Cat Owners Reveal The Dumbest Things Their Cats Have Done

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cat owners of Reddit what is the most stupid thing your cat has done got her head stuck in the handle of a plastic bag ran around the living room looking like a feline superhero with a cape cat sees bird sitting on window sill outside cat assumes wiggle bat formation while target is spotted and locked cat launches from a standstill and directly into the closed window headfirst bird flies away cat is now scared of birds I was walking into the apartment with laundry so I can't see my feet cat steps right in my path I step on him instead of freaking off like a normal cat he steps back into my path and gets stepped on a game I scoot him aside and he walks back into my path and gets stepped on a game he actually does this a lot and get stepped on a lot I wasn't actually there for this but was told the events through my stepdads choking laughter we live in an area that's got ocean to one side and lots of farmland to the other naturally we end up with lots of crows and seagulls and because of the competition it's usually these two Mafia families of birds that stick around running joke in the area one of my cats finally managed to catch a seagull right out of the air a featuring been trying to do for years problem it was as big as him and there was like a group of five other gulls nearby who did not appreciate him grabbing their brethren cue my very panics cat running for his life from a group of mafia like seagulls with one positively huge bird flapping panics from his Jersey dragged it along by the one way finally my stepdad stepped out to rescue the fuzzy idiot and he immediately dropped the bird and ran inside hare strutting in all directions he hasn't messed with the seagull mafia since actually haven't seen any girls in our yard lately either my cat climbed the stool thing I had above my bed when I was in fourth grade at 3 a.m. I here in the island a scratching noise just to see her full 6 feet right onto my left eye is your cat ok one of my cats kept getting stuck on the roof of our house and the neighbors houses he knows how to get down and has done repeatedly will he panics and forgets then cries at me to come get him the other one is so stupid you can watch solitaire thoughts stroll slowly across his brain he regularly loses treats you give them because they are right in front of him and if you have something he wants he sits looking vacant for minutes before thinking out maybe I should go towards the thing I want and going to get it he was sitting in the window and got a claw on his back foot caught on the drawstring cord on the blinds thought it was a good idea to jump off the window to get unstuck and ended up being suspended in the air by his back leg he then proceeded to freak the [ __ ] out and flopped around like a fish on the end of a line I couldn't grab him because he was just a flailing ball of hissing claws and teeth I ended up having to cut the string with my knife he was back in the window in less than five minutes like nothing happened did some advanced Parker purely to steal broccoli a fake his plate was full guess he's on a diet we had a cat when I was seven who used to steal Brussels sprouts Colonel Klink would slink under the table hop up on an empty seat swipes him off my plate or dance whoever's was closest and make off with it she jumped into the washing machine while I was filling it up got soaked had to dry her off mine jumped into the toilets right after I got up from it I had not been as disgusted of a cat ever trying to catch a bug he puts his paw over it lifts his paw up to see if he got it but runs off repeat forever my cat will literally wake me in the morning sometimes he slaps me with his poor not with claw though and trust me he has them and when I put my blanket over my head he quite literally pulls the blanket down and slaps me I think it's an attention thing that a6a and it's super annoying I feel your pain my cat licks my eyelids to wake me up my big dumb lovable Maine [ __ ] has chased the laser so hard he dented the drywall with his that he regularly gets lost going up or down stairs but the price goes to the time he got stuck hanging off a backpack on the door I had hung my bag on the hook and the cat decided to attack it I hear desperate meowing from the other room I go to investigate and the fluffy idiot is dangling there front all stuck in the backpack tail swinging in the breeze it's a good thing he's a cute kitty bedtime in a loft like apartment girlfriend was embedded I was brushing teeth suddenly my cat came tearing around the corner took a flying leap and springboarded off my gfs face and over the half waterfall about 15 feet to the lower level crashing into ship below came back upstairs like nothing happened while my gfs face was all scratched up jumped into the laundry hamper in the middle of the night knocked it over scared herself peed a little and puffed up in fright when I turned the light on to see what had happened I dried her back legs off with a towel and cuddled with her until we both fell asleep so she wouldn't feel embarrassed it was still stupid of her though vanilla ice my old white cat somehow got a charcoal briquette in our kitchen and was playing with it we came home to a black cat and a new charcoal drawing on our hardwood kitchen floor my cat gave birth on my mom's head when she was sleeping he usually tries to jump on the windowsill fails miserably and runs out of the room embarrassed he tried to eat my little potted cactus twice climbed in a cardboard box got stuck box flipped over so mr. mittens now couldn't see cat kept trying to move then fell downstairs she was surprisingly fine Steve eats plastic and Dudley got his head stuck in a McDonald's bag while there's more funny then stupid but my cousin was vacuuming and you can imagine how scared by cat was my cousin had her headphones on minding her own business and my cat runs out off from under the bed and literally runs at the speed of light around the room and by the I mean she ran off the walls and them zoomed by my cousin's face and then my cousin had like a heart attack because of that and he came to me laughing but almost crying my cat cut a hole in my screen window and fell out he came home later that night he is no longer allowed to be in the window unsupervised straight up failed a jump on to a counter and flailed in the air before landing on his side cats do not always land on their feet lot she likes to sleep in my dresser but she doesn't know how to get out this sounds like your dress and meows a lot my cat licks perfume and bleach off the floor if any makes it there and she freaks out whenever we cut up garlic and onions for dinner my cats always try to sneak in the bathroom just to eat [ __ ] from the toilet brush they just like chewing on the toilet brush one of my cat loves to play with water it's always a mess so I have to place there drinking water in the sink the other day my cat stole something out of the trash and somehow got into the bathroom and played with it in the toilet I found out later BC the toilet was clogged my cat started drinking out of my family's water cups when we weren't looking so now she doesn't drink out of her bottle we give her water in a regular glass now chase defy up to the very top of the curtains then realized the only thing holding her up there was her claws and started mewling for help I helped her down and she went straight back to chasing the fly she caught it eventually put his favorite foil ball in a pair of my knee-high boots proceeded to manage to get himself stuck in the boat body in the leg hole had sticking out of the unzipped caution he's a solid 20 pounds I hear screeching and thudding and that is the sight I was met with untangle him remove ball and he does it again twenty minutes later she fell off the railing and down a flight of stairs she wasn't her just a little stumped she fell between the couch and wall and couldn't figure out how to get back out one of our caps must have gotten into a paint bucket because she came in after being outside half covered in paint it looked like she fell oh we had to take her to the vet and they shaved off the areas with paint my cat caught a mouse and put it down then acted surprised when it ran away this a little long but he goes when you first walk into my old apartment you're standing in a small foyer staring down the length of the kitchen which has a single window at the end so I come home open the door and my entire kitchen is glistening gold in the sunlight what fresh hell is this turns out one of my three cats managed to open a massive bottle of canola oil and coat the entire kitchen and oil the countertops the Front's of all the cabinets the top and under shelf of the table the top front and side of the fridge the stove the window and sill the dishwasher and the entire tile floor it took me hours most off a bottle of dawn and copious rolls of paper towels to finally get all the oil off everything it was at this moment I realized none of my cats were covered in oil since I had been home so they must have groomed it all off themselves I made a direct route to the litter box and tore off the lid the clumping litter instead was just a thick blackish gray sludge from three cats us blasting oil into it for who knows how many dollars I just hooked a trash bag on a corner and poured it all Ivan had to dig reefs and clean that as well fast forward about nine years we finally figured out which cat it was and how she did it we forgot a bottle of oil out in the kitchen and I hear these scratching noises I go to see what is happening and she is on her back legs with her front legs tightly hugging the bottle while she using her mouth to unscrew the lid I couldn't believe it so I just let her prove me wrong she opened it and proceeded to lick oil off the rim so I took away her prize I shouldn't have been surprised as this was the same cat who figured out how to unscrew their food bin when she wanted more my cat got into a bag of hamster food for reasons beyond my understanding and then proceeded to do that thing where he lifted his head and tried to back out of it leaving behind the trail of hamster food in the process one of my cats has tendency to [ __ ] on the bathroom floor and then for some reason thinks she can bury it even though it's on linoleum the other one got up on top of the kitchen cupboards and couldn't figure out how to get down again she's so fat I don't know how she got up there to begin with two of my cats were in a high-speed chase throughout the house they started to go for the back door to run outside and finish off whatever stupid fight they were in I don't think the cat leading the chase realized the door was closed and ran straight into the flyscreen causing it to pop out of place they were both so confused as to what had just happened I laughed so hard I fell down the stairs [Music]
Channel: royalpha
Views: 4,961
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Keywords: askreddit, r/, r/askreddit, ask reddit, brainydude, dankify, cat owners reddit, cats askreddit, reveal, explain askreddit, reveal askreddit, share askreddit, brainydude reddit, dankify reddit, dankify askreddit, royalpha, royalpha reddit, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit, askreddit top posts of all time, funny askreddit, funny reddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, brainymemes, cat askreddit
Id: Steu9RL1_L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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