chasing BIG TIGER TROUT and SPLAKE at a Mountain Lake!!

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well how's it going guys welcome back to another exciting video we are doing some tiger trout fishing today I'm headed to this Lake it's got some pretty big fish in it got my spinning rod I'm taking a break from the fly fishing been skunked the last like two or three times have been out so put the fly rod away for today and we got the old spinning outfit so hopefully these fish are hungry got about I don't know five six hours to fish let's get started all right folks our bait of choice today we got some gulp minnows I haven't used these in a while but when I have used them in the past they've worked really well grab one of them out nice and scented then I got a little bait hook right here I'm just going to thread it through the nose try to cover up that hook as much as I can make it look as natural as possible like a real Bait fish there we go just like that at about a foot above that we got a little split shot all right First cast oh I got one looking at it oh oh got him fish on Fish on fish on looks like a tiger dude he came right over ate that minnow up we've been fishing for five minutes and I saw this guy sitting on the bottom and he just came over and slurped it right up no hesitation nice tiger trout and not a bad fish to start with he's not a trophy but beautiful fish okay and the net got him there we go folks fish number one of the day been here for five minutes gorgeous tiger on that gulp minnow I actually took that little split shot off because my first cast it just sunk straight to the bottom a lot quicker than I would have liked so I took it off let it sink down naturally and we got him all right there we go first fish of the day about a 15 16 inch tiger trout good start to the day on the gold minnow heck yeah dude awesome we will let him go there he goes you guys see him that water is crystal clear here he goes back down hiding under the weeds thankfully he didn't rip my gulp minnow off gonna toss it right back down there I think if a fish sees it he's gonna try to eat it if they're anything like that one they're gonna try to eat it for sure so I'm just tossing it out there letting it slowly sink to the bottom I can just barely see it and as soon as I see my line jump I'm just going to set the hook because these fish will swallow it oh oh my goodness I just missed a big one got him fish off fish all that's a good tiger on the bottom just letting it sit on the bottom or no that's not a tiger trout what is that looks like we got a splake yeah oh he's running he's running he's running he's running there's a four pound line four pound line got them just letting that minnow sit on the bottom we've got a lot of bites the past 40 minutes or so since we caught that last one but none have committed until this guy oh that's a good fish too come here oh in the net there we go second fish of the day and absolutely gorgeous splake goodness here we go second fish of the day probably a 16 17 inch Spike looks like he's bleeding there on his jaw and it does look like he's been caught before because he's missing part of his mouth and we'll get a quick release on this guy because I want to catch some more because there was like half a dozen fish this size down there all right we'll see you later buddy there he goes heck yes dude sadly that guy did throw our minnow the key is to cover the hook as much as possible because I mean if they see it they're going to eat it but if they taste a hook or anything they're going to spit it all right I'm going to toss it right back out where I caught that guy and where I saw a few others and I'm just going to let it sit on the bottom let it sink and sit on the bottom oh fish on fish on another one letting it sit on the bottom dude another splake there's another one falling behind him another good fish holy cow this one's not fighting quite as hard it's not quite as big either nice that was two fish within the span of like three minutes we can just get it in front of them let it sit on the bottom they're gonna eat there you go oh and the hook just fell right out sweet third fish of the day good size one too and his buddies are still out there so we're gonna get right back in there oh he's missing part of his Gill plate on that side it's interesting there you go all right all right toss her back out and then just let it sit [Music] got him oh shoot I had a big tiger on oh dang it I thought I let him eat it long enough I don't know if he's gonna come back after that see if he's still in the area although I did have them hooked for a second so I think I freaked him out there he is there he is oh he's got it he's got it he's got it there we go there we go another good tiger another good tiger look at that look at that giant oh holy cow come down here to get him and he didn't really put up much oh shoot jeez just about to say he wasn't putting up much of a fight now he's waking up come over here look at that beautiful fish holy cow geez God I'm in the net oh oh no no no no no no God there we go dude oh my goodness that is the biggest fish of the day check this fish out folks settle down settle down settle down there we go gorgeous fish those colors are unreal we're gonna get some pictures of this guy and then we're gonna let him go here we go second tiger trout of the day fourth fish of the day biggest fish of the day man those are some amazing colors that is why I love catching these fish they're just so beautiful it's almost like they're not even real there we go it's a gorgeous fish dude look at that and he's ready there he goes Dives right in the weeds hopefully he finds his way out oh got him fish on fish on fish on ooh another tiger another tiger not as big as the last one that's for sure I was actually reeling this minnow back into recast and just kind of like you know giving a smaction on the way and I saw this guy come up and Chase it so I just let some line out he grabbed it that is stay out of that Mall stay out of that Moss lots of moss right here got him I mean that is a good fish but compared to that other one doesn't seem quite as big all right there we go another good tiger trout solid fish smallest one that's crazy we're just gonna give them a little toss all right back over there and there he goes oh shoot oh I got him I got him I got them I felt some bite and I thought I lost him there but he was just hung up in the weeds what do we got another is that an oak splake there's splake cool so now we're at three splake three tiger trout heck yeah there we go it's another good fish solid little splake there he goes oh there's one oh no no did you guys see that my line just started going like that so I thought he had it for sure oh there's a bite oh my goodness dude missed another one how am I missing these fish oh there's a bite there was a bite he's got it there we go there we go I think it's some little fish that are playing with me because this one's not very big what is that a split splake you know this one would be perfect to cook up the perfect size but today we're just catching release pop the hook out for this guy barely hooked and he uh through my minnow there's a nice fish this is probably the smallest one of the day and this is still a good fish all right we'll just let this guy go real quick see you I'm telling you we need to end the day with like a six pound tiger trout and they're in here they are in here and now is the time for them to feed too so there we go there we go there we go it's a little bit better one another splake all of a sudden we're catching all the splake I don't know where the tigers are oh taking a little run there get in here I'll let you go it's a solid splake though holy cow nice look at that guy on he just popped off the hook popped right off the hook holy cow check that guy out that is a solid splake just look at those colors so pretty if you didn't know this is a cross between a lake trout and a brook trout and they do get pretty big there he goes fish on fish on what is that it's a good it's a good tiger trout good tiger trout gotta keep them out of those weeds oh this is a good fish this is one of the nicer ones we gotta keep them up do not dive into those weeds or we will lose this fish come here come here oh he's trying to dig down nope nope nope nope get out of there get out of there this is a giant this is a giant oh it's a stud this might be the biggest one might be the biggest one that's a big fish that's a big fish holy crap get in here get in here get in here get in here in the net oh my goodness dude oh my goodness that is the biggest fish of the day that is definitely bigger than that tiger we caught earlier look at that monster monster of a tiger trout oh he barely fits in the net oh settle down settle down look at that stud that is a giant tiger trout that's probably 21 22 inches yeah this is definitely the biggest tiger trout I've caught this year for sure not the biggest one I've ever caught but one of them just look at those colors such a cool fish all right we're gonna let him go all right guys well the audio at the very end of that last clip uh just got cut out the GoPro microphone just stopped working so I lost the outro for this video so we're doing it now but I hope you guys enjoyed this video call out some nice fish some spike some tiger trout really glad I decided to try out those gulp minnows because those fish really seem to like them if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already I would really appreciate it but other than that thank you guys for watching and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Bass'N'Trout
Views: 625
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Id: Tl7CqchQzi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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