Cast Iron Skillet Pizza - Easy Recipe

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/azizsalim 📅︎︎ May 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Saved this video a week ago and got around to giving it a try tonight and just finished, unreal! the cornmeal in the pan adds an awesome texture to the crust. Thanks for the post!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YNOS7 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
man look at that I know you like what you see right there pizza in a cast-iron skillet I'm David Griffin if you're here for the first time hit that subscribe button today I'm gonna show you how to make pizza using a cast iron skillet ahh now check this out let's deal with the pizza dough you're gonna need three and a half cups of bread flour one and a half teaspoons of salt one of the quarter teaspoons of yeast 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 14 ounces of warm water you're gonna mix all your dry ingredients together in a bowl you see this they goo you flour next we're gonna put in our salt then our yeast you see that and now the thing is you want to give that a good stir and separate everything and kind of put it all throughout then we're gonna add in that warm water you know me I like to stir stuff like this when I'm making breads and flowers flour based items using the back of ass wouldn't spoon cuz it doesn't stick too much then we're gonna cover it and leave it in a warm place for about two hours and this is what we get you see leaving it at 85 degrees using yeast and the right amount of warm water is gonna give you this gluten structure this is a no need dough so you don't have to actually need it what happens is nature kind of does the kneading for you you're gonna turn your flour / I should say dough onto a work surface right make sure it's flour so it won't stick to everything and just smear out and stick then you're gonna after is floured up real nice you're gonna kind of work you don't you don't have to in this recipe but I choose to do it because it makes the pizza turn out a lot better you see it's a no need though and it does work without needing like this but this isn't true needed what I'm really doing is just stretching it folding it stretching it some more folding it I do that until I get a smooth almost purl kind of look to it you see then once it looks the way I want it I'm gonna split it in half and I'm gonna take half that dough and I want to put it in an olive oil greased Bowl you see this yeah by doing this it lets that other half be able to sit in the fridge or freezer for several weeks at a time but hey let's deal with this right here you see that cast iron perfection y'all hit that link right up there I'm gonna show you how to care for those and take care of these in the meantime we're gonna go ahead and oil up our pan we use olive oil okay we're gonna all grease up the sides real pan at that big pan you see that now we're gonna coat the skillet with salt pepper garlic oregano rosemary basil and some cornmeal the cornmeal in there it may seem like the oddball but what does the cornmeal do it helps make sure this flour this dough mixture okay does not stick you see that's what it does it creates a surface a secondary surface to keep your dough from sticking as it cooks the oil actually does the same thing as well but this way it even has that traditional pizza taste now we're gonna take and just kind of rotate it in the air and let gravity stretch it out a little bit for us and this is what I have you should come out with something similar to this - we're gonna take our dough we're gonna drop it into our cast-iron skillet we're gonna press it around you see how my hands go around we're creating a lip at the edge as well you're gonna notice even some of that seasoned olive oils gonna come up around the edge of the lid you see it but that's alright it's not a problem that's let you know you're gonna have these perfect breadsticks at the edge you see why do we season it and you ever know these kids don't always eat the the end of the pizza well you season it right they will you smooth that out real good you wanted us in this case for this type of pizza as flat as possible hit the link right there that's the link to my wife's version is hers is the super og deep-dish version hers is awesome now here's for our toppings pizza sauce mozzarella parmesan pepperoni black pepper salt basil oregano and rosemary we do all these things to taste okay now for our sauce that's regular crappy store sauce but you spruce it up what do you do you boil it a little bit with a little bit of oregano basil salt pepper then it kind of ups the level of the taste you shouldn't have to doctor a pizza sauce if they call it pizza sauce but hey I still do it anyway now it only takes about a few tablespoons maybe two sometimes three tablespoons so thoroughly coat your pizza this is a twelve and a half inch skillet so you're dealing with a twelve and a half inch pizza so you're not gonna need that much pizza sauce for it so imagine that one can could probably do about eight or nine pizzas six or seven pizzas depending on how much you want on there now that's our Parmesan cheese if you do too much it'll be too salty so I kind of keep that to a minimum then right here we're doing our mozzarella cheese you need that look at this I go ham on the cheese right nice we take our pepperonis we fill this out I love pepperonis don't cha now we're gonna take some cheese we're gonna put on top of there why because it's pizza and why not cheese look at this I don't really really put it we need a heated this up look at it now let me show you what makes the cast iron skillet method that my wife showed you make sense you put that on the stove right what you're doing is you're cooking the bottom of the crust look at that easy think about the premise you cook you're making the right pizza crust I don't like my pizza crust too crispy but I can control it I start off with a medium heat and I worked my way up it's even gonna start cooking all the way through and you might even see bubbles on the top like this right but you make sure you lift it up and you take a good look underneath right just like we're gonna do now look at that for me that's a perfect crust for you you might want a more crispy more cooked in more burnt crust and we take that 500 degree oven we're gonna preheat that if your oven gets hotter you do that I put it up to the top okay cuz it's not only gonna take what to four minutes to cook you see that don't take much two to four okay now you're gonna take out this wondrous beautiful pizza of a thing that you just made look at this man looks like you just went to a restaurant a song man that was his pizza place I used to go to I used to see like tons of huge cast-iron skillets and they did this on the top and then put them in the bottom just like this my wife she made this recipe that she she did this fuss and I'm paying homage you X X what you doing over there yo come here you gotta try this wait X yeah yeah I'm cutting it man man look it there you go get that beautiful oh man how you feeling that Sean oh that's how you feel huh stringy cheese pepperoni look it all right Sean that's what's up that's how you make a cast iron skillet pizza y'all hey hit that like share and subscribe button y'all you know that I need you I'm out
Channel: David Griffin
Views: 8,326
Rating: 4.895082 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cast iron skillet pizza recipe, cast iron skillet pizza thin crust, cast iron skillet pizza youtube, cast iron skillet pizza crust, cast iron skillet pizza cook time, cook pizza cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet pizza dough recipe, deep dish pizza cast iron skillet recipe, easy cast iron skillet pizza, homemade pizza cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet pizza in oven, making pizza cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet pizza on stove top, how to make, cast iron
Id: gHexcyE4Sdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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