Cast Iron Skillet Pizza | Deep Dish

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today I am making this easy delicious cast-iron skillet deep dish pizza so if you want to learn how to make this keep watching okay so for this recipe the ingredients that you'll need will be bread flour yeast oil and salt if you do not have bread flour you can use all-purpose flour from our toppings I'm using pepperoni mozzarella cheese and prego pizza sauce you're going to also need warm water to activate your yeast the full recipe will be linked below in the description box okay so start out by adding your yeast to warm water let that sit and then stir the yeast until it is dissolved now this is a brand of yeast that I'm using here it's tailored for a piece of crust but you can use any type of yeast that you have next add your salt to the bread flour and mix well then add your wet ingredients and you want to make sure all of your ingredients are mixed in and well combined [Applause] [Music] [Music] now you're gonna begin the kneading process the purpose of kneading the dough is to strengthen the gluten now the gluten are the stringy bands of protein that gives bread its structure and texture kneading dough is a very easy process you always want to make sure that you have some extra flour on hand because the dough gets very sticky and you want to be able to flour your hand or add more flour to the dough if necessary so if you don't know how to knead dough or if you've never done it before it's very easy just watch how it's done here this is a very important process and you want to make sure that you do not skip this process this is very necessary for our dough to rise form and come together and just be complete and also good [Music] [Music] so next what you want to do is add some oil to a bowl and the reason that we're adding in the oil is because the dough will become very very sticky inside of the bowl so the oil will give it some slip and prevent that dough from sticking to the bowl so make sure that when you drop in the oil that you spread it around a little bit before you drop in your dough so you're gonna play some clear plastic wrap on top of the bowling you just wanted to sit at room temperature and you wanted to stay kind of warm for an hour and a half we're gonna just let that sit and let it begin to rise so after it's been an hour and a half we're gonna season our cast-iron skillet to give our dough some nice flavor to it because we want this piece of crust to have some flavor the season the skillet you'll need olive oil I'm also going to be using some cornmeal black pepper oregano and a pinch of salt [Music] so now to lift the dough out of the bowl you want to make sure that you put some oil onto your hands because again the dough will be very sticky [Music] so here I have intentionally not used a rolling pin because I'm showing you guys that you can simply drop the dough into the skillet and you can manipulate the dough you can rub it and knead it with your hands just to spread it out and get it to thin out a little bit you do not need a rolling pin for this process here [Music] okay so to speed up this process I am gonna start by kicking the piece of dough on this stove top and this is just gonna make this whole process much quicker it's gonna make my crust taste better it's gonna make my crust have a nice crispy texture and it's gonna also reduce the oven time that I'm going to need to bake this pieces [Music] so I only kicked this on the stovetop for about seven minutes and now you see me I'm just adding on my pepperoni I am gonna revisit this recipe on another day because I have some other ideas in mind that I want to do for toppings but for right now I'm just keeping it simple and I'm just adding pepperoni I didn't overdo it too much with the cheese but if you make this recipe you can put as much cheese as you like as much pepperoni as you like it's totally up to you so now you see me just slightly lifting the piece so just to check it cuz I want to make sure that it does not burn because cast-iron can heat up really fast and you definitely don't want to burn your piece of cracker [Music] so now that that's done I'm placing this in the oven and I'm gonna set my oven on broil and four minutes later my pizza is done you guys see this it looks so so so so good and I'm lifting up this piece of here just so you can kind of get a look at the crust underneath this piece that is the best and what I love about it is that it was very easy to make and it only took two hours to make the dough so you really cannot beat this so now I'm gonna make my plate and I'm showing you the inside of the crust here yeah I did take a bite cuz I was hungry I'm hungry okay and I'm just letting you see how delicious and how good this crust looks you guys have got to make this recipe you have got to make this recipe number one you're gonna save some money because Pisa can be a little costly and then if you try to go the cheap route it's not gonna taste as good as this Pisa trust me so go ahead give it a try leave me a comment down below let me know what you think and I will see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: The Simple Way
Views: 22,750
Rating: 4.9228792 out of 5
Keywords: TheSimpleWay, pizza, castironpizza, castironcooking, deepdishpizza
Id: wyBBxu-R-5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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