Casey Neistat Melts His Face Off While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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he's tappy out part of this lecture people quit sometimes [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show without questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by Casey nice that he's at YouTube juggernaut technologist and filmmaker with clout through the roof but the whole house of cards could come crashing down today if the man taps out before explain that Graham Casey welcome to the show I'm definitely gonna tap out before explaining that Graham how are you with hot food I guess not I'm not good I'm not good I'm ready I'm psyched I've been training a little bit but I'm not good well you ready get going I've never been we're ready for anything in my entire life [Music] all right so this first one is Valentina I'm starting on the same side here yeah yes yes yes okay like you'd read a book not want to start on the wrong side I understood why no I wanna [ __ ] the top ranked this is life this is nice this is like somebody give me a nice warm hug so I want to start by taking it back to the pre blog days when you were working as a dishwasher and what you've described as a shitty seafood restaurant in Southeast Connecticut what do you remember about that job because kitchens aren't really known for having the healthiest work environments no it's like the shittiest work environment and I always say that like if you don't know what you want to do in life spend as much time as possible doing something [ __ ] hate doing because my job is a pot washer so I'd have to scrub the bottom of huge sauce pot we cook clam chowder why don't you do that 50 hours a week you spent a lot of time thank me about what you wish you were doing so I say that like so much of my sort of ambitions in life and my goals in life my dreams are life were born from the bottom of that shitty chowder pot I think I just [ __ ] up an eight number three sauce instead of the number two sauce he definitely [ __ ] up what do we do have to cancel the whole shoot no no sorry turn everything off I think it's an interchangeable sort of life not like I went from two to ten right right right Jerry from three to two maintaining eye contact and I skipped a wing you got a little fancy got a little cocky out there that was it that's because that's a strong two right there so you've stacked almost two billion views eight million subscribers and created a genre all your own but I imagine that the accomplishment that you're perhaps most proud of is getting the mayor of New York to discuss biker lane laws after doing a video fighting that ticket so I gotta take but often there are obstructions that keep you probably riding in the bike and I wonder is someone who's often thumbed their nose at Authority does that video in particular hold a special place in your heart yeah I you know like that bike lanes but you always say I made that says really pissed off I gotta take it for for something I shouldn't have gotten a ticket for so I use my video camera in YouTube as a way of sort of speaking out against that of expressing my frustration and then the end I kind of got some retribution so like it brings me back to my teenage years when I was always in trouble in school but nobody would ever listen to me you know you do a lot of insane things in your videos whether it's you know hanging from a drone or skateboarding behind a Lamborghini and all those shoots when were you most fearful for your life like last year for Christmas when we built the only drone in the world that could carry a human being and it had me 200 feet in the air I had a microphone on those directing my cameramen and the drone operator so you'd listen to the audio and it's not a fearful one I'm literally screaming higher higher higher Brett are you getting the shot so as long as your brain somewhere else like that stuff doesn't really spook me so much when I'm the director my focus is on getting the shot more so than it is preservation of life [Applause] [Music] so you can make a case now that vloggers are the voice of the people and nowhere is that more apparent than in your approach to food whether it's chasing down carryout with Lucky Charms or grilled cheese days are very diplomatic and dining so I'm gonna hit you with a quick food rapid-fire plate I mean it of all your globe-trotting adventures what's the International fast food menu item that stands out in Singapore and I think they have this all over Asia but McDonald's has their hot up the pies and instead of filled up with delicious cinnamon apple goo it's filled up with this florescent taro taro goo I don't know what taro or taro is if it wasn't you're eating a deep-fried sock filled up with purple goo that is not my go-to but that's one that really stands out I think international fast food what's the most underrated food specialty from Connecticut steamed cheeseburgers absolutely not the most underrated food item from Connecticut is I think it's now called Connecticut style lobster rolls Connecticut style is the grilled bun but they just take lobs for me to put butter over it it's the most amazing thing that Connecticut has ever yielded since the big millionaire is the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence that came from Connecticut there are eight people in this room and none of them are that smart and none of them are that smart it's one of the greatest contributions that Connecticut has ever made the world is the Connecticut style lobster roll [Music] there's a nice sauce this is a sleeper isn't it oh yeah lingers okay ah and as somebody who's stacked views against changing platforms and algorithms I wonder how you think the viral video has evolved since the Kimbo Slice days virality used to have a little bit more authenticity to it and now virality is much more hackable there's a whole vlogger movement right now and what these vloggers do is they create hip-hop videos that are typically dis tracks and these are individuals with no background of music at all and they create these songs that take somebody else down the song was hugely viral forfor myriad reasons and that is a way of sort of hacking the system to make something go viral then they'll do 100 million views and a lot of that will push over their channel it's a way to grow the channel and then the whole network piles on top of that so I think that viral videos can be approached a little bit more systematically now versus eight ten years ago which is like it had to be something that nobody had seen before if you were gonna start piecemealing together a timeline for viral videos that you think were may be game changers in the genre or watershed moments where does your mind wander which however long really decided to broadcast an entire life I think is really really interesting at the time he was doing that reality TV was these really sculpted shows like the real world and I think that had a big part in leading into vlogging and I think that vlogging has now become the new norm as far as reality television I think that Gangnam style when you think about like success in music even shifting away from other mediums like radio and things like that Gangnam style really brought that to YouTube in a way nothing had ever done before I'm completely lost train of thoughts my mouth is really hot right now doing wings when you're not doing the self but no were you a wing guy before the show I mean who isn't at some level whatever but like at this point like you know it's hard for me to even look at a chicken wing I wouldn't know it you really look like you're enjoying yourself I'm blessed to have this like goofball job like this cartoon existence that I have going but I remind myself of that every single morning by the way all right Casey so every current segment on our show called explain that Graham we do a deep dive and I guess Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so I'll show you the picture and then you just tell me the bigger spread that sound good laptop please let the record show new laptop four years with the company finally got an air that's like a two year old model yeah all right Casey first things first met gallop with Karlie Kloss I was very uncomfortable there so I just hung out on the red carpet I don't think I'll ever be invited back just let me be totally clear on that Miz went or if you're seeing this I would appreciate another invitation but I've respect if if I've been banished for life I really like wandering around inside like a little kid with my camera like trying to find stuff to film but it's like kid film those people know who Taylor Swift walk by me would like to her phalanx of security just like giving me a stink face at a camera on me and then they had these long banisters in the Met and there's like nobody they look to whoever you wanna get the models smoking cigarettes in the bathroom so I was like sliding down the banister just for shits and giggles and at the end of like tumbled off and fell like landed at Derek Jeter's feet no this one's nuts this is nuts and that's very real so I moved to New York City like June 1st or something like that 2001 my three months sublease was up September 1 2001 so I moved on to a friend's couch which was like one block underneath the World Trade Centers I got out of there where after the first plane hit it actually was knocked off my bike when the second plane hit says Renner Neath it falling debris the whole thing but my apartment was destroyed and I had nothing so they had shut off everything I mean south of Canal Street the next day and it literally had Humvees that he couldn't penetrate so I I put on like a contractor vest and a helmet and I went down there and said as a contractor so they let me by and I could break into my own apartment to get clothes and that picture is a picture of me on my way to breaking into my apartment all right so this next one is dirty dicks they're aggressive brand-name you guys cook please here no we get them from a carry-out joint but I would to point out you know we used to have bad wings and they used to be kind of cold and when it was cold people and the Catholic they freaked out freaked out so mad at us that's like sacrilege right yeah but you know it's logistical II kind of complicated to like do this whatever cuz you know like carry heat them get reheat them and then it's like you Mike people you light people like whatever like I was twenty five minutes late right lots of variables and people are not forgiving they don't give you a long leash on that but we have done a lot to ensure that and turn that around and now we're serving up restaurant quality wings usually a bit on the warmer side sometimes even oven hot and not one compliment no one has ever Pat us on the back for no-one's ever like hey hot ones big improvement way to come back from that nobody says anything yeah these are great these are just above room temperature is that that that's the first thing I finish so as your fans know you're an avid runner sometimes stack in eighty miles a week I know that you've done for Ironman is there a personal record that you're most proud of no I'm ashamed of my personal record the Holy Grail is to break three hours in a marathon and I've run under 305 as in within five minutes of my target like twelve times in a row I've even run like 302 multiple occasions and the fact that over three hours 26 miles I can't shave two [ __ ] minutes is infuriating where's the weirdest place that you've ever gone to the bathroom and the throes of a 16-hour race to stop your bike that's minutes you know slow all the way down and speed all the way back up too much to ask way too much to ask so you just kind of go you just let it flow you just let it go [Music] well that's nice oh no no I said me mm-hmm [Music] okay at the first time can you hit the water listen I'm no superhero so round here we're always talking about traditional media versus the new guard and you have such unique perspective for somebody who said [ __ ] it and fled HBO and ran to YouTube and I wonder is someone who is on both sides of the coin why do you prefer the Internet to a TV deal this is where creativity is headed and I think it's overall a very positive thing when I created my TV show here's my brother van and I we made the whole show ourselves and in between us finishing the show saying this is done we're ready to show this of the world in the world actually seeing in the audience were producers and agents and the head of production and the this production person and then this executive and then all of these filters and the magic of YouTube is that when I say something's done I just click upload and it goes out to the audience when you see something on television you know that there's that big filtration process and and losing that was probably the most exciting part of becoming a youtuber because I don't know like it's a it's a thing that comes up even with like this show all the time where I always feel like people are trying to shove it into some deep cable spot or something and I'm kind of like well you know what the hell like that's not really how the scales are tippy TV like is objectively fading it's like that's not an opinion it's falling so that elevators going down down down down down the Internet's going up up up up up so why would you possibly jump on that elevator car that's headed down even if it's a little higher when you know you're headed in the right direction and that's how I see TV how do you respond to critics who think you're just as deeply in the pockets of brands as these traditional media outlets I mean the short answer is sort of like [ __ ] them and I don't I don't mean to say like [ __ ] the audience or anything like that I really respect the audience but I do think that there's this false sense of altruism online if you're a YouTube creator making money off of what you do should be shun for a youtuber to make a living off of what they're doing is something that like they should be embarrassed up and I don't I don't agree with that at all so if the audience doesn't get that then you know I'm much more dismissive I don't feel like I need to apologize I also don't feel like I need to make them be okay with it my head is sweating yeah yeah like I'm sweating through my hair right now got a glisten I see other creators making a living resi jig Paul buy a Lamborghini I'm just like [ __ ] yeah man way to do it but it takes something you know I'm having trouble with this I'm bonfire over here can you give me an idiot's guide to the great demonetized candle raging right now yeah and this is gonna surprise you but I side with YouTube a little bit as much as vocal as I've been against YouTube in the D monetization scandal I do side with YouTube YouTube is this is this gigantic outlet of content where 40 hours of videos uploaded every minute of every day every day of the year there's no way a human can monitor all of that the only way they make money to support this gigantic infrastructure is by selling ads against that video content so like you know when when I was trying to think of a milk company the Dairy Farmers of America so when the Dairy Farmers of America buy ads on YouTube and they're showing up in front of videos that show you know cows being slaughtered or something like that of course the dairy farmers gonna be pissed off so YouTube's trying their very best to you know to look after the brands are spending money to make sure that their business is viable but the repercussions of that when it's all machine learning behind it is that they're gonna be mistakes and the unfortunate part of those mistakes is that they cost youtubers actual money who's really spicy I am trying trying to hold it down that last one really [ __ ] me up good though who the bomb beyond insanity cheers Cheers so that one just gets right over the flavor and just goes right to the heat huh not a lot of nuance there I just this proof force is what it is yeah as someone who's traveled the world which city or country treats its tourists like family can't repeat the question where that you've traveled do they treat tourists the best he's tapping out part of this like the people quit sometimes [Music] I'm trying to think I've definitely been careful around your eyes Casey why like 9:00 to 10:00 jump there is huge I've definitely been places where they're so appreciative that you're there this is me that they're really nice see because well which country do you want to travel back to just to have the food again my favorite place in the world South Africa because the food there's not that far off get great steaks and cheeseburgers and chicken peri-peri and all kinds of [ __ ] like that but it's the southern hemisphere so like we're drinking then the cow is a breathing different aerating taste different everything tastes better are you are you okay you know I'm okay if you're okay I've never mmm of all the crazy hotel rooms that you've stayed in which one stands out easy The Fairmont in San Francisco but they have this room where the presidents stay then I ve just meant for me to like look in they're not staying there but it's like 3,000 4,000 square feet and has all these secret entrances and there's like a dome with a library the secret entrance like JFK used to sneak his concubines in and out of so this next one is Blair's Megadeth sauce with liquid rage I just want to be clear you decided went over that quickly yeah Blair's Megadeth sauce hold it hold with liquid rage [Music] well I am I'm okay I'm not trying to be a dick but do hardcore skaters give you [ __ ] about the electric skateboard yes they like make fun of me like the nerd in rollerblades in the skate park that's how they make fun of me when they see me on my electric skateboard and my response to them is like spicy my sponsor theme is I also ride a bike and I'm really good on a bike it doesn't mean I don't love a motorcycle I love to skate it doesn't mean I don't love the electric skateboard there are two different monsters what was more fun skateboarding behind Lamborghini and Dubai or when you were cutting through a blizzard in Manhattan with the help of the NYPD Oh snowboarding in New York City was one of the greatest days ever that truck was built just so no amount of snow could stop it and I needed a storm where the NYPD couldn't drive their patrol cars but I could drive my truck spicy so on that day and that day none of the cops could keep up with us we just bomb around the city going 35 snowboarding and then thrown their sirens they like spinning single tire and then just wave us by there's like a really satisfying day all right Casey thanks for having me today I was built as a pleasure to be here this is the last dab you call it the last dab because it's tradition around here it's a put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to Casey nice that yeah of course I wanted to [ __ ] love this stuff this spicy a little bit Wow yeah yeah yeah yeah good dramatic effect cheers Cheers fun nice flavor earthy very earthy and meaty further questions here well Casey I only have one more question for you here we are at wing 10 and you're still standing I wouldn't expect less from somebody who has do more tattooed on one arm and work harder on the other so now with the scovilles going through you we need you to hit one more truth bomb what do you say to the would-be creatives out there who are waiting around for somebody else to pay for their opus oh I get your head of your ass I mean we have never especially when it comes to film you know the thing I would say about making movies you want to be a writer and you depend on a piece of paper if you want to be a painter needs paint in a canvas but historically making videos has been this untouchable things it's so expensive and now if you have a cell phone in your pocket in an internet connection you can film a movie and then distribute to the world creators like people have never been more empowered to share their ideas and vision via video as they are right now like there are no more excuses there's like sweat pouring down the back of my look at that water do you see that glistening remarkable glistening shining I feel like I'm looking at a superhero across the table Casey nice dad now Casey there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you my friend this camera this camera at this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life right now my mouth is on fire no I would say um you know subscribe to my youtube channel I just want to do more of what I'm doing right now I just want to do it and do more of it that's the vision for 2018 [Music] it's just like really wreaking havoc hmm imagine me me how the hell you do this holy [ __ ] hello hot ones fans it's Sean Evans new outro same message if you like what you saw throw us a bone maybe please it is dog-eat-dog here on the YouTube streets hit that subscribe button knowing that you subscribed it is seriously the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning thank you very much hot ones fans I love you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 7,504,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, casey neistat, vlogger, interview, hot wings, hot questions, spicy wings, hot sauce, last dab, sean evans, explain that gram, hot wing challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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