TK Kirkland on DMX, Eazy-E, Quavo, Kid Cudi, YoungBoy, Boosie, Lori Harvey, Kim K (Full Interview)

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all right here we go tk kirkland welcome back to vlad tv yo to my man vlad as always thank you so much for having me i appreciate the love oh yeah everybody looking fly looking right now taking care of myself i feel good got a lot of stuff in the works so i'm excited i'm excited that's what it is that's what it is well we can't really start the interview off without talking about the biggest news that happened recently which is uh the death of dmx at the age of 50. yes uh had you run into dmx over the years oh yes yes yes absolutely okay tell me about your experiences with dmx um dmx is just just a wonderful spirit the thing i like about i'm sorry that he left my condolences to him and his family the thing that people to me should see in his effort and survival is that he really tried lad listen to me he he went to rehab he went to jail he went to rehab he went to jail he did everything he could to get it right and whatever happened the last time only him and god knows but i took it as he really put effort to try to do the right thing and you can't beat that um when i was on tour with him with the rough riders with me the cash running millionaires the rough riders we had just got off stage vienna was on the bus together and he was just a loving guy he loved women like i love him but he really loved women and um we're driving on the bus to the bus door wasn't even closed yet he jumped off the bus these girls was on the bus on in their car riding inside the bus dmx who i didn't know at the time to have a driver's license hopped in the car with these women before two blocks i had a little accident cops arrested and we went to jail that fast i you am make this up so my hat off to him i i you know on your last interview i told everybody i think he really and still is the greatest mc that ever touched the mic because he did it by and my definition because he did it by himself he had no hype man there was no band there was no special effects he can just move across that stage like it was just magical even though he climbed up on the speakers looked like he floated to the speaker's efforts effortlessly you know what i'm trying to say and it was just a pleasure seeing him perform stage presence he had the energy oh man he was just a man yeah quite a loss yeah quite a loss quite a quite a loss uh only 50 years old yes uh leaves behind 17 children yes and and shout out to the women that found dmx attractive you know to give him something because you know to lay down with him and give him a baby that's just it goes to show you that even though he had his little problem he still was smooth [Laughter] and when and when he dropped them names in them songs he was for real he's like keisha latoya stacy karen all right he was real with it god bless him god bless you d yeah yeah um and you're right he had his problems with drugs but he went back to rehab a number of times yes uh i mean from what i understand from people that i was speaking to close to the situation uh the whole time uh because we were kind of breaking stories along the way you know when people said that he had recovered we had to break the story that he didn't and when people said he died we'd have to break the story that he hasn't died yes you know and and so forth so we were speaking closely to it and from what i understand is that around six months ago he he kicked his habit okay and that's when he started gaining all that weight right if you look at him at the end he's the heaviest he had ever been right because you know doing drugs keeps you skinny right but once you kick then then the weight starts to come back so it seemed like he was on his way to recovery and he was coming back he had just turned 50 years old um you know it seemed like he was getting his life together he had a new baby it's just very unfortunate what happened and we don't really know you know the cause of death initially they were saying was a drug overdose but then we don't really know it was a heart attack yeah so we don't know and there's always going to be a suspicious story until you hear the true facts and right now we don't know and and and what we don't do since me and you are very mature men we don't speculate right we wait till the facts come out there you have it he's about to have his funeral i'm sure that's going to be a grand affair right now do you think they'll have a funeral they're going to do zoom what do you think oh i don't know yeah because that's going to be interesting with zoom you know what the situation is because i don't think any funeral homes are doing a funeral well i think people might make an exception for dmx okay all right yeah okay yeah i think people might make an exception i mean there are funerals it probably depends on where you go you might right right a specific city or even a different state now did he pass in l.a or new york uh he passed away in new york okay okay i think it might be kind of kind of complicated vlad you might be right yeah you might be right i haven't followed the rules in new york right in new york got hit so hard that yeah well one of the one of the greatest that that ever did yeah you know prince philip the queen elizabeth's husband died on the same day i saw it at nine i saw that news thing yeah where they said the the prince of the rapper right the prince like oh he was so loved the rapper that he had he had drug problems the next day they put out the prince and the king did you see that oh no they did they did they did they kind of they kind of fixed their whole thing okay the next day they put out the prince and the king okay and then you know they basically fix their mistakes okay that's good you know i love people who if they make a mistake they hold themselves accountable and yeah and yep let me see it i know you gotta you can do it hold on let me show you hold on a second yeah that's awesome and a better picture yes and a better picture that looks good that looks good yeah so so they fixed it and uh you know this is what media outlets do they they get it wrong they make their mistake and they and they keep it moving yeah and i just love they they changed the pitch because i even said god they couldn't find another picture so that's cool that's cool that's cool what do you think like right now one of the biggest pieces of news is that uh i guess the co-founder of blm was called out because she had bought like 3.2 million dollars with the property yes now i'm going to tell you about black lives matter and other um non-profit organizations and i couldn't make up a decision vlad i couldn't i'm saying to myself and i talked to some friends about i'm like yo am i wrong for a feeling should i feel some kind of way that they took the money and bought property should it took the money and bought property for people for black lives matter but it looked like they was building an empire do i get upset because mostly all white um companies have done the same thing but had them but have not been exposed i had a lot of different emotions towards that and believe it or not until to this moment i um i don't know what to stand on to be honest with you well from what i understand she had like a book deal outside of what she was making from you know whatever her salary was being blm uh clearly she was a notable figure and there's other source of income and if she chooses to spend that on property that is her business it doesn't sound like she was stealing the money that was coming to blm and funneling it into properties right doesn't sound like that but on the other hand she's also i believe presented herself as a marxist and as a socialist okay and if you're doing that amassing millions of dollars for the property doesn't quite go along with that exactly ideology yes so there's that this is why most celebrities usually get a trust and buy homes in that trust so their names are not physically associated with those properties yes she's new to this okay this is what happens when you don't you know follow certain rules so that's what happened that's how she got exposed yeah people just started looking up her name okay associated with certain properties and they found all these properties totaling millions of dollars once again it doesn't seem like there's anything wrong but hey people are going to jump on it right and uh they're going to do what they're going to do yeah and you know the world we live in today only take a little bit of this bam exactly exactly and you know listen um it is somewhat interesting though to see where the money has really gone to out of the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars that got donated to these various organizations and i'm not just saying black lives matter yes yes what exactly happens with this money and we got to hold people accountable i agree with you i agree you know home accountable people go astray give an example i was talking to when i talked about black lives matter i brought up the michael jackson story me and you did years ago and when i tell people that when you lead this urban you do have a legacy whatever attorney firm you leave it with and i don't think people think about this you have made this attorney firm extremely wealthy forever and what i mean is the jackson the state is in the billions of billions of dollars a year right the attorneys get a certain amount of money until the day they die here's the great part there's a clever part when they die the the firm still keeps the account and they pass the money down to the next their kids so michael jackson tito and all them worked hard for an attorney firm to get super rich now after the jacksons are gone dead yes the kids still get something their kids are gonna get something but the attorneys eat just as long as the jackson children eat yeah yeah i mean tupac's estate i believe is with an attorney firm right now yeah it's not with the family right i don't believe runs and now i believe that tupac's sister okay her family get a sizeable chunk yeah from that but whoever is running that [ __ ] yeah he gets a that's like and that's what puts me always in a bad position about what i'm doing you know i'm like damn about to make some i'm busting my ass my kid's gonna be straight but here i am somebody i probably only met for a few years their kids kids gonna eat just as well not as well but eat off my hard labor but what can you do i can't do it by myself right can't do it by myself i can't do it myself but it's the thought and then and i want people to think about it well something that hits kind of close to you i remember i had interviewed easy e son little easy and at the time that easy was passing his was it his wife or his fiancee fiance there we go tamika yeah tamika tamika essentially had him sign off everything into her name to son or easy all of easy e's estate is run by his fiancee right but who did he get to sign up easy or the son to sign off easy himself signed it off yeah yes i did on his on his deathbed that was the advice of the attorney um sweeney okay yeah okay so not saying that it was a great thing but i know how sweeney moves okay okay sweetie i don't yeah but i know the name though yes i know the name so essentially i remember when i interviewed a little easy we talked about this and he said well easy's parents were kind of old at that point and they really didn't know anything about business or the music industry or whatever else they were they're retired right so tamika was kind of the logical choice in a way uh but ultimately and he had so many kids on top of that like how many kids he have like 13 or 15 or something you hit a lot i think as well so all these kids started to pop up all over the place and um she was helping out everyone but from what i understand at one point that helped stopped i think i think a little easy even mentioned how they went to you know i think him or one of his kids went to uh the doctors and their health insurance wasn't on or something like that right and i mean essentially the the vast majority of that estate i believe went to tamika wow you know the the straight outta compton movie that was all through her she was one of the producers on that movie yeah sure was now they do have a child together yes right but it's interesting how one of the kids mothers essentially ended up controlling it all it's not right divided amongst the family like i think some kids probably don't even get anything yeah oh you already know that nobody gets something and it's sad that it's like that and that's why men and from basketball players to artists we have to stop spreading our seeds around so much during our time here on this earth because towards the end it does come become complicated and you can have someone that you truly love that's what come at my age i really won't have nobody and i won't marry anybody or moving with me because i don't want to be so sick that they change the paperwork and my kids think they're getting stuff and then this woman whoever has stole everything from my children now they gotta take that person to court i mean it's foul people out here that do stuff like that vlad well uh anna nicole smith remember there was the whole situation with her she got with the with her a guy that was like a hundred remember that yes yeah who's dumb rich billionaire right multi-billionaire and then that's right he was supposed to leave her something and then the kids fought him and then i think fought her and then eventually she didn't get a whole lot but you know she didn't get alive she got she got the name yeah right and then she died then she died yeah damn damn yo rock the hard rock in florida yeah yeah i remember that that's crazy yeah she was young she just had a baby so everybody gotta you know my mother used to always say make sure you have your house in order and that is a powerful powerful line were you still in contact with easy close to the end no believe it or not we were um jerry heller easy e and this is the first time anybody's gonna hear this i have spoke to jerry heller to start ruthless comedy when easy died we had the paperwork we was getting ready to to launch it it was going to be ran by me jerry was going to be behind it easy loved it and then i went to jail i was on the run in chicago while i'm in jail easy is sick he dies while i'm in there and i never approach jerry about it again because without easy there's no ruthless and without without easing ruthless can't be ruthless comedy so then i always took that dream and tried to go through everybody i tried to go with 50 cent and try to start the jesus comedy but his um his manager at the time chris lighty took so long to um sign the deal with william morris and by the time we did sign the deal i passed on i didn't want to do it i wanted to do a baby from the cash 20 millionaires but baby was so focused on um the cash money guys that he just always praised me bae i didn't love him for he always loved that my i was a hustler i was always doing my thing so i just pretty much um kept it to myself and roll this wave and um you gotta do things yourself so i'm what you call the um the epitome of hard work and continue doing great things and as i come every day uh every week every month every year my life gets better so i always tell people if your life doesn't get better as you're getting older it's something you're doing wrong well bg knockout me and him kind of went back and forth and he was close to easy yeah you know he was on one of easy's biggest songs and there were there were homies they were doing a lot of [ __ ] together at the end and he feels that there was some foul play in terms of easy's death he doesn't think that it was aids which was what essentially was presented to the world okay and you know from the outside looking in to me it seemed understandable but you rarely hear of someone announcing that they're hiv positive than dying like a week or two later right right that was a kind of an odd situation and then you then had the uh interview with suge knight where he kind of joked about injecting someone with hiv right right that whole conspiracy theory started to kind of float around and never really went away right from your point of view as someone who knew easy knew knew suge and you know knew sort of that whole circle do you feel like easy died of aids or do you think that there was something i think he died of aids and the thing about the world in general and that example shows you a a crime uh something very serious can happen in the world it only takes one person to say something else and bam that's it no matter what comes right it will always be that other story and that's just the way the world is just like when um dmx passed away everybody in the social medias it was a thing going around that jay-z and beyonce bought his masters for 10 million and they're going to give it to children that's not true and but that took off i'm getting a haircut and shout out to my man versace in jersey city doing my hair young kid i love him and he's like oh yeah isn't that nice with jay-z um did i say yo that didn't happen and just people when you hear certain stories try to do your research as much as you can before you start let it come out of your mouth and that's my advice on that so with easy um i think that's because he was he was very small towards the end and i always say to people if he wasn't there you truly don't know and one thing me and you are not glad is um we don't have crystal balls we can't look in it and we can't make make those type of decisions so right and if you take a step back uh easy e had 11 children yeah uh by a lot of different women right he said in a howard stern interview that he doesn't use condoms right and during that time when you didn't have hiv medications that would keep you alive and you know or you know truvada prep that you could take to avoid getting hiv and everything else like that um you know the testing wasn't up to par either yes let's not forget that you didn't have these rapid tests that'll give you uh you know your hiv status right away hey if you're out there [ __ ] everybody and you [ __ ] the type of girls that are [ __ ] everybody too but here's the fascinating thing from easy even to magic johnson none of the women died of aids that's deep when you think about it yeah all this [ __ ] going on right but not one of the women that they had sex with died and this is where the conspiracy theories start to pop up that's my point from that you know you take the sugar story and then you throw that you know throw a little bit freedom on top right seasoning yes and now you got a full blown right on yeah no conspiracy theory it's interesting and that's and and that will always be the way the world is you the truth can happen but somebody can come in and say they're a totally different thing and somebody is gonna run with that and bam you'll never really get the truth unless you was there so what did you think of kid cudi i know i'm saying whoa on snl let me let me i want to i want to choose my my words carefully when i say this and then i saw the article the day he did in behalf of cobain right kurt cobain did a similar performance wearing the same type of dress yes that's what he said i just wish that men in general really understood the definition of what they represent as a man to the world and what i mean by that is there's no way i'm going to put a dress on for national tv there's no way i'm going to do a movie that i wore dressed in a movie knowing how that affects the young men and and the men in our in our community and around the world there's no way but we are in a society today that the you could say the wrong thing and it could spiral totally out of control and it's gotten us pushed back into a corner that if you do truly want to share your feelings you're considered a hater you might have protests coming at you you can have all these things so what i want to say to the um to the people who admire that so i want to say the people who feel that is wrong and my definition of the whole situation i i'm just going to keep it nice and easy i didn't like it i was pretty much embarrassed as a man that you know the rules of being especially the african american brother young kid you know the effect that that was gonna happen you don't need to do that to sell records you don't need that to getting attention at the end of the day i want men to understand they are men period that's me uh i didn't really feel it and he announced afterwards because i guess uh virgil was the one who designed it yes and he said this is uh he's coming out with a new collection with virgil and the dress will be part of that collection and i mean i get it when do you get a nice check from this yeah when do men start modeling dresses for so so he got hold on let me make sure i'm clear so this guy designed a dress for a man for other men to see it and where are you kidding me hold on wait wait wait so i know when you get a model she puts a dress on she has a nice shade and girls say oh my god i gotta run out get that dress so are you telling me that we have got to the marketing stage now that men are making dresses for other men and there's some men out there that saw kid on snl said oh frankie come here kid cudi has on this beautiful [ __ ] dress is that what we this is what we're doing now well i'll tell you this i'll tell you this men designing dresses is nothing new right in fashion in fashion there have been phenomenal i think um uh was it saint laurent i think yes for women right for women right because you know i watch you know a real man to see a nice dress and say yo my [ __ ] look nice and nice don't take a boom you know you sit on the team now and you you can see something and go on on your phone and order it so what you're really saying now is there's two dudes on the on the couch [Laughter] and so you see the you see the [ __ ] material in that dress i gotta have it man man that man oh yeah the way the hair on my chest kind of blends right cereal it's just perfect [Music] this is and to the people who watching me and vlad i always have to say this you all want us to respect your your ways but respect our ways to because we all have an opinion and has grown us we are entitled to our opinions i hate when people try to tell us we're wrong that your thoughts matter and that you're right no what i'm saying is you are entitled to your opinion we are entitled our opinion respect to respect well it's interesting because we're talking about dresses uh before this even happened we did an interview with the football player ricky williams yes okay i remember that years ago okay one of the one of the top guys in his day yes uh the interview was actually conducted by sean perez one of our one of our outside interviewers okay and in the interview sean brought up an espn cover that ricky williams did yes let me show you this coverage i saw the cover when i was a kid so you remember exactly i remember that that was embarrassing that was embarrassing let me say it again that was especially back then that was embarrassing i really wasn't you know i was on my own world doing my own things i'm quite sure that if i was connected to people and talking i would heard more um flak about that but that was embarrassing to see him in that dress i would like to know how he feels about that now well we talked to him about that and what'd he say he said he's fine with it the way the way he presented it was this he said look uh you know and the back story is is that he's coming out of college he just won the heisman trophy and he just got signed uh by mike ditka one of the great coaches and the deal was so crazy because it was the first time in nfl history that a team gave up all their picks just for one player so that year ditka only got him okay and that's it and that's it so essentially the concept behind it was look we're now married you know we're not married this season at the hill you know right we only got one player this is all we got so it's it's ricky williams and mike ditka and they're married and from his point of view he said look i'm coming off the heisman win i had broken all types of records at my school he went on to actually have the stadium named after him and have a statue at the stadium okay ricky ricky ricky did and he said from his point of view he said i didn't feel like my masculinity was questioned at all so i'm i wasn't insecure about my masculinity so i didn't i was fine with sort of playing along and going with that concept uh it does look crazy though a white man and a black man wearing a wedding dress we gotta see how you slice it again this is what i'm trying to say men black white spanish but since i'm here i'm gonna really focus on black men right you have to understand who you are as a man and ain't no way especially running [ __ ] over during the season winning the heisman trophy i could see me now on a set of espn if these [ __ ] bring out the dress i can see yo my get that mother what the [ __ ] y'all doing right dick i signed up for this [ __ ] i haven't been throwing all kind of [ __ ] over they had to hold me down to put that [ __ ] dress on me i swear to god cause i'd have been like yo we ain't wearing no [ __ ] dress give me some jeans i'm gonna rock a t-shirt you know i just want a little watch boom and that's it who the [ __ ] idea said put [ __ ] dress on me i've been going off i've been going up last well i'll put it like this uh as much as i respect espn as a major platform if espn magazine called me up right now and said listen we want to put you in tk kirkland on the cover of the next magazine you have to wear a dress plan the answer will be no thank you damn right i don't need that cover though call me saying look tk listen yo we blew up they want us to do an interview i gotta wear a dress how do you feel about it i'll block you lad [Laughter] you like t.k t.k t.k on the blockchain uh what did you think about the uh the quavo and sweetie uh elevator fight he didn't hit her he did not and that's awesome and and that's one of the things i talk about throughout this country about control your emotions and that's a good example that that that that video and did it go viral oh yeah it's good to see other men to see no matter what went down he controlled himself and even though she limped off he didn't have nothing to do with that and that's what men have to do but this is we talked about it for years since we first did our first interview about men and driving across state lines to shoot a baby shoot the the woman and women who are going to men's cars while the man is in the girl's apartment and putting gasoline in the car putting the hoodie on to make it seem like nobody's going to see you and it blow up you could have died like i don't know what's going on what's in the universe what's in the air and it was worse before but everything seems like it's just magnifying even more now and if you're out here searching for a dream i would tell people stop dating dating is is is the achilles heel to people in their careers everybody wants to fall in love and be more in order to me to get where you got to go you got to cut ties with relationship you got to be so focused to understand the wind because you got to be able to move when you need to move and when you fall in love you got to think about that person first you got to be like oh i can't do it all that person see you're in the relationship and that person sees that you're starting to blow now that person has a jealousy thing about them that person doesn't like what you're doing so now you got problems anyway it's just you can't win for losing yeah well in that elevator fight it looked like a tug of war that she ended up losing and then she kind of bumped bumped her head right over again was cool if he had a swung just a little bit vlad he'd have been in trouble because my man who hit the girl in the elevator knocked her out played for the ravens ray rice ray rice man ray rocked his [ __ ] out this to me he knocked that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is out cold like a like a mike tyson fight and here's the pain and the decision making like that right you mad at your girl you playing for the ravens you up for a big contract now right you knock her out they don't find out about it months later the teams go through all this trouble it gives the ravens opportunity not to sign you because he was getting a big check that year and you know what he did that was crazy he married her let me send you why i'm saying it's wrong to marry someone while i'm saying tell them to the people is wrong to cheat on someone and then go back to him because rice for the rest of his life would look at her knowing that he knocked that female out and knowing that he'd lost millions not a couple millions of dollars over hitting that woman and this is what i explained to men about do you really want to be with the girl do you is that really in your heart because most of the men cheat anyway they they they go through all the the hoopla to get the chick right they still get they get the chick yeah okay come on they love you and then you still you still cheat you still have these problems and the problem is nobody knows who they are they don't know who they are vlad well i've always felt when it comes to women if a woman starts to assault you or hit you you should just take those lumps and try to just get out that situation because a woman really can't hurt you that badly it's not like getting into a fight with a man well that was years ago have you seen what has changed in the last 10 years talking about this in my act now men are dating women three times their size okay men are like 180 [ __ ] is 215 250 270 dating a little skinny [ __ ] a little skinny white guy with tight pants tims they belts are over their ass so they can't move you can't you can't you're not flexible you can't you know your agility is going your athleticism is taken away when you got tight pants on your shoes not tied so you got women strong almond men in corners at restaurants a dude was on on on went viral he was texting a [ __ ] in the shower the girl came in the shower with the camera with a belt and was whooping his ass in the shower she was asking who the [ __ ] you on the phone with he kept saying my homie my homie it was a [ __ ] well tell your [ __ ] oh it was embarrassing i'm screaming at the phone to talk about where's your location cause i felt the need to come save this dude so men do not date a woman that weighs more than you these guys are dating women that's huge insane and i ain't talking like i'm down more onto my head and then the guys look like [ __ ] right so down they skinny with the big pants on the bed with the big shoes listen with the belt over their ass tight and now they got braids that look like a [ __ ] that go down to the back they spine so from far away until you see the wall you might think that's a [ __ ] until you get up close you might look at somebody the wrong way for a minute and say oh [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and my gave this [ __ ] turning around hey how you doing what's going on like i'm in um philly i'm getting um um [Music] starbucks early in the morning it was a trend i call them transgenders it was a transgender in front of me had the fake booty had the arms done but he didn't have that voice right so he's ordering oh you take a hot chocolate and i i knew i ear hustled i said to myself don't make eye contact with this [ __ ] when he turned around tk look at the [ __ ] menu don't look black you know how somebody turned around you act you look at him and you're not i wasn't nodding at this [ __ ] i wasn't even gonna make eye contact i stayed you i swear to god it was the uh the most serious moment of the month because i made sure i looked at the i knew everything on the menu anyway that was on the on the menu but when he turned around i stayed looking at that [ __ ] menu and so i heard ding that was the elevator that came down and took that [ __ ] away oh my god it was scary because you know they have super powers people don't know that if you make eye contact with them you'll follow them that's what happened to mr c apparently yeah yes yes right right now i heard that story of mr c yeah it means it's a transgenders i mean it is what it is he's living his life he's came out the closet he's done some interviews about it hey man live your truth that's what you want to do he's probably a lot happier right and that's what happens you know who you are and if you know who you are that's that's cool if you know who you are well uh allegedly uh cuevo took the bentley truck back from uh allegedly they broke up i mean well at first it was a story but then he he's rapping about it now yeah maybe he's just running with it you know yeah he's like running with it do you feel like a man should be able to take a car back after you break up with a woman yeah it feels like a lease if it's 350 000 you can keep until you're the camry you could keep a kia but 350 000 i don't know man i don't know and it's least anyway so i think i think so i think it's least or it's in in his name or else yeah and you talked about this a long time ago about people who these young kids who probably do go out and spend this money cash on cars how that's the dumbest move in the world is to spend cash on a vehicle that you're not going to like in three years yep and your young kids got to listen you start yourself a cup company doesn't cost that much you get yourself a llc you make you pay the taxes depending on the state that you're in every year and you got to have some type of business going through you can sign up with the business keep your credit good if you're credited and you got to have cars like sometimes they don't let you unless you put a lot of money into it they don't let you just go get a lease if they you don't have a history of renting i mean not renting or buying or leasing the car but you got a lease ladies and gentlemen there's no way you should get a rolls royce and pay cash for it now here's my little thing like there's certain events around the world you know you got the super bowl you might have the all-star break you might have certain things now i have nice vehicles but if i really want to stunt i know how to go to beverly hills car rental shout out to my guys and i'll rent a nice expensive car for two or three days it might cost me six seven thousand for two or three days but i'd rather pay that and take it back but i'm not driving no rolls royce to average in supermarket to be in the parking lot that somebody might scratch it or a cart might hit it just to come back with milk eggs and put in the trunk right i'm not doing it now don't get don't get me wrong to eat your zone what we try to do when we and you on the show check me from raw we try to give people that they have common sense about money common sense about their decisions in life common sense on how to get into real estate or some type of business that can better your life this is what i feel mean you do when we come on here and they do listen we we we haven't got all of them yet but we do get a few to listen yep well what did you think uh of little nazex doing the video where he's uh you know giving a satan a lap dance here's the thing i thought about little naz ex right one i wanted to know who was the agent getting all the men to cross over to be a transgender or get good that person is phenomenal because what do they organize you know when he came out and to hear the video to see it when i see um videos or pictures of people like that glad to be honest with you i don't read about it i there's certain things i allow in my life um throughout the month throughout the year now so i see the titles and i say myself do i really want to read that and have that poison in my head because what i did over the years i i control what comes into my world i control how what affects me during the day now i met during the politics years that when trump was there i had to follow what that [ __ ] was doing because just case he pushed the nuclear button but when he left what i said i'm much older than a lot of these people out here what i said to myself was i'm glad that politics went back to being boring let the old people handle it long as we stay now alert so they can't pass certain laws that we don't see coming but when i see the young man little nye's ex i see his moves now know that he went diamond on that last album which is [ __ ] unbelievable well on the last song uh you know old town road went diamond i don't think i don't think the album okay just the single i believe so i don't think okay i mean i'm sure the album did pretty well but not right okay so i did read that right i saw that years ago but it went diamond i did see him maybe last year the year before with the um doritos commercial so i said okay all right so i said he making moves he's doing this thing and i leave it there i'm vlad i don't i don't really follow him that much to be in his business um he is truly one of those people i leave alone yeah and i just looked it up his last album went platinum okay so he's making money he could eat you know and i do like him for one thing when six nine was trying to clown um the gay community liliana's ex exposed tim for six nine being in his dm right well look i've been saying this for years at some point there's going to be a gay rapper with a song that you just can't ignore it's going to be so big and ubiquitous and that's going to get him in the game and he's going to be able you know if he has the the ability to keep staying in the game and look this new song is doing well it was number one on the charts at one point now he has multiple hit songs under his belt he is completely out of the closet and you know he's part of the hip-hop world and he's talking about that to work with him cool a little nasa yeah yeah yeah even nas did a song with him oh yeah there's a remix okay i think rodeo or something right right right but you better believe they did it in separate studios and nah's got to check well uh paul pierce just got fired from espn yes yes did you watch the video yeah i saw a little bit enough i saw a little bit of it to see i did one i'm disappointed in the holes he chose for the video listen to me yo where did these dudes get these ugly [ __ ] from yo the holes in that [ __ ] was horrible especially the one when he had it she was right by the chair and she was uh uh on um twerking and he was like do the doo doo something whatever he don't even have the verbiage right on what he's supposed to say and the hose was ugly there wasn't no bad [ __ ] in there to lose your job had some bad women in that [ __ ] and i was so disappointed and i'm sorry vlad they were young they were kids those those kids they was kids in their 20s early 30s i'm talking about so you i don't know what they're there i'm talking i like voluptuous women small races nice thighs and women but that's classy i mean his whole setup was horrible that let me tell you how that said that's supposed to be this has been a nice pull catered with with staff walking by with champagne and uh on uh on whipped cream and grapes and that's how you act like a king you sitting back and people are dancing for you got this nice chair and it's it's all about presentation do you he was supposed to do it so smooth that me you and other people around the world saw it say oh this [ __ ] fly no you see paul beers [ __ ] ain't nobody do that you know what people did you see the [ __ ] and this this is some ugly [Music] there's some ugly hoes this [ __ ] lost his job and they lost his job on the day he was off he didn't get fired he didn't get fired at work he got fired because of it and he even said i'm gonna get fired for this not for them [ __ ] and you man you folks like your wife is supposed to say he's not he's he's not married anymore okay even though he's not married yeah i'm quite sure he got a girlfriend see you supposed to have [ __ ] so bad that when you're a [ __ ] do you see it you will say look we i ain't [ __ ] with you anymore and by the way them hoes look cute you want that's what you want another woman to say when you know it's about to break up you want her to compliment you look i'm not [ __ ] with you anymore but there's some cute [ __ ] bye them [ __ ] was ugly well uh i mean according to the internet paul pierce is worth 70 million dollars yes which is multi-generational wealth he does not need any more checks from espn uh so it may have really been just uh he woke up that morning and said man i'm tired of this damn hamster wheel and that's what i also said too that's my that was my original thought i said i didn't know how much he was worth until you told me but i said i think that he did that to get out of his contract he wanted to get fired so i did say that i did what you're saying because what other answer is there there's really no good answer uh you know i had john sally on my show recently who knows paul yes and he said from his point of view it looked like something was off because from the paul that he always knew paul was the dude that was telling other people not to do that [ __ ] right he's the responsible one he's the one that you know was would get stuff done professional business-minded so when he saw him like that he said oh man i'm kind of worried okay but then again at some point man when you have so many millions so many tens of millions you you have to go back and question like why you're doing it every day and you're working for this disney owned company espn and the rules are very yes you know very narrow in terms of what you can do you can't really be the man that you really are while working for disney right it just doesn't work that way they have and you sign you sign a document yes agreeing to that [ __ ] like that check you're getting and he's probably it was probably a multi-million dollar a year deal right but he's worth 70 million so well whatever happened to the old okay but here's something whatever happened to the old way just walking and saying look [ __ ] i quit i quit right you can do that too now without embarrassing yourself you know there is a thing you could go in and say i quit and keep it moving or have your agent say paul wants to um get out his contract he doesn't want to come in anymore so that's what i mean and now since we put all these different stories out this is going to be a conspiracy theory too somebody's going to say what you say somebody's going to say there was some ugly [ __ ] on that video that's why he got fired the president of disney saw that video and said all the money we paid his [ __ ] he couldn't have got no better looking [ __ ] [ __ ] get get get his agent on the phone fire this [ __ ] oh what this is what he's doing with our money he can pick no prettier [ __ ] that's funny [Laughter] well uh i was looking on your instagram and there's a picture of you with a franklin saint from snowfall yes yes yes yes yes uh real name uh damson idris i believe is how you pronounce it uh it looked like a like a 80s r b cover it does and let me tell you how we hooked up i was in baltimore i was doing a con um getting ready for my show and we me and him was all on the radio show together um john was there um what's john's name i can't believe my brian went blank the director johnson what's up john singleton come think of singletary something else in my head and um all of us there me and john go way back to the early 90s when he was doing boys in the hood and i always wanted to work with john and matter of fact i'm a poster when you put this up i'm going to post a picture of me and john on singer 10 because we did it the same day and believe it or not the gentleman from snowfall said that i was the greatest comedian he had ever saw so i said yo let's take this picture bam we took the picture we went on the interview um together the jacket that he has on i gave him the jacket it was a gentleman who was giving out jackets who came to um to that place to give us sponsorship and that jacket was too small for me and he put that jacket on right there while we took the picture and the gentleman's from baltimore so i forgot the name of the jacket uh i mean i love the show it's my favorite show on television right now i haven't watched it this year but as soon as i get some time i really wanna watch it yo it's just it's it's um and they said it got better so i haven't seen it since the time when he was talking to his boy in the car and he said i don't give a [ __ ] about what you don't like about a [ __ ] you know i built this [ __ ] break my brick that's the last thing i saw there you have it there you have it uh well you know know from our early interviews there was a whole thing that happened the tk kirkland effect on vlad tv where essentially no matter what happens yes there is a tk kirkland comment claiming credit for this yes now you fast forward to uh 2021 and soldier boy is now trying to take credit for everything that's been happening like you know the first rapper on youtube which is true right uh first rapper i think on myspace which is true as well the first rapper to wear vapes and and it kind of goes on and now what a basement i saw that what what are babes uh bathing apes those are those uh they're basically air force ones but have the star on the side okay okay they're popular in like the early you know mid mid 2000s yeah yes they're still technically around okay whatever um but you know soulja boy really did originate a lot of that [ __ ] right people people don't really give soulja boy the props that he deserves i feel here's the thing about the world today um people just don't believe they have to actually be there to really believe or i said this on stage the other night a white man would have to say it happened okay do you get my point when i say white man because all our lives we tend to think that white people tell the truth and when a black person say somebody say oh get the [ __ ] out and give example i tell everybody in this world today that if you're not sitting on three four hundred thousand dollars money during this crisis what happened in this universe there's something wrong with the way you think i said because what i want people understand no matter whenever you see a tragedy there's an opportunity and now with the opportunities and the tragedy the government is involved and the government has put out pvp loans sba loans now they put out another thing for vendors and concert people that is losing money they got loans for the banks and everybody but you know when you tell a african-american or someone of uh without common sense they'll say that's a scam this is what they'll say it's a scam and i tell people i i know the the news reports the scams the people who got busted for bond to getting two million in buying houses they bought rolex and going to strict club they want you to think it's a scam and if you think a scam guess what vlad you miss out because they have deadlines that you have to have this stuff done to get a little bit of money and what was so crazy about the first sba loan they gave you 10 000 off the top and said sorry you can keep that part then on the sba loan you got 40 years to pay it back right now they're going to try to pass the law like the ppp loan because some people have read they're going to try to forgive vlad 1.5 billion dollars basically saying we're sorry keep it so they went through the sb now i'm in my 60s you got 40 years of paying back [Laughter] vlad it's a win for me but if i live at 41 years i'm a hundred you can have all if i need to be 100 you i promise they gonna get every dime but if i check out of here waiting for it then i will still win i see you on the other side pvp player player player player player player uh-uh i love that people need to understand like if you're sitting with a woman like them girls that's in paul pierce video little [ __ ] don't know about no pvp though on the s if [ __ ] is [ __ ] with them kind of women or women who [ __ ] with them kind of men that can't help them eat or prosper y'all everybody dating for the whole [ __ ] reason the government has put this out for you to take advantage the the crime and not even crime you ain't got to do drugs no more you ain't gonna do credit card fraud no more you just gotta fill out some paperwork know how to write know how to read and fill it out and have a bank account and submit your document i don't care if you get 11 000. and oh and you got to do your taxes you they cuz they go off your taxes you got to do your taxes man there's so much legitimate hustle out here in the world and people worry about the wrong things well did you hear about the woman who accidentally got 1.2 million in her bank account she then transferred the money into another account bought a new house and a 70 000 hyundai now who who spent 70 000 on a hyundai i mean that's what i want to know first and foremost and then when the bank realized their problem they kept trying to call her and text her and mail her and she wore all that but what's funny she had a job that was in law enforcement right she was a 9-1-1 dispatcher right lost her job and they are this this [ __ ] you can't make this [ __ ] up yo she know that this wasn't her money she know they coming you know they coming there's no way they're gonna let you keep one point something million no way right no way i would now listen i've hired an attorney and had them negotiate a deal maybe or award or something they probably said okay give us all back the money we'll give you a thousand dollars but it was really a bad banking transaction and they try to do it legitimately by honestly by you know let me call them let's figure this out ma'am we made a mistake but once they started calling and you knew that he they they was on your ass you know when you know they're on your ass vlad you got to do the right thing right and uh i guess 75 of the money has been recovered uh i mean if you buy a house how are you thinking they're not going to get that back from you you're buying a house yes now what she should have done i'm not saying she should do that but what she should have done was leave the country if she works as a 9-1-1 dispatcher chances are she'll never stack that amount of money in her life absolutely that is the most she will ever see and that's what got her excited that's what got her excited yeah you need to take that money go someplace where there's no extradition policy yeah like i believe venezuela yes uh iran right russia go to russia if you're gonna do it and that's the thing about crime right most criminals when they do crime they don't they don't study the laws they don't study what's going on and when they normally go on the run they have nowhere to go yeah people break out of prison without a plan they break out they get on the highway and they look both ways like yo i really ain't got nowhere to [ __ ] go let me take my ass back in here you got to have an execution you gotta listen vlad we tell these stories and some and when i read that story about the young lady i was on the elevator going to my room and i lift i put my head back like you did and i said to myself you can't make this up this [ __ ] you cannot make up people are really out here thinking and moving like that well speaking of crimes i remember uh a few months ago my name was trending for two days because there was a fake article going around that i'm the reason why casting over two times i was busted by the phone i read it i read it but you know we have a guy on our staff uh who does all of our legal uh uh articles yes right he's the one that works with the court systems he could go and request paperwork right listens in on hearings and so forth yes and he went and got us the actual audio from casanova two times bail hearing yes and interestingly enough vlad tv wasn't named in that bail here right but nick nick cannon was specifically named in that hearing yes as an interview that casanova did which they used in turn to deny his bail yes partially i'm not saying it was just casanova's interview yes uh with nick that did it but it was it was a bunch of stuff but nick was actually named twice yes by name in that and it's interesting how quiet everyone got about calling me the fans at that point and so forth and i told you this it's just once something get out it's hard to reel it back in it's just out because everywhere i go they try to talk about me and you tk why are you doing this and i don't even i don't i'm grown see people i think people think i'm 20 or 30 years old you understand i think they think i'm a child i'm really a full-grown man with kids in college i pay aarp memberships there's certain things you can't say to me just out of respect so when people do say something i just give them a stare of authority like do you understand that you you talking to a grown man there's certain things that shouldn't come out of your mouth when you speak to me and they normally get it they normally get it don't don't don't ask me anything that's beneath your education level at all period i don't play i don't play vlad and to the people out there who see this interview you heard what i said i'm grown don't ask me why i [ __ ] with vlad don't ask me this is my peoples right here period whatever the [ __ ] y'all doing whatever you're thinking y'all think i'm i i gotta i'm on a journey i know what i'm doing and it is what needs my people i'll tell you straight on this but [ __ ] camera or in the street everyone do it t to the [ __ ] gate you know i hate to start talking like that and get you know get slick i always try to come off you know real smooth and you know laid back but you know i gotta start getting loose with these [ __ ] right here let them know what it is well yeah and and all the people that were bashing me and and telling people not to interview with vlad anymore like quest love yes was one one of the big ones with his 100 million twitter followers was like he tweeted that fake articles i i told you i tried to warn y'all and i remember i dm'd him and i'm like yo you you do know that you putting that out there number one is fake right and it hurts hurts my company it hurts my business by you doing that right and you and i have always been cordial and cool and at first he said well i don't know what you're talking about i've never even tweeted about you so then i i screen captured his tweet and showed it to him and then he didn't say nothing and he took the tweet down wow and then and then i said hey here's the actual person who who's named in the in the thing you want to go ahead and tweet that as well and then he blocked me man amazing and let's make sure we're clear since you said that we're not trying to throw nick cannon under the bus ladies and gentlemen cause the education level is low vlad i'm just keeping the [ __ ] 100. when i read some of the [ __ ] people and talk to them they're [ __ ] education levels low somebody will take what mean you just said and say yo they try to [ __ ] over nick cannon i'm telling you they'll do it and i'm telling anybody nick to nick my boy that's not what we did what we just did we talked about what was a true document that actually happened these are facts that's what that's what intelligent people do when we talk we talk about facts we put out logical information when i'm wrong yeah vlad goes on that computer and says tk you're wrong when he's wrong about the uber and you say they didn't know they couldn't they didn't make a lot of money and you google and say oh wow i didn't know they made that kind of money that's what grown men right do and my point of putting this out was just to sort of show everyone that no one's really the feds like i'm not the feds nick cannon ain't the feds charlemagne's not the feds adam 22 is not the feds uh ebro is not the fans just like these these guys yeah these guys will do interviews and if they still are connected to a life of crime which the feds are trying to say that casanova two times is because what they're getting him on in that interview is he said i'm still ape meaning that he's still tied to this gang that i'm trying to tie him into over a ricoh case right when he said that they said aha we're going to take this little sound bite and we're going to use it to help our case now before then he's saying oh no i'm not really part of that gang no more but those are still my people whatever you know there's a bigger story there but if you are still at all associated with a criminal enterprise you should not be talking about it at all and i've interviewed lots of people like i mean [ __ ] you know pull up my uh what's the famous interview peewee longway that raps about cripping and blue rags and everything else and all this gangster [ __ ] when i interviewed it with him and we'll play a little clip for it you know he'll say i don't know what you're talking about i just like the color blue right oh man and whenever i try to steer the questions back he's like i don't know about that street [ __ ] i was a school kid i was like you know and he just kept denying everything and that's what people need to understand when they come on tv when i when i look at your music when i listen to your music and i look at your album covers and stuff like that i'm seeing a lot of blue the color blue seems to be very prominent it's a nice color my wife it's a light color it ain't that light now i assume there's a [ __ ] thing going on no just night color just a nice color yeah no no cripping no no no nothing there's no nice cup that's the scene you see with kelly you seen anybody that was in the life of crime that when they go on tv the feds or the state police use those interviews to lock your ass up because you have a mouthpiece then most criminals don't know the law like your guy pee renew the law they have laws now that if you associate yourself with any type of organization and they under investigation you can go to jail you can go i don't know about these young men i like [ __ ] too much i like traveling i like getting my back rubbed i love hanging with my children i like shopping like getting facials listen to me but i don't play i don't play right right there's a very there's a very damaging law out there called gang enhancement yep and that will allow the authorities to take a crime that might not be a big deal that might have a year or six months associated with it and they throw on that gang enhancement and it'll could churn it to five ten years yes right uh right out right off the hat right out the drop drop of a hat and they're not only going to take your interviews but they will take your music as well yeah don't think if you're rapping about being in a gang and not denying interviews they're going to still take they take that music and play it to the jury yeah this has been happening since the since the 80s the authorities right you know have been taking music album covers liner notes interviews whatever whatever they could find to help their case and if the judge allows it then it's now part of the case that's right and it's really not up to you and you could try to say that's just entertainment that's not really me but if the things line up and you are in some sort of situation and they have this thing to you know to to really you know associate it with then you might have an issue now if you have completely left the crime world alone and you have nothing you know like i talk about buying a kilo cocaine back in like 98 right i could talk about that all day long because that was the end of my drug my drug career right there i have not touched and you got to know the statue of limitation about something the statute of limitations right i know that that's not going to come out back to bite me because i stopped selling drugs after that right i said this is not for me right so i could talk about it all day long yeah i'm not going to say who who i i did it with or anything else like that but me myself that's my story i could share it i don't care right but if i'm still selling drugs and i'm talking about my kilo in 98 that might bite me you're damn right yeah right exactly exactly now uh last time you and you and i talked about lori harvey mm-hmm and shortly after our interview i did an interview with busy where what he said ended up going viral did you actually see the interview with lucy no i didn't i mean basically what busy said was and he kind of clarified it clarified it afterwards when it started to go viral was look if you have a daughter and you're okay with her having sex with six or seven guys all from the same industry within you know a two-year time frame well then i got nothing to say to you yeah for him who's got daughters he doesn't look at that as an accomplishment right right yes and everyone everyone got on it yes and he's not and i agree with him on that see i wouldn't let my daughters do those [ __ ] like that i'm being honest i see i see i'm a certain type of man in my home from my oldest to my youngest the discipline and the respect is so phenomenal that i know that my character is a man the way i move i take care of my business i treat my children the way it's supposed to be treated if they they they wouldn't even allow themselves to even think that [ __ ] around daddy i'm telling that my kids know i wouldn't have that [ __ ] so it's not to say that um his her family isn't doing the right thing but it all goes back to who raised you no matter how you slice it it goes down to who raised you and it's easy it's a double standard it's okay to agree with that if you don't know who parents are it's not and i'm not associated so i agree how that's how she should live a life but when you are in a famous family how you conduct yourself is very very important how you how you go through here is very important and and i take pride in being um a great dad a great person now that my children young when i was young i just do crazy [ __ ] because it was just me but having children and certain family members you want people to respect you so if laurie's hearing this i'm saying look babe i love what you're doing but you got to slow it down a little bit because even though your parents are not saying nothing to you you are embarrassing your parents to people who love their children and people who respect their children well yeah i remember when uh lawrence fishburne's daughter doing that adult film yes right i remember the first thing i heard from his response was why did you have to use your last name why not come up with a with an adult film name right everyone else does why do you have to drag the fishburn name right and there's levels to that now see he said why you brought in the last name but in actuality he he didn't parent her well somewhere on that journey he got disconnected from her and they should have never got to that so he has to hold himself accountable for her situation she probably did it out of pain and my daddy wasn't there but as a as a dad if my daughter or daughters did something like that vlad i would be crushed because i'm like where did i fail so i got one daughter stunning to be a dentist i got another daughter getting ready to run one of my companies and they are just true nice young ladies and i take pride in that and to have them go any other direction ah vlad whoo cause they're my life you understand right cause you know every time you hear lori harvey's name you're gonna think steve harvey yes even though that's not his biological daughter yes but remember when he got remarried his new wife not only changed her name but she changed her kid's name as well yeah that harvey name yes and that that was i mean that was a little boss move on her when you said that already that's that's that [ __ ] clever she clever boy that's what i'm gonna do just like that she clever and people it's interesting also because as the whole debate started happening the thing that people started to say was like our vlad and boosie they just jealous cause because they're ugly they can never get a woman as fine as lori harvey now now let me let me just say this uh without without going into any specifics between me or busy yes once you reach a certain financial and or fame level women on the caliber of laurie harvey are relatively common oh yes it just is what it is it's not it is me trying to try to say that i'm the smoothest or the the this or the that the best looking i'm not saying that what i'm saying is at the point where your uh your name precedes you actually meeting somebody that's right and they could google you and they could do this and they could see what you're really about right those types of women are have i dated women who look about as attractive as lori harvey yes i have multiple multiple times serious not only just messing around with but serious relationships and so forth i i had seen her in person she is a pretty girl but it was like oh my god i had a [ __ ] like lori harvey at 11. listen to me i'm not saying she ain't fine but i've always kept a bad [ __ ] breathing on me since i was 11 years old from high school the dairy queen and you're right when you right when you're if your life is not getting better every day as you get older it's something you're doing wrong laurie hart i had that type of [ __ ] in 1970 for 75. but i still think she's a wonderful person and for anybody that try to take this i'm story flip it i'm going to make sure i put that in there well recently uh the utah governor signed a bill requiring fathers to pay half of pregnancy costs um you know um i don't think i don't see nothing wrong with that i don't see anything wrong with it i'm saying that they're wrong the question is though if you find out that it's not yours it's a lot like that man you get that half half that money back i guarantee you don't get it back and that and here's the thing when they pass laws like that they should put those type of clauses in there just like you know i just want to know and see that's why we need more players in government from like if we had players at child support when they had that meeting and they passed certain [ __ ] a real [ __ ] like now hold up [ __ ] we ain't doing that like we need people to say that so yeah they passed that law but it should have been one person off the street that said what you just said okay yeah we could do that but what if the baby's not his can we can he get his money back they never protect the what if right the whatever is important right and just like you i don't see why a man wouldn't pay for half if not all the pregnancy costs i totally agree uh i don't even see why that this is a law i just assumed that's just how it works because when you said it i'm like what what right but if it is a law and it isn't yours you should be able to sue you should be able to say that now what about i saw an article where a gentleman it was on the news i forgot what city i was in found out the baby wasn't his the judge still made him pay child support that a lady who was a reporter in that city saw the uh the article on the news and she came to represent him for free i mean listen you you got you got judges who rule in weird ways sometimes then sometimes i mean this is where where the appeal process comes in yes which means that if you want to appeal three judges above that judge will actually look at the case and if they if they vote i believe two to one then it'll actually get reversed and here's the thing that people need to understand i'm just gonna say some real [ __ ] everybody like at the beginning this interview i said stop [ __ ] that's where 90 of all your problems in life come from yeah am i right or wrong you're you're right you're right i mean it usually comes down to a woman uh you know for example when we talked about the king von shooting yes um you know it seemed like that whole beef with him and quando rondo stems from nba young boy's baby mother now both of them are well i mean king von's not around but you know quando is going to say that's not true he even did an interview recently with angela yee saying he didn't know that he had beef with the guy like right i just ran up on him and started putting start punching him but apparently it kind of ties into young boy's baby mother and uh and look young boy don't even claim her no more he had like seven kids after that right and that's the one that had a baby with floyd mayweather's floyd mayweather's dog so did he get out on bail i know they arrested him in l.a with a gun still they denied they denied his bail because i guess that previously he had skipped some drug tests so the judge said i don't care if you're nba magic johnson i am not i'm not giving you bail on this you're just going to sit in jail until your trial to be worth all many millions of dollars did you see all those guns i did i did now they're gonna say it's not his i remember i interviewed his brother he he said that he was just there for a shoot he didn't know all that [ __ ] was there uh but you know it's one of those things where it don't seem like he listens to anybody okay he got so hot so young and so big and just kept growing that i don't think there's anyone around that he actually really listens to okay he's gonna do i mean you could just tell by i mean what he's got like 10 kids by like 19 like right he's he's just out here just doing reckless not even tripping yeah he reckless now he's going to sit down for a while man he's in l.a they they they extraditing them back i'm i'm not sure yeah because i think i had it happened in texas or um louisiana yeah i know they caught him in l.a but think about it watch this so now you're on social media and the fez is tracking you all the way down to the day they come arrest your ass man and that's a sign of disrespect me being a former criminal and let me tell you why when you have a powerful attorney and you have money they supposed to call your attorney tell them that they will be issuing out a warrant for your client and we would like to have a surrender date that client the attorney now calls the client and says hey they bring the charges against you they want you to come in so that you don't have to go through them looking for you and that probably didn't happen he probably was on the run but that's what they're supposed to do yeah i don't think he really listens to anybody i think that he is on his own direction and the fact that he's in jail right now at the level that he's at and he and he's got a bail revoked because of his own actions i mean basically he was just skipping court mandated drug tests wow nobody and that's the thing i tell the children today that y'all don't respect i'm gonna say to the camera y'all don't respect nothing and this is why we end up shocked this is why we put ourselves in bad situations that we gotta have a riot we got to start protesting i sing i see the videos i see the problems yeah sometimes you can raise your hand and you have a racist cop that'll still kill you but if people just listen to the police you can pretty much go home and see another day and the reason why i say that was a shame what happened with the young man getting shot in minnesota but if you see the video they stopped him he took off got in the car and took off while he's trying to grab him all he'd do was just put the handcuffs on go to jail he'd have been out that night the case wasn't that that's serious and whether the lady pulled out a tase or a gun by accident or whatever her situation was no one wants to hold anybody accountable we hold the woman that shot or cops accountable we do that but we got to hold ourselves accountable too you got to know how to raise be quiet yes sir no sir the goal is to get home the goal is to see another day yeah i mean running away isn't supposed to be a reason why you get murdered though so no that but that's what i'm saying i can't really just sit there and say well no what you're saying but i understand he shouldn't have ran he should have just yeah and that's what i'm saying don't put see if you punch me in the eye my eye gonna swell that's cause cause and effect yeah if you take off in the car and the [ __ ] cops was right there and there's a history of what they do you're in the same city that happened to george so what you're saying is right it doesn't cause you to die you absolutely want your sin correct but i'm not going to give you a reason to shoot me i'ma stay my ass there like a man take whatever you're giving me i'll go to jail i'll get an attorney and we'll fight it or i'll go to jail depending on the charge and i bail out guess what i get to see another day and that's what i mean you're absolutely right no one should die no one should ever be putting the knee on their neck but i'm not gonna give you a [ __ ] reason to hurt me that's what i'm saying well the the derek chavin case is underway he's going to be going for a few more weeks from what i understand do you expect him to walk away or do you expect him to do a bunch of jail time he i've got two stories here when i watched oj simpson and we know they had every evidence in the [ __ ] world on oj down to the blood down to the muppet common wall down to the uh the driver and oj walked out of that [ __ ] who would have ever thought that you saw oj on the four or five freeway with a hundred police cars behind him go all the way up to his house right now they didn't even shoot at this they even shoot at him he drove over to his house walked in had a conversation when he got there they waited two three four [ __ ] more hours before he came out and went to jail where the [ __ ] do they do that right so is anything possible you [ __ ] right it is what's crazy is we live in a country that's so backwards that you actually have a video of a man putting his knee on this gentleman and we are still having a trial like it didn't happen just us going to trial is [ __ ] insane you see the the videos on the man neck he's got his hands in his pocket with his glasses on the head and we're still on tv every day on the trial as if it never happened that's insane well i mean we're in trial because he didn't accept a plea deal and i'm sure that the plea deals are probably like 40 years or something immense so he's probably thinking well i might as well try to fight it no that's not what i mean i'm saying this country's so backwards you actually see him committing the crime it should be no trial it should the country should be there there should there should always be there should always be well they passed the law yeah yeah they always have yeah that's the way the country they're sure i mean look look i'm not i am not pro derrick chavin at all i personally think that he needs to get the death penalty for what he did but what i'm saying is is that everyone deserves a trial and this is where you know you either go to court or you plead out but you can't just say well it's clear what happened your sentence to 100 years you know right you can't just you can't just do that what you're saying is right but i'm saying listen to me for a second here's what i'm saying they just hypothetically that they got a [ __ ] video right that's all i'm saying i know we gotta try i know you gotta go trial i'm not saying that i'm saying you see this like when oj killed somebody we didn't have a video you ain't seen me doing nothing right you got a video of the man doing that and that's what i'm trying to say i'm saying we got a video yes you got to go to trial no one should be able to throw you away without proving it but this right here you see it and they and we're still in trial and they might be thinking outside the box of my clever way of thinking but that's what i mean well they recently announced that baltimore will no longer prosecute low-level crimes like drugs and prostitution you know if i was a hustler you'd be moving to baltimore may i be in baltimore dog so so now what you're saying when you go through there now women can really be on the corner selling ass and nobody gonna stop them wow well they're no longer prosecuting now they might still get a ticket right you could get a ticket a fine you know you know it's not like you end up going to court if you you're parked illegally you know you get a ticket a lot of people choose not to play you might end up a lot of people gonna be moving to baltimore especially women who um who sell that thing [Laughter] yeah baltimore about to be cracking both are going to be cracking yeah pimping pippa is about to be be you know reinvented the the epicenter of pimping will be in baltimore baltimore i'm gonna make sure i use that too on my show when i go there there we go yes sir there we go well um since our last interview i've gotten vaccinated congratulations thank you i've taken moderna okay and uh at this time everyone in california uh has access to a 16 and up uh everyone in new york uh has access to it as well yes where you know my company is located yes i feel i feel lucky that my entire staff during the course of the pandemic no one actually caught coved awesome which is great you know it just shows how careful we were generally you know how you know we had people work from home we limited you know contact we had everyone wear masks yes and now i'm seeing the majority of my staff get vaccinated as well yes uh you yourself have you gotten vaccinated i would on my i would like to stand on my fif a privileged minute no here's what i'm doing um i'm gonna wait a little longer but i'm gonna get it yeah i'm not i'm not saying no to it i was going a little longer because when you do get in your 60s like me you do think of what if even more and i don't want to do it prior to something that i'm working on just in case so once i get close to this goal that i have i will be um taking it but when i and like i said they don't know what's really going on every day every week is something new they're saying that you still could get the shot and still can catch kovac you still they don't know how long it's going it can last your system so i don't think it's just like a flu shot like how you get your flu shot but you got to get the shot every year or every two years i think that's what it eventually is going to happen that you're gonna it's like the flu you're gonna have to get it every two years because the the vaccine that they created was for the one that started in 2019. there's new variants out now that they didn't make that for so what do you do so you and that's why they say still gotta wear your mask still gotta wash your hands and you still can catch it so i still wash even more than ever and i still wear my mask i try to stay away from people and um i pray at the same time well yeah i mean i took it uh and i mean it feels it's like a weight has been lifted okay i'm not i'm not as worried anymore being out and so forth and and yes you can catch it it's 97 or 95 effective i believe modern is 95. yes uh now but the main thing is not so much that if i catch it because obviously five percent of the people will catch it but from all the vaccines across the board what they're saying is is that although you can't catch it there is essentially a hundred percent chance that you will not end up in the hospital and die okay that's awesome even if you do catch it okay that's really the fear if if covet was just you caught a really bad cold and you recovered it would just be another whatever yeah but the fact that people were dying and you know ending up in the icu because look i've had three of my guests die from covet uh tommy tiny lister aka devo from friday yes uh he died a few months ago yes uh fred the god son the rapper and uh frank colada he's a gangster from um from vegas all three of them have died and a fourth guest uh reggie wright jr who used to be head of security at death row records has been on a ventilator for the last few months so we're hoping he's going to pull through but when you're in a ventilator on a ventilator for months you know you you it's a cause for very serious concern so yeah yeah my whole thing was i was just worried about you know as a 47 year old man catching it and ending up in the icu at which point from i remember when i interviewed dr khan from vegas where you live uh he says once you get into the icu with kovid you're at about 50 50. okay half the people get out half the people die man so so you got to keep that in mind okay i took it now if you want to hold on i mean that's cool at one point there might be vaccine passports where you might need it in order to fly to go to your show look you're pretty active you've been doing shows yeah a lot yes yes yeah i stay busy but you're right they're gonna pass that [ __ ] car that car gonna be man this is it's gonna yeah i got it listen to me i see it coming i see it coming it's gonna be mandatory yeah and i'm fine with that yeah i'm fine with it too i'm i'm fine with that i'm fine with it too i'm fine with that and and actually just today they actually halted uh johnson and johnson oh because it wasn't blood clocks or something because there there was six cases out of like whatever 10 million that caused blood clots but it was enough of a reason to say okay let's just halt it for now and and that's what people have to realize because everyone's like all the oh all these people are dying from the vaccine and you know they're just trying to cover it up like now when they see that there's a problem they will see and that's why i'm glad i waited because i was gonna go with johnson and johnson because of the one-time shot yeah because one of those things i said i'll go get one but you ain't gonna come you ain't gonna get me back to that [ __ ] twice so i'm gonna i i got mine twice well good good good good yeah but i before the record and i'm here i'm definitely gonna get it there you go well uh you will join at least 120 million people because that's how many people have gotten vaccinated in america already okay uh about half a billion people have been vaccinated worldwide okay so it's no longer uh you know a test like a lab rat test yeah people you're talking about by the time you get it you're going to have close to a billion people worldwide that would have gotten it before you yes and i'm and i'm okay with that yep um kim kardashian is now officially a billionaire and she's getting divorced from kanye at the same time right uh you think those two things are related you know i think she really would have stuck with kanye you know we talk about them a lot with me i think she really stuck with kanye i think that um she just got tired or they probably got tired of each other and you know some things just can't last i'm glad that they got a beautiful family you see the kids the kids are beautiful so you know i wish to i wish him i wish him well and i mean if i saw would i highlight i said to myself i said if i saw kim kardashian move somewhere and we had a conversation would my player instincts come out you know because i'm i'm a player and i can see me somewhere and i see it just off a gp because how i ran the streets with a lot of my homies back in the day i sent off a bottle of champagne but do i send over moet or do i send over ace of spades do i got to really make a statement because she you know she got good taste right i can't sing the cooks i can't sing i can't send cooked champagne you know now is moet still being disrespectful so if i really wanted to make a true statement is it crystal nicely chilled or ace of spade really cold with a man coming out with white gloves and the gloves are so warm that you start seeing the heat you know when something is cold and it starts that heat starts to melt the the ice that's around it does that impressive this is not a thing or do i just buy a drink and walk over and say what are you drinking and do you need me to do anything for the kids amen listen if you if if somehow you end up with kim kardashian yeah let me tell you something take my house well thank you but here's my thing see you know why i can't date women that got children cause i know who i am like if i'm take if i meet a woman she got kids and she cheated on me i'm gonna leave your kids at the park [Laughter] i'm not [ __ ] i'm taking care of these kids and you cheating on me with my kids [ __ ] they somewhere i left them at the park at 3 30. it's not it's 11 o'clock now they could be any [ __ ] where oh my god that'd be crazy so uh you know akon when he was on my show last time he was talking about uh building acon city yeah in senegal uh the country gave him a big plot of land uh you know on the ocean in this whole city and recently he announced he's actually building another city in uganda awesome or uganda yeah you guys yeah yeah those are real power moves in the world in hip-hop you know you know we talk about social media music tic toccin whatever our rappers and stuff get into but to create a city multiple cities now multiple cities man is fascinating make sure you tell uh a con that tk kirk vasilo we spoke a couple times years ago on the phone and then we all went separate ways but uh it's an honor to know he was from jersey city as well because i'm from jersey city new jersey well yeah i mean akon is just thinking bigger than all of us yes he is is what i is what i saw and me and him me and him go back from like his one of his early songs yes we did interviews way before vlad tv yeah it was just a dvd yeah we kept doing interviews and it's always like so much love between us yes we did like a two-hour interview recently and i've always felt that historically out of all the people i've interviewed he's the most important person okay now have i interviewed people that have sold more records have more grammys have more followers have more money yes yes on all of those right but when it's all said and done do these people have cities these people brought electricity to hundreds of millions of right next level the whole lighting lighting of africa project i can't say that about anyone else i mean nobody it's holding a hulk listen to me it's a whole nother level yeah whole another level what he's doing is is just on a you know he's dealing with presidents yes and dictators yes and whatever the hell else is going on zip codes creating zip codes yeah he's gonna have you know i remember we were comparing it i think i forgot what interview this was but we were comparing it to like kanye and it's like oh well kanye he bought all this land in wyoming and he's going to have his own manufacturing and everything i'm like kinda angle have his own police force on that land that's right acon is yep own police force damn if that ain't real coming to africa i don't know the [ __ ] coming to america coming to africa is a whole nother awesome awesome story awesome journey did you watch come in america too nope and i'd rather not speak on it because i don't have nothing nice to say really yeah nothing to say nothing i don't think but yeah i put like this i don't think that you can outdo the original okay well i watched it i felt it was a classic okay i'll do the original no but i thought it was a great film okay and i i feel you being a fan of the original you're doing yourself a disservice by by not at least watching this okay all right okay i'll i'll that's my opinion because they brought back so many of the of the original characters so well right that you will just enjoy that aspect okay all right so what else you feel as soon as i slow down i think i might i might take a look at it then you know and you know you you peaked my interest there you go uh there you go um what did you think about michael rappaport uh leaking out kevin durant's dms wow i want to know how it got so heated that he felt that he had he had to do that what was said to him that particular day because what i read with durant is that they talk to each other like this all the time but i guarantee you when doing the move because nba um charged on 50 000 50 000. right which is like a dollar to you and i right right the 50 000 really didn't make that big of a difference to kevin durant i mean right hold up but it's still 50 000. it's still 50 thousands of lad kevin durant has a net worth of 170 million dollars wow let me tell you something about 50 i could be sitting on 7.2 billion 50 000 50 000. okay hold on a second one more time okay 50 000 divided by 170 okay that is point zero two of one percent wow wow but listen and maybe because i'm older than everybody you know see i used to work a 40 hour a week job see i understand how they take our state local and federal taxes right i remember when you had to work a whole month just to bring home seventeen hundred dollars i remember you get paid every two weeks right you understand so if i hit a large sum of money today fifty thousand is fifty thousand but if i had 170 million yep fifty thousand fifty i just ran it through my head it came back fifty thousand thousand right the money doesn't really matter um i was disappointed that that michael yes would you know would actually expose some dms like that um as someone that's had that type of thing done to me you know i've had dms reposted i've had my my phone conversations recorded really posted i didn't know that oh yeah that [ __ ] you know a lot of haters y'all i've had oh and i've had conversations with people who i felt i trusted that would go in and go on the internet and say well vlad said this this and this and a lot of haters so i understand from kevin durant i'm surprised that he even said all that on a dm knowing the level of celebrity he's in yeah knowing that that's probably gonna happen and and that's the thing like a lot of people say oh a lot of these celebrities they don't [ __ ] with no one they don't they don't form relationships they don't do that because this type of [ __ ] happens so often it's so true that you get to the point where you can't even talk to anyone without worrying that this is all just it's scary man circle back right it's scary you can't work out sometimes you can't work out issues with people because you know there's too much of a risk that you trying to work it out with them will somehow get recorded or something yes and thrown back into the public yes to the point where you just say it's safer just to not say nothing yeah just leave it alone and have this person feel how how they feel and i just go on with my life i agree uh because yeah kevin's now thrown into this whole thing and there's some homophobic slurs in there and there's some violent threats and [ __ ] like that did he mean it no i don't think so but still he might have lost more than 50 000 behind that he might have lost some some deals behind you're right you're right yeah what do you think don't even think about the tiger woods why didn't why they don't want us to find out what happened in the car why are they hiding that what do you mean you know tiger woods oh the tiger woods situation yeah why well i'm saying you don't want things to happen because of fans right but what i'm saying i'm switching this subject just a little okay tiger woods was in a car accident but the police is saying they don't want to release the information because of his privacy so when i hear that i'm saying was somebody giving head or somebody sucking his dick in the car and he had an accident like what why would what maybe yeah maybe i mean with tiger woods that was yeah but i mean there was no they didn't find nobody else but what was going on in the car he threw out throughout the country did you know that i've been through this before no i didn't know yeah they why why won't they release that information i i don't know i don't know i mean when you're worth a billion dollars you can pull some strengths wow it's interesting when you're worth when you're worth a billion you could uh yeah you you could really make the police department go along with you know what you want to do especially when a lot of the police are fans of you yes think about that right like if you're if you're into golf you're probably a tiger woods fan oh absolutely the greatest the greatest ever to ever do it yes i mean come on you're you're probably a tiger woods fan i agree you know it is it is what it is tk kirkland always a pleasure man glad you're doing well now you know you got shows all over the place go to tk's instagram account and you can see everywhere he's booked he's selling out shows i remember i saw you were selling out what seven nights in a row in the bronx was it yo um um philly philly cleveland it's been it's been it's been a beautiful thing and i'm truly truly blessed that's what it is that's what it's about thank you my man yes sir
Channel: djvlad
Views: 372,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kD3FBolFjRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 41sec (6641 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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