BEST WAY TO EAT YELLOWTAIL | She Caught The Biggest Fish

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I love me some sushis and sashimis

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what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm talking and today we're on this awesome bow with kirk and rick so they invited us out here today jocelyn and i to coke uh we're in catalina fishing for yellowtail and we'll probably catch uh some calico bass as well but awesome these guys awesome guys just invited us over and it was gonna be rough up in the bay area this week so i was like okay let's make a quick trip down to l.a and go fishing for some yellowtail so hopefully we get on some today all right yeah my boys and i have been watching taku's uh youtube channel for a couple months now i absolutely love it so we're excited to have uh taku and jocelyn on the boat hopefully we can catch some fish yeah awesome man thanks for having us [Music] peeling off nice man awesome that was pretty quick that was pretty quick nick yeah kirk's on one clerk's on a yellow tail color nice looks nice my opinion yellowtail or fight yeah nice yeah oh yeah first one next to me kirk yeah awesome kirk hey nice catch man that's a freaking good start yes he's a skinny guy he's pretty skinny huh he's like a slim that's a guy who just arrived at the island he's been pelagically out there some live sardines for bait i'm just hooking them right through the nose and they're going to be swimming around and the fish will attack this just like that and we'll just cast it out just a got a fish on all right probably calico yeah little guy oh yeah let me [Music] feel like a good one uh it's hard to tell this line is so light this rod is so light yeah i can feel the tail thing see his tail down see the yeah the rod those are the tail tops looks nice oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah oh am i ready [Music] you don't know nice [Music] day that's nice come on yellowtail there we go oh there it is oh no yeah i feel like that was a yellow tail because that took off [Music] oh johnson's on one yeah there you go yeah first fish of the day for joslin you got one again johnson's on oh here we go i'm on two [Music] oh i got it oh look at that whoa i i don't think that was a seal there you go there you go look at that yellow jumped all the way out of the water oh you got one calico oh jonathan's on yeah nice here go under me yeah you keep catching them i know i want yellow tail though i'll get it i'll get it talking no no a nice one oh here we go come on yeah yep i think it's just a calico probably that's a nice one that might be a creeper look at the colors on there yeah oh beautiful oh yeah oh that's a little hell yeah pretty one though yeah this is pretty beautiful yeah look at that yellow whoa wow yeah like golden you got here [Music] wow yeah that's a nice one taller than the other one oh yeah sounds more gray huh yeah there we go fish [Music] there we go there you go small calico release yeah come on jocelyn yeah yeah really pull up keep the rod tip up here there you go then just when it starts pulling pull pull out come on jocelyn come on jocelyn attention yeah nice chelsea on the yellowtail oh yeah oh yeah bring him in bring him in yeah lift up and reel down so strong huh good work yeah oh yeah come on use those arms [Music] i see him you see him try to pump the rod up oh trying to keep him away from the anchor all right we're good here we go oh whoa whoa that's the biggest one hold it hold it hold it hold it up hold it up hold it up yeah oh my god just like good job wow here let me take a picture that's a easy 20. yeah oh wow got it nice all right now we're gonna bleed this guy out all right we're gonna bleed them out in there yeah that's freaking awesome all right so far got three yellow tail on the boat within like the first 30 minutes three quick ones and then ever since then it's been pretty much all calico but we've been seeing a lot of uh little blowups here and there of yellowtail it's pretty exciting i haven't gotten mine yet though so let's see if i can get one i see that that seal's on us now yeah yeah yeah scaring away all the fish well we'll definitely stop chumming for a little while let's see jocelyn's fish it's almost as big as she is look at jocelyn's catch right here look at that a beast of a fish look at that that's nice wow wow good job yeah that's so awesome check out the cooler too look at that all right guys well now we have this nice beautiful cove here beautiful backdrop we're gonna make some hamachi sashimi all right so filet first and then well yeah we'll get to it all right i'm gonna put some gloves on i have two different color gloves this is not even gonna fit my cutting board look at that all right and we'll show you how we scale it when we do it for sushi so i'm gonna do sukibiki that's the scaling technique that we use in sushi so we're just gonna use the knife to take the scales off so just literally just cutting the scales not going into the meat at all see that's all scale right there and that's how we scale it it's a more gentle way of scaling to ensure that you're not going to break any of that meat that beautiful meat i assume you have to have a very sharp knife oh yeah like do to do this yeah you have to have a very sharp knife and then it's tricky because if you angle down too much then you're going to end up cutting the cutting into the meat and we mainly use this technique when we're scaling fish with small scales like yellowtail amberjack even salmon sometimes and now uh let's gut it and it will fillet too we're just doing half the fish because this is such a big fish uh yeah so it's just four of us here we're gonna clean out the bloodline all right now we're gonna fillet this guy pretty much same as almost any other fish look at that hit that middle bone look at that in there flip the fish and i'm gonna go from the tail all the way down i'm gonna go in get keep the pressure down now lift the meat a little i'm going to scrape up the middle bone all right now the rib cage on a yellow tail is pretty thick so i'm going to use my devil instead of using my my chef knife there we go there you go look at that oh yeah awesome awesome oh my gosh the meat is so so fresh one of the best parts on a yellow toe is the collar how much coma so we're going to cut that off i'll show you how to cut it off so we start right here cut down like that and i'm gonna cut around around the fin here just like that and they have a bone they have a bone right here so you can pull it off or you can just cut through it too you see that well yeah yeah so that this piece right here grill that up oh so good so good yeah just oh that's all you need a little salt olive oil yeah just throw it on that charcoal grill so good now we'll take the rib cage off i'm gonna cut down so i'm going to take the the pin bones out just by cutting cutting it in half you don't have to move the knife much it's mostly just just the knee looks nice all good no signs of parasites okay i'm gonna cut the belly off here and then we'll start slicing those sashimi pieces i'm gonna go nice and thin [Music] when we do yellowtail sashimi that little bit of that bloodline we actually leave it on there all right now you can see that right and it's just a little tiny bit and uh yeah we don't actually trim it off we'll slice slice a little more i'm gonna try piece really good it has a a slight kind of lemony-ness to it so it actually pairs really well with citrus what i'm going to do now is i'm actually going to cut up some we've got some oranges uh some citruses so we're gonna cut that up we have some yuzu juice as well you can put that on there complement it with a lot of citrus and we'll make a little sashimi platter like that all right really good i have chalet here and i have serrano as well you guys good with little spicy oh good good perfect i'll just mix them up so i know and shallots all right i'm going to add this olive oil this is garlic olive oil new plates nice this is yuzu juice usually the japanese citrus soda has a flavor like grapefruit generous amount of that on here yeah we're just going to sprinkle this uh this mixture around yeah yellowtail goes really well with serranos and citrus so we're gonna take a take a few mint leaves and we're just gonna sprinkle that on top and it's pretty strong so not too much just need to finish it off with a little sea salt because there's no salt in there right now it's all just you know citrus and serrano and stuff so we're just going to sprinkle a little sea salt on there damn and that's it that's my uh little hamachi sashimi platter right here with a lot of citrus three kinds of citrus yuzu juice orange and grapefruit with the shallot serrano olive oil and topped with mint leaves all right this one's for you guys i'm gonna make another plate for us chopsticks there you go tell me how it tastes really good yeah haven't had this combination i just made it right it just kind of makes it almost like a ceviche we could side cook but yeah texture perfect yeah a lot of textures whenever i try to make sashimi with our local cut yellow tail doesn't come out like this so amazing awesome heck yeah enjoy it i'm gonna make our second place so we can have some too citrus makes it hot yeah yeah totally still really firm so it's so fresh but it's like yeah i kind of like it like that yeah that freshness comes through you don't taste it at all yeah look at that so beautiful like that i thought the bloodline would be fishy but it's not at all it's not right kind of adds a little flavor even yeah grapefruit yeah the the music oh okay we're just doing this one real quick you want to eat it too it's like yeah it's not heavy no definitely it's just i like the mint yeah the mint was kind of like a last minute addition because i was like oh i have some mint let me just bring that with me oh here we got uh some of the belly pieces too all right jocelyn it's our turn to try you guys can come sit too yeah cheers wow good catch jocelyn amazing nice job thank you jocelyn out fished me today yeah even got more that one you might have to put a little sauce on there oh did you put user oh wow our oil whoa yellow tail yeah a little kick to it yellowtail and citrus damn perfect combination gives a little sweetness from the oranges and the mint is a little extra a little extra tell so unique something it's not a like a white fish but it's not like a tuna fish it's kind of in between right this has some amazing qualities yeah one of my very favorite fish to eat yeah cooked cooked or sashimi this is like the most firm yellowtail i've ever had it doesn't get any fresher than that yeah it's so fresh jocelyn caught this fish about two and a half hours ago it was an epic battle she kind of made it was making it look easy i thought yellowtail in about 10 minutes yeah like oh that might that's probably going to be smaller than the first you know the first one that's all that time at the time oh my god i love the grapefruit and the orange too yeah it's so good getting a bite with it all the different textures the firm yellowtail and the citrus yeah there we go so fun you guys made the rally and drove down i know thanks for having us i mean man yeah such a good time i didn't catch my yellow toy it's all good i'll be back have a bad catch mine you can come back on our boat anytime awesome yeah yeah i know man thanks for hitting me up yeah yeah i appreciate that yeah man i think that was the most fish i've caught i know you caught yeah you were catching a lot of calories non-stop really good with the citrus yeah i can't even taste the garlic from the olive oil pretty well is it this firm too because of the citrus cooked it a little or well the meat is fine because it's fresh yeah once it's you know spent a little like a day or two and it starts to get soft which is also good too wow yellowtail sashimi yeah awesome made right here on the boat where we caught it little cove right here yeah it's nice to be out of the wind in the bed from in the bay area all right guys well thanks for watching thank you to these guys right here kirk and rick yeah awesome well thank you all for watching see you guys on the next one peace peace i know me too we both got jeans we both got jeans [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 418,414
Rating: 4.9474335 out of 5
Keywords: outdoor chef life, sushi chef, yellowtail, hamachi, buri, catch clean cook, catch and sushi, yellowtail sashimi, how to fillet yellowtail, yellowtail sushi, yellowtail recipe, kingfish, wild yellowtail, boat fishing, catalina island, Los Angeles, hamachi sashimi, omakase, chef, fishing for food, sea to table, caught not bought, big fish
Id: VaSXZojyhpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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