Cassidy on Goodz Battle, R Kelly, Lil Nas X, Nipsey, Tekashi, Past Beef w/ 50 Cent (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Cassidy welcome back not what you want everything good man me and you go back Oh always man I mean you go back before flat TV before vlad to be during the DVD days i'm glad you don't think i've been around that long man when i try to tell my students and all the things i've been think people don't believe me man look we have one of the one of the greatest spitters also one of the greatest battle rappers who also had a string of hit records i'm saying something that you can't say about each of those categories so always an honor when Cassidy come through glad TV but no doubt well let's get into it first and foremost you're about to have another battle thanks April 27 what's going down man resolution okay you're battling goods this time good it's gonna be an action-packed card though we got a lot of other people on the car Keshawn bursty rock new jersey twerk verse John John a dime see top verse rum Nitti shotgun show verse chef tres and bridge Rothstein vs. young new yeah quite a light up and this time is gonna be on smack definitely the URL stage and it's the biggest venue that they ever booked they got a mansion in ATL so you know it's the biggest is the biggest venue that they have a book sold out quicker than ever hey buddy talking about coming through that's a celebrity now you're by talking about don't fight parties pay-per-view parties and all the day it's exciting man well yeah man I've said this before my interviews I consider that battle that you did with disaster in that you know that parking structure to be my greatest hip-hop moment that I actually experienced wow that's amazing yeah and I've had a lot you know I've had a lot of hip-hop moments over over my decades in the in the industry but that right there was just so raw and so you know unadulterated and just pure hip-hop to the essence that that's something that's always going you know I'm always gonna remember that Thank You Man thank you mommy too and maybe that's the reason why I worked out like that for us to take it to the parking lot because we needed that moment in history that raw filming this time you get the big stage filming dough versus good so and I mean the last time I think I had to take him back to the raw filling the first time and now I can give him a big stage for me well you know you and I did interviews around the last battle both before and after and I guess just like the last battle you didn't pick who you're battling you just said okay I'm gonna agreed to a battle and y'all could just pick whoever whoever you want right yeah I never picked any of my bad news like I never like had a problem with somebody I just said I want to batter this person like it never was like that it was always other people picking the opponent saying that they had somebody that was hot or I got somebody that could beat you or we got somebody that's nice and that's all that the battles went down so even with me in freeway jay-z picked freeway when um okie David and lush wanting them call me I told him to pick whoever they want and they decided to pick disaster that's the same thing I told smack Beasley and then when they called me and we locked it down I told him he could pick whoever they want man and they decided to pick goods so a lot of people be uninformed and be going around thinking I'm picking these dudes or picking the fight that I think I could win or you know I'm saying just coming back in the coach and trying to like take away from the culture like I'm a vulture well really I'll let people know that I am the coach and the reason why I'm coming back as for those reasons well yeah man and I remember you know there's lots of different rumors and people spoke on it but the last battle was a big payday for you now I'm not gonna get in your pockets but is this a bigger payday the last one or about the same now it's not a bigger one because I gave them smacking them a little discount because I wanted to make history so I took a little sacrifice [Music] I felt like I had to do at this point in time with a culture is that I felt like I had to make a little sacrifice the that that helped the culture and send it in a better direction and make it a keep continuing the spiral forward so I think I'm playing a big part in that right now I played a big part in the in the beginning in the very beginning but a lot of people that's a part of the culture now wasn't around in the very beginning so they're not familiar with that so that's why I wanted to come back and do it all over again and that's what I'm here to do and I feel smacked URL is the perfect stage for me to do that on because that is my fan base like if you a new URL fan maybe maybe not but if you a long term URL fan that's my crowd that's the people that love me the most so I feel like it was the perfect stage the perfect platform and the perfect people to execute so that's why you see me promoting doing the most to let the world know that it's coming because I want more eyes to be open to the energy a battle rap well yeah man like I said the last battle was epic and you know I think a lot of people looked at you because you hadn't battled in like 15 years last time right yeah about that you know so it's like you look at all these dudes that are battling a few times a year and they're staying sharp and they're in the scene and here comes this dude that battled a long time ago and everyone was like I you know people expect like it might be a cannabis thing you know I mean we're you know offensive cannabis but come on he didn't you know you saw what happened in that battle it was people still compare me to those type of people now even after the disaster battery even as I came back and proved that I'm not like the rest of the industry people that tried to come back they still categorize me with them people so I think the URL stage the big stage with all these eyes open now is the perfect opportunity to let the world know what I'm capable of see disaster was like a strategic plan I know this ask the dangerous and I know how here at I knew he was in California his hometown and I knew that that wasn't gonna be a URL crowd even a battle rap crowd is not a URL crowd so I knew it was gonna be slightly different so I ought to my style on purpose I wasn't trying to punch him to death for talking oh sweet stuff to disaster I I did what I did intentionally and because of that it was able to break him down he wasn't used to that because everybody else come at him different but he didn't bad with other rappers that just was throwing punching islands at him and he was able to defend that and come back so I wanted to do something different and there was something he never seen before and that's all a part of the science but a lot of people are confused thinking that this next battle I might just come out with them saying disaster on zan don't just imitate Goods and do the exact same thing like for one I would never do that even if I had a batter the following day I still wouldn't use that same style with the same tactics but there's so many years past I'm in way better shape and more lock then more focus and hungry all right then I won't say that I ever been but since I was younger when I really had love for this I lost there for a minute and I realized that and I was like why cuz I'm so caught up into the business so I wanted to lock back into the art of it so that's why I decided to battle again and right when I decided that that's when lushing them called me but every since then four and a half years ago or four years ago I've been locked in working focus grinding so I'm in the best shape of my life so it's gonna be definitely a different performance man I can't wait I can't wait everybody needs to tune in cuz this is gonna be another history-making moment right here and I know it definitely I just know it we already mean history man I'm excited man all I got to do now is just show up and bury to do like I were telling their ey i'ma do well you know after this was announced a lot of people a lot of other battle rapper started putting in their two cents and hit me a holler who we've interviewed before you know he says that uh you need battle rap that you're not the culture but you're really a vulture what do you think of that shot a few words back a hitman over social media and things like that but really what it is is I'm the energy a battle rat right now like it's nothing else being talked about and battle rap other than me and um they know that like a hitman want that energy back I mean even though he don't whiling out and other things he not his um active or as hot as he was at one time in battle rap and he want that opportunity to get the odds back on him and he know that I'm the goal the best like the biggest draw know is nobody else in the world that people will want to battle more than me so that's the reason why these dudes is um either realizing what I'm doing respecting it learning from it and side with me are they getting a little envious because they want to be able to do that they want to be able to sell out the stage passes in the VIP passes in a couple hours they want to be able to sell mansion out faster than they sold out in 12 years they want to be having estimated pay-per-view numbers larger than ever they want to be able to promote and do what I'm doing on their own they want to be able to go on interviews and say I'm gonna go I'm the best nobody could [ __ ] with me and I'm undefeated like they want to be able to do that but they can't so it's a little bit of envy especially when you were bad or rapid doing the same thing I'm doing so I understand it and I understand why he's doing it but I just know he uninformed I can even tell by how he answering questions and comment and Normie that he kind of under formed in just envious well yeah I mean everyone every battle rapper wants to battle Cassidy and he just is what it is this is not a judgment towards anybody you know so if people like murder MOOC or whoever saying that you're ducking them it's like you don't pick your battles and honestly meaning you've had lots of conversations offline and on and I honestly believe you thanks thanks you know well you said that you don't think that M&M will live or battle you I'm not sure because I never I never got a chance to meet him in them like I never talked to him I never sat down with him seeing with hey was that I mean I could kind of jump to conclusions by what I am hearing his music or interviews and things like that but that's not really all the way accurate so I never got to talk to him to see where his hair was that to be able to answer that question but they did say he was a battle rapper before he was in the culture and I know it was like dope it's like once you did it before you're gonna be itching there feigning and scratching to just get back to it again eventually so if it was something that he was really a part of I see him doing a bunch of movies about battle rap he he really in the battle rap so he gotta have the urge the one to do it it just got to be the right situation I feel like he's so big that what could be the right situation for him so I feel like battle rap gotta continue to grow elevate like what we doing right now in a bigger I get the more investors and the more eyes open the better chance we got of a person like Eminem or other celebrities that's big getting involved in it well yeah I remember I interviewed a oxymoron who battled disasters as the Russian kid you know one of the Russian rappers yeah yeah and the one thing he said that was interesting because his views were like off the charts like he was getting more views than American rappers so you've actually gotten more views than all the established to us battle rappers that's right now like how's that even possible because I mean Russia has a lot of people yes yeah but the US but so does the US and more people speak English well yeah and then yeah I mean the US has a lot of people and more people in the world speak English than this right Russian so you have a bigger audience you know for example I mean you got the Canada you got the UK exactly no people in Germany speak English like it goes on and on let me break it down for you so I think there's a few reasons for that the main reason I think is what I just mentioned you know I'm an industry artist who is battling so imagine I mean you have the examples in the West you know Cassidy battled cannabis battles you know a few small artists like mad child from Canada and you know if you artist did a Joe Budden right a few people did but no one that's really sort of first second echelon right so imagine you would have a battle where Drake will be battling Kendrick how many views would that get that would definitely get more views than I mean not definitely but probably may have used in their most recent videos because you already have all the people following them and everyone on the outside plus you have the element of you know conflict and competition we just ads for you know further interest on top I'm by no means comparing myself to any of these you know great artists oh I'm saying that is that within the context of Russian rap you know I am probably by now I don't know one of the top three artists in terms of you know concert crowds and views etc etc so that's why when I go into a battle we get those crazy views and I mean the biggest one I have I think is Fuqing million views you know and that's actually move use them my biggest video I mean that I think is 30 something and this one is 40 million so if you see my drift right I mean I'm not the only industry artist battling out in Russia you know there's other you know top echelon people battling and I think that's one of the few things where we are actually doing better than you guys because you know hip hop in America is undoubtedly you know number one no one's debating that you know we've all been copying you guys for years but I think one thing where you're still slacking as a culture is that you know industry artists refuse to battle they charge extreme amounts of money every single battle that I've done was for free in the US I mean you're pretty much the biggest rapper who's who battles you know I'm saying and you're not writing the bigger you know the charts were at this very moment you know I mean imagine if Drake battled Kendrick how big would that [ __ ] be like it'd be bigger than any song they've ever done Thanks thank you no but why why do you think that once artists get to a certain level but is they just refused to battle that direction I mean on me you can see more movies TV shows is embracing battle rap the numbers and the views of battle rappers is constantly going up there's like radio ratings and things might be declining but battle rap numbers is going up ISM it's constantly growing and um it's getting bigger and bigger so I think eventually we will be able to see you know I'm seeing some bigger names some dudes like Eminem step back in the ring you really get busy well I interviewed a Fredro Starr and an Keith Murray after the battle that was a bit of a train wreck also Heath Murray was just blitzed basically I it's like I've always said that Keith Murray just lost more than federal star 1 you know I mean because he wasn't even he wasn't even prepared but you know Fredro when I interviewed um you know last year he said he wants to battle you shout out the Fredro Starr man legendary do man but that performance that he put on the last time I think he got to try somebody else but for me that's all i'ma say man you know me well Frederick star legend man you know me definitely grew up off the music and all that and he definitely at one time had [ __ ] under pressure but I don't know if he really locked in and focused right now like you need to be to be a battle rapper right because his only battle was Keith Murray he didn't go through any of the other you know standard battle rappers there's one thing I don't want that Iraq to do though I don't want it to grow and more eyes get on it and then it just become the industry like I don't want that and with those type of dudes that your name and even though they big names they big industry names but I feel like a lot of them dudes that's big industry names to be horrible battle rap names so even though they big names and people will wonder why because they got a lot of fans I think the actual performance in the actual battle wouldn't live up to standards it wouldn't be really what people was expecting you need to be a lot of things going wrong if you brought them type of celebrities together to do that so I don't feel like just because you popular you should just battle I feel like you got to really be cut from that cloth and be a battle rapper and be capable of biting a [ __ ] head off and I feel like those is the dues that should reap the benefits and I don't encourage the not only the dudes that been doing it as doing it now but the future generation the one step they pen.up want to write more figurative language one to get super nice with it because they know it's a lane for that absolutely absolutely and you know Meek Mill he came from a battle background imagine imagine Meek Mill battling Eminem like I mean Kendrick I've seen Kendrick battle you know I mean there's a lot of people that really came from that you know from that cloth I mean I would say most real rappers most lyrical rappers started battle rapping most celebrities that made it in the industry have to have a certain type of work I think even if you only like the way they rapid a music they have to be willing to put in a certain type of work to be successful in industry so I believe if they bought that the battle rap it would be good it would be beneficial but I don't I don't know if the ROMs and the dedication to really study and battle rap and locking in I'm not sure if that would be there and that's what's required and it it takes you to really lock in to be able to battle so I think a lot of time and energy will be required from them celebrities and they get in money in opportunities to do so much other stuff that it would be such a risk so much time in like not that much reward at the time so I don't think they really interested you know I mean they not willing to take that risk like me like it's a little reward even though I'm getting paid more than any battle rapper it's still not that much more is like more of a risk I could take more of a loss with my brain than anything but I'm willing to do that because this what I love and I want to see the culture grow but I don't feel like a bunch of industry dudes is willing to take that risk yeah but I agree I agree things like that and I feel like the culture will grow like that the same way the MBA might have started in you know I'm saying smaller places and wasn't on TV and was little word but the more people that got interested the more investors and now you see it's the NBA so I felt like battle rap won't eventually grow and get bigger where we will have on budgets they give people millions of dollars and they will be able to dedicate whatever period of time they need to dedicate for battle rap but until then um we're just gonna have to keep what we don't doing what we doing with the people that are interested and do love battle rap until we could get to that level yeah man I hope so I hope so this one event right now could be the platform to take it to that next level since it sold out so quick since the pay-per-view numbers is up since the most celebrities won't come out than ever and the most eyes is gonna be on it if these battle rappers really step it up this time and put on any best performance and we really make history turn this night it's gonna be big investors and big opportunities right now it won't take like 10 20 years I mean like this year you can see things starting to change if people really get on any job and take it serious yeah I agree I agree but I can't wait for the event you need a man I'm excited I can't wait I bet media like I'm a little kid waiting for Christmas to come man I can't wait you and AR AB go way back Thanks he's currently incarcerated yeah I guess he's awaiting whether a trial or a plea deal or something man really [ __ ] sad cuz he's been a regular guest on my show for a long time now thanks sincerely like I'm a really really a very genuine dude you know did you maintain contact with him up until the time of his arrest or no [Music] not really he never really busted up like that he wasn't really talking to stuff like that when that incident happening on that yeah man free free Arab I hope that whatever he's going that was on the internet and things that came about is like since then we've been communicating the same we did talk maybe once or twice since then but we haven't been really like communicating the same but we do got mutual friends and you know people that's cool with me and cool with him that was really a message isn't man me know certain things that was happening yeah I shout out to the whole obh man dark low and them yeah [ __ ] sad situation yeah well very much so I mean because he talked about how we when you guys got into your incident you know that everyone was arrested for back in the day he said that his own people try to snitch against him we can chop to sue a rap career and didn't [ __ ] some dog you know they told them say long story short they don't get locked up I don't even knows a case they come tell me the next day yo they told me like now we [ __ ] up real estate no 17 so when I was 18 or 17 well it's an excuse do say wait wait wait so you're saying when the police put him in the room they wrote a statement that they did it no it won't even to me somebody else did oh okay no story sure take them on I'll leave it listen you gotta say I don't know nothing it comes knocking my daughter looking for him was that he had us in Milan man we [ __ ] up some [ __ ] Eve told me that it crushed my heart blade you got to understand plan I really got it was ten you think I'm saying so they told me I'm like bro why would you - how do you tell me probably I'm gonna dad you think I'm saying long story short I took casts of cast these guys told me he was in I said after they gonna do the right thing yeah I'm saying I'm almost surely looking right there going like city light I got em thing long story short it's involuntary I mean they know he wasn't the shooter they don't think it wasn't Becky how you could have stopped it that was his charge basically now you could have stopped the game involuntary like you could have stopped it but you didn't you think I'm saying you're gonna cut he knock on his front door he said yo they on the back you did nothing so he's got prevented them Oh father I think I'm saying so he got charged with involuntary you feel know saying it charged me with the whole murder you feeling it with everything you know so you guys were all charged with with serious charges and you ended up actually actually walking away from everything how long were you locked up until everything was finally would you walk away from anything because I had to walk off senior as a probation right I mean I did get hit with a charge aggravated assault and voluntary manslaughter so I had to do the time that I was sitting in jail waiting to go to trial that County had to sit a couple more weeks then I came home I had to walk off ten years so it's not like I got away free from everything and I was innocent man but I had to just sit on that by how about how I just was and decided to carry it out and that's the role when I came home I used to speak of it not you know trying to brag on like like I did the situation but how I held water like I was the biggest thing in the situation I had the most going on at the time and had the least amount to say and that's what I just wanted people to know how long did you actually sit in jail until those finally they let you go eat now five months okay and during that time you're waking up every morning thinking I might be here forever yeah that's the thing like if you just had a regular eight and a half month you might lock in better like I'll just lock in and get this out the way well every day when you're sitting there and you only know how the keys gonna turn out if you're gonna go home are you gonna be there forever cuz thing is trying to give me life so you were facing actual life thanks you know did you have a chance to cooperate and basically tell on a bunch of people and they would give you a plea deal right then and there and you wouldn't had to do that eight eight a half months yeah every time my lawyer came to see me he would let me know I mean I've been to my lawyer don't come to me with that [ __ ] but it's just the law the prosecution and all of them is presenting you do your lawyer gotta let you know even if you turn it down he can't just withhold that information from you he comes in so he was letting me know he had to tell me every time he used to come to see me he used to tell me and they used to offer deals like if I if I if I was willing to testify on somebody else I could go home today hey dude I'm saying so it's not like oh like I could go home now if I'm willing to tell them somebody owes you know I mean so when you put in that situation it's like damn why not like a rabbit selling these [ __ ] than me sit but nah that's not that's not the codes that [ __ ] live by like [ __ ] ain't supposed to be rockin out like that so I just decided to go in a different direction and that's why I had to walk off ten years of probation what ultimately happened there to AR Ave in that case they they drop his his charges or do you end up having to plead to something do you remember I'm not sure I know he I know he was locked up for it I think he beat the case though haha I think he beat the case yeah like I said I hope I hope whatever he's going through right now you know just blows over in the same type of fashion and he's able to come home get back to his music get back to his family very very very sad situation you know and this really reminds me of what's happening right now with the Takashi 6:9 situation where he did the exact opposite actually [Music] instead of saying I don't want to hear nothing he's saying listen what do you got well yeah I mean I don't know if you saw the interview with when I interviewed his baby mother but I had her read his actual guilty plea agreement the defendants obligation under this Agreement are as follows that he shall truthfully and completely disclose all information of the activities of himself and others to the US Attorney's Office that he will cook that he will cooperate fully with the New York City Police Department the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms homeland security investigations and other law enforcement agencies you want me to keep going yeah you've got now he shall attend all meetings of the office that he shall provides the office upon request any document that shall truthfully testify before the grand jury or at any trial that he shall bring the offices attention all crimes which he has committed and that he shall commit no further crimes okay and just and read the next paragraph and that'll be it if the defendant does this the office and this is detailed on page four on pages 4 and 5 of the agreement agrees not to prosecute the defendant for the crime set forth in courts and counts one to nine of superseding information as well as additional crimes that the defendant has told the government about holding water from the beginning I knew of like that type of pressure was gonna do like that he was probably gonna fall from the rib it's like I could see why do users decide and they're making decisions cause like you know you years and years ago PI over a decade ago I decided not to tell and I come home and it's like it's like I got less attention on me you would think people should be putting you on some pedestal because everything you're doing is supposed to be high Rapids is supposed to be living but you come home and you got less attention it's like people are supporting you less and not even respecting your story like they forgot all about what you just did so I I really understand me I don't respect it and I definitely don't say that that's the right direction to go in but I could kind of understand why these young boys is making them decisions because if you decide not to right then what then you're gonna come home and get a reward you're gonna get a cookie there's like [ __ ] ain't done for stand-up [ __ ] no more [ __ ] is supporting the rats more than the standup [ __ ] now so it was like why would you decide to be a stand-up [ __ ] right now because what is the benefit of it well yeah I mean I remember I interviewed busi recently and we talked about how he was actually on death row in Louisiana when I went in there when I went in I was just like you know I want my lawyer you know they were so we got your eight murders and all this [ __ ] you know I want my lawyer period and you know I'm saying they came at me with some [ __ ] one time about milling teeth you know I told sucking my dick suck my dick you know saying cuz you know my CEOs beat him on the murder charge - so you know saying like they was out the other play they was out to me there you know I knew that had [ __ ] on me well you know I'm staying sadly I wouldn't give a [ __ ] you know I'm saying I was gonna go to that [ __ ] I was gonna go to that [ __ ] death row chair I [ __ ] [ __ ] hero that's why I was gonna go to that [ __ ] [ __ ] he wrote to all the real [ __ ] in the world I'm gonna go down there [ __ ] he we're all gonna be on every project while in the [ __ ] word because I stayed silent yeah I don't know Nick hey if y'all know I'll let put the [ __ ] B to talk to me but I don't know nothing yeah Boosie I always have respect for Busey heard about the story I don't know boo see personally my like the meeting me sit down to talk to him because it seemed like a dude that been through a lot and got a good head on his shoulders but I definitely respect that that that whole situation I don't even know the details or what happened what he didn't settle on but just being a stand-up [ __ ] and and living a life that he said and portrayed to live in his raps I respect that well you know BG knockout was a regular guest on the show he was down with eazy-e you know he is a Compton crib and he brought him something really interesting see there's a thing let me just tell you this now this is something I tried to talk to my homies about if they remember right but like certain gangs are certain braces in groups have certain policies you ever heard the book called the art of war yeah sunsoo okay so this is one of the books that you know prison gangs and groups read in jail they study this book and they live by it now the whites in prison and the Mexicans for the most part have a policy that they can tell on anybody that's not a part of their group it comes from the art of war is pretty much you know getting rid of your enemy by any means and the greatest war fought is one that I mean the greatest war one is one that you don't have to fight necessarily right so they have this thing go and and one thing that I do know is that if you add war at odds with somebody are with an enemy and you don't fight the word the same way probably you're probably not gonna win if you're not willing to go to the same extreme you're probably not gonna win now you you yourself for not a gang member but you know but you do have principles about telling you know you didn't tell anyone in your particular situation but it feels an enemy would you consider telling on somebody or is that against your code as well yeah I just don't I just don't got nothing to say you know I'm saying everybody got a job to do and I don't get paid to be a detective or police officer I don't get paid to find out no information a dude a job and that's what they be using rats for it's like they don't really got no no Alfred Hitchcock so hair really using magnifying glasses and really finding finger prints and doing real evidence and searching is like where's those dudes you just got a bunch of [ __ ] just bringing the [ __ ] that's telling me put the story together and then he locks on my you up so I don't want to help nobody owes Beauty job because even if that situation is so I'm gonna tell Owen I just know his millions of other situations that could be different so I just feel like the whole way that we just go about like dealing with that need to be changed all the way together so I don't think I will ever be able to tell no matter what like I don't matter if it's my enemy or a different person because I'm just not that type of dude I just want to do it and I already been faced with giving my life up and proved that already like a lot of dudes that get on your show and be like oh I never read but it's like yo my [ __ ] like what you ever been to I'm saying that gonna be facing like a 1 2 3 and just start telling on everybody same [ __ ] was on glass and never rat I'm the road [ __ ] really never rat because they was trying to give me life or the death penalty and I make one statement you can't even pull up me saying I plead the fifth I ain't even say that so it's like come on like it's just different you ever been to hustle yourself no I never met him we spoke before we were supposed to link in connect and I think we got on the phone one of my homies reminded me the other day and we spoke and we supposed to link but I never got a chance to meaning yeah good dude man we did one interview and we ran into each other a couple times always you know like the image that people portray of him you know at his funeral was really the things that we talked about in the interview like it was he was very consistent and in everything he put out and our interview was years ago you know when you heard about the news about his murder how did you feel I didn't know it's true because I found out even before the media platforms was posting it and putting it out so I wasn't sure if it was true so I had to start making phone calls and and I'm saying checking around to see if it was actual facts and like probably like like three to five minutes after I found out that it was true that's when all the media sites and stuff started posting up information about it so I was I was shocked but I didn't even know if it was true or not when I first heard it well you know when you look at that situation right and it was tragic on so many different levels you know I interviewed Godfrey recently on the show you know this is not someone who you're gonna run into in Beverly Hills no you're not gonna run into this guy in Calabasas know you know he probably walked around the corner to the store he probably lives down the street you see what I'm saying you're around as a multi-millionaire you're around people who have so little yeah and they're not always gonna love that well you know and so fortunately you know here does that mean you have to help the hood from afar then that's what it would have to be you know when you look at your situation the the shooting that happened that you ended up you know still being on probation for or wait are you still on probation enough no okay cool well the order of doing ten years of probation for my bad number one was that you going back to your old neighborhood or was it just a random thing no I lived in that neighborhood where happened that I never left my neighborhood like I just stayed there you know so that was a bad decision I probably should have then left you know I mean when you could turn on TV we're turning already you only had me and then I'm just right on a block and I'm saying so I probably should've left a minute ago but this another thing like other races or other people that's up wasn't always up but how they got up was putting money back into their own community so if we get anybody to finally get a dollar where this all sports wrap whatever type of business whatever you doing and as soon as you get a bag you just leave the hood and you go to somebody else community which is not your community as some iosys so all of the money that you spend and put back out there's all to somebody else and you scared to go to the hood cuz they got you manipulated thinking you're gonna die you're gonna get killed so you don't want to be in the hood you want to be away from it but there's no there's no paper in the hood there's no end there's no representation of what I could be it's like if you're not there like even if you do give to a charity or you open up something in the hood and you're just not there it's like cool but you know I'm saying they don't see direct representation that's why people wanted to be like drug dealers cuz you could see them every day and he was up well yeah I mean nipsey not only did he open that store but he owned that Plaza and he was there all the time like people that I know that lives in the live in that area were like yeah we would I pass tips you'd be hanging out talking to people taking pictures all the time he'd be there like all day he felt comfortable there and you know I I see I see your point man I see like you have to be able to though man you should be able to open up some stuff in your hood and just be there why do you got to leave and being fair all the time like especially when you were G like him putting all the work and got all the support like him you shouldn't have to live in fear and these things get publicized and they put it out there and they just make the next people just hear about it and want to live in fear too and make you not wanna lie even if you had the opportunity to and you were just thinking about opening the chain mall in your hood now you like I can't do that or if I do that I gotta let just like it's just puttin fearing people heads and I feel like you should be able to stay in your hood you should be able to go to the hood you from you know me or any good you should be able to go anywhere in the world you want so you know me it's like a thin line between hey getting money and moving out it's mean it I feel like we got to just figure it out not personally but the community together you know I'm saying and fill it out and then we could change it yeah well you know but like you said during the start of this you know this part of our talk is that you felt like you were in your neighborhood longer than you should have been had you moved out earlier your situation may not have happened [Music] this was my see this is different I feel like on situations where stuff happen like when people get hurt and stuff like that or die I don't feel like you could prevent those situations I feel like when you're supposed to die you're gonna die so I don't matter if you want an airplane if you want Australia or wherever you at you're gonna still die when you're supposed to die I don't think you could like run away from death or the Grim Reaper is after you and you could just like jus come and get away and live longer I don't I don't feel like life work like that so whenever you're supposed to check out and die that's when it's going to happen I don't feel like another person could speed up your death like another person could just say and like they can make your time when you die or you not mean decide when you're gonna die or you can decide when you're going to die and try to run away from death and then you're like alright I'm ready now and a die I don't think it works like that you know I'm saying so when I'm saying it like that I'm just saying I can't run away from death so that's not the reason why I felt like I should have moved I should have moved so I could I mean been better off with my business and continuing to grow as a brand being in a hurry had me locked in with the people that I always was around and grew up with and making negative decisions instead of growing in learning and building so that's the reason why I should have got away not saying I got to get out the hood and move to some neighborhood but for safety not just the better my life for my family and for myself your biggest hit was with our Kelly Hotel did you guys actually do that in the studio together or did he just send the hook and give it to you I actually went to Chicago me Swiss and Grady we actually went out there you know we was in the studio with him and he did the hook he did a lot of singing on it not just the hook he did a lot more singing that's why he was able to do the hotel remix and all of that stuff he later all of that at the same time like I mean a bunch of different hooks and different [ __ ] that we had to play with him and [ __ ] with so after we got that then me and Swiss I went back to my hotel and that's when I started writing a song putting it together how old were you at the time would that happened I mean you guys put that together when out when I mean who'd say oh I think I was probably like 20 okay 20 years old Wow yeah around that time okay for some reasons I thought you were a little younger but okay yeah I got a record deal when I was on seventeen years old that's when I got my first do I was with Rough Riders for a few years then I got was Swiss and I got my GED when I started working and putting it together so I pray me hotel when I was like 20 and then I think he dropped when I was 21 got it when you see everything that's happening with our Kelly now was surviving our Kelly and everything else like that and since you guys are connected you know essentially forever because of how big that song was what are your thoughts about it I got a lot of thoughts about it is just it's hard to get into that but I just know the man never been convicted the innocent but the things that he accused of and the things it's just like a crazy situation oh no I really like that survive are Kelly it just like cuz I love his music so much like I was always a fan [ __ ] with his music heavy even before I thought about becoming a rapper I was riding around in a herd with my old heads listen an art Kelly like you've been had it on smash so when I heard that and you started listening to his lyrics and thinking about if it's true we start making you second-guess whether you should like his music and it start making you feel funny so I didn't really like the situation but I just want people to know like me are Kelly like and I'm saying I did that song when I was young J records and Swiss and all of them put it together and set it up but that was the only time I met kales I think we made it I was supposed to meet him again but that's the only time I met him it's not like we got a relationship but we friends or I know if those accusations is true or not or if I seen any signs of it I don't even know the boy like that so I don't know I mean like you said only thing we got is this song that connection so that's why I felt connected to him for all at this time but not because we got a relationship where I really know him like that well well didn't you say I think was our last interview that uh you gave him some guns when he was having issues that was the second time I was supposed to meet him I was supposed to perform the song with him for the first time like I never performed the song you can never see me performing a song with him so that was the first time I was supposed to come out actually and do the song with him but that's when the issue happened that night it all went down so I see him I told you I gave it to his peoples I've never seen him that night like you're nothing and the whole [ __ ] happened I was supposed to perform with him but I see him so that was gonna be my next time seeing him from when we did the song gotcha gotcha yeah and that tour was a big train wreck at the end of the day I interviewed the public announcement one of the guys was actually there during the whole macing incident and stuff like that well that night um somebody had enough of the lateness of the all the rest of the stuff that was happening and it was the show it already started they did some things and there's an exit where you go offstage go change clothes and come back home well at that point I wasn't needed for another 30 minutes so I went back to my dressing room and there were um well-known New York artists in the dressing room where I was just chillin so I'm sitting in a room chillin waiting for my time to come back on I'm looking at my watch and you know somebody's gonna come acute me hey Rick go back out and all of a sudden you hear screaming and it was brought to my attention that Rob had been injured so they rushed him out then they rushed me out to the tour bus and we had it out no he's in his dress front he's in the back room I'm in front of the tour bus and we're just going we're racing down highway trying to get away only to find out that he had been um pepper sprayed or something like that so that he couldn't go back onstage to finished on whatever he was doing major tour but I I didn't see him that night and because they got shut down I never got to see him you uh you talked about how you support jay-z meek Mill's prison reform efforts of course now you yourself you end up doing eight months and then you're on probation for ten years you know and I remember when I interviewed busi he was saying you know he did 10 years probation as well and he said that he would rather do a year and a half in prison than do another ten years of probate of our probation wait so you're telling me that if you were given a choice between two years in prison versus ten years like 16 months in prison out now I would have deal I would've did that 16 months you know I hold another ten on paper though not being able to get that set like I want to you know man that man just paper hold you down from a lot of money just paper whole you down from a lot of money and there's so many ways we get slip we just I want our boys get slipping that make us fall we're popping wheelies man like popping wheelies like get locked up for Baba willing man that you did that man wrong late I wasn't the one I can't go through another Tina you know I might pop a wheelie and go to jail I'm a lay down so number one how bad was probation for you I mean I don't feel like nothing in life that happen is bad after you already go do it because there's a learning experience and a happen for a reason so even the stuff that you might have been uncomfortable with at the time is not necessarily bad so I was able to learn from me grow because I was on probation you got to stay out of trouble so it could have prevented worse things from happening it could have been a blessing so it just depends on how you look at everything on whether it's good or bad or you know me I mean the jura parole officer ever try to violate you or anything else like that yeah a few times I had issues I mean even one time I had got locked up before do you were saying that I think they was publicizing it like I caught some new case or I did similar things to what I was initially locked up for the first time but it was something with my probation officer and he put out some charge on me and all the day and he came and locked me up in Jersey where I was at my probation wasn't fully at the time okay was that the we charged that happened like a couple years ago a fugitive charge that they put out on me because it was a violation from our probation officer so I got locked up well we situated in and I got out pretty quick yeah well you know I don't know how closely you follow the story but when when nipsey got shot two other people got shot next to him and one of the guys carry Lathan he was you know someone that did like 26 years in prison for murder he had just gotten out seven months ago he was just stopping by the store to pick up some t-shirts and he ends up getting hit in the spine and once he gets out of the hospital they pick him up for parole violation and they lock him up yeah and I actually did the interview with him in jail and basically they locked him up for associating with a known gang member you know nipsey and after the interview came out and you know started to gather some steam and I think Meek Mill did a post about Carrie situation and you know all these TV stations start hitting me too you know you know show the interview and everything else like that they actually ended up dropping the charges and you know now he's coming back home but it just goes to show how [ __ ] up the system is it's like yo you get you're in a wheelchair because you get shot in the back and now they're trying to give you life in prison again after you just did mostly you know a big portion of your life in prison like those nasty and [ __ ] like this I think like is even laws like that to even be able to put people in situations like that especially after they just lost a man and got shot but it's like I'll be telling people like they try to make it seem like this but the higher power God did in me the laws that we go buys like humans made it humans put them into place so humans can change like and we got to figure out how we gonna change the laws we can't just keep complaining about the laws you gotta get in place to be able to change him and do something about it so I feel like now and are we seeing these things happen you realize that we gotta make a change not just from where we stay or where we live like trying to run from the varmints just why is it there in the first place and we need to figure that out and do something about it the right way the same way everybody knows do something about it when they got problems yeah man like you know I talked about this before you see a video of Takashi 6-9 basically putting a hit out on what a chief keeps people and then the dude who has of doing the shooting you know allegedly kuda be Takashi ended up telling on him to get him locked up even though he's the one that told him to do it and now Takashi is supposed to be getting out now later this year and kuda he's potentially facing a whole bunch of time doing something that someone told him to do who's gonna walk away like do you see how just [ __ ] up and backwards this whole system is yeah yeah that's how he set it up they try to manipulate you even from in school like the teacher's pet be on the teacher side so if you telling you telling the teacher and stuff like that you want to teach your side and you get the rewards if you don't tell you're gonna get a detention and go to the principal get suspended and they just put that in your hair from when you're young like that and they just pick grow into what we just talked about well you and meek will have a have an interesting history you guys went back and forth quite a bit and ultimately you know it died down do the - you ever have a conversation after all that or no no not nah we never conversation after that okay how did you feel when he ended up getting locked up for providing or violating his probation for riding a dirt bike and had to kind of sit down for a while and then ultimately got out I felt like it was a crazy reason for him to be locked up and he shouldn't have been locked up for that you know I mean but made me start thinking about a lot of stuff like thinking that I was thankful for all at that time I had to walk off and being able to do it without being charged or you know me having to go through situations and I'm thinking about all the other millions of my [ __ ] that's not a probation dealing with the same [ __ ] it just start making me think about a lot but I definitely didn't think he should have been locked up for Willy and a bike it's like yeah man that the whole probation thing is a it's an interesting thing because I think most people jump on it just so that I have to be in a cage people make comments like well it wasn't about Willy and the bike is about what he first did and he violated his probation yeah but it'd be [ __ ] like me that'd be completely innocent I've been on probation for 10 years so if I would have violated it which I would have say he just violated what he did no I didn't do it I shouldn't have been on probation in the first place so I cannot do something to volley a probation not [ __ ] a bend on anyway it was like weird yeah how did he feel your first day off probation I was happy I felt like a weight lifted off my chest man and that's when I wanted to start locking in and getting back focused again because I felt free from the probation like man you could just move a room he's at one point you had AB dissing 50 set hey now me me and Jin Union never had no beef like I know I know I know people do you do you not happy for other people that I was affiliated with so you know I mean I felt some type of way at that time like they was just coming down [ __ ] that was standing right next to me so that's the reason why you might have seemed like I was coming at them what we had beef but nothing never happened between us like they never did nothing to me I never did and they don't think we might even only seen each other like once before that so once or twice before that so it wasn't a real beef with us I just felt some type of way because they had beef with the [ __ ] that I was like really [ __ ] with like and I'm saying Fat Joe was calling me out from the beginning of time throwing me on a song showing me love from the RIP comes and Jadakiss was [ __ ] he on my first album he was like running around with me since the beginning that's family it's like Swiss my theme these like people that thing was going through it was my family at the time and there's like I felt some type of way so that's the reason why I went like that but we didn't have no beef though alright cuz I remember you didn't you had done a video or how to do that gets comic like 50 cent like you know squirting oil all over himself like you know talking about yeah you know he was what I could do a pink do-rag or so action okay so did any of y'all ever talk about it afterwards or anything yeah we got a chance to talk I actually seen him mmm it was a long time ago but it was a concert in Philly mmm 50 was performing in when I was two a lot of other people too was like like own powerhouse like a big big concert so um me and Swiss we got a chance to go over there I went in his dressing room banks yeah yo him Steve Brody a couple legend a Philly [ __ ] in there but we got a chance to bus it up and you never talked to me before there I never talked to him because it was never really no row beef so you know I mean we got a chance to talk about it and exchange a few words and like I found out that that time in that conversation are we really kind of like like-minded like in our birthdays as a day apart here's July 6 I think I'm on is July 7th but we like Maundy and he's seen that to like you mean [ __ ] be ready to go it don't matter if you've got a pony or somebody that's even seeming more powerful than you even if it seemed like you got the short end of the stick and you're gonna lose you're still ready to go like and you won't be really ready to teach it so when you got that mentality it's like you know me different people take it different ways but I think he respect it because that's the same mentality he got yeah I agree man I'm glad y'all actually got to work that out you know because I know with 50 ma you don't let go a [ __ ] like if y'all you know if you don't work it out 50 he'll start bashing you 15 years later out of the [ __ ] blue issues with kissing and Fat Joe and then he explained yeah I mean he got deeper issues like real issues with John [ __ ] like I know that but with me and him it was never that like you never heard him like going on interviews and just constantly like this in me like how you did other [ __ ] cuz it was never nothing and I mean so we got a chance to talk I was happy about that I always been a 50 fan anyway especially his first album when that came out that [ __ ] I [ __ ] with the album heavy so I never had no real issues of problems at 50 is just like you know you can't disrespect my family wrong with him like you know I'm saying no matter who you is so that's how I was taking it at the time I didn't really even know 50 at the time dope very dope I'm glad I'm glad y'all she got to work it out and have a conversation I'm always glad when one [ __ ] like that actually I respect anything 50 done with the music the you know power all that [ __ ] me know I'm a fan man laughing so now as you know some young [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] was over a decade ago no [ __ ] be happening man but it's all love now I mean when you look at rappers battling these days like for example I mean the most recent was ti and Kodak black you know Kodak black dropped that song expeditiously you know as a someone who's been battling you know and doing dis records and so forth for a very long time like how would you rate that I cherry oh yeah okay yeah I guess I heard about it are you seeing blogs posting about it and talking about it but I just never listened to the song yeah it was cool I mean it was it was Kodak black I mean he's Kodak's not the most lyrical type rapper out there but I feel that he has a vibe and he has a you know a certain level of emotion and deepness and what he does that carries out you know like I'm not really one to bash people just because they don't rap like like a Cassady you know or a jay-z you know I try to take things for what they are and and I like code I black I think with what he does is to open that there's a reason why so many people level you know and you know I do bash it though because I'm in an industry not Kodak but you know even I don't want everybody to rap like me is gonna be impossible to do that but I want everybody to focus and lock in and really be you know I mean capable of being a rapper I just feel like people just feel like this is the easy way to get a bag so any drug dealer anybody that just trying to chase some money they just think they could just jump right in the music business but no experience no information and just think you could just easily just get a bag and the system is publicizing that to make you think that that's possible so that's why everybody is trying to do it and there's like why so many people rapping there's like everybody sharing right you can't just jump right in the NBA like that but you can't just jump right in Walsh me like that can't just jump right in no business like that can you just like today say all right I got it I got a couple stacks and I'm about to just start doing this business like you can't do that and no other business you got to study you got to learn you gotta build the right relationships before you could just jump into business but with music they felt like they could just jump right in it like I just been writing raps for two weeks and now I'm about to drop our album it's like wow it's like this how can a person be playing basketball for two weeks or two months and go to the a they don't matter how nice you is you could be LeBron James you could be Michael Jordan you're not going to be able to play basketball for two months and go to the a those [ __ ] was playing since neighbors babies little kids playing they may play in elementary school to me playing junior high school playing on high school some of them go to college or then he might go straight but it's like years and years and years a plan before you could go to the league so why do people think they could just put in a couple minutes and become a rapper just cuz I could hold the note oh just because I keep a little melody it's like that's not what being a rapper is about and that's what's [ __ ] up the game and [ __ ] is mixing it all together like everything that everybody do is all in the same pot when it's not so I don't got no problem with [ __ ] doing other [ __ ] but make up a category for that other [ __ ] like put all of that other [ __ ] in the category you belong and let [ __ ] know that when they come to bars and real rap and real hip-hop it's something different than what that other [ __ ] is so not coming at no code I black you ain't talking about him but I'm just saying in general I just don't support Aryan anybody doing whatever they want to do because I feel like that's what's [ __ ] the game up well to be fair Kodak black has been doing it for like 10 years or something there's videos and was a little kid hey rapping I like coded black [ __ ] he gotta he he know how to make real music he got songs that I really like him you know I mean I like code I glad I wasn't talking about him I was just talking about in general because there's just so many people that just want to get in the game want to become a rapper I want to become a manager just one they just jump right in it and there's like is enough people in it already [ __ ] need to figure out other businesses well I think that the greatest example of what you're talking about is a little nas X down road you heard that song seeing some about it earlier with babies filming some type of way about it so does one Connie and soon yeah Davey's basically said it was wack and you know I looked into a story lil nas ex had like a Nicki Minaj fan account and then just started rapping you know a few months later and he just kind of lucked up on this hit song I don't even know if it's the song but I'm just from the outside looking in like if I was Davis and I was down with NAS it's like I probably won like I'm neither because he's like little knives axes like you got X name in Oz name I can really get down X like I didn't get better that's probably maybe why they be supposed to type away like how you gonna just call yourself a little nah so it might not even be the song it might just be a zone approach with the shape area you know I actually didn't think of that at all but I think you're absolutely right I mean cuz nas put them on so now you have a dude with the same name with a song that's probably bigger than any song nas has ever done getting all this you know almost overshadowing the name a little bit in a certain type of way because listen if you're not familiar if you're just an average 15 year old you know in the Midwest you think that's the original nas you don't know about the other not so well ya know but it's like it's interesting man come on man that's nice can't let Lou nas ex-con meek nas disappear me everybody knew nas and I don't think that song is bigger than any of your non songs even if it seemed like it's big on whatever charts or whatever you measuring the bar feel like that's manipulation but it can't be more people in the world that loved that song more than he loved nice songs I just whoa it's like impossible for me to sit here and just say that this boy just come out of nowhere people barely know him like I never even heard this song until I just heard he was going through something with uh the kids it's like nobody don't really know the lyrics of how it go so how can you tell me that song is bigger than NAS records like if I ruled the world with I know all the words today like I could sing that [ __ ] like I'm not so I would never be able to do that with that boy song pray they're armed they're doing song so I'm not gonna say that but congratulations to his success I'm happy doing this thing with this country music [ __ ] that's what's up but I'm not gonna just let [ __ ] just [ __ ] on nas because I'm a fan at NAS for real like that's he jumped on records with me this [ __ ] with me and showed me love like and I'm saying so I ain't gonna just let no [ __ ] come with one record and just say [ __ ] ain't gonna know about nas but I'm just telling you the reason why baby spray feel some type of way cuz it's like I'm with the real nas and there's [ __ ] running around like he nods and ain't even wrapped in there's like what is that yeah I didn't realize you had a song with us I'm looking up right now can't fade me with Nas and quad and you general remix we did all this stuff too but that was the one that was on my album shut out the NAS well let me just say this and like I said I'm a big nas fan people think that I have some sort of grudge against them because you know I talked about his beat picking but you know Illmatic just before to sama bunging brought up some those mean highs before he says no I just interview Large Professor where I told him flat out I said listen man after Illmatic I felt like nuts the worst be Picard a lot of people get on me on this oh yeah that's you yeah and what I what I've said is nas is the worst be picker of all time after nomadic in terms of artist of his caliber because I'm such a big fan and also such a fan of automatic I felt that his beat peaking disappointed me a lot and a lot of people get mad at me and I've spoken and I've said this on camera only now she you know I mean and we kind of had a laugh about it and Nas I think kind of responded to me on his last album you know I'm nice here where he said never sold the beat no never saw the song for the beat it's my verses they purchased and I'm like okay he's he's responding to some of the noise I've been making I think we'll see but just to be fair right and I'm a nas fan but just to be fair this Old Town Road song got 80 million views streams in a week he beat out God's plan by Drake which was at 69 million 80 million streams in a week I don't think that any of nasus songs ever reached that type of plateau at any point even though he you know I know he makes timeless music and I understand what you're saying and this is probably gonna be it's not gonna be forever like those na songs but this is a big [ __ ] song man I just don't believe these streams like this is manipulation bro I don't believe these stream numbers can't actually see people streaming it you can't see people actually listening to it and supporting it and I just never heard nobody playing a song I had no cars riding on the street banging that song I never heard the song and until it was bloggers talking about him beefing with Davies I wouldn't I heard that type of music so I can't say like you know I mean but I don't believe in him streams all these 80 million and all this stuff and like one day he's like corn Michael Jackson wasn't even doing these numbers like real [ __ ] that nigga's passing out touring the whole world everybody know these songs they don't even do them numbers but it's like a nobody out of nowhere could do that type of numbers with like not even 1% of the time and there's Michael Jackson it's like I don't I'm not gonna believe that so I'm not gonna sit here and just believe that you could just come with a regular song with no real timing and just do better than Michael Jackson or Mariah Kari or Whitney Houston or the brew the big or like how or like how can you do that I don't believe it but I mean of course the numbers say that it was 80 million in one day but I don't know them 80 million people to actually viewed it or watch this so numbers guys I mean I I listen to it a bunch of times when Billy Ray Cyrus jumped on it and Billy Ray is kind of rapping on the song I thought it was pretty dope like you know Billy Ray Cyrus I'm not a cook when I played the song earlier because I heard him talking about it and I just wanted to see they was like it's not rat but he's rapping this country music but it's not country music because it got a rap beat and I'm just like let me see what this [ __ ] is so I pulled it up and I was checking it out it's cool sorry song I'm not probably got here - couple more times I really know her but snow not well there's kind of an interesting story behind the song because before Billy Ray jumped on the song it was already picking up steam and then it got on the country charts and then they removed it off the country charts because they felt it was more of a parody than an actual country song oh no man is my you know hip-hop is the biggest thing in the world right now so maybe this might be an attempt to try to make it seem like country music's know that much success - Billy Ray Cyrus's nas ex to keep them your thing man - country music stuff man I'm just laying [ __ ] no bars is back though like with this hip-hop shoot this bad rap [ __ ] bars is back I ain't talking about nothing else April 27th is going down bars is back man I think nas and these artists like that is what inspired me to want to be a lyricist and bring bars not country music I never was inspired by a country music song well I think at the end the day people want to say that hip-hop is going downhill and it's all mumble rap and it's not lyrical but you know you really could just look at the biggest artists in hip-hop right now you know you got Kendrick you got Jake oh you got Drake these biggest artists is not the biggest cause of timing-wise it's just the biggest cuz that's the one the machines is pushing the moves right now so I just want people to know that it is of a hip-hop in the world it's not just the people that's won already or the people they keep telling you big is wild oh people that do all a different type of hip-hop and never stop like even when the stuff that they tried to consider Mambo rat was winning the most it still was real hip-hop out there you just had to search for it it just wasn't right in your face cuz these machines wasn't pushing it out at the time but now with technology and all that the [ __ ] we got you can find real hip-hop it shouldn't be no excuse well yeah man I mean Kendrick won a Pulitzer I think that's a big [ __ ] deal like the fact that his words without the music won the highest honors you know in terms of writing you can't get a higher writing honor than the Pulitzer you see you know you see what I'm saying like you've got a Grammy but a Pulitzer is really just about the written word and just you know goes a lot to say that here is someone who's lyrical who you know doesn't take his shirt off you know and is selling an image and it's still winning doing what I consider traditional hip-hop so you don't say like the ones that is embracing what you know hip-hop is like you know me trying to be lira coin trying to go to in that direction those dudes that you just names are the are the biggest ones and those are the ones that's trying to do that trying to keep it more hip-hop no substance and you mean doing something that people feel like they can't do me I don't feel like you should win you're just doing something to any and everybody could do it think about what makes you special yeah look at LeBron and them [ __ ] especially like I could never do that [ __ ] LeBron do like ever like I can't just do what you know I'm saying like these Muhammad Ali could do a flow he could do like can do that so that's why you become a thing because they could do stuff that's like incredible and it's like I want the rapper's to be the same way like they could just do unimaginable [ __ ] like me like when they come to bars and putting words together in structure and figurative language and how you put it together it's like unbelievable not just like alright good nice song he's like and it ain't hard to make a nice song now especially when the [ __ ] got a whole team of [ __ ] [ __ ] be having extra writers [ __ ] be having a bunch of producers [ __ ] you having a bunch of engineers and a bunch of features you could just call any feature in the world and [ __ ] still be putting together this sorry [ __ ] and you got [ __ ] with none of them options that be putting together better [ __ ] so you just got a search warrant you oh yeah man I mean a lot of these new hip-hop albums almost look like movie soundtracks in terms of like how many features they got on every song it's like yo you don't have a single song by yourself every song has like two three dudes on it it's like a [ __ ] soundtrack it's not what that's why you know just sound the same you used to be lighter clicks and [ __ ] used a do sound Ruff Ryders had the own sound Rockefeller do sound the wu-tang had the own sound it's like [ __ ] were sounding different like different production different lyrics different images dressing different looking different it's like now everybody just seemed like it's just one big group well the original rap name was little sharp bi was be Cassidy be doc Cassidy then they just dropped to be off my name when I got son and I just became Cassidy okay and I guess the group you were in before was called LSD lyrically sharpened dangerous now they a that was the first group I was in with my friend lucky I was like when we was kids that was a group we started and I was like the first yeah like the real first group I wasn't okay and I guess Carmelo Anthony invested in you early on well he was supposed to I mean we had to deal work that way he was supposed to invest into my project and because I was trying to be independent but I still wanted that you know be moving them around like I'm with a major but a major just make you pay him back and a wear away so I was like yo I could get this money on my own from somebody else and it could be a better flip so that's what I tried to do he was supposed to invest but it ain't really necessarily work our core in the plane okay and these days you're fully independent but he did he did do stuff for me like I appreciate Milo he did a lot we put out a mixtape we work together we we did a lot he did invest some money but it just wasn't a total amount that I needed to execute my plan but he did invest a little bit he did put a little bit of time and he believed in me for a period of time no but he just got responsibilities kids and other [ __ ] to deal with so maybe music might not have been a direction he was trying to go in at that time yeah well I mean what do you have coming up next so you'll Swizz still working together at all or not really recently recently did dope we were supposed to be coming out with a project called the [ __ ] and a thief right what happened with that I'm not sure you know I worked on the music we got records done and I stayed doing records on my own so I'm not sure but you know it is what it is I mean the records is there it's probably going to become a time when we release it or we do something with it but I'm focused on this battle April 27th and I got this project called bars is back that I'm about to drop with all of my music so we won't keep it moving we're gonna keep this music on the streets and keep it keep it coming and I'm saying that's what's up my [ __ ] you know this is connected so we're probably gonna we're gonna mention me in the future but who knows man I did my part I made the record so it's up the switch they drop it next time you see Swiss and you get him on the show accident when you're gonna drop these cassidy records pressure on me I bought the Texan right after we get out of this interview you mean hear me him talk every so often so yeah we thought yo wants to know what some of that project dedicated so I got the work done and even if I got to do more I'm willing to do it so do the pressure on him whenever he ready we get it done well yeah man I remember my favorite record from you I think was two-step drinking my two-step I forgot the exact title of it but it's done yeah and you know I remember that came out like after you got out of jail and after you got to your accident and you guys it looked like you guys just picked up where he left off man you guys have great great chemistry together you know saying so I'm looking forward to some [ __ ] that y'all do together you put a lot of time and you get a man we know each other so be easy to me you know music was Swiss but I'm at the point like if I get in there with any type of producer that you like period I'm gonna be able to make crazy music I'm just so focusing in a zone that no matter what produce I'm in there with man with me here's to me what it is Matt Cassidy always a pleasure I can't wait for the battle 27th man anybody this I don't know if this is gonna drop before the battle but everybody tune in man make sure you get your pay-per-view at watching battle it's already completely sold out so ain't no more tickets left but check it out man support support the culture so we can keep it moving keep putting money in the battle rap and supporting these artists that got bars figurative language and hungry competitive no doubt man till next time Cassidy's Luke peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 92,937
Rating: 4.7283678 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Cassidy
Id: WWa5rJiQatw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 17sec (5057 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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